View Full Version : I want Big unit in Mature Estate pay BTO price, can wait long long.

13-02-20, 08:07
If you feel hurt and angry you are normal because the truth always hurts and makes people angry.

Future Flat Sizes HDB BTO in Central Places Maybe Smaller


If we go by the recent HDB Built-to-Order trend, it might be the case that future central BTO will be smaller in sizes.

I observed that the latest HDB build to order sales launch was out and it seems rather peculiar that there were no launches in matured estate that is bigger than 4-room.

The biggest size flats for Toa Payoh Ridge and Kim Keat Ripples is 4-room. The sizing of the flats is deliberate and HDB should be under no constraint in their sizing.

Here are some of the past year launches:

My eyes were not playing games with me. But if you were to be strict about it, HDB is still releasing 5 RM HDB flats for a matured estate like Tampines.

A possible explanation is that they are starting to rationalize the supply of the new flats in these areas that are more central, and more in demand.

This would cause some frustration for newlywed young couples. For a long while, my friends prefer to stay in 4 RM or 5 RM HDB. They even lament that 4 RM is too small.

I always think that the sweet spot between affordability, cleaning, enough space, government subsidies is the 4 RM HDB.

Yet, when I spoke to Heartland Boy recently, you realize that there are some nuances that you will struggle to accomplish with a 3-RM flat. Heartland Boy stayed in a BTO similar to the new BTO above and has one daughter.

If you wish to create a better long term sleeping practice for another child, perhaps having only 2 rooms will not be very conducive.

I do get a feeling that there might be a push to rationalize affordability in these central estates.

I was initially thinking the government is saying: “If you want a bigger, yet central flat, go for those older ones. I have already given you the grants to make it more affordable. The leases are shorter but it will fit your needs.”

In matured estates, there should be ample supply of existing 3 RM and 4 RM HDB.

If this trend continues, it may be bad news for some couples. I know of folks who cannot stand living in a place that was inhibited by someone previously. It is damn weird but if that is the case, you would either

get a new BTO further
get a new Condo instead
You got to pay a higher cost.
