View Full Version : I suspect next CM will have curbs or taxes on PR buying resales.

15-03-13, 09:42
Those who wanna upgrade, better start planning, as once the curbs comes in, the HDB resale market will cool a little.

But this measure will boost temporarily suburban private property since PR will switch to private instead.

15-03-13, 09:48
Those who wanna upgrade, better start planning, as once the curbs comes in, the HDB resale market will cool.

But this measure will boost suburban private property since PR will switch to private instead.

Errrr ... if PR can't buy resale, those who can barely afford pte buy BTO meh?? :scared-5:

More likely to equalise the mkt .. right now the other side of equation is that buy resale hdb muz sell ur pte if u hold any; perhaps now to close the loop with those > 40k with both pte & hdb, & make those who upgrade sell their hdb bah ...

15-03-13, 09:53
Errrr ... if PR can't buy resale, those who can barely afford pte buy BTO meh?? :scared-5:

More likely to equalise the mkt .. right now the other side of equation is that buy resale hdb muz sell ur pte if u hold any; perhaps now to close the loop with those > 40k with both pte & hdb, & make those who upgrade sell their hdb bah ...

That will affect locals and result in massive protests at Hong Lim Park. I think govt will target PR instead. PRs won't dare to protest ....... and cannot vote. :p

15-03-13, 09:57
Old man used to encouraged Singaporeans not to sell their HDB, as it is an appreciating asset that can only go up. So many people have worked hard, saved and tried to upgrade to private while keeping their HDB asset, and renting out to foreigners coming to work in Singapore. This is a dream of many aspiring Singaporeans. Would they reverse this policy and make upgraders sell their HDB? Then where would the foreigners stay (esp those who can't afford to rent PC)?

15-03-13, 10:05
Old man used to encouraged Singaporeans not to sell their HDB, as it is an appreciating asset that can only go up. So many people have worked hard, saved and tried to upgrade to private while keeping their HDB asset, and renting out to foreigners coming to work in Singapore. This is a dream of many aspiring Singaporeans. Would they reverse this policy and make upgraders sell their HDB? Then where would the foreigners stay (esp those who can't afford to rent PC)?

This is not an issue. In China, many migrant worker families also cannot afford to rent a flat, what they do is rent a room. Whole family stay in 1 bedroom.

The bottom line is PR should not be allowed to purchase resale HDB. And those who bought should be given a grace period of 3 years to sell, otherwise, impose a 50% capital gains tax should they decide to sell after that 3 years.

15-03-13, 10:06
Resale prices are very likely to be reigned in if they curb that space because it is no longer a question of affordability to locals and foreigners, it is a question of affordability solely to locals. And if it still goes up, locals are very very rich because I just can't imagine locals paying big chunks of COV.

15-03-13, 10:11
Resale prices are very likely to be reigned in if they curb that space because it is no longer a question of affordability to locals and foreigners, it is a question of affordability solely to locals. And if it still goes up, locals are very very rich because I just can't imagine locals paying big chunks of COV.

As I can see, this is a demand vs supply issue. Drastically reduce the demand, jack up the supply (launch 40k units of BTO every year, allow singles to buy), then prices will fall.

Nothing to do with rich or not.

15-03-13, 10:26
are we going to have this CM conversation every friday from now? yawnz :sleep:

15-03-13, 10:29
Resale prices are very likely to be reigned in if they curb that space because it is no longer a question of affordability to locals and foreigners, it is a question of affordability solely to locals. And if it still goes up, locals are very very rich because I just can't imagine locals paying big chunks of COV.

dont underestimate the locals. they are rich just kiam siap.

15-03-13, 11:42
i thot cm7 already tax SPRs who buy 1st property @ 5%?

15-03-13, 11:44
dont underestimate the locals. they are rich just kiam siap.

Their giam siap-ness is an inherent cooling measure in itself.

15-03-13, 15:03
i thot cm7 already tax SPRs who buy 1st property @ 5%?

