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Thread: Please post any Election News/Snippets/ Gossips here

  1. #601
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Acer
    Read from other forum

    I need your urgent advice about employing a maid. As a busy mother, I need someone reliable to help out at home. My maid is from Profits Agency Pte (PAP) and she has worked for me for a long time. Her mother worked for my parents and did an excellent job, so I had faith in her. For several years her performance has been very good, but recently she has become arrogant and insensitive, and is making lots of mistakes. For example:

    1) She flooded my kitchen – she told me that the drain pipe has blocked (she was supposed to clear it once a month but didn’t). Then she assured me that it is very rare and won’t happen again in the near future. Guess what? It flooded again within a year!

    2) She didn’t close a window and my terrier dog escaped. I was so worried cos he is dangerous and could bite lots of people. After the incident, she didn’t apologise and just shrugged her shoulders saying “What to do, it has happened.” Fortunately my neighbor found the dog and we locked it up again.

    3) Without consulting me, she has been bringing in strangers for my house's maintenance work. She says they charge low wages and keep costs down, but they eat my food, make a lot of noise and rest on my bed. I think they even tried to seduce my husband. It stopped feeling like my home, more like a cheap hotel, and I don’t always want to come back at the end of the day.

    4) When she first came to work for me, I instructed her to clean the different parts of the house at least once a week. But for some time she has stopped taking care of the bedrooms of PP and H; they are now dirty and messy. I asked why and she told me that the kids had been disobedient, so she was neglecting their bedrooms as a punishment (she has forgotten that she is paid to clean all the rooms).

    Even though my maid has worked for me for many years and I value what she has done in the past, I think she is now getting complacent. Her attitude is imperious and dismissive. She ignores my comments and basically treats my feedback as "noise". I wrote to the agency about her behavior; they assured me that they are the best agency around and all their maids are “Commited to Serve” – but I think it is just rhetoric and I don’t see that in her actions. Her salary is much higher than maids in other countries, but the agency say this is to keep her honest and stop her moving to another employer. They say there is a limited supply of maids, and Singapore isn’t big enough for more than one good maid agency, so I should not trust their competitors.

    I have yet to decide whether to renew my maid’s 5-year employment contract. When we discussed this she said that she is now part of a team, and if I want her I must also accept her friends doing part-time work for me. One friend is very inexperienced, can't do basic tasks or explain what she intends to do. I suspect that she is actually underage. When interviewed, she only seemed interested in her days-off and visiting Universal Studios. When she couldn't answer my questions she stomped her foot and exclaimed, "I don't know what to say!" But I am still expected to pay her a high salary.

    Now there happen to be a few other maid agencies - Workhard Pte (WP), New Solutions Pte (NSP), Super Personnel Pte (SPP) and Star Domestica Pte (SDP) - that offered me some helpers who seem sincere, genuine and intelligent. They are keen to work, willing to assist me and have a good attitude. I know that they may take a bit of time to learn how everything works, but frankly I am inclined to give them a chance. People say that the devil you know is better than one you don’t. But I feel that I can’t tahan my current maid anymore. Do you think I should sack my current maid and try out a new one?

    Appreciate your advice.

    By: Ming Lee Lim

  2. #602
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Me was there to volunteer support and we are the one shouted "Mas Selamat..."

    The Yahoo's news reporter was just beside us and she just updated as such!

    Eye opener for me!!!!
    hahaha you all really chant mas selamat ah and then the crowd just took it from there? i'll love to see this clip, anyone has the youtube version?

  3. #603
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by extremme
    hahaha you all really chant mas selamat ah and then the crowd just took it from there? i'll love to see this clip, anyone has the youtube version?
    That was when WKS making his appearance...
    PAP supporters got excited and starting chanting "PAP"...
    We quickly follow the chant with "Mas Selamat... Mas Selamat..."

    It took a while for PAP supporters to notice their chanting was hijacked by us..!!!!! Then they quickly changed their chanting timing to break our follow up chant... By the time, we just simply chanting non-stop "Mas Selamat... Mas Selamat..."

    Daft, Dafter, Dafterest!!!!

  4. #604
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng says he's owned up and apologised for the escape of terror leader Mas Selamat Kastari.

    Speaking to media on the sidelines of a community event on Sunday, DPM Wong said, "Of course, the first mistake cannot be obliterated; it was there, I owned up to it, as a minister I took responsibility for it -- that's the right thing to do."

    He added, "There was a lapse in the security and I apologised for that and I said we would do everything to find him."

    When asked if the issue would cost him votes and be a "fatal blow" to his re-election campaign, the PAP MP for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC said he hopes people would see the mistake in context over the work he has done throughout his career.

    "I think people will look at that and see... based on that I've done here for the last 27 years; and is that one lapse by a department fatal to their decision on electing me or not?" he said.

