View Full Version : 15 ways technology is ruining our lives

10-01-14, 16:45

Technology has brought us convenience, but our dependence on it could also adversely impact the the way we live and the quality of the relationships we form with others. Here are 15 ways our gadgets may ruin our lives if we don't use them with caution:

1) We tend to focus on the wrong things, e.g., things that can wait.
2) We are constantly sleepy from catching up with unimportant updates until it's way past bedtime.
3) All our passwords and other sensitive information can be found on one single device - and cyber criminals love you for that.
4) We're also getting more comfortable with giving out our personal details to websites and apps - some of which then pass on the information to other companies.
5) We only pay attention to the first 140 characters of a REAL conversation...
6) ...because everything we need to know is on social media.
7) We keep using abbreviations and Internet lingos in places we aren't supposed to. Like in our final-year thesis, or our business proposal. OMG.
8) We have become too trusting of Wikipedia for our own good.
9) One error on social media condemns us to a lifetime of embarrassment.
10) We're affected by the type of comments and number of 'likes' we receive for a post on social media, when there are bigger things in the world to be concerned about.
11) We live for social media - always looking out for opportunities that would make great Facebook or Instagram posts. Or we'll have to create one ourselves.
12) We're starting to look and walk like zombies.
13) We're using less and less of our brains to retain information, knowing that our smartphones can do that for us.
14) We're constantly exposed to the threat of having an 'unglam' photo taken of us and uploaded for all the world to see. Just ask Katy Perry.
15) The very helpful autocorrect function is creating more misunderstandings than we already have with our significant other.

10-01-14, 19:37
Youngsters are getting more and more socially inept and uncommunicative. Talk to them and we get urh or yes or no

But on social media, they can be so expressive! Sad...:scared-3:

10-01-14, 20:01
Youngsters are getting more and more socially inept and uncommunicative. Talk to them and we get urh or yes or no

But on social media, they can be so expressive! Sad...:scared-3:

I agree with you.
However this seems to be the current form of communication, hence we as the older generation need to adapt to it and be receptive to their way of communication.

I did not communicate well with my gramps cos they spoke dialect and little Mandarin. I found it a pity that I could not communicate well with them.
Hence I made a resolution that I will stay in tune with the latest form of communication, whether I like it or not.

10-01-14, 20:17
One of the problem with information age today is that people are overloaded with too much information, as a resulted people are having too much breadth in knowledge but no depth. And this could explain why there is a lack of originality and independent thinking in modern society.

10-01-14, 20:35


SINGAPORE — Singaporeans are one of the most active social media consumers in the world, according to a report by We Are Social released on Wednesday (Jan 8).
The Republic has the world’s second highest social penetration rate in Singapore at 59 per cent, more than double the global average of 26 per cent. Top spot goes to the United Arab Emirates with 80 per cent.
We Are Social calculated the social penetration rate based on the active users of the largest active social network in each country. A total of 24 countries, including Singapore, were included in the report.
Social media users in Singapore spend 2.2 hours on average per day on all social media channels, slightly above the world average of 2.0 hours. This ranks the country 15th in the world in the list topped by Argentina with 4.3 hours.
Singaporeans are also more connected to the Internet as compared to the rest of the world on average, the study revealed.
The city state’s Internet penetration rate is 73 per cent, above the global average of 35 per cent.
The mobile penetration rate in Singapore stands at 148 per cent, smashing the global figure of 93 per cent.
Nonetheless, Singaporeans are spending more time surfing the Internet on the traditional mediums of laptops or desktops as compared to on mobile. Singaporeans spend an average of five hours and 16 minutes surfing the Internet each day on laptops and desktops but only one hour and 57 minutes on mobile.

15-01-14, 12:51
Technology is like a knife.

Wielded by a wise person, it is a tool.

In a fool's hand, it is a self destructive weapon.

- mcm (c) 2014