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Thread: Please post any Election News/Snippets/ Gossips here

  1. #811
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Wenqing, and all forumer,
    Good job, excellent posting, it give much insights.
    Straits time and official media r quite one sided in their report.
    Keep it up.

  2. #812
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by marktkt22
    Wenqing, and all forumer,
    Good job, excellent posting, it give much insights.
    Straits time and official media r quite one sided in their report.
    Keep it up.

    Relaxed bro, can understand your feeling. Glad you make your stand "corrected".

    IMHO, being over reactive will give non-OPP supporters a wrong perception on OPP image. I believe these overactings would counterproductive toward OPP's effort to build "A First World Parluament"

    Let stay united to "hoot" PAP jialat jialat!!!!

    Enough is enough.
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  3. #813
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by marktkt22
    Wenqing, and all forumer,
    Good job, excellent posting, it give much insights.
    Straits time and official media r quite one sided in their report.
    Keep it up.

    see this

  4. #814
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    westman and devilplate ,
    For the timely reminder

  5. #815
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Live for a 50+ Former DBS's VP from Marine Parade

    Extracted this following writeup from Channelnewsasia Today

    Marine Parader
    There are 420,000 blue collar workers. Change the collar colour to white n put them in education, health, IT, financial sectors? More IRs perhaps? Easier said than done. Good topic for debate on economic restructuring. But Think before you leap. --- gct

    One of the comments:

    Yi Zhu Liew

    Hi Mr Goh, I read your comment in ST actually but decided to come and post here to give you a perspective.

    This is really from my heart because my family wouldn't want any of this out here in this way.

    All my family members had voted for PAP throughout every single election. My grandmother was highly active in the women's wing from its formation till her death and had nothing but good words to say abt its leaders and their dedication. We grew up hearing those stories.

    I can say my hsehold are white collared folks - well, originally at least.

    My mum got retrenched in 2009 after working almost 30 years for the same bank. Right after retrenchment aged in her late 50s, she cannot find any other job. It's almost heartbreaking seeing her waking up every morning at 8am and faithfully sending out PDFs (yes, she is PC-literate and had to learn so much of the gizmos on her own) after PDFs to any employer that she can find on the newspapers, online etc. She had even signed up for e2i, NTUC, NE district..whatever.

    NTUC in particular, held a job matching programme and told her to turn up at 10am but saw her only at 5pm..for almost the whole day, she sat there not daring to leave just in case she loses her place in the queue, not eating lunch. Unfortunately, it resulted in nothing.

    All that she has yet to do is probably go and see the MP. So for 2 years now, that's her routine.

    Initially, she came across adverts put up by hospitals for patient admin clerks..she applied for that but heard nothing from them. When she went to the same hospital for her medical appt, she saw Filipinos manning the very same counter for which the job advert was placed and upon enquiring, found out they were recruited +/- the same time as she had applied.

    What are we to think? The only job she could find was a data entry clerk - and this, we are talking of an ex-VP of a bank. So she swallowed her humble pie and took it. To her horror, the supervisor of the data entry pool is a Filipino! What's happening here?!?! You mean to say, there are no Singaporeans who are able to work as a Supervisor? I think therein, my mother felt betrayed and if she doesn't, I would feel so on her behalf. Regardless, she ploughed on. This as a contract staff with no benefits whatsoever such as medical leave (something that's so basic). When she has the flu, a cough, whatever, she worries for her daily-rated job.

    I've told her to give up, don't do cos it's so miserly- $4/hr, but she says, she doesn't know what else to do and if she doesn't work, she would really be very bored. For your added benefit, this job was found not thru' any of the aid agencies but on her own. Even so, it's nothing secure. The projects come and go for a few weeks. A sprinkling here and a little there. By the time she takes the bus and MRT to her workplace, I really don't know why she bothers.

    Are we the only ones suffering like that? mother also had her peers who were similarly retrenched by the same bank. They too, have found jobs such as night-time taxi driver, food court supervisor (sounds nice but it is actually i/c of clearing tables and spit).

