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12-10-09, 11:42
Since condos and cars are an intrinsic part of the Singapore psyche, here's a poll by District group to suss out what your neighbours are driving

12-10-09, 15:07
cheapo japanese saloon. paid in full.

Cars cost so much here compared to other countries.
Can't drive fast. Big waste of time. Lived quite happily without one for many years until kids had to go to school.

Often see those guys in big flash car, I used to be impressed. Now I just think how much debt they are driving around.

Much rather have money generating, appreciating assets than show off car.

13-10-09, 11:42
qfoo u doing survey for MCYS ah? :o

13-10-09, 13:21
EBD, what makes u think that big flashy car people have big loans on their car? U can't accept that people can pay up $200-300k in full? Narrow minded frog in well.

13-10-09, 14:16
EBD, what makes u think that big flashy car people have big loans on their car? U can't accept that people can pay up $200-300k in full? Narrow minded frog in well.

I know of people who make 50k a month but take MRT to work (no car). I know of people who make 20k a month but drive a 1.3 litre 50k Japanese car. I know of people who own 2 cars (BMW 523 & RX8) worth 300k but cannot afford to pay the monthly maintenance charges for their condo.

There are many who drive small cars but make big bucks and vice versa.

There are many who live in heartlands but are worth millions with prime properties.

I have a unit tenanted out in a prime condo worth around 1800psf and there are 2 owners in that condo who drive Renault Kangoos.

Som such surveys serve no purpose really

13-10-09, 14:24
I know of people who make 50k a month but take MRT to work (no car). I know of people who make 20k a month but drive a 1.3 litre 50k Japanese car. I know of people who own 2 cars (BMW 523 & RX8) worth 300k but cannot afford to pay the monthly maintenance charges for their condo.

There are many who drive small cars but make big bucks and vice versa.

There are many who live in heartlands but are worth millions with prime properties.

I have a unit tenanted out in a prime condo worth around 1800psf and there are 2 owners in that condo who drive Renault Kangoos.

Som such surveys serve no purpose really

yea, like what u just babbled. Serves no purpose. Who gives a toss what u own or what u drive?

13-10-09, 14:33
yea, like what u just babbled. Serves no purpose. Who gives a toss what u own or what u drive?

I also own 5 landed and stay in Boon Lay 3 rm flat just like what you said in another similar thread. Maybe you are my idiotic neighbour?:doh:

13-10-09, 14:48
this is what you call a ma long long, chiat pah bo sai pang survey.

for fun and laughter peace and joy.

happy, go vote. not happy, dun vote

dun need to take so seriously one

13-10-09, 14:56
I also own 5 landed and stay in Boon Lay 3 rm flat just like what you said in another similar thread. Maybe you are my idiotic neighbour?:doh:
Why dun u press the doorbell and find out? duh

13-10-09, 14:57
I also own 5 landed and stay in Boon Lay 3 rm flat just like what you said in another similar thread. Maybe you are my idiotic neighbour?:doh:

I thought in March 2009 you stay in 700 unit condo?

I am staying in a 700 unit condo and on weekends you see no more than 20 people in the 2 pools we have.

13-10-09, 15:03
driving expensive cars does not always mean the condo owner's bank is loaded. the really rich people i know (i.e property developers) living in GCBs do not worry bout their own housing mortgages or or car mortgages coz they dont have any to worry about. They buy everything in cash coz buying a merc or a Porsche is many a time like paying a big tip that hardly creates a dent in their pockets. I am sure you have read bout this pty tycoon in singapore who bought a Rodin replica sculpture for more than $1 million just to decorate his house.

I know of people who make 50k a month but take MRT to work (no car). I know of people who make 20k a month but drive a 1.3 litre 50k Japanese car. I know of people who own 2 cars (BMW 523 & RX8) worth 300k but cannot afford to pay the monthly maintenance charges for their condo.

There are many who drive small cars but make big bucks and vice versa.

There are many who live in heartlands but are worth millions with prime properties.

I have a unit tenanted out in a prime condo worth around 1800psf and there are 2 owners in that condo who drive Renault Kangoos.

