View Full Version : 大家来看看 Come Come EVERBODY Must See This Funny Foreigner -->> COCO CC

15-11-13, 00:03
PM replied by coco cc


coco cc

Confirmed + Chop = Foreign Trash

Base on that PM received,
I guess maybe she comes from 中国 / 香港 / 马来西亚 ( China/Hongkong/Malaysia )

coco cc 真正的没家教 :D :D

15-11-13, 00:06
PM replied by coco cc


coco cc

Confirmed + Chop = Foreign Trash

Base on that PM received,
I guess maybe she comes from 中国 / 香港 / 马来西亚 ( China/Hongkong/Malaysia )

coco cc 真正的没家教 :D :D

15-11-13, 00:07
PM replied by coco cc


coco cc

Confirmed + Chop = Foreign Trash

Base on that PM received,
I guess maybe she comes from 中国 / 香港 / 马来西亚 ( China/Hongkong/Malaysia )

coco cc 真正的没家教 :D :D

15-11-13, 08:30
coco cc 真正的没家教 :D :D

r u any better?

dun forget u r the one who provoke ppl 1st in the minton thread :rolleyes:

15-11-13, 08:46
This thread should be deleted, and both should be banned from the forum.


15-11-13, 09:22
coco = coconut ?? LOL :D

coco cc --> 白痴 ( Idiot )

coco cc --> 低能 ( Retarded )

coco cc --> 性无能 ( Impotent )

The Minton top ?? My 鸡白 ( Chee Bye ) TOP

Cannot wait get keys ?

F U C K OFF LAH :up-yours::middle-finger2: :up-yours:

Hey You coconut KNNBCCB :middle-finger2:

Wow. Your 家教 very high standard.

15-11-13, 09:32
Wow. Your 家教 very high standard.

Not as high as coco cc :rolleyes::rolleyes:

15-11-13, 09:33
r u any better?

dun forget u r the one who provoke ppl 1st in the minton thread :rolleyes:

Twit mermaid

Provocation doesn't warrant ppl for an extreme insult :rolleyes::rolleyes:

So that means anyone who provoke someone else, he/she can attack or beat that person up lah you mean ?

I think you and coco cc same douche bag...:tsk-tsk:

15-11-13, 09:34
The pot calling the kettle black....:scared-2:!

15-11-13, 09:40
The pot calling the kettle black....:scared-2:!

My Pot is NOT as black as the kettle ;)

15-11-13, 09:47
Twit mermaid

Provocation doesn't warrant ppl for an extreme insult :rolleyes::rolleyes:

So that means anyone who provoke someone else, he/she can attack or beat that person up lah you mean ?

I think you and coco cc same douche bag...:tsk-tsk:

dun portray yrself as an innocent victim!
I do see the cailbre of yr upbringing from yr derogative insults.
no one is stopping u to continue making a disgrace of yrself. however, yr views do not represent us singaporeans & do not drag the whole of spore into yr personal attacks of FTs.

15-11-13, 09:56
PM replied by coco cc

coco cc

Confirmed + Chop = Foreign Trash

Base on that PM received,
I guess maybe she comes from 中国 / 香港 / 马来西亚 ( China/Hongkong/Malaysia )

coco cc 真正的没家教 :D :D

tortoise dont laugh at turtle no hair lah..

15-11-13, 10:15
dun portray yrself as an innocent victim!
I do see the cailbre of yr upbringing from yr derogative insults.
no one is stopping u to continue making a disgrace of yrself. however, yr views do not represent us singaporeans & do not drag the whole of spore into yr personal attacks of FTs.

You are NO better lah.

Hypocrite like you i have seen alot.

Infront of people talk nice and friendly, but behind peoples back talk shit words.

Personal attack of FT, so what ? You think i am the only Singaporean who think this way ? Wait 2016 GE then you know how many Singapreans....LOL

Stop being a hypocrite and douchebag la :rolleyes:

15-11-13, 10:21
This thread should be deleted, and both should be banned from the forum.


Include YOU economist for posting to inflate your post count and also useless shit post...with ZERO constructive view :rolleyes:

15-11-13, 10:38
Show evidence to support your assertions that Im a hypocrite & talk shit words behind ppl’s backs.

if u are unable or failed to do so, you are admitting to the fact that you are either:

1. a troll who provokes & maligns others;

2. a coward who only dare to hide behind the keyboard to attack others & have no guts/means to substantiate your claims;

3. a cyber bully who resort to virulent attacks when ppl exposed yr misdeeds;

or all of the above.

coco cc
15-11-13, 10:41

15-11-13, 20:16
Saddened to see the thread discussion degenerates to this low-level shameless dialogue.

No matter how divergent our views were, we still need to respect the dignity of others. We all do not know everything...there are blind-spots that we are so unaware of. Let us learn to respect each other's views and live better in a better informed world.

15-11-13, 21:16
This thread should be deleted.

19-11-13, 21:08
Show evidence to support your assertions that Im a hypocrite & talk shit words behind ppl’s backs.

if u are unable or failed to do so, you are admitting to the fact that you are either:

1. a troll who provokes & maligns others;

2. a coward who only dare to hide behind the keyboard to attack others & have no guts/means to substantiate your claims;

3. a cyber bully who resort to virulent attacks when ppl exposed yr misdeeds;

or all of the above.

No need talk so much shit lah.


Show evidence ??????

Show my asshole you want ? :)