    Why are things like that happening? I am sorry for this long rant here but I hope that you do not sugar coat what is happening, the painful examples that abound. So maybe my mother is now the 420,001th blue-collared worker but she at least, would hope that maybe what Mr Tan says has merit so she can continue to work in the capacity that she has trained for.

    BTW, this is not abt money - she had left the bank with compensation, but it's abt your sense of worth as a human being...sometimes u wonder if all u are capable for is clearing a plate on the table or punching in mindless numbers.

    Therein lies the daily torture. I am finding my feet in the working world but now, I worry alot abt my own future. After a degree and all this, don't tell me one fine day I have to eat the same humble pie and settle for something beyond mediocre? Also, we have nothing agst foreigners per se, so don't get me wrong. We just think that somewhere along the way, a particular govt policy is to be blamed for our predicament. Don't you think so? Why don't you just seriously read what Mr Tan had taken pains to write, contrast it with what your cabinet has set out..find a middle path maybe? Rather than dismiss it immediately like that as something without merit. Please reconsider. Thank you and so sorry once again for the length of this post.
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  6. #816
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default From CNA website

    Subject: Well written by someone who is overseas and can't vote

    To the Men-in-White by Neo Yu Wei on Sunday, 24 April 2011 at 22:14

    You guys were once my heroes. When I was young, I was so proud that I had a government that was indeed one of the world's best, if not, THE BEST. Although LKY was (and still is) portrayed as a fearsome, if ruthless leader, he was much respected. When he appeared as our PM on the world stage, my heart never failed to swell with pride because it was obvious that he was also someone other world leaders respected.

    But not now. The problem is, you are victims of your own success. And the world has changed, yet you remain stuck in the 1960s. This is why your once-fantastic branding is being eroded, why I find it hard to support you like before.

    1) You were too successful
    First, there was LKY and he was a great leader. He was like a god and still being treated like one. He "miraculously" transformed a small, poor, resource-less little island into a country that now has one of the highest GDPs in the world, where other countries are now trying to learn from. No one can take that achievement away from the first PAP team and indeed, I would guess that this is also the main reason why many in the older generation are still your loyal fans. I may not agree to all the strategies you've used then (and some were downright questionable) but I can't deny that you had some very good reasons to do so. But unfortunately, when you've set the standard of governance so high, every other subsequent PAP team that comes along can only look worse and worse. And it doesn't help that you constantly try too hard to be perfect. The higher the bar is set, the more difficult it is for the PAP teams that come after to match it. In a way, I think LKY only does his own te am a great disservice by publishing so many personal memoirs, recounting again and again how good he was. Because the more god-like he is, the more voters like me will wonder, how can we ever have another "god" like him to lead us? And the answers you propose will always be a disappointment. Be! cause, against a god, everyone will look like a mere mortal. Didn't anyone tell you that you can't replicate a god using your same old cookie-cutter?!! Great leaders are first of all rebels, don't you know (and LKY was one too!)?

    2) You were too smart for your own good
    No one can or has been able to rival you in terms of your (mostly) rational and well-thought through, sound policies. Especially in terms of our economic policies. You're so darn good with your cost-benefit analyses, your economic forecasts, your financial planning. Every policy you rolled out is justified using very rational arguments that the opposition and the public find hard to counter argue. You are top-notch, because you have a very brainy team, all with impeccable qualifications from world renowned universities. Unfortunately, this made you assume that only you have the brains and everyone else is just an *censored* who needs only to listen and obey. The game of politics cannot be played by cold logic alone. And it certainly can't be won by treating your voters as morons.

    An example of this would be the issue of bringing in the IRs. Yes, your cold, rational argument makes very good economic reasons for having casinos in Singapore. No one can argue against that. But not everything can or should be measured by dollars and cents or by the amount of GDP it will generate for Sg. We're no longer the generation in the 1960s that constantly had to worry about money or material matters. We've moved up the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In fact, most Singaporeans work ridiculously long hours, are constantly too stressed to even go on dates or have *** (hence the low marriage and fertility rate) that we're all very very disillusioned with the constant drive for wealth. Increasingly, we want to slow down, have time to smell the flowers and be with our families. And having casinos that will bring in more crime (organised ones too), encourage more addictive behaviour and increase broken families will not sit wel! l with a population who now values quality of li fe rather than personal wealth. Yet, you bull-dosed these concerns and won yet again with your cold, rational, economic arguments because there wasn't enough opposition in the parliament to stop you.

