View Full Version : Holiday alone

19-02-14, 13:49
On behalf of my friend, I would like to seek the advise from the fellow forummers.

Will you allow your 23 yrs old daughter to fly to Japan on her own to visit her ex-part time Japanese colleagues (around 4 of them-men and lady). She has not been to overseas by herself.

19-02-14, 14:05
On behalf of my friend, I would like to seek the advise from the fellow forummers.

Will you allow your 23 yrs old daughter to fly to Japan on her own to visit her ex-part time Japanese colleagues (around 4 of them-men and lady). She has not been to overseas by herself.

23 year old can make decision by herself.
Even if your friend doesn't allow, I don't think her daughter will listen to her unless your friend got many properties and threaten to exclude her from her will.
Just give advice to the girl and make her aware of the potential dangers.

19-02-14, 14:07
japan is a rather safe place. what's the concern?

19-02-14, 14:12
try not to take seafood... if plan to pro-create in near to mid future...

19-02-14, 14:21
I was 13 when I came to sg to study by myself, was 25 when married. 23 years old woman should backpack around europe.

19-02-14, 14:22
On behalf of my friend, I would like to seek the advise from the fellow forummers.

Will you allow your 23 yrs old daughter to fly to Japan on her own to visit her ex-part time Japanese colleagues (around 4 of them-men and lady). She has not been to overseas by herself.

tat depends on wat's yr area of concerns.

if u r worried for a lady to travel on her own, yes I agree, ladies hv higher tendencies den guys as far as danger is concerned. wat u can do is to ask her fwens to fetch her fm the airport.

but if u r concerned as to how she might behave when she is alone overseas, well I can only say tat, if something is meant to happen, it can happen even if she is in sg ;)

19-02-14, 14:22
japan is a rather safe place. what's the concern?

Because she is a young pretty lady who is a bit "simple-minded" and easily convince by people according to her mum. She has not been to overseas alone before. She knows those Japanese friends thru' the roadshow that she joined during her weekends to earn some extra allowance. After the roadshows, they went back to Japan and they only contract thru facebook. She is still schooling, not much experience with outside world yet. She nearly signed a 5 yrs contract when she was 20yrs old with an artist company to go to Japan for modelling but because she was underage at that time, so need consent from parents.

23 year old can make decision by herself.
Even if your friend doesn't allow, I don't think her daughter will listen to her unless your friend got many properties and threaten to exclude her from her will.
Just give advice to the girl and make her aware of the potential dangers.?

You are right, she went ahead to book the airticket and she told her mum that must let her try to be independent.

19-02-14, 14:37
If she is cute... Then 2 words "chastity belt"

19-02-14, 14:38
Because she is a young pretty lady who is a bit "simple-minded" and easily convince by people according to her mum. She has not been to overseas alone before. She knows those Japanese friends thru' the roadshow that she joined during her weekends to earn some extra allowance. After the roadshows, they went back to Japan and they only contract thru facebook. She is still schooling, not much experience with outside world yet. She nearly signed a 5 yrs contract when she was 20yrs old with an artist company to go to Japan for modelling but because she was underage at that time, so need consent from parents.

You are right, she went ahead to book the airticket and she told her mum that must let her try to be independent.

firstly, the japanese strangers probably won't be able to convince her to do anything, since their command of english is at best, simple. secondly, there's nothing to be afraid of in japan. assuming she's going to tokyo or osaka, step out of the airport can take the bullet train to her hotel destination. thirdly, the japanese folks are real polite and won't pester her into purchasing stuff. the most intrusive form of sales, i've experienced, are fishmongers shouting out their fares at their stalls.

19-02-14, 14:38
tat depends on wat's yr area of concerns.

if u r worried for a lady to travel on her own, yes I agree, ladies hv higher tendencies den guys as far as danger is concerned. wat u can do is to ask her fwens to fetch her fm the airport.

but if u r concerned as to how she might behave when she is alone overseas, well I can only say tat, if something is meant to happen, it can happen even if she is in sg ;)

You have hit the point. Indeed she told her mum that if want to do anything, don't need to go overseas, anywhere in Singapore also can.:doh:

I think her mum main concern is she is afraid that her daughter doesn't know how to take care of herself, don't know whether she knows how to go around in Japan or not, don't know whether will she get lost or not, don't know how her so-called friends character, are they good or not.:mad:

19-02-14, 14:40
If she is cute... Then 2 words "chastity belt"

nothing to do wif cute or not la, the main prob is becos she is pretty n gullible ....
if she nids a chasity belt when she goes jpn, tink she nid to put it on when she is in sg too :2cents:

19-02-14, 14:41
get her some smart phone. install some tracker software in her phone. activate roaming for japan.
at least her parents can keep track where she is in japan for peace of mind.

my opinion is better let children try out new stuff (be it illegal drugs, shoplifting) while parents still around and not try out new stuff when parents dead.

