View Full Version : What is life?????

24-02-14, 18:21
In our quest for financial freedom, my personal opinion is one should reflect on life....

To me, there is no right or wrong. Today, I hope to tickle the brain...

Let me paint 2 scenarios for you all to ponder on...

Scenario 1.
Person A saves and saves and saves and does not spend and enjoy himself.... He saves to prepare for retirement when he is old.... What if person A saves and saves and suddently kicks e bucket at age 55 without "enjoying" life??? Enjoyment like holiday, pampering oneself, etc...
Do u consider person A wise????
Of course if he lives to 80, he is wise rite????

Scenario 2.
Person B believe one must live life to the fullest and that life is short (yolo). Whatever he earns, he spends and does not prepare for retirement... The shock arrives when he reaches 65 and realizes he does not have any savings as all his earnings has been spent on his little pampering of himself... So how???
Do u consider B wise???
Of course if he kicks the bucket at 50, he is wise rite????

So how the hack do we know how long we will live to???? We all need to take a step back to reflect on what we want and prepare for the future as well...

So, life is about moderation, live life tot he fullest and also remember to prepare for the future and rainy day....;)

How to achieve that, we all need a plan and it is best to start early....

Food for thought....



In our pursuit for financial freedom, please do take some time to pamper yourself and your loved ones and remember to live life like to the fullest and enjoy every moment.... Money is not everything but life is tough without money... So moderate and enjoy life...

24-02-14, 19:29
I have been pondering the meaning of life myself.

24-02-14, 19:35
Most important is genetic, u can make an intelligent guess, just look your parents / grandparents, how long do they live? If they live till 80-90, the chances are you are going to live that long too (unless u eat real unhealthy stuff, stay in Beijing where pm2.5 is 400, have many wives etc)

This will also help to decide whether you really need annuity

24-02-14, 19:46
Scenario 1.
Person A saves and saves and saves and does not spend and enjoy himself.... He saves to prepare for retirement when he is old.... What if person A saves and saves and suddenly kicks e bucket at age 55 without "enjoying" life??? Enjoyment like holiday, pampering oneself, etc...
Do u consider person A wise????
Of course if he lives to 80, he is wise rite????

What is enjoyment? Holiday ? pampering oneself ?

When I do gardening and eat the tomatoes that is enjoyment to me, is that enjoyment to others?

One should so what he/she think he like to do and that is enjoyment.


24-02-14, 21:50
In our quest for financial freedom, my personal opinion is one should reflect on life....

To me, there is no right or wrong. Today, I hope to tickle the brain...

Let me paint 2 scenarios for you all to ponder on...

Scenario 1.
Person A saves and saves and saves and does not spend and enjoy himself.... He saves to prepare for retirement when he is old.... What if person A saves and saves and suddently kicks e bucket at age 55 without "enjoying" life??? Enjoyment like holiday, pampering oneself, etc...
Do u consider person A wise????
Of course if he lives to 80, he is wise rite????

Scenario 2.
Person B believe one must live life to the fullest and that life is short (yolo). Whatever he earns, he spends and does not prepare for retirement... The shock arrives when he reaches 65 and realizes he does not have any savings as all his earnings has been spent on his little pampering of himself... So how???
Do u consider B wise???
Of course if he kicks the bucket at 50, he is wise rite????

So how the hack do we know how long we will live to???? We all need to take a step back to reflect on what we want and prepare for the future as well...

So, life is about moderation, live life tot he fullest and also remember to prepare for the future and rainy day....;)

How to achieve that, we all need a plan and it is best to start early....

Food for thought....



In our pursuit for financial freedom, please do take some time to pamper yourself and your loved ones and remember to live life like to the fullest and enjoy every moment.... Money is not everything but life is tough without money... So moderate and enjoy life...

A man once asked a poor fisherman " Why do you want to fish ?" The fisherman replied" I just enjoy fishing " The man asked him " Do you know fishing can never make you rich!" The fisherman asked " And so ? " The man replied, " You can never be rich doing fishing ! You got to have a plan to be rich. Quit fishing and go and pursue your studies so that you wil have the qualification to get a good job "

"And then what?", asked the fisherman.

The man proudly said, " With a good job, you will earn good money. More than what you can earn by fishing. You slog for a few years , work hard and make money and along the way, you climb up the corporate ladder and become somebody in the company. Then you make a lot of money. With the money, you can buy yourself a nice house. And from one house, you flip and you go and buy even more houses and soon you become rich. And then you can retire and do whatever you want to do! That 's life man! "

The fisherman asked the man. " And what do you want to do when you retire!" The man replied " I will go fishing all day , man! "

" But I am already doing it ", said the fisherman.

24-02-14, 22:55
A man once asked a poor fisherman " Why do you want to fish ?" The fisherman replied" I just enjoy fishing " The man asked him " Do you know fishing can never make you rich!" The fisherman asked " And so ? " The man replied, " You can never be rich doing fishing ! You got to have a plan to be rich. Quit fishing and go and pursue your studies so that you wil have the qualification to get a good job "

"And then what?", asked the fisherman.