    While people may buy into the cold logic of your policies now, your lack of empathy and human touch are slowly alienating voters. The breaking point may not be now, but you can be sure that the disconnection is getting wider by the day. It's a time-bomb that will go off at some point.

    3) You forgot evolutionary laws, history and your own past
    While you're very brainy, you're mostly all technocrats and specialists. You've scorned the social sciences and the humanities, you think these are only for sissy people whose A Levels don't qualify them for specialist degrees. Yet, if you had been more well-informed in these areas, you might have learnt some valuable lessons about power. History, for example, is the best teacher that could have taught you that power never ever ever ever lasts forever. Indeed, the more you try to hang on to it, the more it will invite adversity. History would also have taught you that every regime was once in opposition. As Marx could have told you, the history of mankind is all about class (or power) struggles. You may be in power now, but one day you'll be overthrown. However, you have hope of leaving your great legacy behind if you take a leaf from the pages of human evolution, which would have taught you that it's human diversity that has helped the human race to overcome the odds, to sur vive this long. But instead of embracing diversity, you tried your hardest to kill off any form of alternative views, whether these come from within your party or externally. You only wanted to hear your own voice or voices that are exactly the same as yours. This inbreeding will eventually be your demise. Most of all, you forgot your own roots, where you were once an opposition party too. You focused so much ! on hanging on to your power, you forgot your original vision, you forgot your voters and you forgot why you are governing Singapore.

    4) Power breeds fear and paranoia
    In the beginning, you used power in order to stabilise the political situation so that you can give the masses homes, food, clean water and their livelihoods. That seemed a justifiable use of power even though it involved some ruthless and ugly tactics. But over the years, you started to crave power for itself. Again, you forgot the story of Macbeth (see, I told you the humanities are important!!) - where an originally good leader was so obsessed with his new power that he saw everything as a threat towards it. He became so paranoid that he even killed his best friend whom he thought was after his throne. He only heard what he wanted to hear from dubious soothsayers (which turned out to be half-truths). Needless to say, Macbeth eventually had a tragic end. Like Macbeth, you've become so obsessed with winning overwhelmingly in every GE that you use every weapon you have, every trick up your sleeves to clobber the opposition to smithereens. Smear campaigns, legal suits, changin g electoral boundaries, raising the cost of candidature, forming GRCs, threatening the electorate with's like watching the Brazilian football team beat the Singapore team by 82-2, except in football the rules are fairer and the referee neutral. Why do you need to resort to such gangster-like ways? You could have won overwhelmingly anyway with all the talent you have! I'm not sure how long this bullying strategy can go on but sooner or later you'll become the thug that the electorate can't wait to get rid of.

    5) Power corrupts absolutely
    Power is not power without money. And in this aspect you've outdone yourselves by pegging your salaries to the private sector. You're the highest paid politicians in the world and your income is >40 times that of the median income of the general population! (only less than Kenya). Of course, you justify it with yet another one of your cold, rational arguments of attracting and retaining the best talents in the government. But seriously, how can you compare public sector salaries to the private sector? In fact, many of your candidates have never worked in the private sector before and one wonders if they'll survive even for a day in a private company. Yet, they are paid private sector salaries, paid not from profits but from taxpayers' money. And though I fully agree that politicians must be paid their worth, don't you think getting 40x the median income is crossing into the lines of corruption? Ok, even if all our Ministers and PM are worth every cent of their $4m annual salary, it also means that they have to perform much much much better than any other government in the world. Again, you have set the standards and expectations so high, you only have yourselves to blame when you cannot meet those expectations from the ground. And the more you fail to meet their expectations, the more the electorate will think you're not worth your astronomical salaries. It's a vicious cycle that you've started and it's going to be very hard to stop now.

