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Thread: Budget 2011

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by samsara
    Indeed. Without the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities, it is impossible for the voters to know what the opposition are able to accomplish for the people. However, the knife cuts both ways. It is not practical to allow the opposition to have governing powers since they are untested. There is plenty at stake and the price of failure will be significant.

    The capable will make a breakthrough in any environment. Many of our forefathers came with nothing on their backs. With their bare hands they created businesses and industries. The more enterprising of them led the charge by bringing people together to tap on their collective talent.

    If our forefathers could succeed in those much harsher times, the opposition parties have no excuse that the environment does not accord them a fair playing field. They have to fight and carve a space out for themselves. Treat the incumbent and the current environment as part of the playing field and the hurdles to be overcome. Now, if the opposition can triumph in the face of such overwhelming adversity to pull off accomplishments that can showcase their abilities, I would gladly give my vote to them.

    The incumbent government is not perfect. There have been many areas in which they could have done better, both as individual policy-makers and as a group. However, this does not automatically translate to the case that the opposition could have done better. There is no way of telling that until the opposition is presented with the opportunity to be in the position of decision-making and policy-setting. Thus, the opposition has to fight for their members to be in power and show that they can do it too.

    In summary, the crux of the matter is not about how the opposition is not given the chance to be in power, it is about how they will need to create the opportunities for themselves in the midst of adversity while navigating in an unfriendly environment dominated by the incumbent.

    Let us keep our eyes and minds open, and be discerning. Pay due diligence and accord the deserving our respect and support, be they the incumbent or the opposition.

    Just my two cents worth.
    Nobody expects PAP to help Opposition but neither should PAP use taxpayers money and abuse the system and structure to help themselves aka Grassroots, Unions, NTUC, GLCs etc

    How PAP uses taxpayer-funded grassroots for political gain

  2. #92
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    No separation of powers in the first place, where got political governance? Lky is a law graduate and the first topic covered under conditional law is rule of law and separation of powers, without these two, there is no effective government
    So, are you suggesting that to be effective garment, absolute power it must be?

  3. #93
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    Nobody expects PAP to help Opposition but neither should PAP use taxpayers money and abuse the system and structure to help themselves aka Grassroots, Unions, NTUC, GLCs etc

    How PAP uses taxpayer-funded grassroots for political gain
    Exactly the points what I've been trying to put acrossed.
    PAP is good in some way but in many instances .... haiz..... simply too much...

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I am saying separation of powers is the bulwark of every democratic society with a constitution. This is basic constitutional law that lky studied in the first year of law school
    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    So, are you suggesting that to be effective garment, absolute power it must be?

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Tot it is 300 for private with income less than 100k.

    Surprisingly, hdb 3 rooms dwellers with income more than 30k but less than 100k get 600... With lesser expenses yet getting more $$$?

    It's fair to help poor due to inflation but why give out more to this group of folks leh? Dun't private owners need to pay more than three room dwellers with equal income?
    Thats why I already said that I private owner but not rich and low pay rank and file worker only

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I think most of us here got our taxes increased instead and got $100 as compensation...

  7. #97
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I am saying separation of powers is the bulwark of every democratic society with a constitution. This is basic constitutional law that lky studied in the first year of law school
    Fair enough... Any way are you happy with the budget news? Will you have to pay more for your business?

  8. #98
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    Thats why I already said that I private owner but not rich and low pay rank and file worker only
    Of all the groupings, high pay 3 roomers deserved the least, if not 50 only.
    High pay, low expenses, should have move up the accommodation ranks to free three room opportunity for less fortunate Singaporeans.


  9. #99
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I am saying separation of powers is the bulwark of every democratic society with a constitution. This is basic constitutional law that lky studied in the first year of law school
    We are not a democracy and hope we wont ever be going down that road

    With 0 natural resources, we don't have many chances (at most 1 or 2) to tweak the system to try out oppositions and hope it will work. Our top most priority is to ensure our competitiveness to ensure we won't be left behind. I know some Singaporeans like to see a change in power to keep the government in check; but do you want to risk it and what do you hope to achieve from it? If the new system fails, the rich can just migrate but the rest of Singaporeans will be left behind to suffer....

    I rest my case now....

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    When I chat with my friend from msia, indo, phillipine, mymmar, china, india, they all envy our system in sgp. These ppl are just like my profile, uni grads and doing reasonably well in IT.

    The biggest common pain is corruption and security in their home country.
    Sometimes, they need to bribe to get jobs.
    Sometimes, the very police are on the same team with the criminals.
    When I talk to them, I really feel blessed to be born and raised in sgp.

    I also talk to friends in US.
    The biggest pain for them is the constant politics inconsistencies with change of gov.
    Why? Because most politicians are short sighted and worry abt winning e next polls.
    Long term plans are sometimes dropped with change of party in charge.

    Of course nothing is perfect...
    We do have our flaws like very controlled environment, paying erp and still get jams, waiting super long in polyclinics and hospitals, etc.

    Nett nett, I'm grateful & happy where things are...


  11. #101
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Extrememe, you get 600 or 300?
    I Duno.. Wat is it based on? House or household income? Heng it's based on 31 Dec coz I haven lodge caveat for my place yet so still based on my hdb but in terms of household income I Duno wat is e limit? Btw dis is rental rebate or utilities or dividends?

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    yes yes yes , all your points valid. US have the best 2 party system, they have the best democracy, the have the best opposition to safegard the nation, they have the largest economy in the world, they have all the resources they need, they have oil, they have talent, they have MIT, they have Harvard and they have ministers drawing humble wages + they got gunners gunning children down in schools.

    so where are they now? 10% unemplyment, recession, worst health care benefits. BIGGEST DEBT IN THE WORLD, only currency in the world that is not back by foreign reserves + the absolute right to vote for the opposition cos they will do a better job.

    So what do Singapore have? You, me and others, nothing else. So Govt open flood gate all the rich pple come in, but u got think y those pple wanna come here? I m sure Batam also happy to open flood gate.

    So someone quote XXXXXX countries have recover unscathed, so i ask what does those countries have. They either have an internal economy or tons of resources beneath their foot. Who set up over 20+ FTA with the world big economics, i know for sure certainly is not U. So better stop asking what are the policies that work in the last 5 years......

    On big tress, there are bound to have some strong branches and some weak ones, will u chop the tree to remove the weak branches?

    Perhaps your boss/business partner should promote your subordinate to see if he or she can do a better job than u,although u are doing a fairly good job. Never mind u are doing a fair job, u are not doing a great job and u are drawing a fat pay. replace with 2 fresh grads and see if they can do a better job. Like u say, never bring them in how u know they cant do a better job than u? After all, never try never know.

    Finally peace out, just frustrated again when see pple whom dont stop to count what they have, and only seems to want to count what they dont have. Singapore is for Singaporeans , but many dont behave like 1 here.

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    that's quite true...a lot of us tend to take things for granted

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Dun always look at the dark side.... Look at the brighter side....

    I vy sure IR is a vy Gd decision..... All nicely done so far.... Well done

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    Dun always look at the dark side.... Look at the brighter side....

    I vy sure IR is a vy Gd decision..... All nicely done so far.... Well done
    Am waiting for 3rd IR to be built in the north where there's plenty of space and closer to our dear Malaysian neighbours

  16. #106
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by mantrix
    Am waiting for 3rd IR to be built in the north where there's plenty of space and closer to our dear Malaysian neighbours
    make it 4 at north and west too (near Jurong Country Club) since garment say they want to transform JLD a world class leisure region ...

  17. #107
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    make it 4 at north and west too (near Jurong Country Club) since garment say they want to transform JLD a world class leisure region ...
    How about a casino for travelers' in transit and also at change sure, gov will collect lots more .....$

  18. #108
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    How about a casino for travelers' in transit and also at change sure, gov will collect lots more .....$
    We should aim for 3 more by 2020 - we must overtake Macau to be number one casino destination in the world!!!

    2 in South, one in North, one in West, and one in East - POWER

  19. #109
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Total Defense become Total Gambling if that happens...

  20. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by westman
    Total Defense become Total Gambling if that happens...
    Will truely become the True Financial Hub of Asia ( HK + Macau combined into 1)

  21. #111
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I hope for PAP to continue governing the country, I just hope to see 30-40% of parliament made up by the opposition, ministers salaries reduced, tax on ministerial salaries, no encroachment of executive powers in matters of judicial nature

    Quote Originally Posted by Allthepies
    We are not a democracy and hope we wont ever be going down that road

    With 0 natural resources, we don't have many chances (at most 1 or 2) to tweak the system to try out oppositions and hope it will work. Our top most priority is to ensure our competitiveness to ensure we won't be left behind. I know some Singaporeans like to see a change in power to keep the government in check; but do you want to risk it and what do you hope to achieve from it? If the new system fails, the rich can just migrate but the rest of Singaporeans will be left behind to suffer....

