View Full Version : Simei Green Spitting saga

proud owner
07-05-15, 18:14
saw the videos ...

those 2 women really cried rape .....

they started the F word and turned around accused the man of sexual harassment ?

one said she has lived in SG 20 yrs... you can take her out of CHINA but you cannot take the CHINA out of her ...

reports said 1 of them is a property agent ?

any simei Green residents here with more juicy stories ?

i hope we evict the 2 women ... the behaviour is a shame to the female gender

07-05-15, 18:31
Not to side any parties but coming from a neutral point of view - somewhere near the beginning in one of the videos one of the ladies did say "I dun wan to be served by u" or something like that along that line to the man. Perhaps there is a prologue that we r not aware of? Maybe perhaps he really did sexual harassesed or teased her/them previously? Jus that it's not captured on video? Jus IMHO.

proud owner
07-05-15, 18:42
if there was previous issues of 'harassment' .. 1 video showed her shaft herself into the office ... stopping him from closing the table top ...

as far as i know ... residents or owners are not allowed to cross that work space ...

she pushed her way thru ,,,

if she has been sexually harassed ...she should not have used her own body to push her way in ...right ?

very scary ...

last time a time spit at a woman at a bus terminal he was arrested ...

i hope these 2 get arrested too ..

to be fair ... our laws quite biased also ....

07-05-15, 19:16
Lol. True... But u never hear of this phrase meh - 以进为退. Hahahahaha. Jus kidding. :D

In the woodlands interchange spitting case, the woman jus stood there while the man spit. Hence the woman was the victim and the man was charged. In this simei green spitting case, the woman spit at the man and he hit back. So how to charge now? Charge both of them? Dun think can use self defense as argument leh. Cos self defense shld be measured and proportionate. Hence if really self defense, then should spit back. Then we can get to see a spitting war. Then see who give and land the first punch first. Then fight round 1 to round 12. Should be more exciting than Floyd vs Manny. Anyway, I'm digressing here... :)

08-05-15, 10:59
Lol. True... But u never hear of this phrase meh - 以进为退. Hahahahaha. Jus kidding. :D

In the woodlands interchange spitting case, the woman jus stood there while the man spit. Hence the woman was the victim and the man was charged. In this simei green spitting case, the woman spit at the man and he hit back. So how to charge now? Charge both of them? Dun think can use self defense as argument leh. Cos self defense shld be measured and proportionate. Hence if really self defense, then should spit back. Then we can get to see a spitting war. Then see who give and land the first punch first. Then fight round 1 to round 12. Should be more exciting than Floyd vs Manny. Anyway, I'm digressing here... :)

The Woodlands interchange incident was in public area so is there a difference that the latest spitting case was in the management office of a condo which is considered private property? It is also not between neighbours but a contractor employed by the council and the women (as reported) were tenants only.

If it happened in your condo, how? Would you have allowed it to escalate to such a stage in the first place? If you are the managing council, would you sit back and do nothing since police already investigating?

How about the staff directly involved and the managing agent's company, transfer the staff to another location or just disinfect the office and build a glass panel so that any management staff behind the counter are better protected from liquids and water being thrown?

proud owner
08-05-15, 14:13
if i were in the council or MA, i would contact the landlord and propose that the tenants be removed.

MCST/council has the responsibilities to ensure that the estate be maintained and improved so that it maintains or enhances the value of the condo ..

such kumpung behaviours of tenants cannot be tolerated.

IN USA, especially the coop condos, council has the power to accept / reject tenants/buyers.

as such , they uphold the standard of these condos, ensuring that they decent owners/ tenants, and no nuisance or gangsters

08-05-15, 16:13
if i were in the council or MA, i would contact the landlord and propose that the tenants be removed.

MCST/council has the responsibilities to ensure that the estate be maintained and improved so that it maintains or enhances the value of the condo ..

such kumpung behaviours of tenants cannot be tolerated.