Yesh u r rite about CM7 i.e., PR will have to pay even if the purchase is a 1st property @ 5% (only wondering if that means reducing PRs buying hdb; pte mkt diff story since there is so much talk abt hdb & wat it means to s'poreans)

15-03-13, 15:52
if PR cannot buy resale HDB, how HDB upgraders (sporean) can buy private condo?

Those who wanna upgrade, better start planning, as once the curbs comes in, the HDB resale market will cool a little.

But this measure will boost temporarily suburban private property since PR will switch to private instead.

15-03-13, 18:51
Didn't know that PR can buy resales. Thought it has been abolished already. No money to upgrade, then don't upgrade

15-03-13, 21:29
if PR cannot buy resale HDB, how HDB upgraders (sporean) can buy private condo?

There were some older ones here who probably sold their hdb to a local and moved on to condo or even landeds.

There is little coreelation between who you sell your place to an your ability to upgrade.

15-03-13, 22:47
Didn't know that PR can buy resales. Thought it has been abolished already. No money to upgrade, then don't upgrade

well its not just abt upgrade. not everyone want to upgrade. some want to just retire. sell get a nest egg go stay with kid. at least have $ to live for retirement.

15-03-13, 22:50
Their giam siap-ness is an inherent cooling measure in itself.

doubt so. its in the DNA. Anyone sell there place here to local folks who like to bargain $1-2K? When told another offer XXX price they always dont believe. come back 2weeks later to match but people already moved on.

15-03-13, 22:57
[QUOTE=minority]well its not just abt upgrade. not everyone want to upgrade. some want to just retire. sell get a nest egg go stay with kid. at least have $ to live for

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

16-03-13, 10:05
as long as hdb resale price is stabilised, there wont be any cm on this category.

16-03-13, 10:43
what if new bto is 30% cheaper ($400K becomes $280K) as hyping up by minister khaw.
what is the ripple effect to resale price?

as long as hdb resale price is stabilised, there wont be any cm on this category.

16-03-13, 11:13
what if new bto is 30% cheaper ($400K becomes $280K) as hyping up by minister khaw.
what is the ripple effect to resale price?

i guess it depend on wat conditions that come with it.

16-03-13, 12:01
what if new bto is 30% cheaper ($400K becomes $280K) as hyping up by minister khaw.
what is the ripple effect to resale price?
Because these cheap bto will not be made available to the market until mop which could be 10yrs. Also if these bto can only sell to hdb, there is none released to the resale mkt.

16-03-13, 12:55
kbw sell new bto cheaper doesn't mean owners will sell cheaper next time. I think the 30% discount is really unnecessary n wasting taxpayers money.
what if new bto is 30% cheaper ($400K becomes $280K) as hyping up by minister khaw.
what is the ripple effect to resale price?

16-03-13, 13:31
kbw sell new bto cheaper doesn't mean owners will sell cheaper next time. I think the 30% discount is really unnecessary n wasting taxpayers money.
However there are many noises on the ground saying bto prices is unaffordable when compared to the past. Some are expecting to clear hdb loans within 10years or so.

Future resale prices does not really matter. Kbw is promising the younger and future generations an affordable first home to start a family.

16-03-13, 13:48
I feel the govt is paying too much attention to first time home buyers who are simply a generation of noise makers who want things the easy way out. for gen x n before who buy hdb flats from govt, did these ppl ask govt to give discounts for flats or sell it at same price that their parents bought?
However there are many noises on the ground saying bto prices is unaffordable when compared to the past. Some are expecting to clear hdb loans within 10years or so.

Future resale prices does not really matter. Kbw is promising the younger and future generations an affordable first home to start a family.

16-03-13, 14:32
if PR cannot buy resale HDB, how HDB upgraders (sporean) can buy private condo?

If no money to upgrade, don't upgrade.

16-03-13, 16:46
I feel the govt is paying too much attention to first time home buyers who are simply a generation of noise makers who want things the easy way out. for gen x n before who buy hdb flats from govt, did these ppl ask govt to give discounts for flats or sell it at same price that their parents bought?

I am gen x but I think young generation has their fair share of concern. BTO and resale price has amlost doubled, way beyond my time merely 12 years ago. Their income now is probably a small fraction of higher than mine at that time.

