View Full Version : Cyprus Officially Passes Capital Controls Into Law

23-03-13, 16:32
and they will vote whether to agree to EU's demand on tax on saving accounts in exchange of a bailout

23-03-13, 17:35
Aiyo, I tot Russia is going to bail them out.
So they still deciding what to do.

23-03-13, 22:12
Aiyo, I tot Russia is going to bail them out.
So they still deciding what to do.

maybe they will decide to launch BTO...wahahahahha:D:D:D

24-03-13, 13:21
good read .. but in Chinese





若說有誰最有資格評論塞浦路斯今天的經濟局面,當世無人能及皮薩里德斯(Chris Pissarides)。他是塞國人,亦是2010年經濟學諾貝爾獎得主,他與其夫人魏莉華教授長期在英國LSE任教,今年初二人加盟科大。魏莉華是我系1996年畢業生,所以我們戲稱皮兄是「科大經濟系女婿」。他們二人正在成都訪問,但卻被國際傳媒找到。理所當然地,皮薩里德斯狠批存款稅的荒謬,認為這是歐盟的大國欺凌小國的作為,而前者更應該做的,是在歐盟中的小國受外圍衝擊出現困境時幫助它們。至於有傳聞說塞浦路斯來自國外的存款主要是俄羅斯的黑錢,皮氏指出,雖經多月調查,至今找不到絲毫證據支持。

i=> beware of hot money flowing out from Europe into Asia !!!

25-03-13, 12:41
In return for the bailout, Cyprus must drastically shrink its outsized banking sector, cut its budget, implement structural reforms and privatize state assets, he said. The country's second-largest bank will be shut down immediately, with all bond holders and people with more than 100,000 euros in their bank accounts there facing significant losses. The measures are likely to deepen the recession in Cyprus and lead to more job losses.

=> travel to Cyprus cheap cheap anyone :p

25-03-13, 13:10
Got to be careful in future when you migrate to a country in europe. A lot of british who has migrated to Cyprus must be really "P..." now:(
In return for the bailout, Cyprus must drastically shrink its outsized banking sector, cut its budget, implement structural reforms and privatize state assets, he said. The country's second-largest bank will be shut down immediately, with all bond holders and people with more than 100,000 euros in their bank accounts there facing significant losses. The measures are likely to deepen the recession in Cyprus and lead to more job losses.

=> travel to Cyprus cheap cheap anyone :p

25-03-13, 14:10
Got to be careful in future when you migrate to a country in europe. A lot of british who has migrated to Cyprus must be really "P..." now:(

Brits and Russians

25-03-13, 15:02
Becareful of the contagion effect. They may declare only 1 bank insolvent and freeze the accounts above 100k euro. What do u think people will do with other "healthy banks"? They will rushed them too. What do u think the central bank will do? Of course print more money to bail out.

Smart people are busily buying assets right now. We are now at a very important point in time. Banking system won't be let collapsed, the price is too high. The only option right now is to let dollar value destruction, therefore higher inflation.

25-03-13, 16:11
Becareful of the contagion effect. They may declare only 1 bank insolvent and freeze the accounts above 100k euro. What do u think people will do with other "healthy banks"? They will rushed them too. What do u think the central bank will do? Of course print more money to bail out.

Smart people are busily buying assets right now. We are now at a very important point in time. Banking system won't be let collapsed, the price is too high. The only option right now is to let dollar value destruction, therefore higher inflation.

1997 Asian currency crisis ... but the scale is X10

Where is Soros?? He only dared to short Thai Bat / Rupiah but this time is ECB/US Fed/Japan ... too big to stomach lol ;)

But again, this time debt is issued in local currency so can print print print

25-03-13, 16:14
Becareful of the contagion effect. They may declare only 1 bank insolvent and freeze the accounts above 100k euro. What do u think people will do with other "healthy banks"? They will rushed them too. What do u think the central bank will do? Of course print more money to bail out.