IN USA, especially the coop condos, council has the power to accept / reject tenants/buyers.

as such , they uphold the standard of these condos, ensuring that they decent owners/ tenants, and no nuisance or gangsters

1. You can propose but landlord/owner may be bounded by contract. So if 2 year contract signed and this occurred in the 3rd month, still have 21 months to go. Is it normal to state the conditions a tenant will be evicted and deposit forfeited?

Try on the 2 women, another video will come up of the landlord being spat by the women.

2. On paper, council has responsibility... but in reality, many in the council are in for their selfish reasons and to safeguard their own interests. It is most times a thankless appointment and hence subject to abuse. So long as residents keep to themselves and do not contribute, a council may only try to maintain the condition and not waste money on 'enhancements'

3. Cannot compare USA and Singapore. Singapore's laws do not give council the power to choose tenants. Tenants/buyers can also turn bad later. You mean when a lease/sales contract is being signed, must have face to face interview with council member first? Can you tell if a person is a gangster from a picture or interview? Not practical at all.

10-05-15, 02:19
Just in case u guys are not aware of, the so-called victim that was spat at is no angel himself! Many of his ex.colleagues were applauding after watching the video clips,saying he deserved it n it's karma for him.
Definitely there are more stories behind to this saga.He must have done something really unpleasant to infuriate the 2 PRCs.

10-05-15, 11:53
Yes you are right on that.

BUT MCST has no power to determine who are the residents, and they have no power to deal with the behaviour of the residents in the estate or eject them. Furthermore, they are volunteers, and there is a limit of what they can do other than maintaining the estate. In any estate, it is actually the problematic residents that are the source of problems, not maintaining the estate (which can be easily done as long as the MCST has lots of money in maintenance fund to spend on maintenance and upgrade).

Is it any wonder that I emphasize on buying private properties in good estate (to minimize the chance of being neighbour to such unruly behaviour residents)? ;)

if i were in the council or MA, i would contact the landlord and propose that the tenants be removed.

MCST/council has the responsibilities to ensure that the estate be maintained and improved so that it maintains or enhances the value of the condo ..

such kumpung behaviours of tenants cannot be tolerated.

IN USA, especially the coop condos, council has the power to accept / reject tenants/buyers.

as such , they uphold the standard of these condos, ensuring that they decent owners/ tenants, and no nuisance or gangsters

10-05-15, 15:13
Just in case u guys are not aware of, the so-called victim that was spat at is no angel himself! Many of his ex.colleagues were applauding after watching the video clips,saying he deserved it n it's karma for him.
Definitely there are more stories behind to this saga.He must have done something really unpleasant to infuriate the 2 PRCs.

Ex-colleagues may happy but could the ex-colleagues be nasty too? Whatever the past, the 2 women were out of Singapore societal line and norms?

bargain hunter
11-05-15, 08:49
the guy also delieberately set the 2 women up by putting the cam there and antagonising them. clearly, he is no saint either, as pointed out by bro fiat500. but yes, they used the F word first, then tried to frame the guy. they are also very aggressive and do not respect the police uniform either. the policeman seemed like a newbie nsf? think he was rather stunned and was reduced to a customer service officer rather than quote some laws to put her in her place.

saw the videos ...

those 2 women really cried rape .....

they started the F word and turned around accused the man of sexual harassment ?

one said she has lived in SG 20 yrs... you can take her out of CHINA but you cannot take the CHINA out of her ...

reports said 1 of them is a property agent ?

any simei Green residents here with more juicy stories ?

i hope we evict the 2 women ... the behaviour is a shame to the female gender

11-05-15, 10:24
the guy also delieberately set the 2 women up by putting the cam there and antagonising them. clearly, he is no saint either, as pointed out by bro fiat500. but yes, they used the F word first, then tried to frame the guy. they are also very aggressive and do not respect the police uniform either. the policeman seemed like a newbie nsf? think he was rather stunned and was reduced to a customer service officer rather than quote some laws to put her in her place.

Curious that placing the camera is viewed by some as 'setting the 2 women up'.

Till now, there is no material supporting any claim that the behaviour of the man warranted such a response from the women.

