06-04-14, 13:11
There has been many frequent ad-hoc discussions about air pollutions in this forum. Perhaps members in this forum are all getting overly caring for each other that they are so eager to share their expertise in air pollution in district that they doesnt live in.

As such, I think air pollution will deserve a thread on its own.

Personally I will vote Teddybear, Regulators, Patrickstar and most recently a new comer Rysk as the ambassador for air pollution. So on behalf of the forum, lets welcome them to share their expertise in this thread...

PS. please help divert all air pollution discussion to this thread for future references. I am sure our future children and grandchildren will find this thread very useful.

06-04-14, 13:59
PSI in the west is now 40, rest of Singapore all above 50, with South, East, North at 54.

06-04-14, 14:33
Ha ha they will say PSI not accurate la or the sensors position in wrong places...

06-04-14, 20:40
Strangely quiet now.

06-04-14, 22:19
There has been many frequent ad-hoc discussions about air pollutions in this forum. Perhaps members in this forum are all getting overly caring for each other that they are so eager to share their expertise in air pollution in district that they doesnt live in.

As such, I think air pollution will deserve a thread on its own.

Personally I will vote Teddybear, Regulators, Patrickstar and most recently a new comer Rysk as the ambassador for air pollution. So on behalf of the forum, lets welcome them to share their expertise in this thread...

PS. please help divert all air pollution discussion to this thread for future references. I am sure our future children and grandchildren will find this thread very useful. start another thread "why forumers call me robert head"

06-04-14, 22:22
everyone so heated up these days haha.. this forum sure got lots of negative vibes.. chill lax and listen to soothing music:

Nice performance by Yiruma at star vista yest.. full sold out concert :)

06-04-14, 22:27
Latest update, PSI in the west is still the lowest at the moment.

West : 40
South : 47
North :53
East : 52

07-04-14, 08:55
Years ago, I was told windows at certain floors were sealed off because of air pollution level.

Now out of curiosity, can anyone enlighten me on which level has most concentrated pollutants in the air.

Is ground level cleanest ? because of trees and greenery ?

At which level do most pollutants hover at ? 5th storey ? 10 th storey ? etc

07-04-14, 11:18
Actually I'm just wondering.. Ppl are just base on figure (PSI) to know about the pollution level..

But I'm more concern to know what are the chemical gases coming out from Jurong Island to Jurong area (or any other part of S'pore) which we can't tell just looking at PSI figure

07-04-14, 11:28
Actually I'm just wondering.. Ppl are just base on figure (PSI) to know about the pollution level..

But I'm more concern to know what are the chemical gases coming out from Jurong Island to Jurong area (or any other part of S'pore) which we can't tell just looking at PSI figure

Have you check how NEA derive the PSI numbers?

07-04-14, 14:51
people in the east / northeast not worried about pollution?

07-04-14, 14:56
people in the east / northeast not worried about pollution?

No CIQ planned, so its safe because air pollution cannot cross over without passport.

09-04-14, 15:25
Clear sky in Singapore today

24 hr PSI

North 34
South 27
East 30
West 29
Central 27

09-04-14, 15:42
what happen to all the air pollution expert in this forum? suddenly all quiet down?

09-04-14, 21:30
Jia lat west PSI is now at moderate level 56, while Central, East and North are even higher.

12-10-14, 15:44
Teddybear and the gang, please stop polluting this forum with all your pollution talks.
Please continue your discussion here.

12-10-14, 15:49
Singapore so small... Not much difference the air quality. And not like if u stay in the west u never go out and home bound 24x7 and vice versa.

I also always shut all my windows tightly at home. Even less of a difference for me.

12-10-14, 16:02
You may not know the details. You can see that NEA does not release the details of all their monitoring stations in Singapore. Some pollutants are higher is some places which is too sensitive to be released. However, some of them are rather obvious as I have mentioned in the other threads that it can be hides as one can see and smell them. Closing your window can be worst if there are more pollutants indoors than outdoors. Go to search engine and type sick building syndrome and you will know what I meant. Do you know where men are less productive these days? Do you know why there are more autistic kids? View the video, 'submission', if you can find it on theme internet. Good luck.
Singapore so small... Not much difference the air quality. And not like if u stay in the west u never go out and home bound 24x7 and vice versa.