    You talk about the so-called "crutch-mentality" of the poor, yet this same mentality can be applied on yourselves. When you've used money as the main means to attract people into your party, you've basically recruited people who value money above serving the country in the people's interest. These politicians who are in it for the money will not have the incentive to think independently or to represent the people's interests because they've got millions to lose if they don't toe party lines. Because they're paid millions, what incentives do they have to empathize with someone struggling with 2 jobs to make ends meet? Very soon, the voters will feel that you're just a bunch of corrupt officials, no different from those in many 3rd-world countries.

    The way I see it, you only have yourselves to blame for th! is situation you're in. The only way you can somehow reverse these trends is to learn from Madonna (see, you never thought popular culture could teach you anything right?). She keeps herself relevant not by sticking to the same old formula again and again. That would have killed her career long ago as it did to countless of other pop stars. Rather, she keeps re-inventing herself and her image to keep them relevant to the current times. And she pushes the boundaries. She's always ahead of her time and like a true leader, she sets the trends not follow them. She's a rebel. Yet, all you have done is to remain exactly the same as you were in 1960s. The electorate is increasingly tired of your same old scare tactics using HDB upgrading as a stick, tired of you saying that Singapore will go to ruins if the opposition wins, tired of you always using smear campaigns against opposition candidates, tired of your arrogance and la ck of empathy, tired of you giving out inconsequential hongbaos before elections only to increase your own salaries by millions after.

    You keep encouraging us to think out-of-the-box, yet you're perpetually stuck in the same adversarial mindset towards the opposition. If you can only start to think of your relationship with the opposition as a mutual symbiosis - you share a portion of power with them in return for your longevity and credibility. Power is always temporary, but your legacy needn't be. Just look at the current Conservative Party of UK which traces its roots back to the Tory Party in 1678. Do you think they could have survived this long without any meaningful opposition, no defeats, no radical internal reforms? Are you so politically shortsighted that you can only see your future in the next 10, 20 or 50 years? C'mon, think further!! And didn't anyone tell you that in other to be the best, you need to have competition? Otherwise, how can the electorate be sure that you're indeed the best, if they can't compare you to any other party?

    I'm no military strategist, but I do think that sometimes, you need to lose some battles first in order to win bigger battles later. It will not be a bad thing for you to lose a few GRCs in this GE. In fact, if I were you, I will be celebrating. Because nothing gets people going like failure. Rather lose some small battles now than to wait for the big bomb to explode later. By then, not only will you disappear into the dust heap of history, so too will Singapore. That will be your ultimate betrayal to this country that you so painstakingly and successfully created out of a little red dot on the map.
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  7. #817
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    DPM Teo answered y some ppl still unhappy even though singapore economy is on a upswing

    i tot its worth mentioning here:

    divide a hall into 2, one side given $100 and the other $20. both sides will still be unhappy and feel unfair (even though $100 camp will be happier of coz...haha) even though they r better off

    no one will suggest both sides shd receive $60. instead, both sides will want $100.

  8. #818
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    DPM Teo answered y some ppl still unhappy even though singapore economy is on a upswing

    i tot its worth mentioning here:

    divide a hall into 2, one side given $100 and the other $20. both sides will still be unhappy and feel unfair (even though $100 camp will be happier of coz...haha) even though they r better off

    no one will suggest both sides shd receive $60. instead, both sides will want $100.
    TRUE! That's why I LIKE HIM SO MUCH! hahaha...

  9. #819
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop
    Maybe they will landfill bedok reservoir to build more bto and sell more condo land if opposition win aljunied grc haa haa ....
    no lah, Aljunied GRC will be full of cheap HDB pegged to median income so that GRC will be cheapest for HDB so better dun build condo there else waste of $$ for investment!

  10. #820
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    DPM Teo answered y some ppl still unhappy even though singapore economy is on a upswing

    i tot its worth mentioning here:

    Divide a hall into 2, one side given $100 and the other $20. both sides will still be unhappy and feel unfair (even though $100 camp will be happier of coz...haha) even though they r better off

    no one will suggest both sides shd receive $60. instead, both sides will want $100.
    Another extreme bad example as gven from PAP....