Som such surveys serve no purpose really

13-10-09, 15:21
driving expensive cars does not always mean the condo owner's bank is loaded. the really rich people i know (i.e property developers) living in GCBs do not worry bout their own housing mortgages or or car mortgages coz they dont have any to worry about. They buy everything in cash coz buying a merc or a Porsche is many a time like paying a big tip that hardly creates a dent in their pockets. I am sure you have read bout this pty tycoon in singapore who bought a Rodin replica sculpture for more than $1 million just to decorate his house.
wah lan replica for $1m.

13-10-09, 15:33
driving expensive cars does not always mean the condo owner's bank is loaded. the really rich people i know (i.e property developers) living in GCBs do not worry bout their own housing mortgages or or car mortgages coz they dont have any to worry about. They buy everything in cash coz buying a merc or a Porsche is many a time like paying a big tip that hardly creates a dent in their pockets. I am sure you have read bout this pty tycoon in singapore who bought a Rodin replica sculpture for more than $1 million just to decorate his house.

is it the one where after finding out is replica wanted to sue the art gallery?

13-10-09, 15:40
wah lan replica for $1m.

When will I be able to afford a sgd$1million replica and think it's alrite... sigh..

17-10-09, 00:53
yup that is the guy. He lives in Astrid Hill just beside Shanmugum's house. Better nt spell out house number so clearly
is it the one where after finding out is replica wanted to sue the art gallery?

17-10-09, 01:53
EBD, what makes u think that big flashy car people have big loans on their car? U can't accept that people can pay up $200-300k in full? Narrow minded frog in well.

I am very impressed by orange, who paid for his 335i in full !!! :scared-4:

If want me to come out a such a big chunk from my property war chest to pay for a car, I will have heartache. :scared-2:

Cash for me is meant to be on standby for investing in the property market, as and when good opportunities arise, hence I prefer to take loans for cars ... but fortunately I still have enough money to pay monthly maintenance charges ... or do I? Better check! Otherwise my tenants will come after me! :scared-3:

There are many different types of people in this world.

Nevertheless, there is inevitably a higher probability of finding flashy cars in the prime districts than in suburban areas. Just drive around the GCB areas and take a peep. :jogging:

As a person's networth increases, cars become an increasingly negligible proportion of total wealth. Hence those who wish to enjoy life a bit, spend a bit of money to pamper themselves. :spliff:

Look at these two photos below. Can you spot the difference? Don't you agree that the Singapore Flyer in the first photo looks much more beautiful?



17-10-09, 02:32
logo aside, i think the dashboard colour for the toyota goes better with the flyer landscape than the BMW.

Look at these two photos below. Can you spot the difference? Don't you agree that the Singapore Flyer in the first photo looks much more beautiful?



17-10-09, 11:19
wah lan replica for $1m.


Just found this in ebay. much cheaper

17-10-09, 17:08
EBD, what makes u think that big flashy car people have big loans on their car? U can't accept that people can pay up $200-300k in full? Narrow minded frog in well.

Because I work with these people. Most people driving car like that have huge 10 yr loan. Most not ALL.

I can accept that some people can pay 300k in cash. Most don't. The respect they think they get when driving around is based on badge on their car as status - which they haven't got.

Why seem to have touched a nerve? You one of those faking it Orange? Or did daddy buy your car in cash for you?

Sorry but as you have started throwing unnecessary , uncalled for, & unsubstantiated conjecture around about they state of my world outlook I thought I'd return the favour.... you narrow minded molecule mind. :)

17-10-09, 21:46
EDB, ur classification of rich is not considered rich if they have to take a loan for things like cars. There are many really wealthy people that I dare say u have seen none. They go casinos and throw 80k in a single bet for baccarat, spend 100k a meal tasting delicacy food like truffles and spend millions on art collections etc etc. I once heard a rich guy saying he is tired of playing with big yachts n was contemplating on buying a jet. Do u think these people would be taking 10yr loans buying cars. U say there arent many such people around, but take a drive to those rich estates, knock on e door of any GCB n ask if any household takes a loan to buy any fanciful car parkd at the porch n u knw wat i mean
Because I work with these people. Most people driving car like that have huge 10 yr loan. Most not ALL.

