View Full Version : Dear Bro/Sis, How old are u?

21-10-13, 12:08
very curious to noe yr age leh :D can tell me mah :ashamed1:

21-10-13, 12:58
very curious to noe yr age leh :D can tell me mah :ashamed1:

TS, how about you start the ball rolling?
As of now, no one has voted.
Can people see ur identity when u vote?
If so then no privacy leh.

21-10-13, 13:00
TS, how about you start the ball rolling?
As of now, no one has voted.
Can people see ur identity when u vote?
If so then no privacy leh.

I shy to vote 1st leh :ashamed1:

dunno y they all so scare to reveal their age range :(

21-10-13, 13:07
What's the purpose of asking?

21-10-13, 13:08
According to which calendar?

21-10-13, 13:08
What's the purpose of asking?

cos I feel tat the bulk of the forummers here shd be between 40-55 yo, juz wanna noe if I am rite.

According to which calendar?

2013 calendar :hell-hath-no-fury:

21-10-13, 13:08
Aiyo, TS...I don't wanna vote, cos people can see my name.
If it was anonymous then I may consider.

21-10-13, 13:11
Aiyo, TS...I don't wanna vote, cos people can see my name.
If it was anonymous then I may consider.

alamak! y u tell ppl tat tis is yr real name?! :doh:

21-10-13, 13:14
alamak! y u tell ppl tat tis is yr real name?! :doh:

Fyi, that's my username.
Whether it is my real name, it is for you to guess.
Btw, chloe is the brand of a luxury bag.

21-10-13, 13:16
Fyi, that's my username.
Whether it is my real name, it is for you to guess.

not real name tat means u can safely vote liao :D

21-10-13, 13:18
I dun expect to see many ppl voting the "others" cat esp fm ppl like minority!
so minority is below 26yo?
so unbelievable!

21-10-13, 13:21
What is others?
Means <26 years old?

21-10-13, 13:22
I am claiming 70 so that i have more gravitas. Naysayers will say i more senile.

21-10-13, 13:23
I am claiming 70 so that i have more gravitas. Naysayers will say i more senile.

means wat? u r 70yo? pls vote truthfully hor ...

What is others?
Means <26 years old?

yeah ... for ppl like astroboy :D

21-10-13, 13:44
I coming 21 how

21-10-13, 13:45
I coming 21 how

under others lor :D

so envy leh :( :(

21-10-13, 14:14
gals and sperms and time I have a lot

money don't have

21-10-13, 14:17
gals and sperms and time I have a lot

money don't have

u r only 21yo, suppose to hv accum lotsa of $ liao meh?

21-10-13, 14:24
tell it to some of the gals I know
their bf same age some drive z4 or slk
got 1 drive lambo
go butter factory or china dolly all look at them

21-10-13, 14:31
tell it to some of the gals I know
their bf same age some drive z4 or slk
got 1 drive lambo
go butter factory or china dolly all look at them

driving a car nowadays dun necc means owning one hor :D
but owning a car doesn't mean tat one is richer. it only means one is willing to splurge $xx of his money on a car, full stop.

in fact one is poorer as car is a depreciating asset wif miserable scrap value.

there r some ppl, drive branded cars, look so glam in front of others but is dead broke. cant even afford to dine outside. tis is so pathetic, but again, it is his choice.

21-10-13, 15:07
tell it to some of the gals I know
their bf same age some drive z4 or slk
got 1 drive lambo
go butter factory or china dolly all look at them

welcome to the real world.

21-10-13, 15:12
driving a car nowadays dun necc means owning one hor :D
but owning a car doesn't mean tat one is richer. it only means one is willing to splurge $xx of his money on a car, full stop.

in fact one is poorer as car is a depreciating asset wif miserable scrap value.

there r some ppl, drive branded cars, look so glam in front of others but is dead broke. cant even afford to dine outside. tis is so pathetic, but again, it is his choice.

Nowadays got companies offering car rental, some can even change luxury cars regularly eg fractional car leasing :


others offer carefree car solutions :


21-10-13, 15:15
Nowadays got companies offering car rental, some can even change luxury cars regularly eg fractional car leasing :


others offer carefree car solutions :


I suppose nowadays the richest ppl would be those holding title deeds in their hands.

21-10-13, 15:23
very curious to noe yr age leh :D can tell me mah :ashamed1:

Why you didnt vote?

21-10-13, 15:26
Why you didnt vote?

I will let u noe after u hv voted, haha.

21-10-13, 15:30
I will let u noe after u hv voted, haha.

You are not being fair and truthful to the people who voted actually.

21-10-13, 15:32
You are not being fair and truthful to the people who voted actually.

yr Ringo33 SOP doesn't work here :doh:

21-10-13, 15:47
yr Ringo33 SOP doesn't work here :doh:

If you wish to keep you age as a secret then you should not be calling for such a poll.

I pity those who have voted actually.

21-10-13, 15:51
If you wish to keep you age as a secret then you should not be calling for such a poll.

I pity those who have voted actually.

u will only noe whether I intend to keep my age as a secret onot after u hv voted.

whether I shd be calling for such a poll onot is not up to u to decide; I am the thread starter, I hv the final say.

if u feel pitiful over those who have voted without getting the reciprocal reply fm me, I welcome u to go & create a thread to express yr care & concerns for them. Im sure they will appreciate yr kindness.