The man proudly said, " With a good job, you will earn good money. More than what you can earn by fishing. You slog for a few years , work hard and make money and along the way, you climb up the corporate ladder and become somebody in the company. Then you make a lot of money. With the money, you can buy yourself a nice house. And from one house, you flip and you go and buy even more houses and soon you become rich. And then you can retire and do whatever you want to do! That 's life man! "

The fisherman asked the man. " And what do you want to do when you retire!" The man replied " I will go fishing all day , man! "

" But I am already doing it ", said the fisherman.


24-02-14, 22:57

25-02-14, 22:46
What is enjoyment? Holiday ? pampering oneself ?

When I do gardening and eat the tomatoes that is enjoyment to me, is that enjoyment to others?

One should so what he/she think he like to do and that is enjoyment.


Hi Arcachon

I envy your life....to me ...that is my enjoyment too. But as i live in flat, cant plant nice tomatoes like yours.

Its such a blessing.

25-02-14, 22:51
Life is about what you chose, decide what you want and go for it.

26-02-14, 00:58
Article from Jack Ma on Life and other things ......


26-02-14, 01:24
Hi Arcachon

I envy your life....to me ...that is my enjoyment too. But as i live in flat, cant plant nice tomatoes like yours.

Its such a blessing.

Don't have to wait for landed before u can grow tomatoes :D HDB can grow too...

Tat how I live a happier life, don't have to wait for A before can do B:D:D

Don't have to earn 1million before you can retire or don't have to retire only when you reach 65 or don't have to stay big house before can be happy or don't have to drive big car before can smile....

26-02-14, 03:17

Ask google.





27-02-14, 10:48
A man once asked a poor fisherman " Why do you want to fish ?" The fisherman replied" I just enjoy fishing " The man asked him " Do you know fishing can never make you rich!" The fisherman asked " And so ? " The man replied, " You can never be rich doing fishing ! You got to have a plan to be rich. Quit fishing and go and pursue your studies so that you wil have the qualification to get a good job "

"And then what?", asked the fisherman.

The man proudly said, " With a good job, you will earn good money. More than what you can earn by fishing. You slog for a few years , work hard and make money and along the way, you climb up the corporate ladder and become somebody in the company. Then you make a lot of money. With the money, you can buy yourself a nice house. And from one house, you flip and you go and buy even more houses and soon you become rich. And then you can retire and do whatever you want to do! That 's life man! "

The fisherman asked the man. " And what do you want to do when you retire!" The man replied " I will go fishing all day , man! "

" But I am already doing it ", said the fisherman.

What if the one fine day the fish run out? or mid way throughout life the fisherman suddenly realized he no longer want to fish. but there is nothing else he know to do.

27-02-14, 10:59
What if the one fine day the fish run out? or mid way throughout life the fisherman suddenly realized he no longer want to fish. but there is nothing else he know to do.

actually there's a big difference between fishing for leisure n fishing for a living..

27-02-14, 11:26
What if the one fine day the fish run out? or mid way throughout life the fisherman suddenly realized he no longer want to fish. but there is nothing else he know to do.
That idea must have come from fisherman's wife

27-02-14, 11:27
In life dont just think of yourself, go and do some charity works. Lots of things to do.

27-02-14, 11:37
Money can buy u freedom.

27-02-14, 11:39
Money is not everything but everything is money.

27-02-14, 11:41
Money can buy u freedom.

the fisherman got freedom, only dont have insurance..

27-02-14, 12:40
Be the Fish. Go abt with the life in big ocean until some neurotic fisherman come catch you for leisure.

Wat The Fish!

27-02-14, 12:45
Even fishing rod needs money. :)

27-02-14, 12:53
Even fishing rod needs money. :)

fishing, be it as a hobby or a means of livelihood, is nvr meant to be without capital outlay in the 1st place.
if u wanna fish without using any money, u can always try to use yrself as a bait, hahaha~

27-02-14, 12:55
In life dont just think of yourself, go and do some charity works. Lots of things to do.

gd, I like charitable n compassionate ppl.
now Im still short of money to buy ppty.
can u lend me some? :ashamed1:

27-02-14, 12:55
fishing, be it as a hobby or a means of livelihood, is nvr meant to be without capital outlay in the 1st place.
if u wanna fish without using any money, u can always try to use yrself as a bait, hahaha~
That is prostituting

27-02-14, 13:05
That is prostituting

tsk, tsk, tsk ... u tink until where le? we r all very innocent ppl leh :ashamed1:

since star feels tat fishing involves $, I reckon tat his heart might pain bit bit when fishing. so I ask him to use himself as a bait to let the fish bit mah ... liddat oso bit bit 抛 star 引 鱼 (throw star attract fish) mah :D

27-02-14, 13:13
tsk, tsk, tsk ... u tink until where le? we r all very innocent ppl leh :ashamed1:

since star feels tat fishing involves $, I reckon tat his heart might pain bit bit when fishing. so I ask him to use himself as a bait to let the fish bit mah ... liddat oso bit bit 抛 star 引 鱼 (throw star attract fish) mah :D

i tot u are using urself as a bait to fish for charitable n compassionate pple...