We have enough gain from our housing policy. Give the young ones some breathing space.

Amber Woods
16-03-13, 18:19
Given all the pros and cons of alternative housing, government may just continues with more calibrated cooling measures to acheive its goal. This soft landing is better than alternative housing. It will allows people time to cash in/out and also the opportunity to buy at more affordable prices.

16-03-13, 18:41
Kbw is smart. He can:

A)offer 1 class of housing that is cheap but with no chance of capital appreciation, can only sell back to HDB and

B)offer flats at the current system at the same time.

This will shut the squealers up once and for all. You want cheap housing you get it, but don't expect to make money out of it. Or you opt for the current system. See there are how many takers....:D

17-03-13, 09:06
This is not an issue. In China, many migrant worker families also cannot afford to rent a flat, what they do is rent a room. Whole family stay in 1 bedroom.

The bottom line is PR should not be allowed to purchase resale HDB. And those who bought should be given a grace period of 3 years to sell, otherwise, impose a 50% capital gains tax should they decide to sell after that 3 years.

Very nice you are... it should be one year max to sell.. else must srll back to hdb at cost.:cool:

17-03-13, 10:26
I am gen x but I think young generation has their fair share of concern. BTO and resale price has amlost doubled, way beyond my time merely 12 years ago. Their income now is probably a small fraction of higher than mine at that time.

We have enough gain from our housing policy. Give the young ones some breathing space.

I suspect it will be simply longer mop. Allow everyone to benefit from future appreciation.

17-03-13, 10:57
I suspect it will be simply longer mop. Allow everyone to benefit from future appreciation.
I agree. 10years MOP to sell and/or rent.

As it takes longer time to enter the resale market, the extra 30% discount is buffered.

17-03-13, 11:01
Imo, i have no problems for PR to buy resale flats since they are disallowed to sublet already and they have to pay 5% absd.

Single PR are not allowed to buy resale flat at all. Whereas a 35yo sporean single are allowed. So sporean singles are not 3rd class citizen.

17-03-13, 21:00
why must they buy, why can't they just rent hdb? why must we give them the right to buy the cheapest form of housing on our land scarce island? citizens are already complaining of shortage of flats so why are we allowing foreigners to worsen the plight of Singaporeans? any government would be crazy to allow foreigners to compromise the well-being of citizens. just think about it....
Imo, i have no problems for PR to buy resale flats since they are disallowed to sublet already and they have to pay 5% absd.

Single PR are not allowed to buy resale flat at all. Whereas a 35yo sporean single are allowed. So sporean singles are not 3rd class citizen.

17-03-13, 21:16
why must they buy, why can't they just rent hdb? why must we give them the right to buy the cheapest form of housing on our land scarce island? citizens are already complaining of shortage of flats so why are we allowing foreigners to worsen the plight of Singaporeans? any government would be crazy to allow foreigners to compromise the well-being of citizens. just think about it....

if you migrate to Oz as a PR, dont the gov there allowed you to buy prop ?
similarly at Malaysia if u take up the silver programme, you are allowed to buy prop

Universal rule leh

17-03-13, 21:33
foreigners are only allowed to buy pty above 500k rm in Malaysia generally n 1 million rm in penang. low cost housing in Malaysia is also only meant for Malaysians n even buying condos, bumis get extra discounts. we are not like Malaysia where land is aplenty, we need to impose curbs on foreigners buying public housing for valid and obvious reasons.
if you migrate to Oz as a PR, dont the gov there allowed you to buy prop ?
similarly at Malaysia if u take up the silver programme, you are allowed to buy prop

Universal rule leh

17-03-13, 22:00
Have to agree with you on this one.
Since we are told that we are attracting real foreign talents (PRs are foreigners in my context anyway as long as they are not Singapore citizens and don't hold singapore passports), these talents should be earning high income and why should we let them buy lowest cost public housing and crowd out citizens? they can always buy private where they will not be restricted in anyway.... ;)
Public housing, i.e. HDB flats, should be and must be reserved for citizens only!
Isn't this the case everywhere else?
Can foreigners (including PRs) buy / rent public housing in HK, UK, ??? The answer is obvious!

foreigners are only allowed to buy pty above 500k rm in Malaysia generally n 1 million rm in penang. low cost housing in Malaysia is also only meant for Malaysians n even buying condos, bumis get extra discounts. we are not like Malaysia where land is aplenty, we need to impose curbs on foreigners buying public housing for valid and obvious reasons.

