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12-05-14, 07:58
Higher aspirations one reason S’poreans find cost of living high: Ng Eng Hen

But Government must make sure opportunities to get out of poverty must not be priced out, adds Dr Ng

SINGAPORE — Having higher aspirations in life is a reason why Singaporeans find the cost of living here expensive, despite real wages having gone up, said Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen yesterday (May 10).

But Singapore has to ensure that opportunities to get out of poverty must not be priced out and remain abundant to fulfil the dreams of younger Singaporeans, said Dr Ng.

The Defence Minister was speaking at a Singapore Medical Association dinner and responding to a question from the audience concerned over the rising cost of living in Singapore.“If you look at household goods, per household, what people have – handphone, TV – has actually gone up,” said Dr Ng. Unlike the past, mobile phones are almost an essential item for children, he added.

That Singaporeans find costs of living expensive due to higher aspirations is a reason that will not please people, including himself, said Dr Ng, as the reason is “objective” and does not address “issues of the heart.”

Dr Ng added that while the Government makes sure that nobody should have their potential stunted just because their family cannot afford it, this is “difficult argument” to sell as some parents pay large sums of money to provide tuition for their children.

The dinner, attended by 450 medical professionals, celebrated the 55th anniversary of the Singapore Medical Association. At the dinner, Dr Ng said the healthcare needs to make three shifts.

Firstly, Singapore needs to shift from living long to living well, said Dr Ng. As patients age, they will see many doctors including both general practitioners and specialists, and their families are exasperated that such a care is not integrated, said Dr Ng. Medical care for patients should also be contexualised and take into account patients’ social settings, he added.

Secondly, there should also be more scope for general practitioners in the healthcare system as hospitals will be inundated with exponential growth in the number of patients.

Lastly, Dr Ng said Singapore should make a big push to make healthcare jobs a much sought after career for Singaporeans, as the large increase in healthcare spending by 2020 will create many jobs.Dr Ng, a former consultant surgeon himself, said doctors are bright and should be socially conscious and should have a say what values should be maintained. “You have a view, you have an opinion, you can multiply opinions,” he said.


12-05-14, 08:01
Healthcare sector must provide better pay: Ng Eng Hen
By John Leong
POSTED: 10 May 2014 21:46

Salaries of workers in Singapore's healthcare system have to go up in order to attract more local talent. This is important with an impending silver tsunami, where one in three Singaporeans is expected to be at least 60 years old by 2030, says Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen.

SINGAPORE: Salaries of workers in Singapore's healthcare system have to go up in order to attract more local talent.

This is important with an impending silver tsunami, where one in three Singaporeans is expected to be at least 60 years old by 2030.

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen shared these thoughts at a dialogue session during the Singapore Medical Association's annual dinner.

Dr Ng, who was a practising doctor before entering politics, said the healthcare industry provides a rewarding life career.

He said the medical fraternity is well-regarded worldwide, and this applies to not just doctors but other occupations such as nurses and allied healthcare professionals.

Dr Ng said medical professions must add value and productivity in order for salaries to go up.

He gave the example of the US in the '80s, where registered nurses were paid up to US$70,000 a year.

"We are very thankful for people who come from outside Singapore to help us take care of our elderly and our sick but as far as possible, we should have a system where our Singaporeans say 'I want to do this because it's highly respected', and we need to be practical. We need to raise the salaries," said Dr Ng.

- CNA/ir


12-05-14, 08:04
CPF, Medisave minimum sums to go up from July
Yahoo Finance Singapore – Thu, May 8, 2014 12:26 PM SGT

The Central Provident Fund (CPF) and Medisave minimum sums will be raised effective July this year, the Ministry of Manpower and the CPF board announced jointly on Thursday.

The minimum sum for CPF members who turn 55 between the start of July this year and the end of June next year will be $155,000, up from S$148,000 currently.

