View Full Version : MH370 - A political move ?

16-03-14, 21:11
This may be so far the most logical explanation for the missing of MH370.

Check this out:


17-03-14, 06:58
This may be so far the most logical explanation for the missing of MH370.

Check this out:


but what can he achieve to hijack the plane? to be labelled extremist? no point leh...

17-03-14, 08:01
If the plane is not due to any "accident", it could have "park" somewhere in other countries. Just pray hard that all the passengers/crews/pilots are still surviving.

17-03-14, 08:14
Hmm... perhaps...it is a vent of frustrations.

but what can he achieve to hijack the plane? to be labelled extremist? no point leh...

17-03-14, 10:23
Hmm... perhaps...it is a vent of frustrations.

Buah Song mah .. in extreme frustration .. people are known to do the worst thing like burning themselves alive aka. immolation .. heard chief pilot is an anwar supporter.. visit him at the court to hear his conviction 7 hours before the flight.. But then his thoughtless action is highly regrettable .. heard the plane flew for 5/6 hours .. but to where and which country allow him to land

...maybe just let the plane sink into the ocean after fuel ran out ... agaiin just speculation ..:scared-1:

17-03-14, 20:30
If the intention is really to bring the whole world attention, then the impact of diving the plane into ocean may not be as great as holding those passengers in captive.

No matter what, the 200+ people lives is the most critical now. :scared-3:

17-03-14, 22:41
Maybe the flew up north over Bangladesh , Nepal into Tibet and landed in Gobi desert where the xingjiang terrorists are waiting. :scared-5:


18-03-14, 01:41
Just to share an interesting hypothesis:


18-03-14, 13:20
Interesting. SQ oso come to picture.

Just to share an interesting hypothesis:


18-03-14, 15:22
This may be so far the most logical explanation for the missing of MH370.

Check this out:


no lah its the Aliens. After we send so many satellite to space we mostly piss some alien off. and they decide to take a plan teach the people a lesson. Why no 1 blame aliens?