I also always shut all my windows tightly at home. Even less of a difference for me.

12-10-14, 16:06
Closing the windows for me is to cut down dust so I have lesser to clean and am so used to it. I'm just not too particular about pollution as I feel comparing to many Asian countries our air quality isn't a worry for me yet.

12-10-14, 16:22
Teddybear and the gang, please stop polluting this forum with all your pollution talks.
Please continue your discussion here.
You should have start a separate thread discussing why jld malls need feeder bus and why the malls was designed in a scatter manner and why you said it's a high tech city?

12-10-14, 16:39
I am not referring to dust. There is a lot more than that in the air. Did you notice that you may have close all the windows and doors in your house and yet it can still be dusty when you return from your Holliday. This is called air infiltration through gaps or cracks in walls, doors, window seals, etc.
Closing the windows for me is to cut down dust so I have lesser to clean and am so used to it. I'm just not too particular about pollution as I feel comparing to many Asian countries our air quality isn't a worry for me yet.

12-10-14, 20:50
Remember the US report I posted previously? It was based on experiments conducted and it found that for homes near the refineries, the indoor toxic gases and pollutants are higher than outdoors! :banghead:

You may not know the details. You can see that NEA does not release the details of all their monitoring stations in Singapore. Some pollutants are higher is some places which is too sensitive to be released. However, some of them are rather obvious as I have mentioned in the other threads that it can be hides as one can see and smell them. Closing your window can be worst if there are more pollutants indoors than outdoors. Go to search engine and type sick building syndrome and you will know what I meant. Do you know where men are less productive these days? Do you know why there are more autistic kids? View the video, 'submission', if you can find it on theme internet. Good luck.

12-10-14, 21:43
It will buildup when there is not ventilation, i.e, good clean air from outside. Closing door can be worst when you have indoor sources of pollutant. However, is is better to leave the house when you have both indoor and outdoor sources.
Remember the US report I posted previously? It was based on experiments conducted and it found that for homes near the refineries, the indoor toxic gases and pollutants are higher than outdoors! :banghead:

13-10-14, 07:14
new buildings tend to more dusty and fall into the "sick building syndrome" as the building materials are still new and dust from fall ceiling, concrete need few months to settle down.. open all the windows and doors most of the times for ventilation will be good for relatively new house or newly renovated house.

after that, maintain the cleanliness of the house from molds is important.

with the haze and air pollution issue, closing all windows and door will be good.. but may need to buy a good and powerful air filter in house. yes, the fine particles still can go thru the fine gap and get into the house but it should be greatly reduced. With air filter, the situation will be significantly improved. besides the fine particles from industrial or burning, human's dead skin produce fine particles too and it may be the main pollution source at home.

13-10-14, 08:57
Yes, you are right. There will also be on-going out-gassing of chemicals (Total Volatile Organic Compounds[TVOCs]) emitting from the paintwork, cabinent, varnishing of the parquet/timber floor, new furniture, new appliances such as TV, Computer, etc. It will reduce with time but it will take a while. But air cleaner does not remove these chemicals. Only way is to prevent it, ie. go for low-emitting materials, and failing which ventilate the house more often by opening the windows.
new buildings tend to more dusty and fall into the "sick building syndrome" as the building materials are still new and dust from fall ceiling, concrete need few months to settle down.. open all the windows and doors most of the times for ventilation will be good for relatively new house or newly renovated house.

after that, maintain the cleanliness of the house from molds is important.

with the haze and air pollution issue, closing all windows and door will be good.. but may need to buy a good and powerful air filter in house. yes, the fine particles still can go thru the fine gap and get into the house but it should be greatly reduced. With air filter, the situation will be significantly improved. besides the fine particles from industrial or burning, human's dead skin produce fine particles too and it may be the main pollution source at home.