View Full Version : "God Save the Queen"

28-03-13, 19:20

28-03-13, 19:29
OMG... when was this made?

28-03-13, 19:34

LEE KUAN YEW: I wouldn't say I consider myself a socialist. I was convinced that it was a civilized system of government. When I was a student there [in England] in the 1940s, one day they passed the National Health Service Act. I went to the optician to pay for my pair of glasses and the optician said -- this was in Regent Street in Cambridge -- he says, "No, sir, you just sign here." He gave me a form; I signed -- free glasses, free dentists, free doctors. After a while it threatened to go broke, so they put a prescription charge -- 20 shillings or five shillings, I can't remember -- a token charge just to keep the prices down. At one time even the French used to come over for their spectacles and dentures, and they stopped that.

Subsequently it was quite obvious it didn't work. These are scarce resources. You've only got a limited number of top-class surgeons or doctors, and if you promise everybody that they are entitled to the same treatment, it's just not practical. So the system malfunctions, [but] they can't dismantle it now because it's too popular; it's gone into the national psyche. But you'll queue up for hip replacement, for non-urgent surgery, and private-sector practice begins to grow, where you'll get top-quality doctors and nurses and [post]-operative care if you pay. So we learn from watching what went wrong. Or I at least I thought I did.


28-03-13, 19:55
I would support crash.

28-03-13, 19:59
the truth is somewhere in between lah

both LKY and LHL are products of British Cambridge education ... they already learnt that any kind of welfare, once given, will be very very very very hard to take back

and I was lucky enough to also spent time in England during early 1990's .... in 3y there I had a free liquid nitrogen treatment, a few free dental operations, admitted to hospital and stayed for 2-3d .... ALL FREE!!!!

28-03-13, 20:01
Southbank 2 Bedroom selling for SGD 535,000. Anyone interested?

28-03-13, 20:03
Southbank 2 Bedroom selling for SGD 535,000. Anyone interested?

ignore yowetan lah, he has turned to the dark side