17-03-13, 22:01
Can foreigners (including PRs) buy / rent public housing in HK, UK, Oz, ??? The answer is obvious!

if you migrate to Oz as a PR, dont the gov there allowed you to buy prop ?
similarly at Malaysia if u take up the silver programme, you are allowed to buy prop

Universal rule leh

17-03-13, 22:28
if you migrate to Oz as a PR, dont the gov there allowed you to buy prop ?
similarly at Malaysia if u take up the silver programme, you are allowed to buy prop

Universal rule leh

PR are allowed to buy private property in Singapore lah.

17-03-13, 23:13
why must they buy, why can't they just rent hdb? why must we give them the right to buy the cheapest form of housing on our land scarce island? citizens are already complaining of shortage of flats so why are we allowing foreigners to worsen the plight of Singaporeans? any government would be crazy to allow foreigners to compromise the well-being of citizens. just think about it....

Worst meh? PR buy from 1st time singaporean owner give them $$$ so they can go upgrade or retire.

Singaporean got BTO choices that is so much cheaper then resale.

18-03-13, 00:54
so the foreigner who buys will be holding on to the property, depriving another Singaporean from buying. in the meantime, the foreigner can rent out to make money from that hdb and can also benefit from further capital appreciation without even living in the hdb flat. if they sell it to a Singaporean buyer at $100k cov just before they pat their backside n go back to their home country for good, we should treat that as giving them a big red packet to thank them for selling their flat at record price? if Singaporeans buy to speculate n rent,that is our given right to do so as that is after all Singapore housing, should we let foreigners do that to our housing market and to destabilize it? please don't tell me about our forefathers coming from China again...
Worst meh? PR buy from 1st time singaporean owner give them $$$ so they can go upgrade or retire.

Singaporean got BTO choices that is so much cheaper then resale.

18-03-13, 01:13
PR not allowed to sublet flat anymore.

Maybe we can follow OZ. PR have to sell back to locals only.

18-03-13, 10:22
PR not allowed to sublet flat anymore.

Maybe we can follow OZ. PR have to sell back to locals only.

Locals can go buy from Government why must buy from PR?

I rather the PR give local the $. then the PR sell to next PR.

Then local get new $ injection. While local go buy cheaper from Government.

18-03-13, 12:30
Locals can go buy from Government why must buy from PR?

I rather the PR give local the $. then the PR sell to next PR.

Then local get new $ injection. While local go buy cheaper from Government.

So many people can't get a flat from the government. I ever even heard one tried for 5 years but failed. Many end up buying expensive resale.

There are better ways for local to make money from PR. For example, renting the flat to them.

Remember the old man said, do not sell your flat.

18-03-13, 12:39
Cannot get or cannot get one that they wanted?
So many people can't get a flat from the government. I ever even heard one tried for 5 years but failed. Many end up buying expensive resale.

There are better ways for local to make money from PR. For example, renting the flat to them.

Remember the old man said, do not sell your flat.

18-03-13, 14:25
So many people can't get a flat from the government. I ever even heard one tried for 5 years but failed. Many end up buying expensive resale.

There are better ways for local to make money from PR. For example, renting the flat to them.

Remember the old man said, do not sell your flat.

so many ? I also see so many get flats from government. So which is which? all perception ?

Anyway the people dont want to see foreigners. So less foreigners here to build the flat. So now how? not fast enough is the problem? or not cheap enough?

Anyway old man say dont sell. but thats apply for those who do not know what they going to do with the $$ or dont need the $.

if the person sell to go pay for his holiday or new car . then I would say its stupid. If its for a business venture, upgrade ,Children education or retirement. why not. Thats the whole pt for assets appreciation.

