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New Reporter
24-09-21, 10:46
Indian prime minister Modi meets first Indian American VP Harris

September 24, 2021


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met US Vice-President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday, marking the first in-person meeting of Mr Modi and the highest-ranking Indian American in US history.

Ms Harris is the first woman and first black and south Asian vice-president.

Mr Modi congratulated Ms Harris on her historic position and invited her to return the visit.

"The people of India are waiting to welcome you," he said.

In November, residents of Ms Harris' ancestral village, Thulasendrapuram, in India's south, lit fireworks and marched in the street following news of her win.

Mr Modi's three-day trip ends on Friday, when he will meet President Joe Biden for the first time.

The meeting comes as the Taliban establishes its new governing structure in Afghanistan, weeks after seizing power of the country. Earlier this month, a spokesperson for the group told the BBC that it intends to "raise its voice for Muslims" in Indian-administered Kashmir.

India and Pakistan control different parts of the Muslim-majority territory, but both claim it as wholly theirs.

During the 2019 campaign, Ms Harris condemned Mr Modi's actions in Kashmir revoking part of the region's autonomy - one of the few candidates to do so.

Mr Modi will also attend the so-called "Quad" summit with Mr Biden and leaders of Australia and Japan on Friday - part of a White House effort to boost cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

New Reporter
24-09-21, 11:03
Kamala Harris presses India's Modi gently on human rights in historic meeting

Noah Bierman

September 23, 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris invoked her familial ties to India as she gently pressed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on human rights during a history-making meeting Thursday between America's first vice president of Indian descent and the leader of a country that has become an increasingly close ally.

Harris, during public remarks at her ceremonial office before the closed-door session, told Modi that as democracies around the world are under threat “it is imperative that we defend democratic principles and institutions within our respective countries."

“I know from personal experience and from my family of the commitment of the Indian people to democracy," she said, "and the work that needs to be done [so that] we can begin to imagine, and then actually achieve, our vision for democratic principles and institutions.”

The remarks marked a subtle change from the Trump administration's unquestioned fidelity to the populist Modi, who has presided over an increase in religious polarization in his country, with more laws targeting religious minorities, including its large Muslim population, as well as attacks on non-Hindus.

Despite the mild pressure, the two leaders shared warm words, including praise from Harris for India's role in producing COVID-19 vaccines for the world. Modi thanked Harris for offering a “sense of kinship” in a phone call during his country's deadly coronavirus surge this spring.

He invited Harris to visit his country, telling her that Indians "are waiting to welcome you" and calling her “the source of inspiration for so many people across the world.” Harris, who visited Southeast Asia last month, did not immediately commit to a trip.

The public discussion of about 15 minutes attracted more attention, including a large press contingent from India, than typical meetings between heads of state and vice presidents. Harris' mother was born in India, and Indian Americans are one of the fastest growing groups in the United States, with a population of more than 4 million.

Modi did not speak publicly about his desire to increase U.S. work visas for Indians, but it is part of his agenda. Harris and Modi also talked about their goals to combat COVID-19 and climate change, and to strengthen the strategic alliance.

India has become a closer ally in recent years as American presidents from both parties have recognized the country's strategic importance in countering China's growing military and financial power.

Modi is scheduled to meet with President Biden on Friday and then separately again with Harris and Biden in meetings of the so-called Quad, which also includes Japan and Australia.