I can accept that some people can pay 300k in cash. Most don't. The respect they think they get when driving around is based on badge on their car as status - which they haven't got.

Why seem to have touched a nerve? You one of those faking it Orange? Or did daddy buy your car in cash for you?

Sorry but as you have started throwing unnecessary , uncalled for, & unsubstantiated conjecture around about they state of my world outlook I thought I'd return the favour.... you narrow minded molecule mind. :)

18-10-09, 01:39
logo aside, i think the dashboard colour for the toyota goes better with the flyer landscape than the BMW.

Frankly ... I have to agree with you.

Such is the power of branding ... :spliff:

U say there arent many such people around, but take a drive to those rich estates, knock on e door of any GCB n ask if any household takes a loan to buy any fanciful car parkd at the porch n u knw wat i mean

If you really do that, they may think that car salesmen are so desperate nowadays that they come all the way knocking on the door!!! :scared-4:

I believe that the disagreements in this thread is due to the fact that we are actually discussing two different observations, and both camps may actually be right!

The two observations are:

1. Do most wealthy people own luxury cars?

2. Are most luxury cars owned by wealthy people?

These are two different observations.

Based on the observations put forward by various parties in this thread, my conclusion is that the answers to the two questions are:

1. Yes.

2. No.

So we are all correct! :cheers1:

Which begs the question ... what is the definition of "wealthy" and "luxury car"? :confused:

18-10-09, 02:57
i may be wrong, but from my observation:

most stables' family car are mixed - as simple as a camry to a 7/S/LS
performance toys are usually pure breds like the 660, scud etc
335s etc are bought for the kids and wife

those w young kids normally would go for an X/RX/Caye

20-10-09, 08:17
EDB, ur classification of rich is not considered rich if they have to take a loan for things like cars. There are many really wealthy people that I dare say u have seen none. They go casinos and throw 80k in a single bet for baccarat, spend 100k a meal tasting delicacy food like truffles and spend millions on art collections etc etc. I once heard a rich guy saying he is tired of playing with big yachts n was contemplating on buying a jet. Do u think these people would be taking 10yr loans buying cars. U say there arent many such people around, but take a drive to those rich estates, knock on e door of any GCB n ask if any household takes a loan to buy any fanciful car parkd at the porch n u knw wat i mean

You are right. EDB classification of rich is only maybe still not that rich. But actually some ppl take loans becos their leave their cash to earn more returns.

Some businessmen buy property based on deals and profits they make, on good years they just buy cash.

Wild Falcon
07-11-09, 14:45
Looks like most don't drive. All $$ go into the house.

07-11-09, 16:06
You are right. EDB classification of rich is only maybe still not that rich. But actually some ppl take loans becos their leave their cash to earn more returns.

Some businessmen buy property based on deals and profits they make, on good years they just buy cash.

Agreed! Private banks only treat >USD$15mil as RICH clients.

Those below will feel the pinch of paying cash for a porsche 911 of ferrari

07-11-09, 18:41
Agreed! Private banks only treat >USD$15mil as RICH clients.

Those below will feel the pinch of paying cash for a porsche 911 of ferrari

That would be my definition of rich. Probably everyone on this board is a milionaire even after debt is accounted for. 2-3 million is not rich anymore.

Plus, last weekend did anyone notice at shell $1 lots of nice cars queuing to save like $50 max? Even Today had pictures of Merc's in line.

If everyone is so rich that drive these cars, you wont waste 1 hour to queue for $50. I didn't , waste one hour of my life for 50 lousy bucks.
And there wouldn't be any car loans like bmw balloon loans at luxury car outlets.

I dont think I said everyone driving these cars is taking loans....... but there are more than the "F1 this, flyer that" ravers on this board would like to accept.

04-12-09, 17:19
Audi TT coupe 2.0 turbo.
Abt full kit with quad pipe
ecu stage 1
19' Audi wheels
tts headlights

28-01-10, 16:23
What a waste!!! :scared-4:

Such interesting discussions taking place in the wrong thread! :scared-4:

Now I have to slowly cut and paste ... carefully ... :scared-3:

Omg, how can u wax every week? Go for paint protection coating. I wouldn't do tat for my S5:doh:

i find that waxing each week, adding layer upon layer, seems to be better than than 1 PPS every 3-6 months and washing in between - cheaper too.

you in the audi singapore club?

