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04-06-13, 16:21
No more Singapore property crash for the next 60 years.


04-06-13, 16:23
The arrogant do not heed what I am telling them.

So be it, the World is meant for the Dumb to get



04-06-13, 16:55
guru, why the impromptu contradiction to earlier prediction landed will crash?

due to numerous transactions of GCB this first half of year?

seeking enlightenment... :)

04-06-13, 17:02
No more Singapore property crash for the next 60 years.


Please tell yowetan else he has to wait till year 2073 aka grandpa status liao...:D :D :D !!!

04-06-13, 17:17
No more Singapore property crash for the next 60 years.

no medicine today?

04-06-13, 17:56
Please tell yowetan else he has to wait till year 2073 aka grandpa status liao...:D :D :D !!!

That is so mean but i like your message. :D

04-06-13, 18:21
The USA printing has caused a major basic change in the Global Economy. It has empowered and gave the World's middle class a big chance to capitalise on the appreciation of real assets. This effect will last for many many years provided the economies benefiting from the Fed actions are able to satisfy 3 crucial and vital economic conditions:

1) The exportation of domestic goods.

2) Competitiveness for substained ecomonic growth

3) Inputs or translation of the asset values into REAL economic activities.

Not all nations on global stage will be able to satisfy the above 3 conditions. And I shall divulge to my kind brothers and sisters here which kind of economies are at risk.

Singapore so far, is the few nations that has satisfy the above conditions. But one cannot say the same for all Asian economies. And I shall explain in due course so that you can have an illuminated eye like me to select the proper places for investment.

(To be continued )

04-06-13, 18:29
I shall begin with condition 3 as it is the easiest to explain and because Singapore and Hong Kong in particular have satisfied this condition with flying colors.

In any booming and substainable economic growth, asset appreciation is supported by REAL economic activities. That is, the REAL economic activities caused the asset appreciation. Of course, inflation comes with it and it is viewed as a good thing because it manifested that the economy or GDP is indeed growing.

Take one counter example. There is one nation recently that the citizens started to set up businesses so that they can borrow from the banks. Borrow from the banks not for their businesses to create jobs and hence real growth for her economy. This economy may be at risk if this kind of activities is not controlled and checked. To quote one business associate from this neighboring country: " I setup business to borrow money from the banks so that I can invest in properties. The return from the property is higher than my business.".....Errrrrrrr...HELLO? Did I hear this guy correctly?

The correct way for this guy to say is :" I am working very hard in my business to support my property loans." But Alas! What did he say instead??????

( To be continued )

04-06-13, 18:50
This guy has the exact same mentality as Japanese middle class in the 70s-80s. Look at what has been happening to Japan for the past 20 years?

Japanese culture actually amplify the flaw of this thinking because their company management is closed to outside talents. Now, my illuminated eye is seeing this happen to 3 of our neighbors. In the USA and UK, similar events happened before 2008. But USA and UK are the exception cases and is exempted because of the sheer amount of products and creative knowledge they bring to the World.

Is Singapore and Hong Kong different as well? Of course. Most middle class jobs are actually value-added jobs and you hear our young generation wanting to work very hard to service their loans ( we have one guy like this in this forum: Yowtan) , not taking any free rides. Very similar to German or the Swiss thinking, although they are not into property purchases but rather, contented to be tenants.

( To be continued )

04-06-13, 20:51
Very obviously, I am the most illuminated because everyday I watch 12 Western Cables and 10 Chinese Cables.

You guys do not have so much time like me to watch and consolidate all these news. That is why I said I am the most aware, the most illuminated.

Good Luck.

04-06-13, 21:11
You can't even guarantee what will happen to you tomorrow.

04-06-13, 21:17
This guy has the exact same mentality as Japanese middle class in the 70s-80s. Look at what has been happening to Japan for the past 20 years?

Japanese culture actually amplify the flaw of this thinking because their company management is closed to outside talents. Now, my illuminated eye is seeing this happen to 3 of our neighbors. In the USA and UK, similar events happened before 2008. But USA and UK are the exception cases and is exempted because of the sheer amount of products and creative knowledge they bring to the World.

Is Singapore and Hong Kong different as well? Of course. Most middle class jobs are actually value-added jobs and you hear our young generation wanting to work very hard to service their loans ( we have one guy like this in this forum: Yowtan) , not taking any free rides. Very similar to German or the Swiss thinking, although they are not into property purchases but rather, contented to be tenants.

( To be continued )

Which 3 neighbouring countries? Care to share?

04-06-13, 21:19
You can't even guarantee what will happen to you tomorrow.

That only applies to the non-illuminated,


04-06-13, 21:25

Published: Monday, 3 Jun 2013 | 4:42 PM ET

Stock market prices will continue to rise for the next two years until the wealth gap between Wall Street and Main Street gets too high and reality sets in, economist Nouriel Roubini told CNBC.

Worry about the Federal Reserve backing off its historically unprecedented monetary easing is premature, Roubini said, as economic growth is too tenuous and the market too dependent on the $85 billion in monthly asset purchases from the central bank.

"Growth is not going to pick up and inflation actually is falling," the head of Roubini Global Economics and noted "Dr. Doom" told "Closing Bell." "So the markets are worried about tapering off sooner, but I think tapering off is going to occur later and therefore the market is going to rally."

(Read More: 'Extreme Conservatives' Driving Gold Lower, Roubini Says)
Stocks have staged a huge surge this year despite tepid economic growth, with the Standard & Poor's 500 rising 0.6 percent Monday and 15 percent for 2015.

Much of the gains have been associated closely with the Fed's so-called quantitative easing program, in which the central bank buys Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities each month in order to keep interest rates low and encourage risk.

While the program has coincided with a resurgence of the housing market, the broader economy remains in flux, a condition Roubini expects to continue.

(Read More: Rising Mortgage Rates Amid Fed Fears)

"You're going to have an increasing gap between Wall Street and Main Street, between what's happening to asset prices and real economic growth," he said. The effect of the Fed helping stock prices "for now is dominant, but of course over time it cannot trump those gravitational forces of economic fundamentals."

In the meantime, the Fed will continue to try to manage its exit in a way that won't be too disruptive either to rates or the market forces on Wall Street.

"When the Fed is going to exit, it's going to have exit very, very slowly," Roubini said. "The economy is weak and the stock market does not want a correction."

—By CNBC's Jeff Cox. Follow him on Twitter @JeffCoxCNBCcom.