In a statement, the ministry and CPF board explained that the CPF Minimum Sum has been increasing for each group of members turning 55 yearly to accommodate the “rising expectations of what is considered a basic standard of living in retirement”.

MOM also stated that the increase is in keeping with the target to reach $120,000 (in 2003 dollars) by 2015, after taking inflation into account.

CPF members will be able to receive monthly payouts from the minimum sum when they reach the draw-down age. Those who are now 55 years old or younger will be able to receive the monthly payouts when they reach 65 years of age.

The Medisave minimum sum will be raised from $40,500 to $43,500. The sum is the amount a CPF member needs to set aside in his Medisave account for his and his dependants’ healthcare expenses, as well as MediShield and ElderShield premiums during old age.

MOM and the CPF board explained that as Medisave is opened up to more uses, regular Medisave minimum sum adjustments “are necessary to help Singaporeans better prepare for their long-term healthcare needs”.

The Medisave contribution ceiling will also increase from $45,500 to $48,500. This is the maximum balance a member can have in his Medisave Account. Excess Medisave contributions will be transferred to the member’s Special Account or Retirement Account.


12-05-14, 08:06
Better to save on unnecessary luxury goods, earn more, invest and keep a healthy life-style while you are young. And go JB to retire :D

12-05-14, 08:14
Retire in familiar environment can improve ur general well being...

12-05-14, 08:29
Minister Ng sure gonna get flamed. Truth hurts. You see so many young parents buying stroller that cost $500 and above and must be branded like stoke. Buy customised clothings for the baby, throw stupid amd expensive 1 yr old party when the baby have no idea or memory. Nowadays where got people use Anaku brand. Even pigeon is considered cheapo brand and they go for exotic american or europe brand. Then by month end realise that no more money then kpkb "wah so expensive to raise kids in singapore! Gov fault!" CB.

12-05-14, 08:39
Retire in familiar environment can improve ur general well being...

2.6 exchange rate is too attractive to ignore :cheers1:

Tons of people throng JB during weekend now :scared-3:

The cost and population density in SG will be too high for an average retiree to have quality retirement:

Transport - Nowadays I get very agitated on the road due to congestion and highly selfish drivers. MRT is perpetually jammed as well.

Food - Every coffeeshop renovation equates to 50 cents increase in price. NTUC is no longer cheap.

Medical costs - You can expect (1) higher costs for medical treatments, and (2) higher taxes to subsidise lower income groups.

Space - It is more difficult to find greenery and tranquility around us, as trees are cut down for roads and buildings.

Social - Tension is quite high and getting more xenophobic here. People are less kind and cohesive nowadays.

12-05-14, 08:42
2.6 exchange rate is too attractive to ignore :cheers1:

Tons of people throng JB during weekend now :scared-3:

The cost and population density in SG will be too high for an average retiree to have quality retirement:

Transport - Nowadays I get very agitated on the road due to congestion and highly selfish drivers. MRT is perpetually jammed as well.

Food - Every coffeeshop renovation equates to 50 cents increase in price. NTUC is no longer cheap.

Medical costs - You can expect (1) higher costs for medical treatments, and (2) higher taxes to subsidise lower income groups.

Space - It is more difficult to find greenery and tranquility around us, as trees are cut down for roads and buildings.

Social - Tension is quite high and getting more xenophobic here. People are less kind and cohesive nowadays.

though i am not pro-opp or pro pap. i find that pap candidates should not be given cushy jobs (at director level) at NTUC if they fail in their election bid.How can we be sure profits from ntuc fairprice is not used to fund their salary?

12-05-14, 08:43
Better to save on unnecessary luxury goods, earn more, invest and keep a healthy life-style while you are young. And go JB to retire :D

Yeah good to earn in Sg and retire in low cost countries. Feel physically unsafe sometimes too with underground MCE and even RTS..what if the sea caves into the tunnel, then Sg really floods! That is why many term us Sinkapore...

