View Full Version : Khaw : 2013: A Productive Year

31-12-13, 09:14

As we bid farewell to 2013, my colleagues and I in MND/HDB do so, with a dose of satisfaction. We still have much to do, but the intense ramped-up BTO programme is beginning to show results. 13,600 new flats were completed this year, with keys handed over to their proud owners.
I was at the Montreal Ville BTO block handover last week, with HDB CEO Dr Cheong Koon Hean. It was a proud moment for us, as it symbolically marked the end of a busy and productive year.
http://mndsingapore.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/picture2.jpg?w=450&h=150 (http://mndsingapore.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/picture2.jpg)
We are at the two-and-a-half year mark, after we ramped up supply to an average of 26,000 flats a year. Indeed, Montreal Ville BTO is among the first batch of BTOs soon after I stepped into MND in mid-2011.
Next year, we will see greater results of this ramped-up programme, when we complete more than 28,000 new flats. That is more flats than the entire Clementi Town!
This ramped-up programme has enabled us to clear the backlog and pave the way for a more sustainable programme next year.
Many thanks to the dedicated staff of HDB, our construction partners: architects, engineers, contractors, sub-contractors, prefab operators, construction workers, and many more!
Let me also take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!