19-02-14, 14:45
firstly, the japanese strangers probably won't be able to convince her to do anything, since their command of english is at best, simple. secondly, there's nothing to be afraid of in japan. assuming she's going to tokyo or osaka, step out of the airport can take the bullet train to her hotel destination. thirdly, the japanese folks are real polite and won't pester her into purchasing stuff. the most intrusive form of sales, i've experienced, are fishmongers shouting out their fares at their stalls.

Her Japanese friends are going to the airport to fetch her. They have helped her to book the hotels, so I guess they are going to accompany her during her trip but she is going there for 10 days, how are they going to take so many days off to accompany her?

19-02-14, 14:48
.......the most intrusive form of sales, i've experienced, are fishmongers shouting out their fares at their stalls.

OOT: oh no, later somebody say you go all the way to japan just to see fish market / blue fin tuna :)

19-02-14, 14:50
You have hit the point. Indeed she told her mum that if want to do anything, don't need to go overseas, anywhere in Singapore also can.:doh:

cos tis is precisely how I feel.
I hv got a long break during cny n my dad asked me y I dun go for a holiday. I told him tat my friends either hv $ no leave, or got leave no $, or dun hv both.
den I purposely teased him. the only category who got both $ n leave is guys.
can I go holiday wif a guy? :p
his replied is NO, of cos :D
I was tinking, aiyo! I wat age aldy! :banghead: if something will happen, even I come home punctually after work oso will happen la!

if nothing will happen, sleep on the same bed oso nothing will happen.

COOL rite? :D :ashamed1:

I think her mum main concern is she is afraid that her daughter doesn't know how to take care of herself, don't know whether she knows how to go around in Japan or not, don't know whether will she get lost or not, don't know how her so-called friends character, are they good or not.:mad:
tis one, seriously is not an issue, cos she has fwens over there :)

19-02-14, 14:52
get her some smart phone. install some tracker software in her phone. activate roaming for japan.
at least her parents can keep track where she is in japan for peace of mind.

my opinion is better let children try out new stuff (be it illegal drugs, shoplifting) while parents still around and not try out new stuff when parents dead.

Alamat, cannot lah, even the parents are not around, also cannot let their children try all those things, it will ruin their future. When parents are around, should try their best to guide them, if they insist and hide from parents, then 就是他们的命lor but I'm sure all parents will try their best to stop them from trying all those stuff, no parents will "open their eyes" to see their children go into the wrong trap.:2cents:

19-02-14, 14:56
get her some smart phone. install some tracker software in her phone. activate roaming for japan.
at least her parents can keep track where she is in japan for peace of mind.

is tat gonna work in the 1st place?
say yr tracker sense tat the daughter is checking in hotel 81 Jpn branch.
tell me wat u gonna do next?
by the time u fly over ..........

19-02-14, 14:57
cos tis is precisely how I feel.
I hv got a long break during cny n my dad asked me y I dun go for a holiday. I told him tat my friends either hv $ no leave, or got leave no $, or dun hv both.
den I purposely teased him. the only category who got both $ n leave is guys.
can I go holiday wif a guy? :p
his replied is NO, of cos :D
I was tinking, aiyo! I wat age aldy! :banghead: if something will happen, even I come home punctually after work oso will happen la!

if nothing will happen, sleep on the same bed oso nothing will happen.

COOL rite? :D :ashamed1:

tis one, seriously is not an issue, cos she has fwens over there :)
Your dad worried if U sleep same bed with a guy.... U might get punctured.

19-02-14, 15:01
[QUOTE=玉格格;463764]cos tis is precisely how I feel.
I hv got a long break during cny n my dad asked me y I dun go for a holiday. I told him tat my friends either hv $ no leave, or got leave no $, or dun hv both.
den I purposely teased him. the only category who got both $ n leave is guys.
can I go holiday wif a guy? :p
his replied is NO, of cos :D
I was tinking, aiyo! I wat age aldy! :banghead: if something will happen, even I come home punctually after work oso will happen la!

if nothing will happen, sleep on the same bed oso nothing will happen.