Smart people are busily buying assets right now. We are now at a very important point in time. Banking system won't be let collapsed, the price is too high. The only option right now is to let dollar value destruction, therefore higher inflation.

argentina did that, thailand did that. but now we are talking about a common currency - euros. net-import member states won't let the euros devaluate

25-03-13, 16:21
Cyprus is already DEAD MEAT, bailout or not ... now our Thar-man and Kenobi-wan will be more careful with CMs, taking cues from Cyprus's overnight collapse :tongue3:

Quote from FT:

While it remains to be seen how Cyprus’s many Russian businessmen will be affected by the proposed bailout and what comes after, most appear to have one foot out the door already. They are now considering to which jurisdiction they will move their businesses and how.
“The Cypriots killed their country in one day,” says Mr Mikhin, referring to Friday March 15, when President Nicos Anastasides accepted the EU’s proposal to seize €5.8bn in emergency funds from Cyprus’s local and foreign depositors.
What concerns Mr Mikhin, the owner of an international shipping business, is not the levy itself. It will not touch his foreign bank accounts. But he is worried about the destruction of trust in Cyprus’s financial system, a move he says has spooked Russians and Russian business.
“The locals should understand: as soon as the money leaves, the people who go to restaurants, buy cars and buy property leave too. The Cypriots’ means of living will disappear,” he says.
“They are saying we laundered all the money, but they lived on that money for 10 years and forgot about it.”
The impending exodus has become a source of worry and anger for the thousands of lawyers, secretaries and auditors who serve Russian clients and may soon lose their jobs along with employees from the country’s two biggest lenders, Laiki Bank and Bank of Cyprus.
“[The Russians] are calling us, they are worried. But what can we say? We can’t force them to stay,” says Andreas Neocleous, a Limassol-based lawyer for some of eastern Europe’s richest men.

25-03-13, 17:09
just fyi, NZ also have this "open bank resolution policy".
they can shave depositors' money without informing depositors or even informing parliament since the act already in place.

Why should depositors bail-out banks?

The OBR policy is designed to ensure that first losses are borne by the bank’s existing shareholders. In addition, a portion of depositors’ and other unsecured creditors’ funds will be frozen to bear any remaining losses. To the extent that these funds are not required to cover losses as more detailed assessment of the position of the bank is completed, these funds will be released to depositors. At a high level, this outcome replicates the outcome that would apply in the event that a failed bank was liquidated. The primary advantage of the OBR scheme, however, is that depositors would have access to a large proportion of their balances throughout the process. This contrasts with what would happen under a normal liquidation, where depositors might not have access to any of their funds for a significant period.

how come secured bondholders safe from haircut?
i thought depositors always last to be haircut?

who wants to put money in banks in NZ anymore....

25-03-13, 17:12
is it fair to tax people who merely put their money in the bank and not even participate in any of the "hedge" or "risky" fund :beats-me-man:

a. cypriot who work hard, thrifty and keep their money in the bank > $100K

b. brits and russian who migrated to cyprus and keep their money in the bank > $100k

it's fair and square why the rich brits and russian transfer their money to cyprus because it is a tax haven. everyone knows about it. now, suddenly because got $100K in the bank account, kena tax and it's not their fault. the fault is due to the ceo and hedge fund manager that betting risking people money and loosing billions of dollars making the bank collapse

and hearsay, all the richies connected to cyprus president already transfer their money out of cyprus ... :simmering:

25-03-13, 17:13
another reason why so many richies want to buy property
it's no longer safe to keep money in the bank

just fyi, NZ also have this "open bank resolution policy".
they can shave depositors' money without informing depositors or even informing parliament since the act already in place.

Why should depositors bail-out banks?

The OBR policy is designed to ensure that first losses are borne by the bank’s existing shareholders. In addition, a portion of depositors’ and other unsecured creditors’ funds will be frozen to bear any remaining losses. To the extent that these funds are not required to cover losses as more detailed assessment of the position of the bank is completed, these funds will be released to depositors. At a high level, this outcome replicates the outcome that would apply in the event that a failed bank was liquidated. The primary advantage of the OBR scheme, however, is that depositors would have access to a large proportion of their balances throughout the process. This contrasts with what would happen under a normal liquidation, where depositors might not have access to any of their funds for a significant period.

how come secured bondholders safe from haircut?
i thought depositors always last to be haircut?

who wants to put money in banks in NZ anymore....