    Mas Selamat escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre in Onraet Road in February 2008 and was recaptured in Johore Bahru over a year later.

    Dismissing a claim by veteran opposition leader Chiam See Tong that he had not fully explained how the terror leader had escaped, DPM Wong said he had given a full public account in Parliament of the Mas Selamat security lapse on April 21, 2008, when he was Home Affairs Minister. "I spent one hour detailing what the committee of inquiry found and I spent the next two hours answering questions from all the MPs, for those interested in asking questions," he said.
    The Minister also questioned why Mr Chiam -- who is expected to contest the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC -- had only raised one question in Parliament on security lapses in the aftermath of Mas Selamat's escape.
    DPM Wong also said that residents in the GRC had not mentioned the issue of Mas Selamat when he made his grassroots visits.
    "Nobody raised a question of Mas Selamat in any of these visits," said the Minister, who stepped down and made way for Law Minister K Shanmugam to take over as Home Affairs Minister in November 2010.

    Chiam See Tong is expected to contest Bishan-Toa Payoh. (Yahoo! photo/ Henry Lim)

    Meanwhile Potong Pasir MP Chiam said the public still had not been given a full version of the Mas Selamat debacle.

    The leader of the Singapore People's Party said on Saturday, "I remembered I asked only one question, but that question was not fully answered."

    "I asked whether heads would roll over the issue of Mas Selamat. They didn't give us a good answer... We believe in accountability. I want the minister to account to the people of Bishan-Toa Payoh over why heads have not rolled."

  5. #605
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    so any terrorist attack in future....just coveniently point our middle finger at home affair minister? hehe

  6. #606
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    The leader of the Singapore People's Party said on Saturday, "I remembered I asked only one question, but that question was not fully answered."

    "I asked whether heads would roll over the issue of Mas Selamat. They didn't give us a good answer... We believe in accountability. I want the minister to account to the people of Bishan-Toa Payoh over why heads have not rolled."[/quote]

    seriously i wonder

    can letting a terrorist escaped in broad day light ... and an apology will be sufficient ?

    its not like parking at some hdb carpark and forgot to tear coupon ...

    he really think the people MUST accept that the apology is enough ?

  7. #607
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner

    seriously i wonder

    can letting a terrorist escaped in broad day light ... and an apology will be sufficient ?

    its not like parking at some hdb carpark and forgot to tear coupon ...

    he really think the people MUST accept that the apology is enough ?
    dun forgive and dun accept just vote for opposition....simple as tat....full stop

  8. #608
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    why want to change when a country is doing well? for excitement? for personal anger? or for your own desire? country like north korea should have change becos only the govt is living like king but ppl suffer like hell. does this scenario happening in spore? we are doing well with low umemployment, good ecnomic growth, stable govt, wat else do u want for? when ask whether can opp take over and run as well as now. u said even opp take over the policy will not change and country continue to run. if opp take over and run like the past then why need change?
    if there is no track record to judge opp the only thing to judge them is their background. the number of scholars in pap can drown the opp.
    Vote for Opposition = personal desire and anger.
    Vote for PAP = personal desire and correct.

    With such attitude, North Korea will be your home. North Korea unemployment is low and government is more stable.

    Singapore also had history of high unemployment before past 45 years.

    High GDP growth, how many Singaporeans actually feel it and benefit from it.

    Besides, experts had say GDP is not accurate indicator of economic growth.

    Singaporeans is the lowest paid, lowest purchasing power and work longest hours among all developed nations base on UBS Study.

    By the time, you wait until government not stable, unemployment high and and low GDP growth, the Opposition candidates you have will be even worse than now.

    Elections also may no longer be allowed.

    This is why Africa and Middle East resort to uprisings because they have no avenue to vote Opposition and change things.

    They waited until things are broken.

    You want Singapore to be another Africa and Middle East by waiting ?

    Arguments like stable government, dont break if not broken etc we have heard enough.

    Stable government does not equal to quality of living.

    Scholars alone does not mean good governance.

    We have seen enough excuses last 5 years alone that scholars also make same mistakes as you and I like underbudgeting.

    They are not gods.

    PAP was Opposition before with no track record and no scholars but still delivered with more constraints 45 years ago.

    You keep repeating the same reasons to vote PAP but it had been proven to not match reality.
    Last edited by wenqing; 27-04-11 at 16:30.

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner

    seriously i wonder

    can letting a terrorist escaped in broad day light ... and an apology will be sufficient ?

    its not like parking at some hdb carpark and forgot to tear coupon ...

    he really think the people MUST accept that the apology is enough ?
    If I'm him, I would rather keep quiet than say I have apologised and its good enough. Makes singaporeans more irked and fed up cause it seems lacking in sincerity

  10. #610
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    wenqing back! any juicy news on the ground like wat westman had just shared wif us?

