View Full Version : DIY Property Web Site

27-06-10, 11:48
Do you guys think it is about time we have a all-in-one DIY website for sellers/buyers/tenants/owners to buy/sell/lease their properties bypassing agents?

The website will provide step-by-step instructions and standard transaction forms. Also a panel of lawyers to choose from.

27-06-10, 12:08
Do you guys think it is about time we have a all-in-one DIY website for sellers/buyers/tenants/owners to buy/sell/lease their properties bypassing agents?

The website will provide step-by-step instructions and standard transaction forms. Also a panel of lawyers to choose from.

Yes, please go ahead.

I assume you will also not be profiteering from it once you have it up & running.

27-06-10, 12:21
I support this. Guess the caveat will be non of the sellers posting on the site will pay commission. Also how do you stop agents from fishing the ads here? How would this service be any different from nationproperty?

27-06-10, 14:01
I support this. Guess the caveat will be non of the sellers posting on the site will pay commission. Also how do you stop agents from fishing the ads here? How would this service be any different from nationproperty?

cant stop agents, so maybe no agent commissions?

27-06-10, 16:32
If agent come approach you with offer 10% above your asking, will you reject his offer?

27-06-10, 16:41
Isn't what futureproperty proposing already found in most property portal.

If sellers want to DIY, they can just post onto those property portal and buyers(or agents) would call them.

Don't see any difference actually.

27-06-10, 16:42
If agent come approach you with offer 10% above your asking, will you reject his offer?

As long as the offer materialise, sure. But if seller can sell at the same offer price without having to pay agent comm even better, no? :o

27-06-10, 21:44
As long as the offer materialise, sure. But if seller can sell at the same offer price without having to pay agent comm even better, no? :o

How to sell at same price since that 10% guarantee is only from the agent's buyer? If you really lucky to get another buyer who willing to pay at that price lor...

27-06-10, 23:13
How to sell at same price since that 10% guarantee is only from the agent's buyer? If you really lucky to get another buyer who willing to pay at that price lor...
as a seller now that i know there is such an offer from u, of course i will try for the same offer with other buyers mah except without having to pay agent comm hehe

28-06-10, 02:29
for private properties, buyers don't pay agent commission so what is the fuss for buyers. do buyers think that by bypassing agents they will get a cheaper price directly from sellers? Such a website will only benefit sellers, but isnt it easier for any seller to just join a property agency, make use of the available resources and start marketing his own property, after his property is sold, just leave the agency (after all the investment cost of joining an agency is only a few hundred bucks and can learn a lot about marketing properties for ur future investment as well).

28-06-10, 08:25
good idea. but newbie agent can be forced to give as much as 40% of the comms to agency so if you have only 1 or 2 to sell it may not be worth the time and effort.

28-06-10, 08:52
Isn't what futureproperty proposing already found in most property portal.

If sellers want to DIY, they can just post onto those property portal and buyers(or agents) would call them.

Don't see any difference actually.

Yes, the DIY site will be much different from those property portals such as ixx and xxguru which basically serving agents or sellers/buyers expect agents to approach them.

DIY site is for those who are NOT prepared to pay agent commission and there will be processes built in to filter agents posting as sellers/buyers.

Any suggestion(s) on what are to be available on the DIY site?

28-06-10, 09:45
Yes, the DIY site will be much different from those property portals such as ixx and xxguru which basically serving agents or sellers/buyers expect agents to approach them.

DIY site is for those who are NOT prepared to pay agent commission and there will be processes built in to filter agents posting as sellers/buyers.

Any suggestion(s) on what are to be available on the DIY site?

how about listing of the last 3 transaction as guide. this will make the seller to advertise a realistic price and not super low or super high price.

28-06-10, 17:54
Yes, the DIY site will be much different from those property portals such as ixx and xxguru which basically serving agents or sellers/buyers expect agents to approach them.

DIY site is for those who are NOT prepared to pay agent commission and there will be processes built in to filter agents posting as sellers/buyers.

Any suggestion(s) on what are to be available on the DIY site?

Google maps - must have... in case some ulu location nobody knows where lol.

29-06-10, 11:16
May be conduct half day course for wound be buyers/sellers b4 they are allowed to participate. This will help control quality of the posting.

