View Full Version : The Mysterious Difference Between Those Who Make It Rich, And Those Who Don't

28-04-13, 21:32
James Altucher, The Altucher Confidential | 15 minutes ago | 74 |

Rob told me JB was dead. JB was my best friend growing up. We sat next to each other on the bus. After school we’d play ping pong or pinball or monopoly or ride bikes. Every single day we did this for eight years. Then we drifted apart. Rob said, The last time I spoke to him he sounded like a ghost. It was like there was nothing there, Rob said. I hadn’t seen JB in 20 years.

He dropped out of college, Rob said, and never really had a job. His parents gave him money to live. He didn’t want to do anything. He changed his phone number every few weeks, Rob said. So he was hard to keep in touch with. I didn’t understand. Why did he change his number every few weeks? He’d meet a girl, and then a few weeks later he’d get tired of her but not want to deal with it. He’d change his number so the girl couldn’t reach him, Rob said. And he moved a lot.

He had no Facebook page, no internet presence, it was hard to track him down, Rob said. And it’s true. I had never found him on the Internet. JB hurt his leg a few years ago, Rob said, and had no insurance because he never had a job. So got addicted to painkillers. He was into the drug scene, Rob said. So no job, drifting phone numbers, a hazy identity, drug, nerve damage, pain killers.

One day he never woke up, Rob said. He was 39. I don’t feel sad about this. People die. I haven’t seen him since we were 18 and on graduation day. But I wonder about one thing Rob said. “He was like a ghost the last time I spoke with him.” We know when the body and mind are giving up. We know when spirit is exhausted. When the emotions don’t care.

He never had anything he wanted to do, Rob said. Is that all it is? Do we just need something to do? Something that we want to scratch just a tiny bit so we continue one more day? We don’t have to save the world. Or invent warm ice. Or time travel. Or even have a passion or a purpose. When I was dead broke and crying I wanted to die just so my kids could have my life insurance policy. What got me to get up and go again? And then later, when it happened again. And then again. Why didn’t JB do that?

I call it “the push”.

You’re riding the bicycle up the hill all the time in life. Everything in life wants you to decay. To be subjugated. To be violated. To be tired. To become a ghost.
To roll back down the hill just when you thought you were close to the top. It’s ****ing tiring to live.

What can give us THE PUSH?

I don’t know. For me, today, it’s just this post. Some days, it’s to see my 11 year old smile. Sometimes, I just want to take a walk. Or help Claudia. Or do something fun and creative.

What’s your PUSH today?

A little bit, every day, compounds.
A little push today turns into a big life tomorrow.
My one requirement: I have to give something. I have to enjoy it.
Else, it’s too draining. It’s a shit stain. I slip back on the hill.
A deep breath. You can do it, I tell myself. One more turn of the pedals. THE PUSH! Get over the hill!
I want to live.

29-04-13, 08:54
by rich i guess u meant rich in life i suppose, bro

29-04-13, 09:15
by rich i guess u meant rich in life i suppose, bro
I guess so bro. I think the author emphasized that to be a failure or a successful person, the struggle and the pain is the same. The trick is how we manage the pain and move on.

29-04-13, 09:25
I guess so bro. I think the author emphasized that to be a failure or a successful person, the struggle and the pain is the same. The trick is how we manage the pain and move on.

I am easily contented. My cats are healthy and behave well, i m making progress in improving my health, i stay informed of whats happening around, i have a nice rpg to while time away... i m happy like bird liao.

Most people would call this a LOSER life.

I have never been happier actually.

29-04-13, 09:42
I am easily contented. My cats are healthy and behave well, i m making progress in improving my health, i stay informed of whats happening around, i have a nice rpg to while time away... i m happy like bird liao.

Most people would call this a LOSER life.

I have never been happier actually.
Trust me bro... U are not missing anything out there. Your life is quite enviable. With your property portfolio u are actually beating the rat race.

29-04-13, 11:50
Lately, I'm very irritated by a forummer here, he is a guy which will never make it if he keeps going this way.

29-04-13, 12:41
dear laguna. why worry for him... he is no relation of anyone here.

29-04-13, 14:16
dear laguna. why worry for him... he is no relation of anyone here.

Yea. To put someone in your mind needs effort, I long ago clear out the rubbish people and things off my mind.

After reading this article, I think there are some points I would like to discuss with mentors here.

What is the "push" ? If we live life peacefully, have everything we need, enough money, a nice property portfolio, sufficient cash, then whats next ?

Finding what is really worth doing these days is indeed a strain! After I clear out all the rubbish people/things/events from my mind, it seems that life is quite simple, clear and sometimes empty too.

That's why I insist on doing the Office Boy job!