    I think PAP missed the point on why Singaporeans are not happy...
    Imagine the hall used to have 3.5millions and within 5 years, number swelled to 5++millions. Worse, PAP plan to make it 6.5mil in times to come....

    First of all, if FT policies really bring in good jobs and benefits to all Singaporeans, I think everyone of us would acutually want more FT to come...

    What happened now? The hard truth is...Singaporeans unhappy becos PAP really did not do a good jobs to anticipate issues as induced by letting in more influx of FT. Also, most of us do not get to enjoy the benefits wor...

    As almost all Singaporeans would agree that

    1) MBT failed to ensure sufficent housing to cater for new housing needs.
    2)Lemon Lim failed to ensure a good pulic transport network is ready to meet the increasing transportation capacity needs.
    3) The Gu Nian Vivian failed to ensure good socal policies to address problems as induced by opening of FT's policies (example: education, healthcare, living costs).
    4) The Idioit Ah NEH (Ng Eng Han) does little to ensure SIngaporean First for Univeristy Education (Interestingly, a minister promosied to ensure ITE education will be cater solely for SIngaporeans wor during his speech in CCK ITE a week ago )

    The list is too long for me to go on and i think it's not too difficult for friends here to figure out yourself...

    Think carefully, vote wisely..
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  11. #821
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    vote for opposition if u want CHEAP HOUSING!!

    after tat, VOTE THEM OUT to let ur house appreciate FAST!!!

    Please only vote Chiam (Bishan Toa Payoh) if you want to buy cheaper condo then vote him out next election by then think he already need to retired. WP manifesto is different they want to build cheap cheap HDB.

  12. #822
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by novel
    Please only vote Chiam (Bishan Toa Payoh) if you want to buy cheaper condo then vote him out next election by then think he already need to retired. WP manifesto is different they want to build cheap cheap HDB.
    Starbuys for that record breaking bishan plot?

  13. #823
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    First of all, if FT policies really bring in good jobs and benefits to all Singaporeans, I think everyone of us would acutually want more FT to come...

    What happened now? The hard truth is...Singaporeans unhappy becos PAP really did not do a good jobs to anticipate issues as induced by letting in more influx of FT. Also, most of us do not get to enjoy the benefits wor...
    my own hard truth and worry is: if govt really clamped down on FT, i wonder who am i going to rent my ppty to?

    policies nid to be improved/adjusted....HDB resale really rise too fast too furious this time....

    i tink we nid to consider macro economics as well b4 we make sweeping statement

  14. #824
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by novel
    no lah, Aljunied GRC will be full of cheap HDB pegged to median income so that GRC will be cheapest for HDB so better dun build condo there else waste of $$ for investment!
    Bro Novel, nice try. But wait... take a look at the following example..

    For me, I will be benefited with MBT's policies...

    I've two kids noww and let fast forward the time to 20 years later...

    So , let assumed my asset value was increase by $100K by then thanks to Mah's asset apprecaition policies.

    Let further assume my two kids remain single and both of them have intention to buy HDB resale flat of the same type of mine. When scouting the market, they would probably have to pay 100k more for both of them in order to secure a unit.

    Thus, I gain 100K, my two kids paid 200k (100k x 2)... My family end up 100k poorer wor... In fact, the higher the price goes up, the poorer we will be...

    Do you think this is good for our future generations?
    I think we are profitting from our future generation now wor...

    Think carefully, vote wisely
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  15. #825
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by novel
    no lah, Aljunied GRC will be full of cheap HDB pegged to median income so that GRC will be cheapest for HDB so better dun build condo there else waste of $$ for investment!
    aljunied GRC will become the place to house the bottom 10-20% of our population!!!! help the poor!!!! let them enjoy the reservoir!

  16. #826
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Let further assume my two kids remain single and both of them have intention to buy HDB resale flat of the same type of mine. When scouting the market, they would probably have to pay 100k more for both of them in order to secure a unit.
    tats not wat the govt wants!

    b4 i owned my 1st ppty....i jus started work....I USED TO COMPLAIN THESE! I SERVE NS FOR 2.5YRS!!! I AM WORSE COMPARED TO PRS WHO R ELIGIBLE TO BUY RESALE FLATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    TATS THE REASON Y I NVR OWN A HDB FLAT B4....BCOZ I NOT ENTILED TO BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I USED TO BE VERY UNHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. #827
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Bro Novel, nice try. But wait... take a look at the following example..