  11. #611
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    i only know
    you can anyhow park your car .... wont get summons
    Really, last night my buddy intend to go attend some of both PAP and Opposition rallies in the next 10 days and he say maybe leave our cars at home and take public transport. I was of the impression, maybe PAP rallies anyhow park is safe, but opposition rallies, better obey the rules...if not get tow away...

  12. #612
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    so now bishan and aljunied in precarious situation? hehe

    any others?

  13. #613
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wenqing back! any juicy news on the ground like wat westman had just shared wif us?
    he must be busy driving lorry or carrying opp flag.......

  14. #614
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    Vote for Opposition = personal desire and anger.
    Vote for PAP = personal desire and correct.

    With such attitude, North Korea will be your home. North Korea unemployment is low and government is more stable.

    Singapore also had history of high unemployment before past 45 years.

    High GDP growth, how many Singaporeans actually feel it and benefit from it.

    Besides, experts had say GDP is not accurate indicator of economic growth.

    Singaporeans is the lowest paid, lowest purchasing power and work longest hours among all developed nations base on UBS Study.

    By the time, you wait until government not stable, unemployment high and and low GDP growth, the Opposition candidates you have will be even worse than now.

    Elections also may no longer be allowed.

    This is why Africa and Middle East resort to uprisings because they have no avenue to vote Opposition and change things.

    They waited until things are broken.

    You want Singapore to be another Africa and Middle East by waiting ?

    Arguments like stable government, dont break if not broken etc we have heard enough.

    Stable government does not equal to quality of living.

    Scholars alone does not mean good governance.

    We have seen enough excuses last 5 years alone that scholars also make same mistakes as you and I like underbudgeting.

    They are not gods.

    PAP was Opposition before with no track record and no scholars but still delivered with more constraints 45 years ago.

    You keep repeating the same reasons to vote PAP but it had been proven to not match reality.
    u keep saying GDP is not real. so wat is real? do u need the govt to display all $ on the ground and let u count??

    yes PAP was opp with no track record and wat happen? they fight they win they know wat they want!
    when ask opp are they ready to take over, they said not ready and they dare to say opp is needed in case the ruling party fail. isnt it contradicting? one moment say need opp should pap fail on the other hand they are not ready to take over. so wat are they trying to do? try to mess up then say they are not ready!!! this is irresponsible

  15. #615
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    he must be busy driving lorry or carrying opp flag.......
    i remember very clearly tat he told me dun assume he will vote for opposition...

    so anything can on the internet but ....who noes

    'ren xin nan cher'

  16. #616
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Wonder who WP put to stand in Hougang instead..

  17. #617
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    u keep saying GDP is not real. so wat is real? do u need the govt to display all $ on the ground and let u count??

    yes PAP was opp with no track record and wat happen? they fight they win they know wat they want!
    when ask opp are they ready to take over, they said not ready and they dare to say opp is needed in case the ruling party fail. isnt it contradicting? one moment say need opp should pap fail on the other hand they are not ready to take over. so wat are they trying to do? try to mess up then say they are not ready!!! this is irresponsible
    seriously, everybody including opposition themselves believes OPP not ready.....

    only ready to become alternative voice

    its gd to see more opp gaining more seats....but will be a disaster if they gain more den half! many will say it wun happen la....hohoho

  18. #618
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i remember very clearly tat he told me dun assume he will vote for opposition...

    so anything can on the internet but ....who noes

    'ren xin nan cher'
    emm.....tats true. maybe he is opp support in virtual world, in reality he is driving PAP lorry and carry mike/electric fan for the candidate. double personality??? eek!!

  19. #619
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    See this:

    doesn't sound good....

    Why Tanjong Pagar was a walkover by PAP?

  20. #620
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    See this:

    doesn't sound good....

    Why Tanjong Pagar was a walkover by PAP?
    Another recording....

  21. #621
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Vote Opposition! Vote for lower property prices!

  22. #622
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    See this:

    doesn't sound good....

    Why Tanjong Pagar was a walkover by PAP?
    super laggy wor...

    personal issues: tat guy SUXXX....his angmor standard i tink worse den mine?!?!?!@#@#$@#$

  23. #623
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    super laggy wor...

    personal issues: tat guy SUXXX....his angmor standard i tink worse den mine?!?!?!@#@#$@#$
    who is this uncle yap? sounds like he has a strong grouse against PAP...

    but seriously i think the 35sec is too nitty gritty on the elections dept part if what this youtube says is true

  24. #624
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by extremme
    who is this uncle yap? sounds like he has a strong grouse against PAP...

    but seriously i think the 35sec is too nitty gritty on the elections dept part if what this youtube says is true
    last time is ur army officer lenient on u if u report back late for camp?

    why must wait till last min??

    no grey area is allowed....if 35sec late is time somebody 36sec 37sec blah blah late....1min late....?? how? its too late is acceptable??

