View Full Version : Please help me redesign my floor-plan

06-03-13, 08:21

Hi i intend to partition my living into a bedroom. any idea how sld i do it to maximize the space n layout? Where sld i place my bed, study desk n wardrobe? Thanks alot :)

06-03-13, 08:49
wah piang, space is already so limited and yet still want to partition?!? to rent out?

06-03-13, 09:19
Do not have much leeway since it is so small to begin with.

Place study desk at the balcony

06-03-13, 10:11
Suggest you replace the two nightstands with one small study table to serve both functions. I dun think shld have too many things in limited space to live comfortably.

06-03-13, 10:30
Other solution from hiddenbed.com.sg

06-03-13, 11:10
Do away with the dining room.
Have a foldable bar top in your kitchenette for dining.
Convert the dining room into a living room.

But bear in mind that if you partition the actual living room into a bedroom, your unit will not have much sunlight.

As for your study desk, you may like to buy the bed from ikea where the desk is below and the bed is on top.

06-03-13, 18:51

Hi i intend to partition my living into a bedroom. any idea how sld i do it to maximize the space n layout? Where sld i place my bed, study desk n wardrobe? Thanks alot :)

I suggest u look at those compact furniture. why not use ur dining as study desk? There are also those dining table where u can extend n retract. Or those coffee table that u can raise and use as working desk and lower as coffee table n flip open as square table.

the place is small my advice is not to get too much furniture. as compact as possible. if u can do one of those retractable bed... that would even better. sleep at night. when wake up flip it up the wall and u can also have a working desk folded under the bed?

remove the wardrobe and build a wardrobe in the House hold shelter. then ur room will be bigger where u can have a foldable desk!

dont need can close everything up. If u knock down ur living room wall I think the whole place will feel bigger.

07-03-13, 12:07
Pardon my shaky freehand. Turn the dining area into bedroom. Build overhang wall mounted storage cabinets and sliding entry door. You can even fix a small compact study table beside the bed onto the bay window.