Hope that there is a follow-up report after police have completed their investigations and instructions from their higher ups have been given.

bargain hunter
11-05-15, 10:46
but clearly, there's some history between them and the man had already strategically placed the camera there in anticipation of another confrontation.

Curious that placing the camera is viewed by some as 'setting the 2 women up'.

Till now, there is no material supporting any claim that the behaviour of the man warranted such a response from the women.

Hope that there is a follow-up report after police have completed their investigations and instructions from their higher ups have been given.

11-05-15, 13:51
but clearly, there's some history between them and the man had already strategically placed the camera there in anticipation of another confrontation.

Agree, but not many can see "through" like you do, most will just follow whatever comments against the behavior of the women, and he has achieved what he wanted.

proud owner
11-05-15, 18:11
in the "service' industry very often 'customers' are always right ...

hence placing a cam is for self protection

similarly in car cam ... heard nowadays ... police depend alot of car cam ... its Your words against mine kind of situation ... the cam is good .. to deal with people who takes the law into their own hands and in this instance ... how they twisted the situation around accusing the man of wanting to FK them hahah

lay naked and sprawl on the floor i always wont take a second look ...

beauty is skin deep

ugliness goes right into the bones ...

11-05-15, 18:21
Precisely. The cam was placed to have a record of the events to avoid debate on 'You Say I Say'. Police started to have Body Cams that is controlled so that the video cannot be edited and footage can be used as evidence.

Put yourself in the man's shoes on that day and moment. If you got spat at several times and the women, 2 PRC women who will become witness for each other, report harassment or molest to the police, what would the man have to defend himself against the 2 PRCs?

At least now with the videos, other men dealing with them will be aware and more careful of them.

We all hope not to meet with accidents or such incidents. Car and body cams are additional aids to help us. Just like air bags.

proud owner
11-05-15, 18:34
precisely, especially in singapore, Cry rape or not, man will be arrested first ... and damn hard to prove his innocence...

a friend was in a pub once with a group of friends, men and women.

a girl alone at the next table joined them to play some games ... loser drinks etc ...

she lost many times but refused to drink .. so my friend said to her " You dont play lah ...

she got upset ... went to the bouncer and accused my friend of molesting her ...

despite having all his friends with him who can testify, the bouncer told him to leave "for his own good'
cos if she called police, he will be arrested and spend the night in cell...

this is singapore

bargain hunter
11-05-15, 20:11
bros, i fully understand that cam is very useful and good for protection.

but in this case, even though i feel that the 2 women are very much in the wrong, u can see from the mannerism in which he talks, its like i've got u on cam now. so i try my best to bring out your ugliest side.

check out the other video in which the 2 women r bashing the police, if i'm not mistaken, he's the one whistling away in the background?

11-05-15, 20:37
Hard to link his whistling to this incident if there is no admission. He can say that he is whistling at other matters separate from this issue. No one can prove true or false regardless he admits or denies.

Let's also not forget the person holding the video cam. Dun know which side he/she is on and what's his/her agenda.

From what I can tell, there is no innocent party here. Jus a matter of whose words and actions are recorded as evidence or not. Let's leave it to the police to do their jobs. Unless we are witnesses, else whatever discussed here are speculations only. :)

bargain hunter
11-05-15, 21:02
i'm not accusing him of anything. i was just speculating (as u said), that he is no saint himself.

don't get me wrong, i m all FOR the arrest of these 2 women. they dun respect the law. :tennis:

Hard to link his whistling to this incident if there is no admission. He can say that he is whistling at other matters separate from this issue. No one can prove true or false regardless he admits or denies.

Let's also not forget the person holding the video cam. Dun know which side he/she is on and what's his/her agenda.

From what I can tell, there is no innocent party here. Jus a matter of whose words and actions are recorded as evidence or not. Let's leave it to the police to do their jobs. Unless we are witnesses, else whatever discussed here are speculations only. :)

proud owner
11-05-15, 21:41
if i am not wrong .. all managing agent has male and female staffs ...

i believe in the video where the spitting started, there is a female voice in the back ground ..sounded like someone behind the camera ...

also .. i wonder who was the guy in Blue Tee ...couldnt see his face but he kind of shouted , STOP the camera ...

according to report ...he came with the 2 PRC

11-05-15, 21:48
Read from somewhere that one of the 2 prc ladies works for mbs though mbs denied that she is one of their staff. Will be interesting to know where they work and more details on the blue tee guy. Just a gossip monger at work here. :)

proud owner
11-05-15, 21:57
report said one of the PRC is a property agent ...

