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05-06-13, 18:05

Resale flat prices a hot topic at forum

Published on May 31, 2013

By Charissa Yong

LOWER the prices of resale flats or at the very least maintain them - that was the wish of most participants at an Our Singapore Conversation session on affordable housing this week.

Only a handful of the 50 attending Wednesday night's session were in favour of letting resale prices rise gradually to keep pace with inflation.

Scrapping the cash-over-valuation (COV) premium was one of the most popular ideas on how to bring prices down. The COV is a cash amount above a resale Housing Board flat's valuation. It is negotiated by sellers and buyers and paid by the latter.

Civil servant Fiona Tan, 42, said: "I don't understand why COVs are necessary, since a flat's value would have been determined by the valuer.

"These premiums stress buyers out, especially for singles who have just one income stream. I just want a roof over my head and hope that one day it becomes an affordable dream for us, like it was for my parents' generation."

But others were quick to defend the COV's role.

"It's market forces. There must be something to differentiate between units," said Mr Sonny Wee, 37. The service manager said it was the valuation of a flat, rather than the COV in itself, which drove up resale prices.

Some also pointed out that even if COVs were banned, they would still be likely to go on "under the table".

Teacher Sean McMenamin, 28, said that although he was against the idea of a COV, some sellers did need the cash for valid reasons such as renovation costs.

During the three-hour session, home owners and buyers debated different ways to make resale and Build-To-Order (BTO) flats more affordable.

Almost all rejected selling flats back to the Government, especially at purchase price, instead of on the open market.

"There's no incentive for owning a flat (if you can't sell it to someone else). It's basically a rental," said Mr McMenamin.

He added that his discussion group was against the idea because it would hinder asset appreciation and social mobility.

Property agent Elaine Goi, 48, said selling a flat back to HDB without accounting for inflation would cause its value to depreciate, hurting many people whose only asset was their home.

The idea of safeguarding part of resale flat proceeds for retirement needs was also shot down.

Several spoke of how they did not want even more of their money to be "locked away in Central Provident Fund accounts".

Providing larger housing subsidies for first-time buyers, to be partially returned to the Government upon the flat's sale, was another idea favoured by several.

Subsidies are currently tiered according to income. BTO buyers can get up to $60,000 if they earn below $1,500 a month. Those earning between $4,501 and $5,000 get $5,000.

[email protected]

05-06-13, 18:20
Civil servant Fiona Tan, 42, said: "I don't understand why COVs are necessary, since a flat's value would have been determined by the valuer.

With immediate effect, the CPF Board will also conduct independent valuation on any suspected over-valued flats. This valuation will then be used to determine the quantum of CPF withdrawals and housing loans.Valuation is controlled from over-valued flats

Because the flat's value was not determine by the valuer, that is why you need to be assigned a valuer.

The valuation for an HDB flat is carried out by one of the HDB's panel of valuers.


From 1 Apr 2005, all HDB resale flat transactions involving a bank loan and the use of CPF savings for the purchase of the flat and servicing of the loan will require a valuation report from a private valuer assigned by HDB. This requirement will also apply to transferees who are taking bank loans to effect transfer of ownership of an existing HDB flat at market valuation.

Since 1 Jan 2003, valuation reports for such flat transactions could be performed by any licensed valuers including banks’ in-house valuers or external valuers engaged by the banks.

06-06-13, 12:58
COVs are necessary because owners fix the selling price, not valuers.

06-06-13, 13:06
Civil servant Fiona Tan, 42, said: "I don't understand why COVs are necessary, since a flat's value would have been determined by the valuer.

With immediate effect, the CPF Board will also conduct independent valuation on any suspected over-valued flats. This valuation will then be used to determine the quantum of CPF withdrawals and housing loans.Valuation is controlled from over-valued flats

Because the flat's value was not determine by the valuer, that is why you need to be assigned a valuer.

The valuation for an HDB flat is carried out by one of the HDB's panel of valuers.


From 1 Apr 2005, all HDB resale flat transactions involving a bank loan and the use of CPF savings for the purchase of the flat and servicing of the loan will require a valuation report from a private valuer assigned by HDB. This requirement will also apply to transferees who are taking bank loans to effect transfer of ownership of an existing HDB flat at market valuation.

Since 1 Jan 2003, valuation reports for such flat transactions could be performed by any licensed valuers including banks’ in-house valuers or external valuers engaged by the banks.

just shows she's a novice when it comes to business transactions.

1. i have a rare golden arrowana
2. auctioneers value it at $10000
3. but i don't want to sell
4. rich towkay offers me $100000
5. of course i let it go lah

06-06-13, 18:01
COVs are necessary because owners fix the selling price, not valuers.

The valuers is not doing a good job.

If the valuers is doing a good job than there is no need to COV.

06-06-13, 18:12
Not many people understand or care to find out what going on in the property market. Most like to assume and hearsay. I happen to ask the valuer, who is doing my HDB valuation in 1995, why the big different between the valuation of my 4 room HDB as compare to the market. My valuation SGD 195K, market selling 290K. His reply was very diplomatic, his company have to apply to be the appointed valuer by HDB for one year and his valuation have to submit to HDB for approval. If his valuation is too high, HDB can get him to redo if not guess what will happen when the following year his company apply again to be the appointed valuer by HDB.

06-06-13, 18:23
If hdb were to follow private properties, prices will be even higher. For pte properties, most of the time during bull period, banks will try to match the selling price.

COV was introduced primarily to cool hdb resale prices. It must be paid in cash.

06-06-13, 18:27
HDB should let the Bank get it own valuer instead they are lending the money not HDB. Government should not control the price of resale. Control the price of the BTO instead. Build smaller unit in mature estate instead of building 4 and 5 room HDB.

06-06-13, 22:12
These people never see hard times where people sell below value meh?

At such times, sellers don't just want V if they know there are buyers who will pay cash on top of valuation.

06-06-13, 22:45
I was at this session. 2 questions on the agenda.. what hdb resale prices you WANT to see in 2 years time? What measures to bring affordability from 5x income to 4x?

07-06-13, 00:13
5x to 4x is for BTO.

If you want HDB resale, than have to wait a bit longer.

07-06-13, 09:27
5x to 4x is for BTO.

If you want HDB resale, than have to wait a bit longer.

second question is for BTO.

07-06-13, 18:24
I was at this session. 2 questions on the agenda.. what hdb resale prices you WANT to see in 2 years time? What measures to bring affordability from 5x income to 4x?

First answer - chiong.

Second Answer - All the measure is already in place, loan LTV, increase supply, BTO price delink from resale price, control PC owner buying resale HDB indirectly reduce the resale thus reduce BTO demand, stop PR from renting HDB after buying resale.......