Dont just quote one part of the statement missing out the whole intention of the message mah.

18-03-13, 16:38
PR are allowed to buy private property in Singapore lah.

the PR we import are not richie rich all of them. Many just workers

18-03-13, 19:23
so the foreigner who buys will be holding on to the property, depriving another Singaporean from buying. in the meantime, the foreigner can rent out to make money from that hdb and can also benefit from further capital appreciation without even living in the hdb flat. if they sell it to a Singaporean buyer at $100k cov just before they pat their backside n go back to their home country for good, we should treat that as giving them a big red packet to thank them for selling their flat at record price? if Singaporeans buy to speculate n rent,that is our given right to do so as that is after all Singapore housing, should we let foreigners do that to our housing market and to destabilize it? please don't tell me about our forefathers coming from China again...

Why would the PR be willing to buy at a high price from the singaporean in the 1st place knowing for sure must loose $? Its a chance they take. might at the end of the day make or maybe loose. Sure loose? then why must buy ?

If its a I win u loose mentality then the Singapore 1st timer also will loose. less buyer. less apperication. also loose loose coz its Singaporean sell to another Singaporean who could have gotten cheaper from government.

The Singaporean that pay $100K COV have themselves to consider. why must pay $100K ? they have BTO choices. if they want to pay its a free market.

So what u are saying is if the Singaporen pay 100K COV to another Singapore is right? I dont think so too.

18-03-13, 23:24
I have nothing against Singaporean enriching Singaporean, not foreigners enriching themselves at the expense of Singaporeans using public housing as a tool. I am very happy seeing the older generation making money from their hdb flats which they pay pittens for coz these old generation of heartlanders went thru the changing phases of Singapore, bare roots in our country and gave birth to the current generation of leaders, entrepreneurs n innovators that shape our country today. why should this heritage be shared with foreigners who only care about themselves n their immediate families n nit our country? just to illustrate, I know a family of prs (husband n wife r computer engineers from India) who told me they don't want their son to go through NS six years later for one simple reason that it Is a waste of time to them. they are eligible to apply for citizenship based on their skills, but would rather stick to their pr status. let me tell you why, the government's policy in allowing pr to own hdb flats makes a large number of them see no further incentive in becoming citizens n as they can already reap the benefits n make money from public housing without taking up citizenship. when you talk to this type of pr, r u going to applaud them for being smart n thinking ahead or r u going to blame our govt for making it all too easy for these foreigners to be rewarded when they have no sense of belonging here. I spoke to them once and felt like F'ing them in the face but I think I should F our govt first as it is their policy that created this awkward situation when I spoke to them.
Why would the PR be willing to buy at a high price from the singaporean in the 1st place knowing for sure must loose $? Its a chance they take. might at the end of the day make or maybe loose. Sure loose? then why must buy ?

If its a I win u loose mentality then the Singapore 1st timer also will loose. less buyer. less apperication. also loose loose coz its Singaporean sell to another Singaporean who could have gotten cheaper from government.

The Singaporean that pay $100K COV have themselves to consider. why must pay $100K ? they have BTO choices. if they want to pay its a free market.

So what u are saying is if the Singaporen pay 100K COV to another Singapore is right? I dont think so too.

19-03-13, 00:17
I have nothing against Singaporean enriching Singaporean, not foreigners enriching themselves at the expense of Singaporeans using public housing as a tool. I am very happy seeing the older generation making money from their hdb flats which they pay pittens for coz these old generation of heartlanders went thru the changing phases of Singapore, bare roots in our country and gave birth to the current generation of leaders, entrepreneurs n innovators that shape our country today. why should this heritage be shared with foreigners who only care about themselves n their immediate families n nit our country? just to illustrate, I know a family of prs (husband n wife r computer engineers from India) who told me they don't want their son to go through NS six years later for one simple reason that it Is a waste of time to them. they are eligible to apply for citizenship based on their skills, but would rather stick to their pr status. let me tell you why, the government's policy in allowing pr to own hdb flats makes a large number of them see no further incentive in becoming citizens n as they can already reap the benefits n make money from public housing without taking up citizenship. when you talk to this type of pr, r u going to applaud them for being smart n thinking ahead or r u going to blame our govt for making it all too easy for these foreigners to be rewarded when they have no sense of belonging here. I spoke to them once and felt like F'ing them in the face but I think I should F our govt first as it is their policy that created this awkward situation when I spoke to them.

I am all for enriching Singaporean regardless who pay. Best is foreigner pay to enrich Singaporean. But if in return the foreigner buyer can make profit out of it good for them. if cannot too bad.

I dont see that becoz they pay the 1st time Singaporean buyer good $ for their flat is make taking advantage. In FACT its a advantage. we get more cash injection into the system so the Singaporean all be well to do.

I think ur view is flawed thinking Singaporean buy from Singaporean only then will be better.

look at Malaysia. in the late 80s. Malaysia welcome Singaporean to invest in thier property. Many Singaporean go buy property in Malaysia. Then Suddenly All the Malaysia KPKB say Singapore push up the price. So Dr M. impose a string of tough measure then what happen? no 1 buy the house are worth shit after that crisis.

I rather there be new $ injected and the market is vibrant. While local citizen interest is take care via BTO. And those who want to sell can sell to foregin buyers for good $. Which in that case of Malaysia then they don't have.

So I dont see the cry wolf foreigners gain becoz they buy our HDB. The 1st Owner Gained!

People take time to integrate. u expect people come here few yrs 100% localized? common. I go overseas stay so many yrs also hard to localized. it some time take 1 generation to localized.

our grandfather also took 1 generation to localized what when they come to Singapore in the 30s wat.

19-03-13, 00:35
I get your point, but as I had mentioned to you before, why can't pr rent hdb n why can't rental demand push prices up as well? a simple illustration would be if an hdb flat can rent for $3k a month, would anyone sell their flat for $200k? if prs can't buy hdb, they can either buy pc or rent pc/hdb. with the increased demand for pc as prs can only buy pc, prices of pc goes up. when pc prices go up, rental of pc also go up. a large number of prs who want cheaper rental will flock to hdb market to rent, driving hdb rental up. when hdb rental is on the high, prices of hdb will also hike due to the high rental demand. just think about it, would anyone sell their hdb flats cheaply if they can rent it out high? you claim that buying n selling activity of prs drive up prices thus aid in asset enhancement, but that is not the only way.
I am all for enriching Singaporean regardless who pay. Best is foreigner pay to enrich Singaporean. But if in return the foreigner buyer can make profit out of it good for them. if cannot too bad.

I dont see that becoz they pay the 1st time Singaporean buyer good $ for their flat is make taking advantage. In FACT its a advantage. we get more cash injection into the system so the Singaporean all be well to do.

I think ur view is flawed thinking Singaporean buy from Singaporean only then will be better.

look at Malaysia. in the late 80s. Malaysia welcome Singaporean to invest in thier property. Many Singaporean go buy property in Malaysia. Then Suddenly All the Malaysia KPKB say Singapore push up the price. So Dr M. impose a string of tough measure then what happen? no 1 buy the house are worth shit after that crisis.

I rather there be new $ injected and the market is vibrant. While local citizen interest is take care via BTO. And those who want to sell can sell to foregin buyers for good $. Which in that case of Malaysia then they don't have.

So I dont see the cry wolf foreigners gain becoz they buy our HDB. The 1st Owner Gained!

People take time to integrate. u expect people come here few yrs 100% localized? common. I go overseas stay so many yrs also hard to localized. it some time take 1 generation to localized.

our grandfather also took 1 generation to localized what when they come to Singapore in the 30s wat.