27-02-14, 13:18
i tot u are using urself as a bait to fish for charitable n compassionate pple...
hmmm ... u mean 抛玉引砖? :p
sounds like a loss making business wor :tsk-tsk:

27-02-14, 13:36
hmmm ... u mean 抛玉引砖? :p
sounds like a loss making business wor :tsk-tsk:

玉不能当饭吃, 为了糊口, 换一支鱼杆也好...

27-02-14, 14:25
sell the jade, buy a fishing boat, rod, net, bait and set up a fishing business lah

27-02-14, 19:48
yo, never see the recent local news about huge fish stock loss in the fish farming industry? tough.....just need a killer from the weather or water.

27-02-14, 21:41
gd, I like charitable n compassionate ppl.
now Im still short of money to buy ppty.
can u lend me some? :ashamed1:
Ok, give me your address. I will drop 20 cents into your letter box. No question ask, no TDSR

27-02-14, 22:27
The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

That very night, he died. But no one mourned at his passing away for he has few friends.

Moral of the story : Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.
The fool uses people and loves things. The wise loves people and uses things.

28-02-14, 07:59
Most important is genetic, u can make an intelligent guess, just look your parents / grandparents, how long do they live? If they live till 80-90, the chances are you are going to live that long too (unless u eat real unhealthy stuff, stay in Beijing where pm2.5 is 400, have many wives etc)

This will also help to decide whether you really need annuity

does how many wifes you have determine how long you live? and by the way, the more wifes the longer, or shorter?:beats-me-man:

28-02-14, 08:23
The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

That very night, he died. But no one mourned at his passing away for he has few friends.

Moral of the story : Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.
The fool uses people and loves things. The wise loves people and uses things.

i dont get how the moral connects with the story.
to be rich is to be a fool?
to be rich is to have few friends?

28-02-14, 08:38
i dont get how the moral connects with the story.
to be rich is to be a fool?
to be rich is to have few friends?
At some stage making money is foolish. Having 5 million or 10 million doesn't make too much different in your lifestyle anymore. Friends in riches is not the same as friends in poor.

28-02-14, 08:48
Ok, give me your address. I will drop 20 cents into your letter box. No question ask, no TDSR

hmmm .... 20cts? so, u mean u dunno the market rate of 玉 issit? :doh:

28-02-14, 09:27
what is life!! baby, don't hurt me
don't hurt me, no more

28-02-14, 10:48
At some stage making money is foolish. Having 5 million or 10 million doesn't make too much different in your lifestyle anymore. Friends in riches is not the same as friends in poor.

clap clap.
well said.

i do agree when you have a decent house, decent car and decent lifestyle, the next step is really a decent LIFE. and that means spiritual fulfilment - volunteer work, new hobbies, etc. NOT make more money.

of course.. definition of "decent" is different for everyone.

28-02-14, 12:15
the sentiments mentioned in this thread doesnt seem to match the actions of forummers which is acquiring more and more properties :)

28-02-14, 12:49
the sentiments mentioned in this thread doesnt seem to match the actions of forummers which is acquiring more and more properties :)

theory n practical not same.

28-02-14, 12:54
theory n practical not same.

no wonder ppl can pass theory yet get into accidents on the road :D

28-02-14, 13:06
no wonder ppl can pass theory yet get into accidents on the road :D

obviously practical is the more difficult one...

be it swimming/driving/investing etc...

28-02-14, 13:11
obviously practical is the more difficult one...

be it swimming/driving/investing etc...

swimming got theory one meh?
u mai assume I dunno how to swim can bluff me hor! :hell-hath-no-fury:

28-02-14, 13:21
swimming got theory one meh?
u mai assume I dunno how to swim can bluff me hor! :hell-hath-no-fury:

nah... theory for freestyle... go memorise these first den jump into the pool



28-02-14, 13:24
nah... theory for freestyle... go memorise these first den jump into the pool



I cannot learn freestyle one hence I shall stick to my dog style :D

28-02-14, 13:29
I cannot learn freestyle one hence I shall stick to my dog style :D

even dog oso use a float leow...


28-02-14, 13:34
even dog oso use a float leow...


hahaha, tat means dogs themselves rely on float n dun learn their dog style.

liddat gd mah ... if one day when u r too hungry n resort to snatching dog's food n the dog got angry n chased u ... u can quickly jump into the pool n swim away :D :ashamed1:

28-02-14, 14:13
hahaha, tat means dogs themselves rely on float n dun learn their dog style.

liddat gd mah ... if one day when u r too hungry n resort to snatching dog's food n the dog got angry n chased u ... u can quickly jump into the pool n swim away :D :ashamed1:

dog meat better den dog food.. :)

28-02-14, 14:19
That is prostituting

This is call human capital?