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15-04-14, 23:01

My conversation with SG Young Investment

April 15, 2014

SG Young Investment (http://sgyounginvestment.blogspot.sg/) is a blog that documents a young guy’s journey to financial freedom. I was interviewed by the blogger recently and below is a summary of the Q&As. You can read the full version here (http://sgyounginvestment.blogspot.sg/2014/04/an-interview-with-property-soul-plus.html).

Q: How and when did you get interested in property investment and what got you started?

I come from a very humble background and I have dreamed of owning my own place from a very young age. I started researching about private properties after I relocated myself to Singapore in my 20s. And I finally bought my first private property for rent before the age of 30.

Q: How would you advise a young person, with zero experience, who wants to invest in properties? What are the risks involved?

1. Don’t buy what everybody else is buying.
2. Don’t buy what the ‘so-called experts’ recommend.
3. Don’t trust any get-rich-quick program.
4. Don’t believe in buying with little or no money down.
5. Don’t think that it is so simple to buy with crowdfunding.

Because you can end up holding an overpriced property, a troubled property, a white elephant, or a negative equity (when property value falls below outstanding loan). It can take years, decades or forever to breakeven.

The only formula to accumulate wealth through property investment is to ‘save before invest’, and ‘research before purchase’.

Q: What are the factors you look out for when you invest in a property? Is there any strategy to be successful in property investing?

1. An attractive net monthly ROI (Return on Investment);
2. A high quality and well-maintained project;
3. A good location (in the eyes of my prospective tenants); and
4. A good resident or tenant profile.

For strategy, I like to call it the winning formula STAB (Specialization + Teamwork + Analyses + Back-up plan).

1. Specialization: Focus on your strengths and build your priorities.
2. Teamwork: Build a strong team with your investment partner, property agent, mortgage bank, conveyancing lawyer and accountant.
3. Analyses: Conduct your own research and analyses.
4. Back-up plan: Have a contingency plan and more than one exit strategy.

Q: Would you share with us what properties you have in your investment portfolio currently? Do you invest in overseas or Singapore properties more?

Currently, I have sold all my properties in Singapore except the one I am staying in now.

To make real money in any investment, you have to move in early when things are cheap. Make your money, exit early and pass the risk to the excited latecomers who can’t wait to get in.

I have studied the property market in a few overseas countries. I will only buy foreign properties:

1. When the timing is right;
2. When the return is much higher than what I can get in Singapore;
3. When I know more than the locals in that foreign property market.

Q: I heard you have a new book titled No B.S. Guide to Property Investment – Dirty Truths and Profitable Secrets to Building Wealth through Properties. Could you tell us more about this book and what readers can expect from the book?

I am sharing with the readers an unbiased view of all the truths I know in the property industry; the lessons I learned after making my first bucket of gold investing in properties; and the stories I heard from property buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants, agents, lawyers and bankers in my 12 years’ of property investment – all in 371 pages, 10 chapters, 101 articles and 50 real-life stories.

Q: Lastly, what’s your view on the current situation of the property market? Is it a good time to invest? If not, when would be a better time to invest?

We have reached a turning point since 2013, though the media only starts to report it since 2014. It is not advisable to buy when the market is on its way down. As you can see in the history of property prices, patience will always be rewarded. Property has a cycle. Catch it only when it is low.

More about the new book

I’ve received a complimentary e-copy of the new book just recently from the author herself and have read the first few pages of it. The book is filled with real life experiences and honest sharing of strategies in property investment and provides readers a complete guide to it. This book is set to be available for sale at major bookstores in Singapore soon.

Alternatively, you can order the book online and have it delivered to your door steps here: http://www.propertyclubsg.com/resources/

16-04-14, 01:36
Fully agree what he say, how can the property price in Singapore increase some more, just look at the way Singapore print money and the world print money, the property price will sure get cheaper and drop like the Durian.

Make the money than quickly sell then wait for it to drop.



16-04-14, 06:28
those who only left with roof will want it to crash, those who still has stakes will want it to be stable

look at property stocks .. I think most of them have recovered from low and moving higher above 200dMA with conviction (e.g. CAPL, UOL, Keppel land, CDL) .. next few days if bounce higher will be a sure sign

in this world of money printing and negative real interest rate, it is "prudent" to have some debts .. u see CAPL is so "prudent" to take use their 6billion cash pile to buy CMA

construction co like Lian Beng actually scale the 9th heaven if anyone has noticed :beats-me-man:

16-04-14, 07:44
I have some colleagues/friends who are completely out of the market and hoping everyday for interest rate to rise sharply, for properties to crash, for stocks to crash, for people to jump down...

While they are hoping and cursing everyone else to die so that they can buy, I am enjoying my life building up my portfolio : ) i will never hope for any misfortunes to anyone so that I can buy because there are already so many good bargains around....

16-04-14, 08:29
Not ethical to hope things bad for other people.............. :tsk-tsk:

However, property prices crashing seems to becoming a reality after all those CMs and we see CCR prices dropping to late 2009 prices already, soon will be RCR and OCR turn................... :eek:

I have some colleagues/friends who are completely out of the market and hoping everyday for interest rate to rise sharply, for properties to crash, for stocks to crash, for people to jump down...

While they are hoping and cursing everyone else to die so that they can buy, I am enjoying my life building up my portfolio : ) i will never hope for any misfortunes to anyone so that I can buy because there are already so many good bargains around....

16-04-14, 08:40
One question. What is your "re-entry" strategy if the market doesnt go into a major correction in say the next 2 years?

4. Back-up plan: Have a contingency plan and more than one exit strategy.

16-04-14, 12:53
If u notice something sometime when people won their first pot of gold they thought they can always beat the market by buying low selling high.

16-04-14, 15:31
If u notice something sometime when people won their first pot of gold they thought they can always beat the market by buying low selling high.

like :cheers1:

16-04-14, 18:45
as an investor, u never really exit the market completely. ..now 40% vested, 60% cash

16-04-14, 18:56
as an investor, u never really exit the market completely. ..now 40% vested, 60% cash

Like that I got problem, 101% vested.

16-04-14, 21:41
I wonder if VIP regret selling off too early, or even regretted selling it. Not buying now is because there is ABSD and TDSR. Cost of replacement is simply too high. #heartbreak

16-04-14, 22:52
Different writers will have different views depending on what is his or her current position.

Best to find a strategy which suits your own mindset. Not impossible for properties to correct 50% as well as appreciate 100%.


16-04-14, 23:17
as an investor, u never really exit the market completely. ..now 40% vested, 60% cash

So when will be the signal for you to increase your vested position? market drop 10%? ABSD removed?
What happens if none of these happen in next 2 years, loan interest still 1-1.5%, jump in again?
quite tough decisions to make.

17-04-14, 00:48
Investment is like shares. You don't have to beat the market. You just have to beat your replacement. Meaning I don't need to wait for 400psf to re-enter market. If I buy 900, sell 1150, buy 1600 sell 1900, all in the same year, I still earn.

Sometimes people forget survivor bias. 1 success story does not mean all will succeed.

17-04-14, 09:58
Investment is like shares. You don't have to beat the market. You just have to beat your replacement. Meaning I don't need to wait for 400psf to re-enter market. If I buy 900, sell 1150, buy 1600 sell 1900, all in the same year, I still earn.

Sometimes people forget survivor bias. 1 success story does not mean all will succeed.
And IRAS will come after you to tax for capital gain.