View Full Version : MH370 found??...maybe...

20-03-14, 13:20

20-03-14, 19:06

20-03-14, 23:24
hopeful, there will some conclusion to this whole investigation for the sake of all the families whose loved ones were on that flight.

21-03-14, 00:35
wow...indian ocean...that's pretty far away from original search.


21-03-14, 11:26
its a very vast area to search. I think its going to be tough to come to a conclusion or find something unless there is a GPS beacon.

27-03-14, 21:57
Alternative theory on MH370

27-03-14, 22:07
Many questions remained unanswered for this mystery of the Malaysian Boeing 777 jetliner 's crash in the South Indian Ocean. The news of the plane' crash in the South Indian Ocean had been verified by satellite images by a number of sources and confirmed by official statements.

Experts have ruled out mechanical failure as a possible cause of the crash as the plane continued to fly for another 7 hours after it last lost contact with the air traffic controllers.

Was it a hijack ? Was it a botched terrorist act ? Did the antagonists or antagonist have pangs of remorse over his/their terrorist acts in mid-flight that he/she/they decided to end it all in the remote part of the Indian Ocean ? No one will really know what has happened in the flight.

Until the black box is found, no amount of speculation can solve perhaps the greatest mystery of Malaysian airplane's crash into the South Indian Ocean.

28-03-14, 08:24
It's a X Files

28-03-14, 09:53
It's a X Files

my guess this file will never close..

29-03-14, 16:04
It will close eventually. How much will be disclosed to public is another thing.