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New Reporter
23-09-21, 13:44
European business group points to ‘troubling signs’ of China turning inwards

Self-reliance strategy, rising nationalism and focus on national security are a challenge for EU companies, chamber of commerce says

It also warns growth could be sacrificed in move towards tighter political control and calls for more conciliatory approach to diplomacy

Wendy Wu in Beijing

23 Sep, 2021

China’s inward-looking economic strategy has put European firms in a more challenging position and it could also hit the country’s growth, an EU business group warned on Thursday.

It said Beijing’s goal of self-reliance, rising nationalism and more focus on national security had left European companies “between a rock and a hard place” in terms of their operations in the country.

In its annual position paper, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China also called on Beijing to reinvigorate its reform and opening up that began in 1978 and to take a more conciliatory approach to diplomacy to improve soft power.

“China has a DNA of trying to stay independent as far as possible from other countries. The big question is to what degree it is willing to pay for it,” chamber president Joerg Wuttke said.

Although the outlook for European firms doing business in the country was positive overall, the paper said there were “troubling signs that China is increasingly turning inwards, as can be seen in the 14th five-year plan [for economic and social development], and this tendency is casting considerable doubts over the country’s future growth trajectory”.

Wuttke urged Beijing to “keep embracing globalisation”. “We hope that the national security [and] self-reliance will not impact innovation, but we see a receding diversity,” he added.

In the paper, the chamber noted that pursuing technological self-sufficiency was “a calculated risk” and could lead to a lack of diversity at home.

It also warned growth potential could be sacrificed in the move towards tighter political control.

“Privately owned enterprises are increasingly being pushed to align with China’s political objectives, which further constrain innovation and growth,” the paper said.

It also touched on the setting of industry standards, saying this “has become a key battleground in the fight for supremacy in emerging technologies and will have an increasing impact on global geopolitical development”.

China is expected to release a road map later this year for its plan to set the global standards for new technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence and smart manufacturing.

Meanwhile, the chamber said a declining number of foreign professionals working in China could hurt Beijing’s ambition to become an innovation powerhouse, noting that in 2020 there were more foreigners in Luxembourg than in Shanghai and Beijing combined.

“Reducing international engagement will necessitate a steady flow of domestic subsidies and the maintenance of tariffs. The corresponding decrease in market competition will also dent China’s ambition to become a leader in high-technology sectors and compromise its 2060 carbon neutrality goals, while resulting in a less dynamic and innovative market overall,” the paper said.

The European business group also urged Chinese diplomats to pull back from an assertive and combative style seen in recent years to avoid becoming further isolated from the rest of the world.

It comes amid strained relations between Beijing and Brussels, including over China’s alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang – an issue that has led to an exchange of sanctions and a bilateral investment deal being put on hold.

“Growing diplomatic tensions between China and the rest of the world have already had a negative impact on its companies going overseas,” the paper said, pointing to falling investment by Chinese internet companies in India because of their border dispute.

Another challenge was rising nationalism in China, with companies being held hostage to situations that were difficult to control, the chamber said, citing a consumer boycott of H&M and other international brands over the Xinjiang issue.

“European companies have no interest in politics, yet are increasingly having to respond to issues that result directly from the business environment becoming more politicised,” the paper said.

“China appears to be more concerned that it may lose credibility if its current rhetoric is de-escalated. Yet the opposite holds true: by making room for constructive discussions, China’s diplomats would be able to take a firmer stance on issues of genuine national concern,” it said.

New Reporter
23-09-21, 15:07
European business group calls for China to end self-reliance strategy

September 23, 2021

BEIJING (Reuters) - China should abandon a top-level strategy promoted by President Xi Jinping to increase self-reliance, or risk harming innovation and growth prospects, said a European business group on Thursday.

"There are troubling signs that China is increasingly turning inwards ... and this tendency is casting considerable doubts over the country's future growth trajectory," the report from the European Chamber of Commerce said.

A desire for political control and a "fear of volatility" are to blame, Chamber president Joerg Wuttke said at a briefing.

China has been trying to cut its dependence on overseas markets and technology in its long-term development, a shift brought on by a deepening rift with the United States, in a so-called "dual-circulation" strategy.

Continuing policy support for state-owned companies, the "unsettling" influence of national security concerns on economic policy and efforts to increase control over the private sector, will drag on innovation and efficiency, said the report.

"Although the costs of such an approach may not be felt for several years, they are considerable and should not be overlooked."

Dual circulation will require China to "deviate from the spirit" of the 1970s reforms that opened up the country's economy and spurred decades of rapid growth, it said, resulting in less foreign investment, misallocation of resources and growing push-back abroad.

"China runs the risk of punching below its weight," said Wuttke.


China's policymakers have stressed the country will continue to open up and welcomes foreign firms.

While some foreign companies, such as those in the chemicals sector, which have technology China needs, are encouraged, others are not, the Chamber report said.

Some foreign suppliers of network equipment and services have told the Chamber that "market exit is inevitable" due to increased scrutiny on the grounds of national security. Suppliers of health equipment, for example, are sometimes unable to sell as hospitals try to "buy Chinese", said Wuttke.

The report also urged China to de-escalate tit-for-tat sanctions against Europeans that are holding back the ratification of a key investment agreement with the European Union.

The bloc had imposed sanctions on Chinese officials over alleged human rights abuses in the western region of Xinjiang, to which Beijing responded with its own sanctions on Europeans including European lawmakers.

The bloc's executive arm, the European Commission, unveiled plans in May to cut dependency on Chinese and other foreign suppliers in six strategic areas.

Foreign companies contribute to significant chunks of China's tax revenue, trade and employment, said Wuttke, and in turn China remains a key market for European companies which helped prop up operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In many cases...the China operations are the ones that stabilize headquarters and basically bring business to the group," he said.