    OPP shd treat election very seriously....y dun submit 1-2hrs earlier....y chun chun go for last min ????

  25. #625
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    U know u r opposition.
    And yet u did this, knowing fully well pap can stop u simply by administrative reason, some more 100% legal.
    This kind of opposition,

  26. #626
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    last time is ur army officer lenient on u if u report back late for camp?

    why must wait till last min??

    no grey area is allowed....if 35sec late is time somebody 36sec 37sec blah blah late....1min late....?? how? its too late is acceptable??

    OPP shd treat election very seriously....y dun submit 1-2hrs earlier....y chun chun go for last min ????
    Me nvr serve army duno wat is army camp lol

    Then what Abt e pap candidate still serving notice when technically she put in her form as unemployed? Dat sounds like an even worse error

  27. #627
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by extremme
    Me nvr serve army duno wat is army camp lol

    Then what Abt e pap candidate still serving notice when technically she put in her form as unemployed? Dat sounds like an even worse error
    She clarified her last day was early April. She's not serving notice. She actually paid for early release. Well, that's what she said...

  28. #628
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Geylang OKT
    Vote Opposition! Vote for lower property prices!
    If you are the buyer... but vote for MBT if you are the seller...

  29. #629
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    APR 27, 2011


    PM explains why Steve Tan dropped out

    By Rachel Chang

    Steva Tan, 37, told reporters that he had stepped down for 'personal reasons'. -- PHOTO: PAP
    PRIME Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that 'there is no absolute certainty in any process of choosing people,' when explaining the unprecedented last-minute pullout of unionist Steve Tan from the PAP slate on Nomination Day.

    'We're looking for many attributes, strengths and capabilities, and also testing for weaknesses, and there's no process which is 100 per cent accurate.'

    'And even if you're accurate now, something may happen later on and we have to revise our assessment,' he said at a press conference after nominations closed on Wednesday.

    Mr Tan, 37, told reporters that he had stepped down for 'personal reasons'. MP Baey Yam Kheng replaced him in the Tampines GRC lineup, while new face, surgeon Chia Shih Lu, took Mr Baey's place in Tanjong Pagar GRC.

    Mr Lee was unequivocal that party leadership had not known about Mr Tan's past troubles, arguing that the change would not have been at the eleventh hour if they had.

    He said that the party and Mr Tan could have 'pretended there was no problem and just carried on'.

    'But Steve Tan is honourable, we are (as well), and we decided that awkward as it is, we just had to go through with this and made the last-minute change and explain to people: I'm sorry, something has come up...we have had to make a change.'

    Separately, Labour chief Lim Swee Say said Mr Tan was put up as a candidate 'based on our knowledge of his track records over the last 10 years'.

    On Mr Tan's decision to drop out of the contest, he said: 'I'm glad he took the decision before the GE. I suppose he came to the decision in the interest of the party, in the interest of the voters. I take consolation that we have responsible people who put the bigger voter interest ahead of personal interest.'

  30. #630
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Updated: 27/04/2011

    Low Thia Khiang on why he decided to contest in a GRC

    ®Copyright MediaCorp
    Workers' Party Secretary General Low Thia Khiang has admitted that the stakes are high for him in moving from his single seat in Hougang to contest in a Group Representation Constituency in Aljunied.*

    He said this at press conference held at the Workers' Party headquarters this afternoon.*

    The Secretary General of Workers' Party Low Thia Khiang said that he has been thinking about contesting in a GRC for a long time.*

    "Since I was elected in 1991, I see (that) the Opposition making no progress, but regress instead, I ask myself whether is this desirable for Singapore, is this something Something Singaporeans want? I believe that Singapore do want a credible opposition to represent them in Parliament."

    Mr Low said he was more determined to make the move after the Electoral Boundary Review Committee Report was released in February.*

    "Where 29,000 of the voter originally in Aljunied GRC who has given the Workers Party substantive support were being zoomed out to Ang Mo Kio GRC and some to Pungol Pasir Ris GRC."

    Mr Low said remaining in Hougang would be a more logical move but he decided that this was the time to have a GRC breakthrough for his party.

    Mr Low said having Chen Show Mao was a bonus and it played a part in him deciding to contest in a GRC.*

    But he admitted that come polling day, the People's Action Party could still win all 87 seats in Parliament.*

    Asked what his chances were, Mr Low said he would leave it to voters to decide.

    In Aljunied, Mr Low's team faces the PAP team helmed by Foreign Minister George Yeo.*

    -By Esther Ng

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