View Full Version : I asked my GP about the birdflu in China, he said, where is it? Beijing?

07-04-13, 15:10
You can see the complacency. Applies the same to property. After so many years of peace, people fail to see crisis.


07-04-13, 15:55
You can see the complacency. Applies the same to property. After so many years of peace, people fail to see crisis.

This one I did some study because sb needs to go Shanghai.

Actually, if you want it to crash the property market just as the SARS did, you may be disappointed.

According to the information from the people in the streets of Shanghai, there were more death cases as reported in the news, but at the moment, there were no such case of human-to-human infection, those who died were mostly old folks or people getting direct contact with animals.

07-04-13, 17:10
You can see the complacency. Applies the same to property. After so many years of peace, people fail to see crisis.


Amber posted this article. I thought it fits what you are trying to say.

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog (http://www.sovereignman.com/finance/the-knockout-blow-people-wont-see-coming-11593/),

Have you ever done something really stupid, just because you were in love? Something you look back on and cringe, thinking “why on earth did I do that?” Of course. Who hasn’t?

Fear. Love. Panic. Exuberance. Jealousy. Desire. These emotions have tremendous influence over human behavior. And when they kick in, they skew our judgment and cause us to do things that can only be characterized as highly irrational.

In the world of economics and finance, they call this ‘sentiment’. Consumer confidence, business confidence, investor confidence… these are basically emotional readings. Screw the numbers. To hell with the truth. It’s all about how people feel.

It seems crazy, but it’s true. Right now, for example, ‘sentiment’ is telling us that the euro crisis is over. It’s telling us that the debt ceiling is pretty much resolved. And, after taking five years to reach pre-crash levels, it’s telling us that the stock market is once again safe for the average investor.

Yet the numbers tell a completely different story.
In the US, politicians are celebrating their accomplishments that the US unemployment rate has declined to 7.6%.
Of course, the real figures show that the labor force participation rate (effectively the percentage of society that they consider to be in the work force) has just hit a 30-year low. And the economy is failing to create new jobs.

Perhaps most of all, the US debt level this year will hit the danger zone that Greece was in just a few years ago when the European debt crisis kicked off in earnest.

In Europe, the situation is so bad that even the government figures are dismal. Italy is officially in a deep recession. Spain is posting a public deficit over 10% of GDP. The Greek economy shrank (officially) nearly 6% last year. Etc.

Bottom line, the numbers don’t match up with sentiment at all. And this makes for precarious investment conditions.

Over the first quarter of this year, US stock mutual funds reported $52 billion in retail investment inflows, according to market data firm TrimTabs. This is the highest inflow in a decade.

In January of this year, retail investors poured a record $77.4 billion into the stock market. To put this in perspective, the prior record, set in February 2000, was $23.7 billion.

You can probably guess how that turned out. This whoosh of money into stocks happened mere months before the crash.

It certainly seems strange when you stack it all together: on one hand, record high deficits, record high debts, record low labor force participation. On the other hand, record high stock market, record high mutual fund inflows.

Something just doesn’t add up.

Investors are throwing caution to the wind right now... ignoring the basic fundamentals and focusing exclusively on euphoric sentiment. (Or central bank policy).

Some of you may know that I was a competitive fighter for a number of years. I can personally attest, and any boxer will tell you, that it’s the punch that you don’t see coming which knocks you out.

07-04-13, 17:33
I asked my GP about the birdflu in China, he said, where is it? Beijing?:D

This shows that he never read the news.:D Actually is Giant buy over ShopNSafe or ShopNSafe has de-brand into Giant, I'm a bit blur, I also didn't follow the news. My friend even worst, he didn't even know about this case.:o

07-04-13, 17:44
Wonder should i buy my air ticket to europe trip in June given this saga. It may get worst if it cannot be contained.:beats-me-man:

07-04-13, 19:45
Amber posted this article. I thought it fits what you are trying to say.

These are the people who will keep wondering why people buy LV.
HDB is still affordable, only issue is people who earn HDB salary but want to buy Prvt.

07-04-13, 19:57
It not how much you earn but when you buy.

I also earning HDB salary.

07-04-13, 21:20
There is a big difference: you take the risk & get rewarded.
They want sure-fire profits & when miss the boat, CPCB & expect govt to deliver the profit they desired on a platter in front of them :doh:

It not how much you earn but when you buy.