19-03-13, 00:47
I get your point, but as I had mentioned to you before, why can't pr rent hdb n why can't rental demand push prices up as well? a simple illustration would be if an hdb flat can rent for $3k a month, would anyone sell their flat for $200k? if prs can't buy hdb, they can either buy pc or rent pc/hdb. with the increased demand for pc as prs can only buy pc, prices of pc goes up. when pc prices go up, rental of pc also go up. a large number of prs who want cheaper rental will flock to hdb market to rent, driving hdb rental up. when hdb rental is on the high, prices of hdb will also hike due to the high rental demand. just think about it, would anyone sell their hdb flats cheaply if they can rent it out high? you claim that buying n selling activity of prs drive up prices thus aid in asset enhancement, but that is not the only way.

Well not everyone want to collect rent. Some folks need cold hard cash. Send kids to Uni, Start a business, upgrading to another place , downgrading to another place to free up cash or medical reasons need cash. or just simply run into debt want to sell and free up cash pay debt etc. many reasons good or bad people need cold hard cash not $3000 pm. also dont mean u can get $3000 per mth some times.

Also not everyone like to rent out and live with the tenant. Some folks prefer to stay on their own. Those luckier ones can go like with kids while the unit can rent out. thats ideal. but not many people have ideal situation. So retirement might means selling the 5room HDB here for $500-1M. go pay $100K for a retirement studio and have $400K cash on hand. those with more savy ones might just take the $400K + some saving go buy a MM and collect rent while they have pared down to a 100K retirement flat. or put the $400K in a 5.6% rights issue collect divden.

What ever many ways. but price for them resale must be bouyent and liquid.

19-03-13, 01:02
I am not saying they will rent out, I am just saying that with the rental demand n without pr ownership of public housing, hdb prices can still appreciate. I have proven my point.
Well not everyone want to collect rent. Some folks need cold hard cash. Send kids to Uni, Start a business, upgrading to another place , downgrading to another place to free up cash or medical reasons need cash. or just simply run into debt want to sell and free up cash pay debt etc. many reasons good or bad people need cold hard cash not $3000 pm. also dont mean u can get $3000 per mth some times.

Also not everyone like to rent out and live with the tenant. Some folks prefer to stay on their own. Those luckier ones can go like with kids while the unit can rent out. thats ideal. but not many people have ideal situation. So retirement might means selling the 5room HDB here for $500-1M. go pay $100K for a retirement studio and have $400K cash on hand. those with more savy ones might just take the $400K + some saving go buy a MM and collect rent while they have pared down to a 100K retirement flat. or put the $400K in a 5.6% rights issue collect divden.

What ever many ways. but price for them resale must be bouyent and liquid.

19-03-13, 08:11
I am not saying they will rent out, I am just saying that with the rental demand n without pr ownership of public housing, hdb prices can still appreciate. I have proven my point.

bro, don't try too hard in your efforts to reason with the airhead. whatever debate you put forth merely rushes like a rail carriage through his head - a wind tunnel connecting both ends of his ears

19-03-13, 08:54
I am not saying they will rent out, I am just saying that with the rental demand n without pr ownership of public housing, hdb prices can still appreciate. I have proven my point.

Sure there can be rental. But without buyers that have motivation to buy them. There is no value. Singapore like I say have BTO. Given choice won't buy resale.

19-03-13, 08:55
bro, don't try too hard in your efforts to reason with the airhead. whatever debate you put forth merely rushes like a rail carriage through his head - a wind tunnel connecting both ends of his ears

Given a dumb as like u. The topic is too dense for ur small brainless head.

19-03-13, 09:06
Given a dumb as like u. The topic is too dense for ur small brainless head.

wahahahaha, did you just specifically identify yourself as the airhead?
oops, don't try to hard to slap yourself so early in the morning - the day is still long ahead of you

19-03-13, 10:31
wahahahaha, did you just specifically identify yourself as the airhead?
oops, don't try to hard to slap yourself so early in the morning - the day is still long ahead of you

simpleton........ oxymoron

19-03-13, 13:35
Yup. The advice fr one old man about not selling should be read in context. Don sell if your hdb is in good location (since almost gtee got tenants for town area). Doesn't mean don sell for all locations rite ;)

so many ? I also see so many get flats from government. So which is which? all perception ?