COOL rite? :D :ashamed1:

Actually her daughter thinking is quite "westernised". She said nowadays having "s" is so common and yet she still can smile while saying that, like not feeling shy at all leh, is she still "immatured", this makes her mum so worry too. :mad: She said her mother thinking is very very "old-minded".:banghead:

19-02-14, 15:03
Your dad worried if U sleep same bed with a guy.... U might get punctured.

wat punctured????

I told him there r twin beds ..... :sleep:

sometimes parents dun understand. we r old enuff to noe wat shd do or wat shdnt do. if, at the end of the day, we decided to do something which by rite we shdnt do, it means we hv decided to be responsible for our own actions.
parents shdnt treat children (who r alrdy adults) as little kids who cannot tink for themselves.

19-02-14, 15:05
is tat gonna work in the 1st place?
say yr tracker sense tat the daughter is checking in hotel 81 Jpn branch.
tell me wat u gonna do next?
by the time u fly over ..........

what is the parent most worried about?
the daughter lose her virginity in japan? she (most likely) lose it in singapore already.
so that should not be her prime concern.

the mother's prime concern if she has get lost, lose money etc.

in addition to tracking device, the mother should ask the daughter to have TEMPORARY tattoo of singapore's japan embassy's address and telephone number.

19-02-14, 15:09
wat punctured????

I told him there r twin beds ..... :sleep:

sometimes parents dun understand. we r old enuff to noe wat shd do or wat shdnt do. if, at the end of the day, we decided to do something which by rite we shdnt do, it means we hv decided to be responsible for our own actions.
parents shdnt treat children (who r alrdy adults) as little kids who cannot tink for themselves.
Yes I agree... If turn out nothing happen at all, then it could be a sign of bigger problem. Could be that the guy is girlie or the woman looks Indescribable.

19-02-14, 15:09
Actually her daughter thinking is quite "westernised". She said nowadays having "s" is so common and yet she still can smile while saying that, like not feeling shy at all leh, is she very guillible, this makes her mum so worry too. :mad: She said her mother thinking is very very "old-minded".:banghead:

aiya, at the end of the day, whether she will "behave" herself onot really depends on her values n mindset ... even as parents, might not hv the rights to intervene.
perhaps wat alrdy meant not to happened had alrdy happened in sg tats y she feel tat is no big deal lol ....

19-02-14, 15:15
Yes I agree... If turn out nothing happen at all, then it could be a sign of bigger problem. Could be that the guy is girlie or the woman looks Indescribable.

hahaha, dun say until liddat mah ... some ppl r really platonic fwens :o

last time I used to nid to go to our subsidiary in btm n I hv to stay overnite leh.
where do I stay?
in a 5 room flat type of shophouse wif my coll. most of the time is only I and him. sometimes got another coll, but oso guy leh ...
liddat how? dangerous bo? I was oso 20s at tat time ...

19-02-14, 15:19
wat punctured????

I told him there r twin beds ..... :sleep:

sometimes parents dun understand. we r old enuff to noe wat shd do or wat shdnt do. if, at the end of the day, we decided to do something which by rite we shdnt do, it means we hv decided to be responsible for our own actions.
parents shdnt treat children (who r alrdy adults) as little kids who cannot tink for themselves.

Haha, when you become parents and your kids have grown up, you will realise the "feeling" of being a parent.:p

As a parents, actually there are loads of worries for their children, sometimes simply they don't show out only. When their children are young, actually not so much of the worries. When they start schooling, worry about their studies, occassionally worry about their surrounding friends. When they start to be "pun ni" at the age of 11 to 14 (depends on individual), as a parents, will have hard time handling with them. When they grow even older, worry about their BGR, hope that they can find a suitable one. When they get married, wish that they can have a happy family. The only time when the parents stop to worry is when they close their eyes. THE END.