12-05-14, 09:51
Minister Ng sure gonna get flamed. Truth hurts. You see so many young parents buying stroller that cost $500 and above and must be branded like stoke. Buy customised clothings for the baby, throw stupid amd expensive 1 yr old party when the baby have no idea or memory. Nowadays where got people use Anaku brand. Even pigeon is considered cheapo brand and they go for exotic american or europe brand. Then by month end realise that no more money then kpkb "wah so expensive to raise kids in singapore! Gov fault!" CB.

fully with u on this... nowadays pple really spend first, tok later...

12-05-14, 10:20
fully with u on this... nowadays pple really spend first, tok later...

Yes. Especially when you see credit.card spending n loans raising ...

12-05-14, 15:12
Hen still talks like living in ivory tower... should be more humble and diwn to earth. ...

12-05-14, 15:43
Minister Ng sure gonna get flamed. Truth hurts. You see so many young parents buying stroller that cost $500 and above and must be branded like stoke. Buy customised clothings for the baby, throw stupid amd expensive 1 yr old party when the baby have no idea or memory. Nowadays where got people use Anaku brand. Even pigeon is considered cheapo brand and they go for exotic american or europe brand. Then by month end realise that no more money then kpkb "wah so expensive to raise kids in singapore! Gov fault!" CB.

In 2006 I have SGD 100,000 + cash, car very cheap everyone buy car, some ask me why I did not buy car after returning from oversea detachment. I told them I got no money, I brought a 2 bedroom at Southbank. Problem is not in the young parents, problem is the education system. They are train to work not train to retire young.

12-05-14, 18:33
I find basic necessities like rice, milk too high...they should be GST exempt...

12-05-14, 18:41
I find basic necessities like rice, milk too high...they should be GST exempt... I agree on this one.......

12-05-14, 18:57
I agree on this one.......

Thanks, we should bring it up. It may costs PAP more votes if they don't change...

12-05-14, 19:30
I find basic necessities like rice, milk too high...they should be GST exempt...

Next, we should subsided the poor, than next we should give it free to the poor.

12-05-14, 19:31
Thanks, we should bring it up. It may costs PAP more votes if they don't change...

If they change than I also need to change.

Interesting how a doctor think, a solider think and a politician think.

12-05-14, 19:36
Next, we should subsided the poor, than next we should give it free to the poor.

This is not just about the poor but the rising costs of living for everyone. A bottle of milk costs $5.10 and we are supposed to drink 2 cups a day for bone health and to prevent osteoporosis. 2 glasses a day for a family...that is a lot of money...mine gets finished very fast...unless we all go polyclinic and get subsidized calcium tablets or buy our own...

12-05-14, 19:46
This is not just about the poor but the rising costs of living for everyone. A bottle of milk costs $5.10 and we are supposed to drink 2 cups a day for bone health and to prevent osteoporosis. 2 glasses a day for a family...that is a lot of money...mine gets finished very fast...unless we all go polyclinic and get subsidized calcium tablets or buy our own...

I agree with you from the doctor point of view.

From a solider point of view, if they might cost to loss the war, they will be kill first.

From a politician, if the number is big and might cost the election something will be done.


大明劫 Fall of Ming 2013

12-05-14, 20:38
Alah MAK! With GST (and expecting to increase again sooner or later), even if you have very low expectation and keep to basic necessities, your cost of living will get jacked up higher and higher through no fault of you! So please do not try to shift blame to other people for causing high cost of living! :simmering:

Higher aspirations one reason S’poreans find cost of living high: Ng Eng Hen

But Government must make sure opportunities to get out of poverty must not be priced out, adds Dr Ng

SINGAPORE — Having higher aspirations in life is a reason why Singaporeans find the cost of living here expensive, despite real wages having gone up, said Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen yesterday (May 10).

But Singapore has to ensure that opportunities to get out of poverty must not be priced out and remain abundant to fulfil the dreams of younger Singaporeans, said Dr Ng.