Anyway the people dont want to see foreigners. So less foreigners here to build the flat. So now how? not fast enough is the problem? or not cheap enough?

Anyway old man say dont sell. but thats apply for those who do not know what they going to do with the $$ or dont need the $.

if the person sell to go pay for his holiday or new car . then I would say its stupid. If its for a business venture, upgrade ,Children education or retirement. why not. Thats the whole pt for assets appreciation.

Dont just quote one part of the statement missing out the whole intention of the message mah.

19-03-13, 13:42
simpleton........ oxymoron

awww shucks, should give u a pat on the back for coming up with a word with four syllables - a close to impossible feat for a wind tunnel

19-03-13, 19:47
awww shucks, should give u a pat on the back for coming up with a word with four syllables - a close to impossible feat for a wind tunnel

ur lack of creativity is astoundingly loud. just like the echo between that skull of urs.
:doh: :doh: :doh:

19-03-13, 23:07
The old man's message is only for all those in his constituency (and nearby), regardless of HDB or private! :p

Yup. The advice fr one old man about not selling should be read in context. Don sell if your hdb is in good location (since almost gtee got tenants for town area). Doesn't mean don sell for all locations rite ;)

20-03-13, 09:19
ur lack of creativity is astoundingly loud. just like the echo between that skull of urs.
:doh: :doh: :doh:

awww.......how did you actually conclude that? YOU IS - WAHAHAHAHA

20-03-13, 09:58
awww.......how did you actually conclude that? YOU IS - WAHAHAHAHA

ur stupendous ability is gave it all away. :scared-3: :scared-3:

20-03-13, 10:09
ur stupendous ability is gave it all away. :scared-3: :scared-3:


thanks for the compliment!! do you even know what stupendous means?!?! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

thanks for being the joke for my day. by the way, please don't try to use words that you don't know their meanings or can't spell

20-03-13, 10:14

thanks for the compliment!! do you even know what stupendous means?!?! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

thanks for being the joke for my day. by the way, please don't try to use words that you don't know their meanings or can't spell

words are too big for ur feeble mind. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

20-03-13, 10:18
words are too big for ur feeble mind. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

so, care to definte 'stupendous'? stumped for words?

and, please don't be a freaking wuss. stand up and defend your claim that singaporean families are over-reliant on maids and this is the reason why singapore should restrict maid quota.

not only there is a airway connecting your olfactories, i am beginning to suspect there is one in place of your bladder and your little appendage

20-03-13, 10:19
The old man's message is only for all those in his constituency (and nearby), regardless of HDB or private! :p

hanor .. obviously gd location rite ... zone is so the near town/within town.

20-03-13, 10:25
so, care to definte 'stupendous'? stumped for words?

and, please don't be a freaking wuss. stand up and defend your claim that singaporean families are over-reliant on maids and this is the reason why singapore should restrict maid quota.

not only there is a airway connecting your olfactories, i am beginning to suspect there is one in place of your bladder and your little appendage

go google or wiki u egg head.

20-03-13, 10:30
go google or wiki u egg head.

no need to google. don't keep embarrassing yourself by using words you don't know - i.e. don't try to act smarter than what you truly are, it's a shame to be exposed

and don't be a bloody wuss - DEFEND YOUR CLAIM, i'm still daring you to debate

20-03-13, 10:34
no need to google. don't keep embarrassing yourself by using words you don't know - i.e. don't try to act smarter than what you truly are, it's a shame to be exposed

and don't be a bloody wuss - DEFEND YOUR CLAIM, i'm still daring you to debate

u make me want to laugh..... :scared-4: :scared-4: :scared-4: :scared-4:

20-03-13, 10:37
u make me want to laugh..... :scared-4: :scared-4: :scared-4: :scared-4:

wow, you can't even grow some balls to compensate for the lack of grey matter.

if you dare to make a claim, be a man to defend it. wuss

20-03-13, 11:04
Both of u.... Please get a room! :D

20-03-13, 11:20
wow, you can't even grow some balls to compensate for the lack of grey matter.

if you dare to make a claim, be a man to defend it. wuss

Do I care ? maggot.