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Thread: Please post any Election News/Snippets/ Gossips here

  1. #1051
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    becos lower income group is the easiest group to stir their anger and gain their vote.
    Try making the super rich to pay 40% of their income into the country's reserve!

  2. #1052
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Anybody feeling sorry for MM? It might be his last election. He would want to see the future of his party/descendants assured. Hopes might be dashed or at least dented. Looks like more people feeling sympathy for CST than MM.

  3. #1053
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    These guys got the most up to date ground feel so based on that, PAP is in deep trouble for this election. 2011 is history in the making... Hmmm...
    Would think they are more careful since this is local, not like BPL, etc, where they can hedge against William Hill or Labrokes betting sites..

  4. #1054
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    But then again the super rich consist probably less than 10% of Singapore's population so govt won't want to invest too much time on that 10% vote. They smartly target the remaining 80%.

  5. #1055
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Try making the super rich to pay 40% of their income into the country's reserve!
    Make the Ministers pay 40% of their income.

  6. #1056
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Anybody feeling sorry for MM? It might be his last election. He would want to see the future of his party/descendants assured. Hopes might be dashed or at least dented. Looks like more people feeling sympathy for CST than MM.
    MM also enjoyed more than 50 years of success in PAP so won't feel that sympathetic. However, CST for last 27 years fighting a seemingly losing battle so will feel more sympathy for him..

  7. #1057
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Make the Ministers pay 40% of their income.
    Opp already promised 50% of their pay. After 50% deduction, at $8K a month, it is still way above the average Singaporean's monthly income! Still very decent leh!

  8. #1058
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wesing
    That's the contradiction. Why these professionals are so pissed with the govt?
    This is because the rich professionals know wealth will not sustain until next generation under PAP as cost of living keep on rising too fast.

    Most cost of living root causes come from government like hidden taxes, ERP, COE, housing prices, higher healthcare costs, higher education costs etc.

  9. #1059
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    was reported in ST today too

    damn boliao....u see wat will happen if more opposition enters parliament?

    dun say i fearmongering....
    Don't think it has to anything to do with Opposition here.

    Just some fanatical PAP supporters stirring trouble to protect self-interests.

    Even using CC toilet can be politicised.

  10. #1060
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wesing
    It is puzzling that there are many anti-PAP people out there who are professionals in their 40s, stay in private property and drive European cars. These are people who have benefited from the PAP's educational and economic policies thus far. What could explain their anti-establishment stand?

    Could it be that they are worried that 20 years down the road when they retire, they are worried that they will be cast aside as a spentforce by the growth-obssessed PAP government? So they wanted to put in some form of check and balance into the system?

    It is also worrying that the opposition rally attracts huge crowds contrary to Shamugan's view that it is nothing unusual. I believed many who attended the opp. rally may not come from the constituencies which the rally are meant for. It is disturbing because it allows the arguments of the opposition to reach a bigger audience which in my view should have a considerable sway to the election results.
    This is because PAP painted the vision of retiring at JB nursing homes to save cost.

    The newspaper article is in this thread.

    Many saw those old men and old women selling tissue and collecting cardboards and cans decided their future do not lie with PAP cause they do not want to grow old this way.

  11. #1061
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    Default Why Nicole Seah the real Gen-Y Representative

    Why Nicole Seah the real Gen-Y Representative

  12. #1062
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157 did SM Goh sabotage WKS, MBT and RL? care to clarify?
    SHOCKING STATEMENT : SM Goh suggests Voting out Wong Kan Seng, Raymond Lim or Mah Bow Tan instead, HOW?

    George Yeo too important for Cabinet to lose: SM Goh

    03 MAY 2011

    SINGAPORE - Foreign Minister George Yeo, who is facing a fierce challenge from the Workers' Party in the Aljunied Group Representation Constituency (GRC), has been described as "too important a person for the Cabinet to lose" by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

    Singling out Mr Yeo as one of three "very important" core members in the Cabinet - the others being Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean - Mr Goh said yesterday: "There are other core members but these are the three core members who will be very important ... (Finance Minister) Tharman (Shanmugaratnam) is too new but will be developed into a core member."

    Speaking after a walkabout in Marine Parade GRC, Mr Goh said a member of the Prime Minister's core team is picked not only based on the portfolio the minister heads but also his intelligence, competence, ability to deliver results and someone whose judgment can be trusted.