The Defence Minister was speaking at a Singapore Medical Association dinner and responding to a question from the audience concerned over the rising cost of living in Singapore.“If you look at household goods, per household, what people have – handphone, TV – has actually gone up,” said Dr Ng. Unlike the past, mobile phones are almost an essential item for children, he added.

That Singaporeans find costs of living expensive due to higher aspirations is a reason that will not please people, including himself, said Dr Ng, as the reason is “objective” and does not address “issues of the heart.”

Dr Ng added that while the Government makes sure that nobody should have their potential stunted just because their family cannot afford it, this is “difficult argument” to sell as some parents pay large sums of money to provide tuition for their children.

The dinner, attended by 450 medical professionals, celebrated the 55th anniversary of the Singapore Medical Association. At the dinner, Dr Ng said the healthcare needs to make three shifts.

Firstly, Singapore needs to shift from living long to living well, said Dr Ng. As patients age, they will see many doctors including both general practitioners and specialists, and their families are exasperated that such a care is not integrated, said Dr Ng. Medical care for patients should also be contexualised and take into account patients’ social settings, he added.

Secondly, there should also be more scope for general practitioners in the healthcare system as hospitals will be inundated with exponential growth in the number of patients.

Lastly, Dr Ng said Singapore should make a big push to make healthcare jobs a much sought after career for Singaporeans, as the large increase in healthcare spending by 2020 will create many jobs.Dr Ng, a former consultant surgeon himself, said doctors are bright and should be socially conscious and should have a say what values should be maintained. “You have a view, you have an opinion, you can multiply opinions,” he said.


12-05-14, 20:46
Why need to subsidies the poor if cost has not been jacked up by the like of GST, higher and higher commercial rentals, super high Coe for commercial vehicles etc?

Next, we should subsided the poor, than next we should give it free to the poor.

12-05-14, 20:49
Why need to subsidies the poor if cost has not been jacked up by the like of GST, higher and higher commercial rentals, super high Coe for commercial vehicles etc?

Agree..you know where all the money goes...

12-05-14, 20:54
Ever hear of the word printing money.


12-05-14, 20:58
If they change than I also need to change.

Interesting how a doctor think, a solider think and a politician think.

yup agree with him. salary must increase, otherwise how to buy more reasonably good grade as well as luxury stuffs?

12-05-14, 21:41
I see food republic doing as good business as hawker centrr. Every evening always there will q outside ding tai feng. Pc show natas show etc always so many buyers.

13-05-14, 09:11
Minister Ng sure gonna get flamed. Truth hurts. You see so many young parents buying stroller that cost $500 and above and must be branded like stoke. Buy customised clothings for the baby, throw stupid amd expensive 1 yr old party when the baby have no idea or memory. Nowadays where got people use Anaku brand. Even pigeon is considered cheapo brand and they go for exotic american or europe brand. Then by month end realise that no more money then kpkb "wah so expensive to raise kids in singapore! Gov fault!" CB.

what $500 I see many stoker ard. cost 1K-2K for a stoker. ! standards of people expectation are high. but they want high standards but want cheap cheap. thats the mismatch.

maybe should send all back to farming. live in huts and count stars at night. that will be cheap.

13-05-14, 09:12
I see food republic doing as good business as hawker centrr. Every evening always there will q outside ding tai feng. Pc show natas show etc always so many buyers.

people will tell u they no choice. they are forced at gunpoint to eat there one. if got $1.20 wanton mee they will go eat . but cannot sit road side, must be aircon , must be clean , must have a lot of liao 1 hor.

13-05-14, 09:13
bread talk also a lot of people the coffee are not cheap but everytime I go ard noon and later afternoon tables are full cannot get seat.

why not cheap still so many singaporean go? and they drink liao complain coffee shop coffee price go up from 90c to $1.? 10c kpkb. but when u see someone drop 10c. no one bother to pick up. just walk pass.