    For me, I will be benefited with MBT's policies...

    I've two kids noww and let fast forward the time to 20 years later...

    So , let assumed my asset value was increase by $100K by then thanks to Mah's asset apprecaition policies.

    Let further assume my two kids remain single and both of them have intention to buy HDB resale flat of the same type of mine. When scouting the market, they would probably have to pay 100k more for both of them in order to secure a unit.

    Thus, I gain 100K, my two kids paid 200k (100k x 2)... My family end up 100k poorer wor... In fact, the higher the price goes up, the poorer we will be...

    Do you think this is good for our future generations?
    I think we are profitting from our future generation now wor...

    Think carefully, vote wisely
    Your analogy is property prices should remain constant or lower for your children in the next 20 years and continue to remain constant for the next 40 years for your grandchildren?

  18. #828
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    A survey report released yesterday show that there is a shortfall of some special FTs in Singapore. We cannot do without them for the growing economy but to cut down on foreign workers.

    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    my own hard truth and worry is: if govt really clamped down on FT, i wonder who am i going to rent my ppty to?

    policies nid to be improved/adjusted....HDB resale really rise too fast too furious this time....

    i tink we nid to consider macro economics as well b4 we make sweeping statement

  19. #829
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    A survey report released yesterday show that there is a shortfall of some special FTs in Singapore. We cannot do without them for the growing economy but to cut down on foreign workers.
    YES!! totally agree! shd qualify and not quantify....hehe.....den more rental for our condos

    but den middle income earner or white collar singaporeans will complain no matter wat!

  20. #830
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Bro Novel, nice try. But wait... take a look at the following example..

    For me, I will be benefited with MBT's policies...

    I've two kids noww and let fast forward the time to 20 years later...

    So , let assumed my asset value was increase by $100K by then thanks to Mah's asset apprecaition policies.

    Let further assume my two kids remain single and both of them have intention to buy HDB resale flat of the same type of mine. When scouting the market, they would probably have to pay 100k more for both of them in order to secure a unit.

    Thus, I gain 100K, my two kids paid 200k (100k x 2)... My family end up 100k poorer wor... In fact, the higher the price goes up, the poorer we will be...

    Do you think this is good for our future generations?
    I think we are profitting from our future generation now wor...

    Think carefully, vote wisely
    your scenerio is BAD!

    Your 2 kids will be earning higher salary (because of inflation) and why buy resale flat instead of getting new flat?

    You mean your 2 kids rely on YOU to get the hse for them? I would propose you to tell your 2 kids "wake up your idea, and work hard if you want to buy a hse!!"

  21. #831
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bishan Kid
    Your analogy is property prices should remain constant or lower for your children in the next 20 years and continue to remain constant for the next 40 years for your grandchildren?

    I tot asset appreciation should goes along with national income affordability and not purely pushing up for the sake of pushing.

    To some 100k is peanut...
    To some 100k is out of reach...

    The hard truth is...
    While our asset value increased, property tax increases as well.
    Since we are not selling nor speculating, we ended up paying more to garment coffer.

    Even if I sell high to profit the gain, I've to buy high given the same market condition. Do I gained anything from there?

    Honestly, I must admit I'm poor financial planner else I would be have no time to TCSS here...

    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  22. #832
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    ur scenario is not only bad, but WRONG.

    1) u r assuming ur kids are "entitled" an affordable house. Sorry housing is not an entitlement, you kid is supposed to earn it.

    2) u r assuming ur kids, when married, will not be able to afford a new HDB. This is untrue.

  23. #833
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by westman

    I tot asset appreciation should goes along with national income affordability and not purely pushing up for the sake of pushing.

    To some 100k is peanut...
    To some 100k is out of reach...