21-10-13, 15:55
u will only noe whether I intend to keep my age as a secret onot after u hv voted.

whether I shd be calling for such a poll onot is not up to u to decide; I am the thread starter, I hv the final say.

if u feel pitiful over those who have voted without getting the reciprocal reply fm me, I welcome u to go & create a thread to express yr care & concerns for them. Im sure they will appreciate yr kindness.

I would strong advise forummer not to get trick into this kind of lame poll and dont let the TS con you into disclosing information about yourself.

21-10-13, 15:59
I would strong advise forummer not to get trick into this kind of lame poll and dont let the TS con you into disclosing information about yourself.

well, if u strongly feel tat Im out to trick & con others, u r always welcome to create a thread to warn others abt me & my threads, instead of wasting time in this thread whereby u hv no intention to vote.

21-10-13, 16:04
well, if u strongly feel tat Im out to trick & con others, u r always welcome to create a thread to warn others abt me & my threads, instead of wasting time in this thread whereby u hv no intention to vote.

Posting here is just fine.

What exactly are you trying to prove with this thread?

To find who in this forum you can bully or bootlick?

So whats your age?

21-10-13, 16:09
Posting here is just fine.

What exactly are you trying to prove with this thread?

To find who in this forum you can bully or bootlick?

So whats your age?

have u voted? if no, do I owe u any explanation?

21-10-13, 16:11
have u voted? if no, do I owe u any explanation?

19 innocents soul have voted. Now you have 19 good reasons to disclose your age.

21-10-13, 16:16
19 innocents soul have voted. Now you have 19 good reasons to disclose your age.

since u r so oooo eager to find out my age, I will give u 19 good choices to guess. if u r unable to guess it is not my problem liao.


21-10-13, 16:27
since u r so oooo eager to find out my age, I will give u 19 good choices to guess. if u r unable to guess it is not my problem liao.


Let me guess. The reason why you are so secretive about your age is because you have low self esteem about yourself. Or are you worry people will laugh at your childish post?

21-10-13, 16:35
Let me guess. The reason why you are so secretive about your age is because you have low self esteem about yourself. Or are you worry people will laugh at your childish post?

so wat's the purpose of tis post? to avoid selecting an answer from the 19 choices becos u hv no confident of guessing it correctly?

if tat being the case, dun ask when u r not prepared to respond in the future. Else when ppl provide u wif MCQ option, u cannot answer & hv to resort to asking other qns to side track from the original qn.

21-10-13, 16:44
so wat's the purpose of tis post? to avoid selecting an answer from the 19 choices becos u hv no confident of guessing it correctly?

if tat being the case, dun ask when u r not prepared to respond in the future. Else when ppl provide u wif MCQ option, u cannot answer & hv to resort to asking other qns to side track from the original qn.

You should state you intention and tell everyone what is up your sleeves for collecting user profile.

very curious to noe yr age leh :D can tell me mah :ashamed1:

21-10-13, 17:22
Omg! The average age group of the forummers here is surprising young! :scared-3:

21-10-13, 17:26
Omg! The average age group of the forummers here is surprising young! :scared-3:

wrong analysis.

The average age group of those who have been conned to vote are middle age group. And it is not a good represent of the entire forum because many forum members doesnt wish to be disclose personal information about themselves.

21-10-13, 17:53
I have voted, so I can ask your age rite? Let me guess, mermaid is in the range of 36 - 45?? PM me also can :D

21-10-13, 17:57
I have voted, so I can ask your age rite? Let me guess, mermaid is in the range of 36 - 45?? PM me also can :D

wei, wei, wei ... I aldy noe yr age leh, how can u use a stale infor to exchange for my age? :(

21-10-13, 18:05
wei, wei, wei ... I aldy noe yr age leh, how can u use a stale infor to exchange for my age? :(

walau busok!

21-10-13, 18:07
wei, wei, wei ... I aldy noe yr age leh, how can u use a stale infor to exchange for my age? :(

Since you are not disclosing your age, you shouldnt be expecting others to be honest about their age.

Again, whats the point of starting this thread when you are not prepare to disclose your own age.

21-10-13, 18:07
walau busok!

oei, oei, oei!!!
I hv nvr said is a one for one exchange hor! :hell-hath-no-fury:

21-10-13, 18:11
Since you are not disclosing your age, you shouldnt be expecting others to be honest about their age.

Again, whats the point of starting this thread when you are not prepare to disclose your own age.

did I force u to vote?
did I expect u to be honest wif me regarding yr age?
u r the one who kept asking me abt my age, ok!

anyway, u r in no position to question me at all. cos u din even vote.

21-10-13, 18:54
Cannot be rented sport car lei

Every friday and sat will see same car if like that 1 month use 8 days aleeasy 4k plus


21-10-13, 20:25
I sixxxxxxxxx.........teeeeeeeeeeen :ashamed1:

proud owner
21-10-13, 20:43
I sixxxxxxxxx.........teeeeeeeeeeen :ashamed1:


for a 16 year old

you sure know a lot of OLD SONGS

21-10-13, 22:02

for a 16 year old

you sure know a lot of OLD SONGS

mayb he mean he was born in 1916 lah :D

21-10-13, 22:20
Cannot be rented sport car lei

Every friday and sat will see same car if like that 1 month use 8 days aleeasy 4k plus


chauffeur oso get to drive posh cars 24/7 lol ... haha

21-10-13, 23:49
walau busok!

filthy and despicable