11-05-15, 22:07


12-05-15, 05:45
bros, i fully understand that cam is very useful and good for protection.

but in this case, even though i feel that the 2 women are very much in the wrong, u can see from the mannerism in which he talks, its like i've got u on cam now. so i try my best to bring out your ugliest side.

check out the other video in which the 2 women r bashing the police, if i'm not mistaken, he's the one whistling away in the background?

The 'whistling' is from the hand phone. Believe it's an incoming message tone of a Samsung phone.

I dun think his intention of the video was to 'bring out the best' but rather to defend himself against false accusations which on hindsight was the wise move. The way he talked probably stem from his reaction against the aggressiveness and complete lack of respect of these 2 women for a fellow human being. Imagine she insulted him as just a door keeper. And spitting? What kind of human spit....and at other human beings? And from the way the 2 women treat our law enforcer, complete lack of respect for law and authority. Regardless what the police should have done....

12-05-15, 08:12
Strange that case of Amos Yee being slapped closed so fast but this case still no news/updates.

I believe the man in white knew they would be difficult and he did not want his staff to get involved as the other staff did not know Mandarin.

Singapore Law hardly bothers about past/character/politeness, etc. especially if there is no previous convictions. The inspecting officer would be tasked to furnish the incident report to AGC for them to decide if further action should be taken to send the message to the community.

Any case brought to the courts will be a reference case for future.

proud owner
12-05-15, 20:39
The 'whistling' is from the hand phone. Believe it's an incoming message tone of a Samsung phone.

I dun think his intention of the video was to 'bring out the best' but rather to defend himself against false accusations which on hindsight was the wise move. The way he talked probably stem from his reaction against the aggressiveness and complete lack of respect of these 2 women for a fellow human being. Imagine she insulted him as just a door keeper. And spitting? What kind of human spit....and at other human beings? And from the way the 2 women treat our law enforcer, complete lack of respect for law and authority. Regardless what the police should have done....

the man can sue them for attempt to spread disease thru splitting ...

MOH ...should comment on this ...

bargain hunter
15-05-15, 14:20
Woman in viral video charged with hurting and using criminal force on condo manager
PUBLISHED ON MAY 15, 2015 12:48 PM 6356 162 0 0

A woman was charged in court on Friday with assaulting a condominium manager, spitting and splashing liquid from a drink can at him. -- PHOTO: ST GRAPHICS


SINGAPORE - A woman was charged in court on Friday with assaulting a condominium manager, spitting and splashing liquid from a drink can at him.

Tang Lei, 47, a Chinese national, also allegedly hit Mr Colvin Quek Choon Kiat, 67, on his face and arms, causing bruises and abrasions over his forehead, at the Simei Green condominium management office at about 11.40am on April 28.

She was then with her sister, who has not been charged.

The incidents were recorded on video, posted online and went viral.

The women apparently had an argument with the condo manager over access cards.

Tang's lawyer Christopher Ravijit Singh Gill said he had just been briefed.

She is out on $10,000 bail and her passport has been impounded.

A pre-trial conference is scheduled for June 10.

If convicted of causing hurt, she faces a jail term of up to two years and/or a fine of up to $5,000.

The penalty for using criminal force is three months' jail and/or a fine of up to $1,500 per charge.

- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/courts-crime/story/woman-charged-hurting-and-using-criminal-force-condo-manager-20150#sthash.kDc0PzSd.dpuf

15-05-15, 14:30
PR or citizen?

bargain hunter
15-05-15, 15:38
Tang Lei, 47, a Chinese national

PR or foreigner u mean?

PR or citizen?

15-05-15, 15:52
Demon possession always make the victim to spit. Excorcist movie is one the the example.

