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Thread: Are Condo People less tolerant and more snobbish than HDB Heartlanders?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by med80009
    I just filled up my kids form from the N1 class that wanted information abt parents occupation, education, individual, household income. Details were not requested by school but through school by MYCS... MM recently commented on educational background of parents in various schools etc.. where did you think he get the details from ?
    Haha if it is not mandatory than always good to give a miss. Wonder how our friend OKT fill the blanks.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by rattydrama
    Haha if it is not mandatory than always good to give a miss. Wonder how our friend OKT fill the blanks.
    Maybe Bro OKT put down as "farmer" , he milk others ...mooo...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DaytonaSS
    Cos HDB dewellers alot are not civic minded. U just go 1st flr n see wat are the things u can find on the ground. Cotton butts, cigg butts. I even have a cake landed on my Car. i also kanna cigg butts on my car top causing a tar mark, lucky can polish away. First weeks of getting my new new car kanna scratch. Same goes for my father's car.

    Its not snobish, its u pay to stay away from this group of losers(scratch pple's new car) .
    Cakes and durians are probably extreme cases but there are other very common irritating habits that occur in HDB estates too. I was walking down the stairs from the multi storey carpark and regretted instantly not taking the lift. There was an unmistakable stench from overnight urine. Again, on a separate occasion, I walked to the multi-storey carpark to retrieve some stuff from the car and again noticed that somebody urinated at the back of my car. I have never smelled or heard of such cases in condos, whether old or new ones. We are not even talking about HDB dwellers complaining about extremely unacceptable behaviors or condo upgraders calling security guards. Its basic lifestyle etiquette. We'll just have to accept that such irritating habits are here to stay and nobody can do anything about it. If got $ to upgrade, congrats. Otherwise, drink a cold glass of water to cool down...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    When I go marketing in a HDB estate, I simply told myself that I am very fortunate that I am not staying there.

    In fact, staying in HDB is also not that cheap, SC/CC + car park charges, come to more than $200 a month as well

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Laguna
    When I go marketing in a HDB estate, I simply told myself that I am very fortunate that I am not staying there.

    In fact, staying in HDB is also not that cheap, SC/CC + car park charges, come to more than $200 a month as well
    just dun goto wet market lor....most of the times they quote u high price den NTUC.....nid to noe how to bargain....LOL

    but HDB kopitiams got nicer and cheaper food den foodcourts......nowadays foodcourts SUXXXX.....exp and sucky taste!

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