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View Full Version : SURVEY: Buying Properties Online

11-05-16, 15:58
Hi everyone, I'm representing a group of students making an app buying properties online. We noticed that here is a trend of agents posting multiple listings or making false advertisement and we want to confirm this. Your response can help improve the experience of buying properties online in the future! Here's the link!


Thanks for completing the survey!

11-05-16, 19:26
Doned, One suggestion, go for the RES course before doing the apps. If got no time PM me I give you the course slides.


proud owner
11-05-16, 20:22
As far as CEA regulations are concerned, agents are not allowed to post adverts without the owner's consent.

hence Fake adverts are not allowed and not likely.

Where do you get such rumors?

There are units that are being advertised by MANY agents, that is because the owner Kiasu, and engages as many agents as possible ...

proud owner
11-05-16, 20:24
Since you are MAking an APP ... which means you will make a lot of money selling this App...

so why not PAY the agent for all the info you need ?

if we give you free info and you eventually get paid for OUR info ... not fair right ???

share share leh ...

11-05-16, 22:47
Don't worry I provide free info, if I cannot provide I can get an agent to provide all the info for free and also how to get them to give you the free info.

Love to give free info to the student.

proud owner
11-05-16, 23:17
Don't worry I provide free info, if I cannot provide I can get an agent to provide all the info for free and also how to get them to give you the free info.

Love to give free info to the student.

Poor agent ....

"forced' to give free info, to someone else to do an APP that will eventually kill his livelihood ....

so evil .... morally wrong .... LOL

12-05-16, 07:35
Agent Pay CEA to watch them. Two side of a coin, depend on which side you look at. You don't get the type of listing in oversea market only in Singapore you get multiple listing for one unit.

proud owner
12-05-16, 20:35
Agent Pay CEA to watch them. Two side of a coin, depend on which side you look at. You don't get the type of listing in oversea market only in Singapore you get multiple listing for one unit.

Precisely, many Landlords/Owners very kiasu ... they literally open up to every single agents they know to help advertise their units...

In NYC(and rest of USA), no one property is being marketed by more than 1 agent, at any one time..

12-05-16, 20:38
That is the reason I want to help the student, hope they can come up with something.

proud owner
12-05-16, 23:56
That is the reason I want to help the student, hope they can come up with something.

The issue with multiple /duplicate advertisement of the same property lies with the SELLER / Landlord, not the agents.
They are genuine ads, of the same unit, by different agents. These agents cannot advertise unless they have approval from the owners, a point regulated by CEA.

Thread starter seems to assume that such multiple listings are FAKE. This assumption is wrong.

So they are trying to start an APP where their starting point is flawed.

Also, Thread starter only mentioned to BUY online...so who is selling ?
who will put up properties for sale on this APP ? Agents (representing seller)? Seller themselves ?

So vague.

But why only you and I posting ?

thread started no sound no picture lol