If the children are filial to their parents, that's the most rewarding present that nothing can be compared.:2cents:

19-02-14, 15:19
what is the parent most worried about?
the daughter lose her virginity in japan? she (most likely) lose it in singapore already.
so that should not be her prime concern.

the mother's prime concern if she has get lost, lose money etc.

in addition to tracking device, the mother should ask the daughter to have TEMPORARY tattoo of singapore's japan embassy's address and telephone number.

so when the tracking device detected tat she is being surrounded by robbers, wat can be done?
there is a Chinese saying "distant relatives cant put out fire for u" haha

19-02-14, 15:21
Haha, when you become parents and your kids have grown up, you will realise the "feeling" of being a parent.:p

As a parents, actually there are loads of worries for their children, sometimes simply they don't show out only. When their children are young, actually not so much of the worries. When they start schooling, worry about their studies, occassionally worry about their surrounding friends. When they start to be "pun ni" at the age of 11 to 14 (depends on individual), as a parents, will have hard time handling with them. When they grow even older, worry about their BGR, hope that they can find a suitable one. When they get married, wish that they can have a happy family. The only time when the parents stop to worry is when they close their eyes. THE END.

If the children are filial to their parents, that's the most rewarding present that nothing can be compared.:2cents:

I understand, parents will nvr stop worrying abt their children one ...
but I tink wat children wanna fm their parents is TRUST; trust tat we r mature enuff to be responsible for our actions.

the same applies to a spouse. if u cannot trust him, u better dun marry him!

19-02-14, 15:28
what is the parent most worried about?
the daughter lose her virginity in japan? she (most likely) lose it in singapore already.
so that should not be her prime concern.

the mother's prime concern if she has get lost, lose money etc.

in addition to tracking device, the mother should ask the daughter to have TEMPORARY tattoo of singapore's japan embassy's address and telephone number.

Yup, I think that's a good idea, at least get prepared with relevant phones and addresses eg her friend's addresses and phones too for her parents, hotels name/address so that at least her parents can contact her should there be anything happen but of course hope that nothing will happen and hope that she can enjoy her holidays lor.

19-02-14, 15:30
hahaha, dun say until liddat mah ... some ppl r really platonic fwens :o

last time I used to nid to go to our subsidiary in btm n I hv to stay overnite leh.
where do I stay?
in a 5 room flat type of shophouse wif my coll. most of the time is only I and him. sometimes got another coll, but oso guy leh ...
liddat how? dangerous bo? I was oso 20s at tat time ...
If stay with a cute girl in a room, I can stay platonic at maximum 15 minutes. Longer than that I might go atomic.

19-02-14, 15:31
Yup, I think that's a good idea, at least get prepared with relevant phones and addresses eg her friend's addresses and phones too for her parents, hotels name/address so that at least her parents can contact her should there be anything happen but of course hope that nothing will happen and hope that she can enjoy her holidays lor.

So you all think that the parents should let her try and explore herself and like what she said, want to learn to be independent.

19-02-14, 15:33
If stay with a cute girl in a room, I can stay platonic at maximum 15 minutes. Longer than that I might go atomic.

tsk. tsk, tsk .... nvr noe u hv such bad taste! :scared-1:
cute means ugly but adorable leh!
hahaha :D

19-02-14, 15:43
aiya, at the end of the day, whether she will "behave" herself onot really depends on her values n mindset ... even as parents, might not hv the rights to intervene.
perhaps wat alrdy meant not to happened had alrdy happened in sg tats y she feel tat is no big deal lol ....

Because some of her friends are like that, 20 yrs old already married because of "short-gun". So she sees no big deal lor.

19-02-14, 15:46
If stay with a cute girl in a room, I can stay platonic at maximum 15 minutes. Longer than that I might go atomic.

Wow, dangerous leh.:D

19-02-14, 15:51
If she is cute... Then 2 words "chastity belt"

aiya.....no point. equal chance of bedding someone, regardless overseas or staying locally

19-02-14, 15:53
Japan is the number one exporter of pornography n the sex trade the is still very much alive. If my daughter is pretty n sexy, I will not allow. If the girl is fat n ugly n confirmed won't be the target of people in vice trade kind, can go ahead.

japan is a rather safe place. what's the concern?

19-02-14, 15:54
Because some of her friends are like that, 20 yrs old already married because of "short-gun". So she sees no big deal lor.

u tink she dunno the consequence of shot gun marriage meh?
u tink she dunno the responsibility n hardship of being a single mum?
u tink she dunno the risk of being a non virgin n gena hiam-ed by someone whom she really loves next time?

she is old enuff to noe wat she wanna la ... as parents, we hv the duty to teach them the correct values but whether the child will "absorb" yr teachings onot is really not up to us to decide le.

