View Full Version : Best to buy developing countries not developed countries properties?

08-10-13, 03:45
Japan as a developed country has gone into deflation for so many years, will other developed countries like US and European countries and Singapore also go down the same path? Is it best to buy developing and underdeveloped countries properties as they have chance of improving to a developed country status? Like Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil?

08-10-13, 10:42
Japan as a developed country has gone into deflation for so many years, will other developed countries like US and European countries and Singapore also go down the same path? Is it best to buy developing and underdeveloped countries properties as they have chance of improving to a developed country status? Like Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil?

What kind of logic is this?

In a developed economy and even developing countries, there are always economic cycles .. Global economic tsunamis ( if any ) affect all alike .. also you need to consider the political risk especially in developing countries ...

08-10-13, 10:55
Depends on

- limitations to foreigner owning property there
- corruption
- political stability

I have a friend who "owns" property in bali - even though foreigners now allowed to buy. I am scared that one day it could be pulled out from under her feet & they wouldn't be able to do anything.

Otherwise does make sense to invest in growing markets rather than declining ones. Not that the places you mentioned are forced to go into terminal decline.