View Full Version : Investing in Tokyo properties

09-03-14, 16:00
With the cooling measures and limited growth in local properties now, anyone invested or looking to invest in Tokyo properties? Any advice?
Thanks in advance

09-03-14, 19:08
This has been discussed recently. You probably can still find it.

09-03-14, 20:41
See if you are keen to explore UK Student Accommodation (http://www.propertyrichesprogram.com/blog/uk-student-accommodation-investment/) investment?

Japan economy has been sliding since late 80s until now and it has lost its second top world economy status to China. :2cents:

09-03-14, 20:58
With greying japanese population, low birth rate and japanese only mentality, it is hard to attract population increase. One way down.

09-03-14, 21:04
@mygeemeel, thanks there is a thread on Japan financing. Perhaps i have missed another discussion?

But i'm looking at more specifically Tokyo city properties. Wondering if any bros here have experience and views on investing in this aspect http://www.condosingapore.com/forums/showthread.php?p=462002

@RoystonH8, probably not looking at your launch now.

09-03-14, 21:10
Property price depends on:

1) Population- the bigger the better.
2) GDP growth.
3) Jobless rate.
4) interest rate.

09-03-14, 21:52
How about natural disaster?
Property price depends on:

1) Population- the bigger the better.
2) GDP growth.
3) Jobless rate.
4) interest rate.

10-03-14, 10:13
I have several tokyo properties and for me it is a good place to invest ,

Prices are very reasonable and stable
central tokyo population is growing ( rural is declining )
Quality is high and tenants are reliable
You can buy a unit the equivalent of an ardmore park unit for the price of an MM here , yields are 5-8%
taxes on buying and selling are minimal
I think Singapore will in the future face the stagnation in prices that Japan has already seen

10-03-14, 13:33
OT a bit... i forget about Japan. Now looking at London. Maybr the one dev by oxley. Going london to look see. Not sure about the housing policy though.