19-02-14, 16:00
Japan is the number one exporter of pornography n the sex trade the is still very much alive. If my daughter is pretty n sexy, I will not allow. If the girl is fat n ugly n confirmed won't be the target of people in vice trade kind, can go ahead.

walao! u so bad one! Im oso fat n ugly leh :simmering:

19-02-14, 16:01
u tink she dunno the consequence of shot gun marriage meh?
u tink she dunno the responsibility n hardship of being a single mum?
u tink she dunno the risk of being a non virgin n gena hiam-ed by someone whom she really loves next time?

she is old enuff to noe wat she wanna la ... as parents, we hv the duty to teach them the correct values but whether the child will "absorb" yr teachings onot is really not up to us to decide le.

You are right, it looks like she doesn't seem to be fully aware of it, that's why I say she's gullible. She can tell her mum that nowadays Pr 1 or 2 school children also know what is boyfriend and girlfiriend and when her mum told her that they don't really understand the meaning, but she insisted that the children understand. She said her friend said that though she looks like a 17 or 18 years old girl at her age but her thinking is 27 years old thinking and she strongly believe it.

That's the headache of being a parent lor.:mad: When the children went to the wrong path, parents will be the 1st to get the blame especially the mother.:banghead:

19-02-14, 16:03
That's the headache of being a parent lor.:mad:

the more u dun trust yr children, the more they will hide fm u ...

When the children went to the wrong path, parents will be the 1st to get the blame especially the mother.:banghead:
who's the one blaming?

19-02-14, 16:17
the more u dun trust yr children, the more they will hide fm u ...

That I agree, but sometimes can't help it leh. Sometimes is not that the parents don't trust the children but is the children behavior that make the parents worry leh. So I think it needs both side to compromise.

Someone ever said, when the children misbehave, the parents worry and start to interfere and when the parents interfere, the children start to misbehave more because they said parents don't trust them. Then the cycle will start again and again.

19-02-14, 16:19
what is the parent most worried about?
the daughter lose her virginity in japan? she (most likely) lose it in singapore already.
so that should not be her prime concern.

the mother's prime concern if she has get lost, lose money etc.

in addition to tracking device, the mother should ask the daughter to have TEMPORARY tattoo of singapore's japan embassy's address and telephone number.

Got tatoo cannot go to onsen :D.
Unless she removes it which will defeat the purpose in this case.

19-02-14, 16:19
who's the one blaming?

Those "三姑六婆" lor.

19-02-14, 16:23
walao! u so bad one! Im oso fat n ugly leh :simmering:

Aiya, 玉格格ler, don't have the standard, how to become concubine yu.:D

19-02-14, 16:24
Someone ever said, when the children misbehave, the parents worry and start to interfere and when the parents interfere, the children start to misbehave more because they said parents don't trust them. Then the cycle will start again and again.
wat is even worse is the child nvr misbehave but the parents dun trust n start to interfere tis n tat ended up the child misbehave :doh:

19-02-14, 16:28
Those "三姑六婆" lor.

one dun live his life revolving around the opinions of others leh ...
isn't it tiring?
as long as u hv done yr part n yr conscious is clear, y bother abt how others gonna say?
wat everyone is doing nid not necc be right in the 1st place.

how others perceived u is not impt; how u perceived yrself is more impt ~ golden rule by 玉格格 :tongue3:

19-02-14, 16:36
Aiya, 玉格格ler, don't have the standard, how to become concubine yu.:D

really not attractive leh, I dun lie one :o

aiya, sometimes when an emperor hv too many pretty concubines, they wanna something diff la! wahahaha :D

19-02-14, 16:51
Then you safe liao :D

walao! u so bad one! Im oso fat n ugly leh :simmering:

19-02-14, 16:52
Then you safe liao :D

safe in jpn but not safe in sg leh! :tongue3:

19-02-14, 16:55
really not attractive leh, I dun lie one :o

aiya, sometimes when an emperor hv too many pretty concubines, they wanna something diff la! wahahaha :D

@ 玉格格 ( FAKE WOMAN )

You are a MAN. But a WEAK ONE. :rolleyes:

19-02-14, 16:56
Don't Worry, she can never be worst than Annabel Chong.



19-02-14, 16:57
Don't Worry, she can never be worst than Annabel Chong.