29-06-10, 20:06
He forgotten something.

The Rich just can't see eye to eye :D

30-06-10, 20:58
where got 40%? do some search and u find some mid-tier agencies going 80/20.

good idea. but newbie agent can be forced to give as much as 40% of the comms to agency so if you have only 1 or 2 to sell it may not be worth the time and effort.

01-07-10, 09:41
I recently sold one of my old walk-up apartment. Told agent I will accept anything above S$800K. The apartment was sold at S$900K with a co-broke agent. I up my agent comms extra 1/2% to let him earn 1% for getting me a higher price. And this 1/2% will be given as AngBau and he will only report 1/2% to agency as I don't think the agency should have a cut on this extra bonus.

06-07-10, 18:23
I sold my condo in Jul 2008, I did it without any agent. We decided not to engage any agents after learning all the bad experience fro friends and relatives.

First of all start to advertise on local news paper or property website, take call from buyer and screen for potential buyers for viewing , show the buyer around your property , negotiate with the buyer directly , offer an options to buy once you decided to let go, then engage a lawyer to represent u in this transactions. Every step is obvious , except for how to get whole of a options , u can easily obtains one from your lawyer by paying ard $100-150 or make it part of your S&P package with your lawyer.

What does I gain

(1) Save Commission
We spend about $100+ for advertisement (3 Saturdays) plus $100+ for a lawyer drafted option to purchase with mutually discussed and agreed term and condition between me and my buyer.
We saved almost $10K on commission. The selling process is abt 3 weeks. We only sowing our property during weekend where we are free.

(2) Better sale person
U know your area better than most of the agents out there. Sometime u see some hopeless agents (not everyone) that don’t even talk while there show their client around or they know nothing abt the units , worse still owner is the one who explain to the buyer. From my encounter to viewing other property , more than half of the agent did not do their homework before they.

(3) Transparent negotiation
I can negotiate directly with my buyer , we can share our concern and condition transparently. Why u need one or more person in between during the negotiation.

(4) Very good experience to negotiate with buyer and good training ground. Sometime u could make friends among your buyer who had viewed some unit within the area.

for private properties, buyers don't pay agent commission so what is the fuss for buyers. do buyers think that by bypassing agents they will get a cheaper price directly from sellers? Such a website will only benefit sellers, but isnt it easier for any seller to just join a property agency, make use of the available resources and start marketing his own property, after his property is sold, just leave the agency (after all the investment cost of joining an agency is only a few hundred bucks and can learn a lot about marketing properties for ur future investment as well).

18-07-10, 20:56
I sold my condo in Jul 2008, I did it without any agent. We decided not to engage any agents after learning all the bad experience fro friends and relatives.

First of all start to advertise on local news paper or property website, take call from buyer and screen for potential buyers for viewing , show the buyer around your property , negotiate with the buyer directly , offer an options to buy once you decided to let go, then engage a lawyer to represent u in this transactions. Every step is obvious , except for how to get whole of a options , u can easily obtains one from your lawyer by paying ard $100-150 or make it part of your S&P package with your lawyer.

What does I gain

(1) Save Commission
We spend about $100+ for advertisement (3 Saturdays) plus $100+ for a lawyer drafted option to purchase with mutually discussed and agreed term and condition between me and my buyer.
We saved almost $10K on commission. The selling process is abt 3 weeks. We only sowing our property during weekend where we are free.

(2) Better sale person
U know your area better than most of the agents out there. Sometime u see some hopeless agents (not everyone) that don’t even talk while there show their client around or they know nothing abt the units , worse still owner is the one who explain to the buyer. From my encounter to viewing other property , more than half of the agent did not do their homework before they.

(3) Transparent negotiation
I can negotiate directly with my buyer , we can share our concern and condition transparently. Why u need one or more person in between during the negotiation.

(4) Very good experience to negotiate with buyer and good training ground. Sometime u could make friends among your buyer who had viewed some unit within the area.



周武王聽了,心中豁然開朗,覺得天下可以安定了。 「愛屋及烏」比喻喜歡一個人,就會喜歡和這個人相關的東西。

27-01-16, 16:51
you can try this free site directproperty.com.sg