I send for PPS every 6 months, not to x, few hundreds for a re-coat...
Haha....Up to you to guess...:D :D :D

I was there for the preview of Ghost, but a bit too tao kay for me...Also wifey find e name scare e shit out of her...
Maybe will get a Maserati GTS after CNY....no intention to sell e S5...

wait for the aston rapide.

10 minutes is up!

Less-expensive new cars for all of you to consider:
5-series GT, new 5-series, RS5, 335is, new A8, facelifted S-class, facelifted S-class Coupe (formerly CL-class), new A7, new 3-series GT, new 6-series, new 6-series CS, new C-class Coupe, ..........

Panamera and Murcielago also in my choices.....damn, just couldn't make up my mind....:doh:

After all these years of hardwork guess it's time for me to award myself...:)

Panamera is cool but Murciélago ... I'm too humble to own ...

Panamera is really cool! I will probably wait for the humble entry-level 3.0-supercharged V6.

Only thing I dun like about open top is that I had started to bald..:doh: Sun and rain affect me :banghead:

any idea the next generation of C Class how will it look like ah? :o

prob like the E-Class, a honda from the tail end.

this current batch of merc designers should be fired

haha, but i think still look better than current beemers leh ...

Next-gen CLS is a nicer E-class?

Maybe they will have a CLE out of next C-class to fight Audi A5 Sportsback?

Panamera and Murcielago also in my choices.....damn, just couldn't make up my mind....:doh:

After all these years of hardwork guess it's time for me to award myself...:)

These are words of wisdom ... :spliff:

Panamera is cool but Murciélago ... I'm too humble to own ...

Panamera is really cool! I will probably wait for the humble entry-level 3.0-supercharged V6.

I also have the same thoughts!!! :cheers1:

Do you consider the Panamera as a value-for-money car?

So why pay more than double the money for a 612hp car when all the owner needs is a 216hp S260 (not even 231hp S300)?

I hope the day will come for me to understand the logic. ... but then ... I think this day is unlikely to come. Meanwhile, I will just continue to stress my 6 pistons to play catch up.

I was there for the preview of Ghost, but a bit too tao kay for me...Also wifey find e name scare e shit out of her...
Maybe will get a Maserati GTS after CNY....no intention to sell e S5...


Wonder whether the one sitting in the car above is Property_Owner? :p

28-01-10, 16:35
Wonder whether the one sitting in the car above is Property_Owner? :p

No la, already told u I had started to bald...That can't be me...:D :D :D

28-01-10, 17:10

I also have the same thoughts!!! :cheers1:

Do you consider the Panamera as a value-for-money car?

Seriously, I think Panamera is value-for-money.

But Panamera S, Panamera Turbo and Panamera Turbo S (if there is one) are out for me. (My head is too small for them!)

Panamera (i.e. the entry-level with a 3.0-supercharged V6) will be cool!

28-01-10, 22:38
Seriously, I think Panamera is value-for-money.

But Panamera S, Panamera Turbo and Panamera Turbo S (if there is one) are out for me. (My head is too small for them!)

Panamera (i.e. the entry-level with a 3.0-supercharged V6) will be cool!

Is this Panamera you mentioned (i.e. the entry-level with a 3.0-supercharged V6) selling here?

What's the price?

I visited the sgcarmart.com website and saw these prices from Stuttgart Auto:


S PDK (A) $421,888
4S PDK (A) $438,888
Turbo PDK (A) $535,888

Is this "entry level Panamera" one of the above?

Very expensive ... :scared-4: I don't think I want to spend more than $400k on one car. :(

28-01-10, 23:55
Is this Panamera you mentioned (i.e. the entry-level with a 3.0-supercharged V6) selling here?

What's the price?

I visited the sgcarmart.com website and saw these prices from Stuttgart Auto:


S PDK (A) $421,888
4S PDK (A) $438,888
Turbo PDK (A) $535,888

Is this "entry level Panamera" one of the above?

Very expensive ... :scared-4: I don't think I want to spend more than $400k on one car. :(
Panamera is not launched yet - only S (and 4S) and Turbo so far. Entry-level model is usually launched around a year later.

