View Full Version : Possessed by Evil Spirits ( Real )

11-03-13, 00:12


11-03-13, 00:24
omg so scary.. just watch incredible tales then watch this clip. 2night cannot sleep riaox :scared-4: :scared-4:

11-03-13, 00:31
omg so scary.. just watch incredible tales then watch this clip. 2night cannot sleep riaox :scared-4: :scared-4:

WOAHAHAHAHAHAH..dun be scared la brother. I just put the clips here to remind good brothers and sisters in this forum that there are really such spirits out there. Just be careful, dun anyhow pray. :)

11-03-13, 00:49
Sorry lor.

I cannot accept whoever post this video's comment.

Simi "Praise the lord"?


11-03-13, 05:40
Sorry lor.

I cannot accept whoever post this video's comment.

Simi "Praise the lord"?


while you dun accept my comments, I accept your protest. I have removed the phrase :)

11-03-13, 06:57


Looks like just a emotionally unstable grandma, did I miss anything in the clips?

11-03-13, 07:04
ya? doesnt look possessed.

just a grumpy maybe senile old woman and then she probably fainted.

11-03-13, 07:49
looks like you guys need to see more clips. I shall upload them this weekend for you.

11-03-13, 07:52
ya? doesnt look possessed.

just a grumpy maybe senile old woman and then she probably fainted.

ya sure, probably fainted in slow motion without hurting herself. I will pray every morning for you to meet one similar grandma for you.


11-03-13, 07:57
Looks like just a emotionally unstable grandma, did I miss anything in the clips?

sure emotionally unstable old women can have the strength to smash my keyboard and throw a glass from a few metres away. u will not miss anything because i will pray every morning for you to meet one .

Dun be too Iron Teeth.

11-03-13, 07:59
my mouth is very zhun one. since for those that find nothing wrong with this grandma, they are more than qualified to live with her.

i shall pray everyday for them to have this kinda grandma living with them.

11-03-13, 08:27
I believe there are spirits around. Few days back, I had this experience AGAIN. While I was half awake half sleeping, I could only remember that I kept asking the word "yes or no" in my dream, then suddenly I heard a "man's" voice saying "NO" loudly, the voice was so cleared that as though he was just beside me, I quickly opened my eyes but my husband was not beside me at that moment. So frighening. Is it something wrong with me? But this is not the 1st time I have such an experience, there was some occasion I heard someone waking me up in the morning and when I woke up, there was no one around either.:scared-1:

11-03-13, 09:22
my mouth is very zhun one. since for those that find nothing wrong with this grandma, they are more than qualified to live with her.

i shall pray everyday for them to have this kinda grandma living with them.

if u dislike this old woman, no need to be so heat up when ppl dont agree w u.

and based on the 2 clips, some of us see nothing.

11-03-13, 10:02
I believe there are spirits around. Few days back, I had this experience AGAIN. While I was half awake half sleeping, I could only remember that I kept asking the word "yes or no" in my dream, then suddenly I heard a "man's" voice saying "NO" loudly, the voice was so cleared that as though he was just beside me, I quickly opened my eyes but my husband was not beside me at that moment. So frighening. Is it something wrong with me? But this is not the 1st time I have such an experience, there was some occasion I heard someone waking me up in the morning and when I woke up, there was no one around either.:scared-1:

the only rude awakening i have in the morning is when my kid gives me a karate kick to my face, after she rolls all about in bed

11-03-13, 10:22
if u dislike this old woman, no need to be so heat up when ppl dont agree w u.

and based on the 2 clips, some of us see nothing.

all the brothers and sisters here got my point except you.

you think i dislike this old woman? i dislike the evil spirits possessing her after she quit being a tangki medium. medium meaning someone who supposedly communicate with the spirits. if u dunno what is tangki, then dun kpkb talk so much.

of course u see nothing, u have not seen anything yet.

11-03-13, 10:28
I have tapped many of Leo's grandma tangki sessions. i may consider to post it here if more iron teeth surface. but i advise good brothers not to watch these tangki clips. let the iron teeth watch it and then kena themselves then they know.


11-03-13, 10:34
I have tapped many of Leo's grandma tangki sessions. i may consider to post it here if more iron teeth surface. but i advise good brothers not to watch these tangki clips. let the iron teeth watch it and then kena themselves then they know.



11-03-13, 18:55


Bro Handsome

unable to log in lei :(

12-03-13, 18:26
Bro Handsome

unable to log in lei :(

my boss see already buay tahan. i kena scolded liao la. he said i this time really go crazy liao, own time own target does not mean can show own underwear to everyone.so I have to remove them lor :( paiseh la.

12-03-13, 19:42
All this is crap, perpetuating superstition.

Btw.... BJ21T really needs to get a life.... posting in multiple personalities and self discussing frivolous issues.

The large font exclamations are also very irritating....

12-03-13, 19:51
my boss see already buay tahan. i kena scolded liao la. he said i this time really go crazy liao, own time own target does not mean can show own underwear to everyone.so I have to remove them lor :( paiseh la.

Bro...no problem

your story and your life really psychedelic :D

13-03-13, 08:37
the only rude awakening i have in the morning is when my kid gives me a karate kick to my face, after she rolls all about in bed

Haha, I had the same experience too but mine was my daughter went on top of me.:doh: And another experience was, I saw a photo of my deceased uncle in my dream, suddenly, he raised his hand and hit me on my chest, when I woke me up, it was actually my daughter who hit me.:(