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12-06-08, 17:31
June 12, 2008
Straits Times Online Forum
En bloc blues? There's hope, says support group

WE REFER to the report, 'En bloc sales bring out the worst in Singaporeans' (June 1) by Ms Jessica Cheam.

We are a group of concerned friends who love Singapore and the estates in which we live. While we welcome progress, we also cherish the old and familiar.

Our cityscape has improved enormously in the past decades, thanks to the vision of Singaporeans and its leaders.

But for our communities to forge together in good-neighbourliness, roots to grow deeper and future generations to see Singapore as home, we need to preserve our homes. We need to retain the kampung spirit that binds us.

The recent spate of attempts in en bloc sales have impacted us in a way that is counter-productive to our nesting instincts and identity as a gracious society.

We need to stop perpetuating these negative experiences. We want to be free from the constant worry of losing our homes to those who see them as mere financial tools for increasing wealth.

In this spirit of proud home ownership and community living, we have formed an online community called Hope for Stayers (www.hope4stayers.com (http://www.hope4stayers.com)) where we share our experiences and educate others on the whole process of an en bloc sale.

As 'stayers', we hope that we can contribute to the ethos and values needed to enable Singapore to evolve into a truly first-class progressive nation, where the term 'prosperity' reflects more than dollars and cents.

Lastly, we agree with Ms Cheam's view that it would be prudent to consider a requirement for an 80 or 90 per cent quorum for an extraordinary general meeting to decide whether to push for en bloc sale. This is consistent with the current 80 or 90 per cent requirement for an en bloc sale to succeed.

This would establish whether an estate has such support from the very outset. The current system of 30 per cent quorum encourages a possible abuse of MCST funds in repeated and wasteful attempts at the en bloc 'lottery' and results in the depletion of funds meant primarily to maintain the estate.

We also hope that the entire en bloc sale process is tightened in such a way that it reflects and acknowledges the need for fair play and the deep-rooted sentiment that we have for our homes.

Dai Qiujin

(This letter carries 12 other names)

Isaac Tan
13-06-08, 10:41
Much as I love my 30 over year old condo estate, the location and sheer greenery, I can't deny the reality;

1. choked pipes(laundry, sewerage)
Just had my choked laundry pipes fixed. Would u believe the estate maintenance told me the laundry pipes are linked to the toilet pipes and surface outside the unit? In extreme cases, sewerage has emerged from these pipes and flooded the units. The old condos are built in such a weird way where the pipes are interlinked and the people who designed these condos are probably dead or suffering from dementia. How to unearth the pipes without tearing up the whole place? The sewerage is creeping up the pipes!!

2. spalling ceilings

3. old lifts that dont stop at every level and cost millions to change

4.etc.. etc.. etc...

We need new enbloc strategy. I'm dreaming here. Is it possible to redevelop the estate ourselves, maybe with some big bank's help and get a new unit in exchange? The extra units can then be sold and profits shared ? I see BIG problems as there are 600 over units!!
SSerious discussion please, hackers and porn stars pl keep out!! Thank you.


13-06-08, 14:34
To self-redevelope our estate is not new to me. It is indeed a wonderful idea and to some extend practical approach. I have been advocating it among our estate stayers, but in vain. It is indeed doable if we can get help from an experienced architect to draw a plan with some financial figures to convince others -mainly the pro-enblocers. If the numbers are feasible, I think banker, developer or construction company would be willing to hear it out and consider the joint venture. But firstly, majority of estate owners should be convinced.

Most pro-enblocers want is cash. If the self-redevelopment plan could provide additional cash and at the same time keep their homes with up-grading facilities, I think it would work.

You see, under the present rules, the MC and SC are almost run by the same group of people who engineer the enbloc move and very often using the proxies to put thru EOGM for enbloc agenda. Unless we change the present rules to separate the MC and SC and also require 80% of the owners to agree to hold an EOGM for enloc agenda, there will be an uphill task to get the MC to include this self-redevelopement plan into agenda of AGM or EGM.

We should first appeal to the authorities to have a closer look of the present enbloc rules and made appropriate amendments. Do we have such an unoffical group to make presentation to the authorities?

14-06-08, 15:54
It is a very good idea to self develop the land. Owners can pool together, work out the plot ratios, sell the extra units, where profits can be channelled back to the re-building. Can build to any shape and size to fit practical needs.

It would actually be very good if banks can extend loans to current owners to allow for upgrading. Those who do not wish to stay on, can sell units in the open market for a good price, less hassles & heartaches of en bloc.

14-06-08, 15:56
We should first appeal to the authorities to have a closer look of the present enbloc rules and made appropriate amendments. Do we have such an unoffical group to make presentation to the authorities?

Try this group - hope4stayers.com