    "I've run a Government and I know you need a core team. A core team is four or five people, other ministers are important, but you need a core team," said Mr Goh. "If you lose George Yeo, I think it is a very big loss (for the Cabinet), and to Singapore."

    Elaborating, Mr Goh said the Foreign Minister has played a critical role in the Prime Minister's team to formulate and implement policies, and will not be easily replaced in the short term if his team loses in the Aljunied GRC.

    Said Mr Goh: "If one GRC is lost, as Minister Mentor (Lee Kuan Yew) said, we can accept the result - I agree with that. Sooner or later we are going to lose one. But my view if we lose Aljunied, that is a different matter."

    With Mr Yeo in the middle of negotiating "very delicate agreements" with Indonesia and Malaysia, the loss will even be more telling for Singapore.

    Summing up, Mr Goh said: "What mistake has he made? You can take a minister and criticise him for not delivering on perhaps housing and transport.

    "Like Wong Kan Seng you can say he let Mas Selamat escape. George Yeo, what has he done to deserve this? And he is a core member."

  13. #1063
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    becos lower income group is the easiest group to stir their anger and gain their vote.
    Upper middle income group are also angry because in spite of CM by Govt, house prices are still going up and somemore they cannot afford to get enough of the action bec of the LTV/SSD. Their dream of upgrading is also receding. Landed property prices outpace their affordability and LTV means they have to save longer. Somemore as ppl mentioned, house prices, food prices, ERP, etc. Pay and Pay

  14. #1064
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    there is an article today tat says UBS report on PPI ranking is highly fallacious and inaccurate

    SG's labor force got 5x% PMETs but UBS based on 9%, thus resulting in a much lower median income wage....much more juices inside the article

    so read all these report wif care and believe at ur own risk

    remember how credible S&P rating is after subprime crisis surfaced.....
    I think you should be smart by now to know PAP only recognises reports and rankings favourable to PAP.

    Any report and ranking not favourable will either not be publicised or criticised.

    PAP had used UBS report before when it was favourable.

    This UBS report came out 4th quarter last year, now elections, PAP then respond. Too late.

    All of us are human, we will all react same way.

    Let voters decide what to believe.

  15. #1065
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    if WP won a GRC....

    i tink its gona be ugly....

    more cats and dogs fight....pinpointing each other's mistakes.....

    if WP make a mistake....they can say y PAP can afford to make mistakes and y cant they....

    going to be ugly ugly ugly....

    dun tink we can see a happy driver and co-driver scenario
    You are doing fearmongering haha

    But if it really happens ,this is a necessary phase we must all go through as elections in Singapore is still infant stages and low quality due to reasons we know well.

    Singapore elections need time to mature like Taiwan and Japan.

    Now the production factory is there and politicians are no longer indispensable.

    The country is well look after as there are always people ready to assume political leaderships.

    Systems mature and nobody is indispensable.

  16. #1066
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    I think you should be smart by now to know PAP only recognises reports and rankings favourable to PAP.

    Any report and ranking not favourable will either not be publicised or criticised.

    PAP had used UBS report before when it was favourable.

    This UBS report came out 4th quarter last year, now elections, PAP then respond. Too late.

    All of us are human, we will all react same way.

    Let voters decide what to believe.
    how abt all yr postings? u always say ST CNA only report positive news abt pap. how abt all yr articles? all one sided story? u ONLY BELIEVE yr own articles (maybe u are the writer)

  17. #1067
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i felt NS make a mistake this time....

    may gain more mly votes but lose others
    I think otherwise.

    It is clearcut and no need to twist the meaning too much.

    Her neighbour offend another neighbour, she just help to apologise on behalf of the offending neighbour.

    Many on Internet are praising her for good statesmanship.

  18. #1068
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    how abt all yr postings? u always say ST CNA only report positive news abt pap. how abt all yr articles? all one sided story? u ONLY BELIEVE yr own articles (maybe u are the writer)

    I am just reflecting track record of how PAP view international reports and rankings.

  19. #1069
    Join Date
    Mar 2010



    Posted on May 3, 2011 by satayclub
    George Yeo and Lim Hwee Hua could become the first full ministers to lose their seats if Aljunied falls to the Workers' Party

    By Nigel Tan
    Chief Editor

    Former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has issued a strong and passionate defence of under-pressure George Yeo, declaring him a member of the PAP’s core team and suggesting he is less deserving of the boot than some other ministers. Mr Yeo, who is currently Foreign Minister, leads the incumbent PAP team in the hotly-contested ward of Aljunied, and could become the first full cabinet minister to lose an election in the post-independence era.