Panamera will use VWG (i.e. Audi/VW) 3.0-supercharged V6.

$422k for S is quite expensive leh. Looks like Panamera may not be around $300k.
Hopefully it will be. Otherwise, I may have to give up this idea. Too bad!

13-02-10, 08:40
Panamera is not launched yet - only S (and 4S) and Turbo so far. Entry-level model is usually launched around a year later.

Panamera will use VWG (i.e. Audi/VW) 3.0-supercharged V6.

$422k for S is quite expensive leh. Looks like Panamera may not be around $300k.
Hopefully it will be. Otherwise, I may have to give up this idea. Too bad!

Bad News

Business Times - 13 Feb 2010

The sporty alternative

Porsche's first limousine model seems more appealing the longer you look.

By Samuel Ee


The entry-level :scared-4: variant is the naturally aspirated Panamera S :scared-4: with rear-wheel-drive, followed by an all-wheel-drive alternative, the Panamera 4S. Going higher up the price scale, there is the top-of-the-line Panamera Turbo with a turbocharged V8 and all-wheel-drive.

Porsche Panamera S
Engine 4,806cc V8
Transmission 7-speed PDK double-clutch
Max power 400 hp @ 6,500 rpm
Max torque 500 Nm @ 3,500-5,000 rpm
0-100 kmh 5.4 secs
Top speed 283 kmh
Price from $421,000 :scared-4: (with COE)
Distributor Stuttgart Auto
Tel 6363-0911

Good News

TODAY Feb 13, 2010
Going for seconds

Audi and Porsche join the pre-owned :ashamed1: car market with new facilities

by Derryn Wong

Want to buy a Continental sports car straight from the official dealer with full after sales support and pay less? :ashamed1:

Audi and Porsche - through their official dealers Premium Automobiles and Auto Eurokars, respectively - certainly want you to. If you don't mind not being the first owner, that is. :ashamed1:

13-02-10, 09:23
Bad News

Business Times - 13 Feb 2010

The sporty alternative

Porsche's first limousine model seems more appealing the longer you look.

By Samuel Ee


The entry-level :scared-4: variant is the naturally aspirated Panamera S :scared-4: with rear-wheel-drive, followed by an all-wheel-drive alternative, the Panamera 4S. Going higher up the price scale, there is the top-of-the-line Panamera Turbo with a turbocharged V8 and all-wheel-drive.

Panamera S is the "lowest" model for now. Panamera, the entry-level model, will be launched about a year later. It will have the VWG's supercharged 3.0 V6.

21-02-10, 22:40
Panamera S is the "lowest" model for now. Panamera, the entry-level model, will be launched about a year later. It will have the VWG's supercharged 3.0 V6.
I was wrong.

Panamera will have an all-new-Porsche-designed 300hp 3.6 V6 instead of VWG supercharged 3.0 V6.

The Panamera and the Panamera 4 (i.e. AWD version) will debut on 23 April 2010 at the Beijing Motor Show.

01-03-10, 14:55
I was wrong.

Panamera will have an all-new-Porsche-designed 300hp 3.6 V6 instead of VWG supercharged 3.0 V6.

The Panamera and the Panamera 4 (i.e. AWD version) will debut on 23 April 2010 at the Beijing Motor Show.
By the way, in the UK, the Panamera (3.6 V6) costs about £400 cheaper than the BMW 740Li (3.0T I6) but £2,700 more than 740i.

The upcoming Panamera S Hybrid (full hybrid), however, may use the VWG's 333hp supercharged 3.0 V6 mated to a 47hp electric motor.

05-03-10, 09:03
$1.25M Lexus sold at speed of light
2 units for Singapore snapped up before price announcement
Samuel Ee
The Business Times
Friday, 5 March 2010

How fast can one sell the new $1.248 million Lexus LFA supercar - the first that Japan has ever produced? Probably as fast as the car itself. 2 units bound for Singapore were sold even before the price was confirmed.

In the spotlight: Sheathed in carbon fibre bodywork, the Lexus LFA can sprint from 0 to 100 kmh in 3.7 s and has a top speed of 325 kmh

Authorised Lexus distributor Borneo Motors Singapore said 2 long-time Lexus owners snapped up the limited edition sports car before the actual price was announced on Wednesday.