Wrong , she is definitely WORSE than Annabel Chong :rolleyes:

19-02-14, 17:33
My niece turned 21 last year and when her mum asked what she wanted for her 21st birthday present, she said she wanted to travel to Europe alone; couch-surfing. Her mum and her brother both contributed some money towards her Europe trip. She went, came back, and then went to Europe again a couple of months later.

Her brother (in his 20s) had a baby with his girlfriend before they got married. The girl is in her late teens. At first, my sister flipped upon hearing the news; she even asked me if I wanted to adopt the child. Now the child is a few months old and my sister dotes on him; kisses and hugs him every day buys clothes for him & pays for baby spa packages for him.

I think once your child reaches adult age, it is better to give him or her your blessings in whatever she/he wants to do as long as it is not illegal or brings harms to others.

19-02-14, 18:31
Wrong , she is definitely WORSE than Annabel Chong :rolleyes:
People wanting a little freedom doesn't automatically turn her into a total sl*t.

19-02-14, 18:53
What is the ROI for going? If the risk is higher than don't go.


Several S'poreans 'disappear' overseas every year


Japan is recognized as having one of the most severe human trafficking problems among the major industrialized democracies

19-02-14, 19:14
I think once your child reaches adult age, it is better to give him or her your blessings in whatever she/he wants to do as long as it is not illegal or brings harms to others.

Wise words, well said!
Parents can only advise.

19-02-14, 19:55
If stay with a cute girl in a room, I can stay platonic at maximum 15 minutes. Longer than that I might go atomic.

You are so cute.... and if the cute girl say yes you'll go ballistic

19-02-14, 19:58
There comes a time when we have to trust our children to be mature and be responsible for their own actions.

We cannot be there for them all the times.

19-02-14, 20:02
People wanting a little freedom doesn't automatically turn her into a total sl*t.

Are you desperate to feed in the troll ? If not shut the fu#k up and be a good boy. :rolleyes:

19-02-14, 21:05
Are you desperate to feed in the troll ? If not shut the fu#k up and be a good boy. :rolleyes:
Aren't u a little ray of sunshine.

20-02-14, 06:59
Japan is the number one exporter of pornography n the sex trade the is still very much alive. If my daughter is pretty n sexy, I will not allow. If the girl is fat n ugly n confirmed won't be the target of people in vice trade kind, can go ahead.

of course i know that. the society is so open - x-rated legit cinemas with x-rated posters, staff-less shops that rent out x-rated dvds, etc

but being open doesn't equate to being violent or dodgy. i've been to the red-light district at shinjuku and it's nothing like geylang. the escorts have big, big, big billboards featuring themselves, and they all look like some popstar. just a comparison, i can have a full sense of security walking down the streets at 1am in tokyo, that i won't have walking down johor bahru at 1pm.

20-02-14, 07:02
oh ya i forgot to add. is your friend's girl cuter than those kawaii jap mei-meis? just to give a perspective, you throw a stone down the streets of tokyo and you get a high chance of hitting a pretty, kawaii girl. so, being cute here doesn't mean being hot there

20-02-14, 07:11
oh ya i forgot to add. is your friend's girl cuter than those kawaii jap mei-meis? just to give a perspective, you throw a stone down the streets of tokyo and you get a high chance of hitting a pretty, kawaii girl. so, being cute here doesn't mean being hot there

You seems very knowledgeable in the field of pornography, I hope you will continue to focus your attention in this area instead of talking jiao wei on property.

Keep it up porno-ENG

20-02-14, 07:14
You seems very knowledgeable in the field of pornography, I hope you will continue to focus your attention in this area instead of talking jiao wei on property.

Keep it up porno-ENG

please lah, kam gong. go register for primary 1 english lessons, touring foreign cities is not for kids

20-02-14, 08:31
You are so cute.... and if the cute girl say yes you'll go ballistic

diff types of cuteness here.
I believe the cute tat indomie is referring to is those "act cute behaviour", like those Korean/jap popstars liddat ... not so much of the humorous type of cute.

20-02-14, 09:12
diff types of cuteness here.
I believe the cute tat indomie is referring to is those "act cute behaviour", like those Korean/jap popstars liddat ... not so much of the humorous type of cute.
No... I am indiscriminate.

20-02-14, 09:22
No... I am indiscriminate.

no meh?
still tinking very hard to imagine how a cute in personality wif a non cute (in appearance) gal can make indomie turn horny n become atomic, haha ...