    Mr Goh told reporters from The Straits Times that the “core team” as critical to helping set directions for Singapore after “the dust has settled” following the hustings, saying that the loss of Mr Yeo would be “of great consequence to Singapore”. He acknowledged that the ruling PAP faces a number of challenges in the months ahead, including the rising cost of living, soaring housing prices and making health care affordable for Singapore’s ageing population.

    “Other ministers might be criticised for particular policies,” acknowledged Mr Goh. “For instance, transport and housing policies, or the escape of (terrorist leader) Mas Selamat. But George Yeo? What has he done to deserve this?”

    “He is a core member. I have run the government and I know. You need a core team,” he continued. He singled out Teo Chee Hean and Tharman Shanmugaratnam as other members of the core team, and added that it would be difficult to replace Mr Yeo as Foreign Minister in the event that he loses his seat, and that the PAP did not have a candidate in mind at the moment.

    Mr Goh’s comments were the strongest hint yet that there could be factions within the PAP, with Mr Teo, Mr Shanmugaratnam and Mr Yeo all being known to be close allies of the Senior Minister. The former two were introduced to politics and had their careers fast-tracked during his reign as Prime Minister. His remarks were in stark contrast to those of Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who said last week that “it would not be a disaster for the PAP” if it were to lose Aljunied.

    Mr Goh has previously acknowledged that there has been a backlash against the PAP amongst the lower and middle classes, with society growing increasingly stratified as a result of a higher income gap than at any other point in Singapore’s history. According to a United Nations report, Singapore has a Gini co-efficient of 42.5, the second highest out of 38 developed nations included in the survey. The Gini co-efficient is a measure of income disparity, with a lower score indicating greater equality.

    While Mr Yeo is largely thought of as a gentleman and a capable minister, his Aljunied ward has been contested by a heavyweight team from the opposition Workers’ Party, led by leader and long-serving MP Low Thia Khiang. The WP has explained that it is contesting in Aljunied because of its close proximity to its traditional stronghold of Hougang, and said that it had nothing personal against Mr Yeo. It has also said that the GRC system is to blame for the current predictament facing the voters in Aljunied.

    The contest is likely to be decided by a razor-thin margin, with Mr Yeo facing a realistic possibility of losing his ward. In the past, PAP ministers have all won elections with comfortable margins, with Mr Yeo obtaining 56% of the vote against a WP team led by Sylvia Lim in 2006. Ms Lim has once again been included in the WP’s slate, alongside top corporate lawyer Chen Show Mao.

    The author is Chief Editor of The Satay Club

  20. #1070
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I wish to ask GCT as well, what have singaporeans done wrong to deserve high medical cost? What has singaporeans done wrong to become like second class citizens? What has singaporeans done wrong for the government to control our money (CPF), lives and how we live it?

    Quote Originally Posted by land118

    Posted on May 3, 2011 by satayclub George Yeo and Lim Hwee Hua could become the first full ministers to lose their seats if Aljunied falls to the Workers' Party

    By Nigel Tan
    Chief Editor

    Former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has issued a strong and passionate defence of under-pressure George Yeo, declaring him a member of the PAP’s core team and suggesting he is less deserving of the boot than some other ministers. Mr Yeo, who is currently Foreign Minister, leads the incumbent PAP team in the hotly-contested ward of Aljunied, and could become the first full cabinet minister to lose an election in the post-independence era.

    Mr Goh told reporters from The Straits Times that the “core team” as critical to helping set directions for Singapore after “the dust has settled” following the hustings, saying that the loss of Mr Yeo would be “of great consequence to Singapore”. He acknowledged that the ruling PAP faces a number of challenges in the months ahead, including the rising cost of living, soaring housing prices and making health care affordable for Singapore’s ageing population.

    “Other ministers might be criticised for particular policies,” acknowledged Mr Goh. “For instance, transport and housing policies, or the escape of (terrorist leader) Mas Selamat. But George Yeo? What has he done to deserve this?”

    “He is a core member. I have run the government and I know. You need a core team,” he continued. He singled out Teo Chee Hean and Tharman Shanmugaratnam as other members of the core team, and added that it would be difficult to replace Mr Yeo as Foreign Minister in the event that he loses his seat, and that the PAP did not have a candidate in mind at the moment.

