View Full Version : Dun worry be happy:

30-09-13, 10:04
uncle blackjack has taken the advice of a brother here to triple the dosage of my IMH medicine. Suddenly, I find the voices do not disturb me and no more seeing spirits from the other realms anymore !

Wahlaueh...cannot believe the dosage can be used to dispel black magic leh.


30-09-13, 12:07
uncle blackjack has taken the advice of a brother here to triple the dosage of my IMH medicine. Suddenly, I find the voices do not disturb me and no more seeing spirits from the other realms anymore !

Wahlaueh...cannot believe the dosage can be used to dispel black magic leh.


Please contact your doctor and tell him you took triple the dosage and its effects. Safer that way, overdosage of antipyschotic medication can be dangerous too.

30-09-13, 13:55
Grandmaster BJ , the side effect of overdose in your case is that you lose your third eye and become a normal person.
Nevertheless, please get a second opinion on your medication.
Please listen to mummy's advice.

30-09-13, 13:57
uncle blackjack has taken the advice of a brother here to triple the dosage of my IMH medicine. Suddenly, I find the voices do not disturb me and no more seeing spirits from the other realms anymore !

Wahlaueh...cannot believe the dosage can be used to dispel black magic leh.


are you dead from OD?

30-09-13, 14:06
are you dead from OD?

His last activity on this forum was 4 hours ago.
Now I am beginning to worry for him.

30-09-13, 16:31
Hi Bro BJ21, I like some of your past postings, find them informative and at times humorous as well. Good job and keep it up. Erm.... can I request that you post in simpler language going forward? Simple folks like me find it difficult to understand la....hahaha. Take care and hope you can cut down on your dosage soon :D

30-09-13, 16:42
His last activity on this forum was 4 hours ago.
Now I am beginning to worry for him.

don't worry lah, he went to the funny farm for a check-up only:rolleyes:

30-09-13, 18:32
don't worry lah, he went to the funny farm for a check-up only:rolleyes:

You are right...his last activity was 1 hours ago.

Lol...I am like stalking him...actually I worried for him cos if he becomes normal then he will lose his illumination.

30-09-13, 19:15
You are right...his last activity was 1 hours ago.

Lol...I am like stalking him...actually I worried for him cos if he becomes normal then he will lose his illumination.

The Illuminated will always be illuminated. Right hor Bro BJ?