25-03-13, 17:23
another reason why so many richies want to buy property
it's no longer safe to keep money in the bank

as mentioned before quite a few times in Zerohedge, governments are increasing property taxes as sources of funds.
A notable example is singapore, which just recently increases property tax on richies

25-03-13, 17:54
as mentioned before quite a few times in Zerohedge, governments are increasing property taxes as sources of funds.
A notable example is singapore, which just recently increases property tax on richies

true, but you can see for yourself that property tax increase is peanut and only affect prime landed but reduce for HDB/OCR condos ... so our garmen is very nice still to property investors lah

the conservative ppl always say put in the bank very safe .. now they should have 2nd thought

btw, main problem why Cyprus bank default is because they go buy Greek bonds .. may be on leverage :banghead:

25-03-13, 18:11
true, but you can see for yourself that property tax increase is peanut and only affect prime landed but reduce for HDB/OCR condos ... so our garmen is very nice still to property investors lah

the conservative ppl always say put in the bank very safe .. now they should have 2nd thought

btw, main problem why Cyprus bank default is because they go buy Greek bonds .. may be on leverage :banghead:
Now depositors have to pay for the greed of bankers. This is unprecedented, it will send a wrong signal for the whole european banking industry. Maybe its just a matter of time before london banking fall too. Berlin now in control many euro countries fiscal policy, its begining to look like WWII all over again.

25-03-13, 18:12

btw, main problem why Cyprus bank default is because they go buy Greek bonds .. may be on leverage :banghead:

main problem, according to some posters in zh, is they accept haircuts on greek bonds and got tricked into not declaring credit event.

25-03-13, 18:28
in case anybody forget, once you put money in a bank, you effective become one of the bank's creditor.
the money is no longer yours, it belongs to the bank, the bank will issue you an IOU in exchange.

in case the bank bankrupt, you wait in line to collect on your IOU.

This is why if I have $1million FD and $1million mortgage and bank becomes bankrupt, I will lose the $1million FD and I still owe the bank $1million.
The $1million FD cannot be used to offset the $1million mortgage.
Because the $1million FD is not actually yours, it is just a claim on the bank.

Please notice the difference between banking and vaulting services.
1) putting money in a bank (money is not yours anymore).
2) putting money in a vault (money is still yours, and in physical note form, albeit still in paper form).

25-03-13, 18:36
in case anybody forget, once you put money in a bank, you effective become one of the bank's creditor.
the money is no longer yours, it belongs to the bank, the bank will issue you an IOU in exchange.

in case the bank bankrupt, you wait in line to collect on your IOU.

This is why if I have $1million FD and $1million mortgage and bank becomes bankrupt, I will lose the $1million FD and I still owe the bank $1million.
The $1million FD cannot be used to offset the $1million mortgage.
Because the $1million FD is not actually yours, it is just a claim on the bank.

Please notice the difference between banking and vaulting services.
1) putting money in a bank (money is not yours anymore).
2) putting money in a vault (money is still yours, and in physical note form, albeit still in paper form).

SG has 50k guarantee?? So split your 500k into 10 banks lol, it is a good problem to have ;)

25-03-13, 18:48
SG has 50k guarantee?? So split your 500k into 10 banks lol, it is a good problem to have ;)

Hi phantom

Yr suggestion can faint arh.... Haha.

Can I ask for yr advise thru pm?

25-03-13, 19:10
Hi phantom

Yr suggestion can faint arh.... Haha.

Can I ask for yr advise thru pm?

just withdraw your money in $10,000 notes and put in SDB, should be safe.
you are not losing much in interest anyway, so why leave money in the bank?

26-03-13, 09:58
looks like rich Russians may be unhurt, it is those locals with >100k deposits will be hurt the most


While ordinary Cypriots queued at ATM machines to withdraw a few hundred euros as credit card transactions stopped, other depositors used an array of techniques to access their money.

No one knows exactly how much money has left Cyprus' banks, or where it has gone. The two banks at the centre of the crisis - Cyprus Popular Bank, also known as Laiki, and Bank of Cyprus - have units in London which remained open throughout the week and placed no limits on withdrawals. Bank of Cyprus also owns 80 percent of Russia's Uniastrum Bank, which put no restrictions on withdrawals in Russia. Russians were among Cypriot banks' largest depositors.

26-03-13, 10:20
All these PIIGS + Cyprus stories will make you appreciate LKY's HARD TRUTH more ;)