I also earning HDB salary.

07-04-13, 21:31
These are the people who will keep wondering why people buy LV.
HDB is still affordable, only issue is people who earn HDB salary but want to buy Prvt.

I tend to believe that rich is not about how much you earn but how much you save and how you invest.

07-04-13, 21:49
No longer. With the trend MOF is going, those who earn a lot will save on taxes while those who save hard over the years will be taxed harder for their savings in the name of taxing wealth... :doh:

Bette have habit of putting money in hard assets than banks. We won't know when you will get hit like depositors in Cyprus!

I tend to believe that rich is not about how much you earn but how much you save and how you invest.

07-04-13, 22:18
I tend to believe that rich is not about how much you earn but how much you save and how you invest.

For example, someone who earns $10k a month but has no saving is not rich as compare to someone who earns $5K a month but he/she saves and wisely invest his savings.

07-04-13, 22:48
For example, someone who earns $10k a month but has no saving is not rich as compare to someone who earns $5K a month but he/she saves and wisely invest his savings.
My point is people have choices, they can still buy HDB rather than waiting for half of world to be killed of some Bird flu so that they can buy cheap property :banghead::banghead::banghead:

07-04-13, 22:53
My point is people have choices, they can still buy HDB rather than waiting for half of world to be killed of some Bird flu so that they can buy cheap property :banghead::banghead::banghead:

So is asking people to buy before birdflu strikes is a better idea? :confused:

07-04-13, 23:41
My point is people have choices, they can still buy HDB rather than waiting for half of world to be killed of some Bird flu so that they can buy cheap property :banghead::banghead::banghead:

There are peole who hope for a crisis so that they can buy cheap. There are also people who hope that prices will continue to rise to protect their investments (depriving the less well off for a better home). Both are just as greedy or evil as the other. Frankly, we shouldn't be too concern about their hopes be it evil or not. It is not going to make any difference to what will happen.

07-04-13, 23:51
There are peole who hope for a crisis so that they can buy cheap. There are also people who hope that prices will continue to rise to protect their investments (depriving the less well off for a better home). Both are just as greedy or evil as the other. Frankly, we shouldn't be too concern about their hopes be it evil or not. It is not going to make any difference to what will happen.

How about property agents and developers that keep encouraging people to buy while knowing that property will crash soon?

LKS warned people about property, so I guess, he is not evil? :D

07-04-13, 23:58
How about property agents and developers that keep encouraging people to buy while knowing that property will crash soon?

LKS warned people about property, so I guess, he is not evil? :D

Like I said before, in this world of deception, does it matter who is the greater evil?

07-04-13, 23:59
Like I said before, in this world of deception, does it matter who is the greater evil?

Well, there's a name list coming out, we'll know who are the evil ones soon.

There are greater forces at work than what appears to be. Do you think Wikileaks can happen without some high level approval and involvement? The world is not as simple as we think. :D

08-04-13, 00:05
Well, there's a name list coming out, we'll know who are the evil ones soon.

There are greater forces at work than what appears to be. Do you think Wikileaks can happen without some high level approval and involvement? The world is not as simple as we think. :D

This I agree.

08-04-13, 08:56
This shows that he never read the news.:D Actually is Giant buy over ShopNSafe or ShopNSafe has de-brand into Giant, I'm a bit blur, I also didn't follow the news. My friend even worst, he didn't even know about this case.:o

I have heard worst.

Woman : what virus ?
me: Bird flu .. u never read papers?
Woman : but china so far ..
Me: and yr point being that the stock mkt in HK affected is ???
Woman: spore is spore, why worry

Can see that we need to educate these people on current affairs and how it affects them. And this is a woman who is a school teacher ...

08-04-13, 09:57
I have heard worst.

Woman : what virus ?
me: Bird flu .. u never read papers?
Woman : but china so far ..
Me: and yr point being that the stock mkt in HK affected is ???
Woman: spore is spore, why worry

Can see that we need to educate these people on current affairs and how it affects them. And this is a woman who is a school teacher ...

at least China is more open and upfront about infection cases now than during the SARs saga. they were mum about it for 2-3 months before confirming the first case. by then, it was more about damage control rather than prevention of transmission.

08-04-13, 13:14
So is asking people to buy before birdflu strikes is a better idea? :confused:

if you believe world is coming to an end, you should be spending time with family rather than thinking about condo and posting here.:2cents: