View Full Version : The hazy outlook for youth

27-06-13, 09:02
Copied from zerohedge ... kind of true lol

1) Whenever governments gone wild engage in military folly on the other side of the globe, it’s the younger generation that’s expected to go fight and die in foreign lands.

2) They’ll pay rising taxes for their entire working lives in order to service the debts of previous generations.

3) They’ll have to support a ballooning number of retirees more than any other generation in modern history. Census data show that the number of workers per retiree is now at the lowest on record in the US, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Japan, etc.

4) Yet given the precarious balance sheets of most Western pension and Social Security Trust Funds, when it comes time for today’s younger generation to start collecting retirement benefits, those funds will have run completely dry.

In other words, they’ll pay for decades into a system that won’t be there for them when it comes time to collect.

5) And with youth unemployment rates over 50% in some places in the world, it’s the younger generation that often feels the brunt of economic difficulty more than anyone else.

Young people are the last to be hired, the first to be fired. They’re told that in order to be employable they have to get a university education, and enslave themselves with tens of thousands of dollars in debt (which, by law in the Land of the Free, can never be discharged in many cases).

6) Factoring in ‘underemployment’, the rate is even higher. In the United States, the Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that there are over half a million janitors, bartenders, and waiters who have university degrees.

7) If they do find more meaningful work, they’ll spend an entire career roaming from job to job facing enormous competition from an increasingly globalized world, in a way that previous generations never had to contend with.

8) This will put a lot of pressure on earning potential. And with cost of living being so high, many folks simply won’t be able to make it.

27-06-13, 13:53


27-06-13, 14:00
In another word, youth = doom...

In Singapore, HDB flats will be unattainable when these youths grow up... :tsk-tsk:

27-06-13, 14:02
interesting painting but I am puzzled by the connection.

27-06-13, 14:19
interesting painting but I am puzzled by the connection.Today, in our connected world, anything also can be connected.... :cheers1:

27-06-13, 18:25
US, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Japan, etc.

Long Long time ago, when a country got no money all they need is go to another country and rob.

27-06-13, 18:38
US, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Japan, etc.

Long Long time ago, when a country got no money all they need is go to another country and rob.

Because resource poor and only if weapons plenty. Now, there are constitutions to prevent such countries. Of course, there are countries & organisation who heck care e.g U _ _ & those who wage war against whole world.

28-06-13, 08:29
Very poignant original post.

No wonder many parents are snapping up properties for their children.

This is what i call foresight.