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22-10-14, 01:23

22-10-14, 01:26


In the latest food scandal, the Chuan Tung brand of lard-based oil produced by Kaohsiung-based Chang Guann Co. was found to have been made from fat extracted from putrid kitchen waste and other substandard ingredients, which was supplied by an underground operator.

Although the affected brand did not have GMP certification, Chang Guann nevertheless holds GMP labels for 12 other of its edible oil products.

The problematic oil has been sold downstream to over 1,000 food companies and restaurants around Taiwan. Fourteen GMP-labeled products made by five of these companies have been found to have been affected.

According to Wu Ming-ji, head of the MOEA's Industrial Development Bureau, the GMP certification program has a 25-year history, with more than 400 products having been certified.

23-10-14, 17:22
TAIPEI, Taiwan - The Executive Yuan's new food safety office officially opened yesterday, staffed with prosecutors to speed up the process of rooting out tainted food production.
Aside from transferring officials from the Executive Yuan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW), the Council of Agriculture (COA) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office lent its prosecution as a part of the new team. Health Minister Chiang Been-huang will be instructing the office team of approximately 20 to 25 professionals, the Cabinet announced yesterday.
“Food safety issues are ultimately handled by the Ministry of Justice; the supporting prosecutors will assist us in communicating with the justice-prosecution system in the future,” explained Chiang.
Much public attention has gone to the National Security Bureau's (NSB) possible decision to gather information regarding food safety loopholes, to which the NSB responded by announcing future “warning reports.”
The NSB has reportedly completed its structured plan for information integration; Chiang stated that the department will be responsible for notifying the government of food scandals, thus allowing efficient control on the government's part.
“As for the underground factories that are out of the MHW's reach, the National Police Agency will be in charge of investigations and the ultimate clampdown,” said Chiang.
“The new office's final goal is to prevent (the food scares) from happening, and we hope that tainted food production won't happen again. If it does, the office will be there to cut down the damage.”
Former Cabinet Unit Upgraded
The office is an upgraded version of the Executive Yuan's former food safety promotion team; the upgrade is only a slight adjustment in structure and scale, said Chiang, who pointed out that the adjustment did not cause a gap in the office's operations.
The four main functions of the office are the integration of probe results, department negotiation, consumer communication as well as serving as an information platform, said Chiang.
“It is generally a central command for other front-line government departments, like the MHW and the COA; the entire food safety system will be able to operate on a brisker pace.”
Aside from combining information communication technologies, the food office will be taking taxation information into account as well, said Chiang.
According to President Ma Ying-jeou, who had initially ordered the establishment of the said office, the newest food safety promotion unit will be mimicking the operation of crisis intervention teams acting after both natural and man-made disasters
- See more at: http://www.soshiok.com/content/taiwans-food-safety-office-opens-amid-scandals#sthash.xS2mjJAu.dpuf

23-10-14, 17:32
Loan to the Rich LTV is 1 %, for the poor is 30%. Their central Bank got no say about the loan ?????

Before the oil problem their food Standard find no problem, after the oil problem their food standard suddenly can find the problem.

Food standard is under the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW), now under some Ministry staffed with prosecutors. So prosecutors can do a better job than a food safety officer ?????

When a government is decided by money than only money can solve the problem not the people.

24-10-14, 00:59
Cooking oil can remove Taiwan government ??????


25-10-14, 12:17



25-10-14, 15:23
This is sickening!



In the latest food scandal, the Chuan Tung brand of lard-based oil produced by Kaohsiung-based Chang Guann Co. was found to have been made from fat extracted from putrid kitchen waste and other substandard ingredients, which was supplied by an underground operator.

Although the affected brand did not have GMP certification, Chang Guann nevertheless holds GMP labels for 12 other of its edible oil products.

The problematic oil has been sold downstream to over 1,000 food companies and restaurants around Taiwan. Fourteen GMP-labeled products made by five of these companies have been found to have been affected.

According to Wu Ming-ji, head of the MOEA's Industrial Development Bureau, the GMP certification program has a 25-year history, with more than 400 products having been certified.

31-10-14, 02:24


31-10-14, 04:27


01-11-14, 02:40

01-11-14, 03:15

01-11-14, 16:41
Taiwan oil scandal: Govt health branch leaked info to food company

Saturday, November 1, 2014 - 14:28
Queena Yen
The China Post/Asia News Network
It was discovered yesterday that the Pingtung Public Health Bureau was responsible for giving Wei-Chuan Food Co. (味全) a government document containing classified information revealing that the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) was already aware that the oil Wei-Chuan imported from Vietnam was tainted; the document also said the government would carry out investigations before taking any action against the company.

During a detention hearing held on Oct. 30 for former chairman of Ting Hsin Oil & Fat Industrial Co. Wei Ying-chung (魏應充), prosecutors presented a document from the MHW containing classified information that was found at Wei-Chuan's headquarters.

Prosecutors said that since Wei has enough influence within the government to obtain this kind of document, it is likely that he will try to sabotage related evidence if he is released.

The document became the conclusive evidence that enabled the judge to rule in favour of Wei's continued detention, and brought the MHW into the spotlight, with rumours swirling that the MHW was trying to help Wei and his company avoid government scrutiny.

Although the MHW yesterday morning tried to clear its name by saying that it did not send any document to Wei-Chuan, many lawmakers from across party lines still criticised the central government, requesting a more thorough explanation of the matter.

The Pingtung Public Health Bureau attempted to explain that it had "mistakenly" sent the document to Tseng Chi-ming (曾啟明), the manager of Ting Hsin's Pingtung oil factory.

The Pingtung Health Bureau admitted that the document was sent by a staff member, surnamed Tsai, who has worked in the bureau for 24 years. The bureau also stressed that instead of a classified document, it was only tagged as an important file.

The document was first sent via email from the MHW to the Pingtung County Government at 8:42 p.m. on Oct. 9, revealing that the local health bureau had been requested to investigate Ting Hsin's oil imported from Vietnam and obtain sales information from the company.

The health bureau stressed that as soon as Tsai was informed of the MHW's request, she started to print all the relevant information and contacted Tseng, asking him to provide the sales information requested by the MHW.

Tsai stated that she then sent all the appropriate forms to Tseng via fax. However, she did not notice that the MHW document was included in the files.

Responses to Document Leak

"Although it is not an actual classified document, it is a terrible mistake on the part of the administration," said Health Minister Chiang Been-huang (蔣丙煌) when asked about his opinion on the issue.

Vice Health Minister Shiu Ming-neng (許銘能) also criticised the local government, saying that keeping designated information confidential is the basic rule for government employees and administrative procedures may need to be further examined for improvements.

In addition, lawmakers from several parties said that they did not believe the Pingtung Public Health Bureau's explanation, saying that someone should take responsibility and resign over the matter.

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