View Full Version : Singapore childcare next cooling target after property and COE

14-06-13, 08:49
Our Ministers trying very hard to lower childcare/preschool fees

The problem is childcare biz also has 2 tiers
- the HDB tier
- the condo tier

for the HDB tier MOE can open their own centers, HDB can change tender criteria (so as not to solely focus on rental) but the condo tier simply can pay better salaries for better teachers !!! In a tight preschool labour market, all the talented ones will move to condo tiers due to higher pay ... higher pay will mean higher school fees .. no free lunch in this world

what is next, ABSD, lower LTV for condo tier lol, may be next month inflation will be lower after ABSD for childcare centers ;)

or open immigration floodgate for hiring foreigners :tsk-tsk:

14-06-13, 08:57
The preschool fees need to be guidelined like medical consultation. Some guidelines need to be in place. Otherwise every time there's an additional grant of $100, the preschool increases their fees by $100. So in the event, the parents hardly have any benefit of the extra $100 to care for their child.

14-06-13, 09:22
I don't see how the childcare fees can be lowered. Just like lower land price doesn't mean cheaper houses, as long as private sector is involved.

14-06-13, 09:24
Singapore system is moderated (government-controlled) capitalism ... the problem is from 2005-2012 the moderators are sleeping ... so the new batch of moderators are under pressure but low GDP growth makes them wary of over-moderation

14-06-13, 09:37
I don't see how the childcare fees can be lowered. Just like lower land price doesn't mean cheaper houses, as long as private sector is involved.Therefore you cannot approach the situation via rental only but must be muti tiered approach. Must have regulation to prevent schools from charging crazy amounts on small items. We can all see and make informed decisions.

Some schools have 3 teachers attached to a class of 15 while other schools have only 2 but charging same amount. Some schools insist children to contribute to fruits and tissue usage while others don't. Some schools introduce a lot more enrichment classes and some even insert these classes into the normal childcare time (half day childcare or kindergarten) so those parent who opt not to have pay extra will only see their kids wasting precious school time doing nothing. These practices will be visible and as parents, one has to decide properly. :cheers6:

14-06-13, 10:26
Open more PCF lor. You think we will have WPCF meh?

Anyway, never ending story.

Childcare fees remains low = Salary is low = Teacher kpkb
Childcare fees remains low by more government subsidy = Tax goes higher = People kpkb
Childcare fees goes up = Parents kpkb

In any scenario, there is a group of unhappy people. This is life.