20-02-14, 09:47
no meh?
still tinking very hard to imagine how a cute in personality wif a non cute (in appearance) gal can make indomie turn horny n become atomic, haha ...
U really wanna proof? Btw I am scorpion, married but available.

20-02-14, 09:59
U really wanna proof? Btw I am scorpion, married but available.

can substantiate wif proof of cos will make yr statement more convincing.

but guys being guys, tend to fall in love wif their eyes tats y I find it hard to be convinced.

a pretty gal can accept an ugly guy but hard (not say cannot, but rare) for a handsome guy to accept an ugly gal.

married n available so wat? u tink by stating yrself as still available means cute gals will make themselves available for u meh? lol

20-02-14, 11:34
can substantiate wif proof of cos will make yr statement more convincing.

but guys being guys, tend to fall in love wif their eyes tats y I find it hard to be convinced.

a pretty gal can accept an ugly guy but hard (not say cannot, but rare) for a handsome guy to accept an ugly gal.

married n available so wat? u tink by stating yrself as still available means cute gals will make themselves available for u meh? lol

Never ending talk cock sing song by 玉格格 ( COWARD MAN )

Continue to inflate your post count.....:rolleyes:

20-02-14, 11:52
Never ending talk cock sing song by 玉格格 ( COWARD MAN )

Continue to inflate your post count.....:rolleyes:
Leave my girlfriend alone man

20-02-14, 11:55
U really wanna proof? Btw I am scorpion, married but available.

actually available or not does not depend on the horoscope. it depend on whether the spouse is out of town or not.

20-02-14, 12:07
Leave my girlfriend alone man

1. u hv not meet me in rl b4, wat makes u so positive tat im a female? lol
2. maligning others as yr gf doesn't make u any cuter :tsk-tsk:

20-02-14, 12:31
Leave my girlfriend alone man

Leave your MAN alone ? I never know that you are interested in MAN.

LOL :rolleyes:

21-02-14, 07:29
oh ya i forgot to add. is your friend's girl cuter than those kawaii jap mei-meis? just to give a perspective, you throw a stone down the streets of tokyo and you get a high chance of hitting a pretty, kawaii girl. so, being cute here doesn't mean being hot there

Aiyo, I never say that she is cute but she is pretty only. Like someone mentioned, cute doesn't mean is pretty and pretty doesn't mean is cute.:)

21-02-14, 08:17
Aiyo, I never say that she is cute but she is pretty only. Like someone mentioned, cute doesn't mean is pretty and pretty doesn't mean is cute.:)

1 point to add ... pretty to females nid not necc is pretty to guys leh :D

21-02-14, 08:46
Aiyo, I never say that she is cute but she is pretty only. Like someone mentioned, cute doesn't mean is pretty and pretty doesn't mean is cute.:)

trust me, there are TONS of pretty, kawaii jap girls. your friend's daughter will probably be considered average there

21-02-14, 12:50
trust me, there are TONS of pretty, kawaii jap girls. your friend's daughter will probably be considered average there

Some says she looks like Japanese. She was a "cover girl" on a magazine before (decent one hor).

21-02-14, 13:02
Some says she looks like Japanese. She was a "cover girl" on a magazine before (decent one hor).

eh ... personally I dun find Japanese or Korean gals pretty (without surgery) wor ... I still find han descendents fm china more beautiful :D

21-02-14, 13:35
after talk for so long, has she come back from holiday?

21-02-14, 14:59
eh ... personally I dun find Japanese or Korean gals pretty (without surgery) wor ... I still find han descendents fm china more beautiful :D

Just like you is it, no wonder you call yourself concubines yu:D

21-02-14, 15:02
after talk for so long, has she come back from holiday?

Haha, haven't gone for holiday yet lah. Her mum wonder whether to let her go or not.

21-02-14, 15:06
1 point to add ... pretty to females nid not necc is pretty to guys leh :D

Ok lah, maybe not pretty but presentable, can? She might not be appealing to mature man because she looks like a teenage, hehe.

21-02-14, 15:08
Just like you is it, no wonder you call yourself concubines yu:D

aiyo! Im a true blue singaporean leh ... dun look like china gal at all ... I look 1000% like a typical Singaporean, dun even nid to open my mouth to tok in singlish :D

yu is part of my real name leh :ashamed1: