Oct 18, 2010

4th chance for 1,300 buyers

By Hannah Koh

THEY tried three times and were still unsuccessful in their attempts to pick a flat - even in non-mature estates.

These not-so-lucky 1,300 first-time Housing Board flat applicants need not despair. They will be given two more chances on their fourth attempt - on top of their original chances - if they are applying to live near or with their parents.

National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan, who disclosed this in a written reply to a question from Ang Mo Kio GRC MP Lee Bee Wah in Parliament on Monday, also promised that the Housing Board would look into further increasing the chances for those with multiple unsuccessful applications.

To meet strong demand, he said HDB has increased the frequency of its Built-To-Order (BTO) launches to once every month since October last year.

As a result, many applicants have been applying for multiple BTO exercises, and those who were unsuccessful have also increased, said Mr Mah.

He said that for BTO exercises in non-mature estates completed in the last one year, more than nine in 10 first-timers had a chance to select a flat within three tries.

Mr Mah assured that the HDB will spare no effort in meeting urgent housing needs.

The Board has increased its supply of BTO flats to cater to the higher demand. This year, its offered 12,600 BTO flats from January to September and 1,600 flats under the Sale of Balance Flat Exercise in August.

It will offer another 3,400 BTO flats in the last quarter, bringing the total new flat supply for this year to 17,600.

For next year, HDB will offer up to 22,000 new flats if demand is sustained. This will be further supplemented by the on-coming supply of Executive Condominiums and flats under the Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS), to provide more choices for the higher-income buyers.

Mr Mah also replied to a question from Mr Lim Biow Chuan, MP of Marine Parade GRC, who asked if HDB could allow existing rental tenants to retain their flats if their co-tenants died, without having to find replacement.

Mr Mah rejected the idea, saying: 'We seek the member's understanding that HDB needs to optimise the use of public rental flats to help as many needy persons as possible.

'As public flats are heavily subsidised and limited in number, HDB requires the pairing of two singles for a rental flat.'

But he said the HDB would allow the remaining tenant 'sufficient time' to find a new co-tenant or would pair him with another single person should he face difficulty in finding a replacement.