    The hard truth is...
    While our asset value increased, property tax increases as well.
    Since we are not selling nor speculating, we ended up paying more to garment coffer.

    Even if I sell high to profit the gain, I've to buy high given the same market condition. Do I gained anything from there?

    Honestly, I must admit I'm poor financial planner else I would be have no time to TCSS here...

    bro, its ok to debate hot issues especially GE is HERE!

    i oredi expalin yday tat the root cause is HUMAN GREED!

    the only way to ensure gradual asset appreciation for HDB flat is to impose a CAP on COV....

    on the flip side: we must aso impose a MAX amount below valuation during crisis....

    only den we can haf stable HDB resale px which will leads to stable BTO px

  24. #834
    Join Date
    May 2010


    [quote=novel]your scenerio is BAD!

    Your 2 kids will be earning higher salary (because of inflation) and why buy resale flat instead of getting new flat?

    You mean your 2 kids rely on YOU to get the hse for them? I would propose you to tell your 2 kids "wake up your idea, and work hard if you want to buy a hse!!"[/quote

    You still think that is feasible given current FT policies?
    Also, I'm not suggesting I'll be paying for them. What I'm trying to put foreward forward here was:

    Our future generations will pay the bill for what we are enjoying today. I cannot estimate when the bill will come. As a matter of fact, it's not about will it come...but when the bomb will explode!

    I seriously hope I'm wrong severely....
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  25. #835
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    bro, its ok to debate hot issues especially GE is HERE!

    i oredi expalin yday tat the root cause is HUMAN GREED!

    the only way to ensure gradual asset appreciation for HDB flat is to impose a CAP on COV....

    on the flip side: we must aso impose a MAX amount below valuation during crisis....

    only den we can haf stable HDB resale px which will leads to stable BTO px
    Bro, fully support your view here.

    Desire (POWER), Greed (Higher Minister's Salary) and Ignorance (ignore the Noise) are the cause of suffering...
    It's long overdue and enough is enough...

    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  26. #836
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Do you think this is good for our future generations?
    I think we are profitting from our future generation now wor...
    in my parent generation, even a bungalow in prime area only 200k.

    my parent is not worrying abt "profiting from future generation".

    I work hard to earn my own house. I dun have a 50k HDB price for me. I paid a lot. Should I cry to gov and say all your old folks are profiting from me ?

  27. #837
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by amk
    ur scenario is not only bad, but WRONG.

    1) u r assuming ur kids are "entitled" an affordable house. Sorry housing is not an entitlement, you kid is supposed to earn it.

    2) u r assuming ur kids, when married, will not be able to afford a new HDB. This is untrue.
    The issue here is not "entitled". Also, did I said they are entitled?
    What I'm trying to put forward is...

    Since asset appreciation policies are good as claimed by MBT, then, can he suggest how much is enoguh for the increase to go?
    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  28. #838
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mantrix
    Nice video!!!

  29. #839
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by amk
    in my parent generation, even a bungalow in prime area only 200k.

    my parent is not worrying abt "profiting from future generation".

    I work hard to earn my own house. I dun have a 50k HDB price for me. I paid a lot. Should I cry to gov and said all your old folks are profiting from me ?
    Agreed and that was relevant during LKY or early GCT era as income growth rate was exceptionally good.

    Now take a look at the past ten years....Do you still get to engoy good increases in incomes year after year? Perhap you are... what about others?

    To sum up, our Finance Minister ever pledged to targeting to increase Singaporean's income by 30% in 10 years period. Do you think 30% growth in 10 years is enough going with the current inflation? Real income (after reduction from inflation) would be less than 2% (if not lower) per year...

    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  30. #840
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    The issue here is not "entitled". Also, did I said they are entitled?
    I know u didn't say it. but I think u did not realize it. HDB policy, even at its worse shape, ensures newly weds with decent jobs can afford it. You think you kids need to pay 100k more, therefore most likely will not be able to afford it. With a decent income 20ys later, pty price 100k more, new HDB should still be affordable. It's those without decent income will have a problem. More over, you stress your kids "being single". not to sound rude, but really, singles have ALWAYS been disadvantaged. housing needs dual income for average folks.

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