    I rest my case now....

  22. #112
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hear hear!! I agree with you fully dat e opposition need to be more just to keep pap in check.. If not they just issue new policies without any veto n definitely salaries shld be lower
    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I hope for PAP to continue governing the country, I just hope to see 30-40% of parliament made up by the opposition, ministers salaries reduced, tax on ministerial salaries, no encroachment of executive powers in matters of judicial nature

  23. #113
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I dun want a change in power I just hope e power balance is not so skewed such Dat Govt now can suka suka increase transport costs, ministers salaries n put through any other policies without an opposition party to keep them in check n think through carefully y costs n inflation keep going up but yet they keep allowing e transport company to raise costs n pub to increase costs. Transport n utilities are vital to inflation n average Singaporean cost of living. These should always not be privatized and instead run by government with aim of breaking even n serving e public. Instead these instituitions r now run with only profits in mind n keep increasing costs. And singaporeans r too meek to protest

  24. #114
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    For every law that is passed, each MP representing their constituencies should effectively be carrying out surveys and studies on the ground to find out how such a law would affect the people in their constituencies and bring up concerns in parliament and debate among themselves whether such a law is feasible. We don't see that happening in Singapore and majority of the MPs just "sleep" through the parliamentary sessions as if the laws have no effect on the people in their constituency.

  25. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    This is the very reason why we need more opposition in parliament to stir debate so that those highly paid MPs do not "sleep" through sessions

  26. #116
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    QUote: This comes in the form of Growth Dividends. Low-income earners and those living in 3-room or smaller HDB flats will receive the maximum amount of $800, while those in the middle-income group and who live in HDB flats and low-value private homes will receive a Growth Dividend of $600.
    Individuals staying in expensive homes, but who do not have high incomes, will receive $300.

    May I know what is the definitation of low-value private homes?
    Mass market below 1mil considered? WOndering if we will get 300 or 600...

  27. #117
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by extremme
    I dun want a change in power I just hope e power balance is not so skewed such Dat Govt now can suka suka increase transport costs, ministers salaries n put through any other policies without an opposition party to keep them in check n think through carefully y costs n inflation keep going up but yet they keep allowing e transport company to raise costs n pub to increase costs. Transport n utilities are vital to inflation n average Singaporean cost of living. These should always not be privatized and instead run by government with aim of breaking even n serving e public. Instead these instituitions r now run with only profits in mind n keep increasing costs. And singaporeans r too meek to protest
    Hey hey, I recalled two to three months back a minister said someting like this to garment's folks during a conference...

    "High Salary??? Mai pai seh, you provide WORLD CLASS SERVICE, take it, why not, you deserve your pay as you are worthy becos you are world class!"

    Walau, damn thick skin!
    Any kind soul here can help to provide link to this speech?

  28. #118
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    This is the very reason why we need more opposition in parliament to stir debate so that those highly paid MPs do not "sleep" through sessions
    High pay is fine with me. PAP is fine with me too. Sleeping in parliament is also fine too. However, I hope more oppositions to be in parliament to provide alternative views and to debate for issues thus enhancing governance for the better.

  29. #119
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ocoloco79
    QUote: This comes in the form of Growth Dividends. Low-income earners and those living in 3-room or smaller HDB flats will receive the maximum amount of $800, while those in the middle-income group and who live in HDB flats and low-value private homes will receive a Growth Dividend of $600.
    Individuals staying in expensive homes, but who do not have high incomes, will receive $300.

    May I know what is the definitation of low-value private homes?
    Mass market below 1mil considered? WOndering if we will get 300 or 600...
    Every year, you will recevie property value from IRAS for your properties.
    Eg. Annual value is $30,000 etc... You pay 4% (own stay) or 10% (investment) property tax based that annual value.

    Back to your question, you will get 300 if your annual value is 13000< and <60000. I think Condos all above 13000.

  30. #120
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by mantrix
    Am waiting for 3rd IR to be built in the north where there's plenty of space and closer to our dear Malaysian neighbours
    if that is the case property will go up again and more jam at causeway for sure and you will see malaysia government stopping their people from coming to Singapore. The ties would be further weakened......

    But I think we are capable of keeping their gov happy

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