    Mr Goh’s comments were the strongest hint yet that there could be factions within the PAP, with Mr Teo, Mr Shanmugaratnam and Mr Yeo all being known to be close allies of the Senior Minister. The former two were introduced to politics and had their careers fast-tracked during his reign as Prime Minister. His remarks were in stark contrast to those of Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who said last week that “it would not be a disaster for the PAP” if it were to lose Aljunied.

    Mr Goh has previously acknowledged that there has been a backlash against the PAP amongst the lower and middle classes, with society growing increasingly stratified as a result of a higher income gap than at any other point in Singapore’s history. According to a United Nations report, Singapore has a Gini co-efficient of 42.5, the second highest out of 38 developed nations included in the survey. The Gini co-efficient is a measure of income disparity, with a lower score indicating greater equality.

    While Mr Yeo is largely thought of as a gentleman and a capable minister, his Aljunied ward has been contested by a heavyweight team from the opposition Workers’ Party, led by leader and long-serving MP Low Thia Khiang. The WP has explained that it is contesting in Aljunied because of its close proximity to its traditional stronghold of Hougang, and said that it had nothing personal against Mr Yeo. It has also said that the GRC system is to blame for the current predictament facing the voters in Aljunied.

    The contest is likely to be decided by a razor-thin margin, with Mr Yeo facing a realistic possibility of losing his ward. In the past, PAP ministers have all won elections with comfortable margins, with Mr Yeo obtaining 56% of the vote against a WP team led by Sylvia Lim in 2006. Ms Lim has once again been included in the WP’s slate, alongside top corporate lawyer Chen Show Mao.

    The author is Chief Editor of The Satay Club

  21. #1071
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    Got this from another forum:

    "Originally Posted by Guanyu

    Summary of bookies' call on GE 2011 as of 02 May 2011.

    2 WP
    1 SPP
    1 SDP
    4 Total (12 seats)

    2 WP
    1 NSP
    3 Total (3 seats)

    Opposition MPs:
    17 of a total out of 87 in the House (19.5%)

    This morning, the bookies changed the odds for the PAP’s overall margin. They reduced the odds from 3:1 to 2:1 for a win below 60%. So they will pay only $2 instead of $3. "
    "Odds for PAP win <60% 2:1
    Odds for PAP win >60% ---- <1 : 1

    Bookies still believe PAP will win more than 60% votes..... "

  22. #1072
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    "Odds for PAP win <60% 2:1
    Odds for PAP win >60% ---- <1 : 1

    Bookies still believe PAP will win more than 60% votes..... "
    whr u get these odds?

  23. #1073
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    I think otherwise.

    It is clearcut and no need to twist the meaning too much.

    Her neighbour offend another neighbour, she just help to apologise on behalf of the offending neighbour.

    Many on Internet are praising her for good statesmanship.
    u r living in ur own dreamland

    reality bites when u wake up

  24. #1074
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    I think you should be smart by now to know PAP only recognises reports and rankings favourable to PAP.

    Any report and ranking not favourable will either not be publicised or criticised.

    PAP had used UBS report before when it was favourable.

    This UBS report came out 4th quarter last year, now elections, PAP then respond. Too late.

    All of us are human, we will all react same way.

    Let voters decide what to believe.
    i am refering to the quality of UBS.....

    ur mind is totally screwed

  25. #1075
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i am refering to the quality of UBS.....

    ur mind is totally screwed
    and he tot he had converted u with his articles

  26. #1076
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    and he tot he had converted u with his articles
    he is losing more votes with his intimidating presence here without him realising it

    let him be....or perhaps he is from PAP.....trying to create a bad image of the OPP

  27. #1077
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I wish to ask GCT as well, what have singaporeans done wrong to deserve high medical cost? What has singaporeans done wrong to become like second class citizens? What has singaporeans done wrong for the government to control our money (CPF), lives and how we live it?
    what has sporean done wrong to deserve such quality opp???? why why why!!!!

  28. #1078
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    let him be....or perhaps he is from PAP.....trying to create a bad image of the OPP
    ha I wonder too....

    This is more effective than fearmongering or gerrymandering. I fear WQ more than the PAP now.

  29. #1079
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    what has sporean done wrong to deserve such quality opp???? why why why!!!!
    GE is a chance for ppl to complain.

    after 7th may, every1 goes back to their daily routine

  30. #1080
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    rally for wenqing......


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