Before that, only a price indication had been given to prospective customers. William Choo, commercial director of Borneo's Lexus division, sent out official product catalogues before the Chinese New Year to 16 persons who had expressed interest in Japan's first bona fide supercar.

'After the Lunar New Year holidays, 2 came back to us with their deposits, even before we could give them the firm price,' said Mr Choo.
The two gentlemen who had each written a cheque for $80,000 are in their 60s, 'very successful businessmen but very unassuming'.

One has owned a string of Lexus LS flagship limousines, while the other has had multiple Lexus models. Both also currently have Ferraris and Porsches in their garages, said Mr Choo who declined to reveal more except to say both men run their own companies.

'They are very low profile and do not want to be identified,' he explained.
The Lexus LFA has a 560hp 4.8-litre V10 front mid-mounted engine powering the rear wheels through a 6-speed electro-hydraulic sequential transmission (aka 6-speed robotised manual or 6-speed automated manual).

Sheathed in carbon fibre bodywork, it can sprint from 0 to 100 kmh in 3.7 s and has a top speed of 325 km/h.

If that still isn't special enough, the car can be specified with the Nurburgring package that includes sports tuning and interior carbon fibre trim for $1.478 million.

Only 500 cars will be produced over a 2-year period. Mr Choo said that Singapore has been allocated only 2 units but hopes to be able to get a couple more. This is because there is strong interest from at least 2 more people but they are currently travelling.

He said: 'They had heard so much about the car that they flew up to Geneva for the motor show this week just to look at it.'

According to Mr Choo, Lexus is now collecting worldwide orders with production beginning only in December. He added that it is not yet known which market will be the first to get the car although delivery of the first Singapore unit is expected to be in Q1 next year.

The Lexus LFA sets the benchmark as the first true Japanese super sports car because of its over $1 million price tag.

It has entered a segment that is normally occupied by European manufacturers such as Ferrari and Lamborghini.

05-03-10, 09:05
No la, already told u I had started to bald...That can't be me...:D :D :D
Just curious.
Did you pass a cheque as a deposit to somebody in Borneo Motors during February?

06-03-10, 16:18
I guess my definition of rich is like my partner's aunt and uncle. I don't think i'll ever be even close to their fortune.

10 cars in their house for the 2 of them, a range of super ex to a simple odyssey so that the driver can send one of their maid to the market instead of using their super ex cars.
3 houses in the prime district, with one at 16,000+ sq ft locally, not including those they have bought in uk, australia, etc.

And these are the assets i know of, the others I have no idea.

09-03-10, 01:30
By the way, in the UK, the Panamera (3.6 V6) costs about £400 cheaper than the BMW 740Li (3.0T I6) but £2,700 more than 740i.

Then in that case this Panamera model (3.6 V6) should be priced around $300,000 in Singapore. :scared-4:


09-03-10, 01:46
the adrenaline rush u get while driving the car may bring back ur hair. life is so ironic, i got so much hair but no money to buy million dollar cars, but some people have no hair but lots of money to buy luxury cars....:D :D

No la, already told u I had started to bald...That can't be me...:D :D :D

09-03-10, 05:57
the adrenaline rush u get while driving the car may bring back ur hair. life is so ironic, i got so much hair but no money to buy million dollar cars, but some people have no hair but lots of money to buy luxury cars....:D :D

Probably he's reserving the cash to do hair implants? ;p

Just kidding property_owner.. :)

09-03-10, 10:01
the adrenaline rush u get while driving the car may bring back ur hair. life is so ironic, i got so much hair but no money to buy million dollar cars, but some people have no hair but lots of money to buy luxury cars....:D :D

i heard something similiar from an elderly, 'when i was young got sper* but no money, now got money but no sper*' :) ..direct hokkien translation...haha

09-03-10, 11:02
guys can produce sperm up till 80 i think, but the crucial thng is whether viagra even works on them at that age.
i heard something similiar from an elderly, 'when i was young got sper* but no money, now got money but no sper*' :) ..direct hokkien translation...haha