View Full Version : Secure Your Home Before Your Holiday

20-12-13, 12:19

Going for a holiday? Make sure your home is well taken care of!
Having spent weeks planning your itinerary and booking your accommodation for that long overdue holiday, there’s one very important thing that you wouldn’t want to miss – keeping the home safe and sound while seeing the world!
The last thing you’d want is to return home from a memorable trip and find out something’s gone wrong at home. So, take things into your own hands and take preventive measures that can help you avoid situations such as power surges, broken pipes or home invasions.

1. Remove Your Spare Key
Needless to say, lock all windows and doors. And yes, that porcelain pot isn’t fooling anyone. If a criminal can figure out that you’re away on holiday, it’s likely that he or she will check the front of your flat for a spare key. So reach under the mat or into the flower pot and remove your spare key before you leave on your holiday!


2. Stop All Deliveries
Either stop all newspaper and magazine deliveries, or ask your neighbour to help collect them while you’re away. A week’s worth of newspapers and magazines piled in front of your door is an obvious signal that you’re out of town. Neighbours can also help clear out unsolicited fliers, coupons and delivery menus.
3. Switch Off!
Unplug the television, fan, modem, computer, electric air pot, toaster oven and other appliances to save power (optional for refrigerator). According to Singapore Power (http://www.singaporepower.com.sg/irj/portal?NavigationTarget=navurl://7dcf5f4d4354158f59c33468f8bddd03&windowId=WID1370328414772), each appliance consumes a small amount of ‘phantom energy’ as long as it’s plugged into the power socket. Doing this also protects your appliances from power surges – you never know when there’s a blackout. It’s also a good idea to turn off the mains of water and gas supply – just in case any pipe breaks or leaks.
4. Keep Your Curtains or Blinds in Their Normal Position
You may have decided to close your curtains or roll down the blinds to give your flat some added ‘cover’. However, anyone watching your flat can learn your normal patterns – leaving the blinds uncharacteristically closed for a week or two says you’re away. The surprisingly easy way is to keep things as they are.
5. Move Expensive Items Out of Sight
Take a walk outside your home and look in through your windows. If you can spot expensive gadgets, a jewellery box in your bedroom or anything else worth stealing, so can everyone else. Remember those advertisements from the police? Heed those messages because ‘Low Crime Doesn’t Mean No Crime’. Don’t help criminals ‘window shop’ while you’re away shopping overseas.
6. Fight Dengue!
Mozzie-proof your home. Cover all bamboo pole holders, toilet bowls and floor traps, and overturn all water storage containers. Mosquitoes can breed within one week or less during hotter months like June and July. Leave home to a paradise but don’t leave a paradise for mosquitoes at home!
7. Use Timers for Your Lights
Don’t leave the lights on throughout your entire vacation so as to make it look like someone is home – it’s not exactly “green” behaviour. Also, wouldn’t it look a bit odd to have your lights blazing throughout the night? Instead, you could install timers on different lights throughout your flat and set the timers to go off at different intervals. If there’s anyone eyeing your flat, they will notice the lights and will probably assume someone is home.
8. Ask a Neighbour to Help
After you’ve done all that, here’s the best keep-your-home-safe tip for HDB living: ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your flat while you’re away. But first, get to know your neighbour, if you’ve not done so. You could charm your neighbour with some freshly baked cookies (http://mynicehome.sg/2012/07/07/kindness-it-starts-from-the-little-things/) or cupcakes and even get your kids to help too. http://mynicehome.sg/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif
Next, let your neighbour know when you plan to be away from home and ask if they can help keep an eye on your flat. And if you‘re on really good terms with them, hand them a spare key so that they can come by at different times and turn the lights on and off. To show your appreciation, remember to get better souvenirs for your neighbour!
Keeping a good relationship with neighbours surely goes a long way. It helps put our mind at ease as we go on that long trip. Since we’re in such close proximity to our neighbours, especially so for HDB dwellers, why not turn that into an advantage?

With this fuss-free checklist, have a worry-free and fun holiday!