15-05-15, 16:08
Tang Lei, 47, a Chinese national

PR or foreigner u mean?

Oh. Jus wondering if she is a Singapore PR or if she is a new citizen. Cos if not wrong, if she is sentenced to serve beyond a certain length of jail term, her PR will be revoked. But if new citizen, then she will still be here after her sentence.

15-05-15, 16:12
Demon possession always make the victim to spit. Excorcist movie is one the the example.

Exocist movie is constant continuous vomit right, not only spit right?

15-05-15, 16:15
Demon possession always make the victim to spit. Excorcist movie is one the the example.

Wah such an intelligent statement, so does that mean she can mitigate her case by claiming demonic possession? :highly_amused:

15-05-15, 17:17
Wah such an intelligent statement, so does that mean she can mitigate her case by claiming demonic possession? :highly_amused:

demon possession or split personality are quite identical. People who use different user name to post forum usually suffers from split personality or multiple disorder. People who spit with anger usually possessed by a earthbound spirit or under the control of an entity.

15-05-15, 17:22
demon possession or split personality are quite identical. People who use different user name to post forum usually suffers from split personality or multiple disorder. People who spit with anger usually possessed by a earthbound spirit or under the control of an entity.

Talk cock again, who are you referring to ah?

15-05-15, 20:57
Talk cock again, who are you referring to ah?

He is down and out, Your long lost idol.

16-05-15, 09:54
The 'whistling' is from the hand phone. Believe it's an incoming message tone of a Samsung phone.

I dun think his intention of the video was to 'bring out the best' but rather to defend himself against false accusations which on hindsight was the wise move. The way he talked probably stem from his reaction against the aggressiveness and complete lack of respect of these 2 women for a fellow human being. Imagine she insulted him as just a door keeper. And spitting? What kind of human spit....and at other human beings? And from the way the 2 women treat our law enforcer, complete lack of respect for law and authority. Regardless what the police should have done....

I'm not against any PRC but some PRC are really very arrogant. I was looking for a page (someone posted on the facebook) where I saw about a week ago about a PRC lady writing a comment about our Siingaporeans, maybe it had already been removed. it is something like that (not in sequence):-

The way she wrote is so arrogant, if she doesn't like it, why come to Singapore?????

AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.

16-05-15, 10:04
Such people are in every country. Won't be surprised if some Singaporeans think that way too.

Hopefully they are minority rather than majority.

I'm not against any PRC but some PRC are really very arrogant. I was looking for a page (someone posted on the facebook) where I saw about a week ago about a PRC lady writing a comment about our Siingaporeans, maybe it had already been removed. it is something like that (not in sequence):-

The way she wrote is so arrogant, if she doesn't like it, why come to Singapore?????

AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.

16-05-15, 10:08
AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.

There are those in this forum who think HDB address means less affluent and private address means rich. CCR FH rich and OCR LH means poor etc.

The same criticism of that kind of thinking is relevant here. Statistically and as population likely to be true but individually hard to say.

16-05-15, 13:48
I'm not against any PRC but some PRC are really very arrogant. I was looking for a page (someone posted on the facebook) where I saw about a week ago about a PRC lady writing a comment about our Siingaporeans, maybe it had already been removed. it is something like that (not in sequence):-

The way she wrote is so arrogant, if she doesn't like it, why come to Singapore?????

AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.

Don't read too much into it, why bother with minorities? - regardless of where they come from, just not worth the attention.

16-05-15, 14:32
I'm not against any PRC but some PRC are really very arrogant. I was looking for a page (someone posted on the facebook) where I saw about a week ago about a PRC lady writing a comment about our Siingaporeans, maybe it had already been removed. it is something like that (not in sequence):-

The way she wrote is so arrogant, if she doesn't like it, why come to Singapore?????

AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.
U tell them if they are so rich n well off, why so many still come to SG to work as prostitutes or ktv gals! LOL

16-05-15, 16:25
I'm not against any PRC but some PRC are really very arrogant. I was looking for a page (someone posted on the facebook) where I saw about a week ago about a PRC lady writing a comment about our Siingaporeans, maybe it had already been removed. it is something like that (not in sequence):-

The way she wrote is so arrogant, if she doesn't like it, why come to Singapore?????

AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.

I will not be against u if u r against them lah. Lol. Anyway, as u and kelongui and economist mentioned, it's some and its jus a minority (hopefully), hence jus open one eye close eye lah. What's done cannot be undone so no choice lor. Jus have to do damage control lor. PR can be revoked but not citizenship, so we as true blue (or pink) Singaporeans should do our part and do the right thing, if we feel so strongly abt it, by reporting to police if we see any wrongs being committed, instead of being keyboard warriors or online vigilantes. Hope at least by doing this we can reverse the trend of falling standard of graciousness.

Anyway what that prc mentioned has some truths in it wah...
我们中国人就是有钱。 - we Singaporeans also got money wah. Jus a lot or a little only wah.
去哪里都可以。- we also can go anywhere. Geylang, rws, mbs. Jus need to pay levy only wah. She also need to pay if she is pr or new citizen.
不像你们新加坡人,买个电视机都要分期付款。- marketing gimmick mah. China dun have meh?
你们有本事就把我们赶出新加坡,- why chase u out when we can make u stay and work for us and make u suffer.
你们的政府都要为我们服务。- that's why it's called public servant. To serve and to protect. It's universal in all countries. Unless she is a frog in a well. Sorry, I mean toad.

Ok lah. I released steam already. Irisng happy and appeased now? :)

proud owner
16-05-15, 20:34
I'm not against any PRC but some PRC are really very arrogant. I was looking for a page (someone posted on the facebook) where I saw about a week ago about a PRC lady writing a comment about our Siingaporeans, maybe it had already been removed. it is something like that (not in sequence):-

The way she wrote is so arrogant, if she doesn't like it, why come to Singapore?????

AND not all PRC are rich and not all Singaporeans buy things and pay by instalments, some of them have money but simply want to pay by instalments.

One time i saw this PRC in a food court ...

she ask for fruit juice, some combination of fruits she selected.

and when it was done, the seller ask for $3.5 or something like that ...

her first comment was 'SO expensive" ... she then insist on paying $2 ...

which of course the seller refused ...

PRC then said .. anyway too big cup i cannot finish ... i just want $2 you can pour away and give me $2 equivalent ...

a fight almost broke out ..

in the end the seller gave the drink to a cleaning lady and refuse to sell the PRC

16-05-15, 23:04
One time i saw this PRC in a food court ...

she ask for fruit juice, some combination of fruits she selected.

and when it was done, the seller ask for $3.5 or something like that ...

her first comment was 'SO expensive" ... she then insist on paying $2 ...

which of course the seller refused ...

PRC then said .. anyway too big cup i cannot finish ... i just want $2 you can pour away and give me $2 equivalent ...

a fight almost broke out ..

in the end the seller gave the drink to a cleaning lady and refuse to sell the PRC

Lol!!! That's the spirit!!! Lose money dun lose pride!!!

Haiz... how I wish we can win fewer medals than to... :(

17-05-15, 02:12
One time i saw this PRC in a food court ...

she ask for fruit juice, some combination of fruits she selected.

and when it was done, the seller ask for $3.5 or something like that ...

her first comment was 'SO expensive" ... she then insist on paying $2 ...

which of course the seller refused ...

PRC then said .. anyway too big cup i cannot finish ... i just want $2 you can pour away and give me $2 equivalent ...

a fight almost broke out ..

in the end the seller gave the drink to a cleaning lady and refuse to sell the PRC

I'll drink half of the cup and then sell to her at $2.

17-05-15, 02:45
I'll drink half of the cup and then sell to her at $2.

Cannot lah. Like that u r setting a precedence. So next time she come to u u will be drinking half cup again? Lucky u sell fruit juice and not sell curry fish head. Or else u will eat half the claypot before selling at half price to her again. Blanjah the cleaning lady is still the best move lah.

17-05-15, 09:48
There are those in this forum who think HDB address means less affluent and private address means rich. CCR FH rich and OCR LH means poor etc.

The same criticism of that kind of thinking is relevant here. Statistically and as population likely to be true but individually hard to say.

Some people who live in HDB are also rich, some have private ppty too but still prefer to stay in HDB. I have a friend (retired), she sold away her private ppty and downgrade to a 3 room flat after her children married, she said only 2 people, don't need to stay until so big, cleaning of house is also a problem at her age. Nothing to be ashamed of staying in HDB, in fact majority of the residents are staying in HDB.
I thought of buying a HDB flat too after my children married but not eligible now unless I sell away my ppty. Actually I was looking for a HDB flat 1 week before the govt announced that have private ppty cannot buy HDB, I have missed the chance. Hopefully the govt will consider to take away this policy and allow we, Singaporeans to at least own a HDB for our old age, then we can rent out our pte ppty so that at least we can have some income for our daily expenses after retired.

17-05-15, 09:51
One time i saw this PRC in a food court ...

she ask for fruit juice, some combination of fruits she selected.

and when it was done, the seller ask for $3.5 or something like that ...

her first comment was 'SO expensive" ... she then insist on paying $2 ...

which of course the seller refused ...

PRC then said .. anyway too big cup i cannot finish ... i just want $2 you can pour away and give me $2 equivalent ...

a fight almost broke out ..

in the end the seller gave the drink to a cleaning lady and refuse to sell the PRC

Hahaha, so funny. She thought is a market, can bargain one meh?

I think it also depends on situation, if really no money and that's essential food, maybe still can consider to reduce the price. Once I also saw an Indian foreign worker, he bought a standard plate of mixed rice, cost $2.50 but he only had $2.00, in the end, the seller took some of the dishes from his plate and sold him $2. He was so hungry that even the chicken wings bones, he also can crack and eat, fantastic, his teeth was so strong.

17-05-15, 23:32
Hahaha, so funny. She thought is a market, can bargain one meh?

I think it also depends on situation, if really no money and that's essential food, maybe still can consider to reduce the price. Once I also saw an Indian foreign worker, he bought a standard plate of mixed rice, cost $2.50 but he only had $2.00, in the end, the seller took some of the dishes from his plate and sold him $2. He was so hungry that even the chicken wings bones, he also can crack and eat, fantastic, his teeth was so strong.

This is not as bad.I saw worse.
Once ,I saw a fellow 75ish teochew Singaporean buying economy rice in front of me. He wants to buy economy rice, take away, but only at $2.00.

"Ah Pek (Uncle) ,minimum is $2.50 cannot sell $2.00 ".He insist ,I only want $2.00. Thinking he has no loose change ,I was about to top up for him.
The hawker relented and gave him a few vegetables item and charge him accordingly...$2.00 He turn around and said he want additional $0.50 rice.He also ask for additional wrapping paper.Indeed he does have $2.50 after all.

Moment later, I saw him at a table at void deck,...separating his precious $2.50 economy rice into two packet......One packet for lunch and the other for dinner...
I felt really lousy...There are poor people in Singapore after all..

18-05-15, 01:43
This is not as bad.I saw worse.
Once ,I saw a fellow 75ish teochew Singaporean buying economy rice in front of me. He wants to buy economy rice, take away, but only at $2.00.

"Ah Pek (Uncle) ,minimum is $2.50 cannot sell $2.00 ".He insist ,I only want $2.00. Thinking he has no loose change ,I was about to top up for him.
The hawker relented and gave him a few vegetables item and charge him accordingly...$2.00 He turn around and said he want additional $0.50 rice.He also ask for additional wrapping paper.Indeed he does have $2.50 after all.

Moment later, I saw him at a table at void deck,...separating his precious $2.50 economy rice into two packet......One packet for lunch and the other for dinner...
I felt really lousy...There are poor people in Singapore after all..
In fact, there are quite alot of poor ppl here in SG.Many make barely enough just to get by with 0 savings. Eating @ restaurant is considered a luxury. It is painful to see many of our old uncles n aunties collecting our used plates n cutlery in food courts n hawker centres.
Something which we will not see in Europe or Japan.