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27-02-13, 23:41
SMEs prepare for journey of pain
Despite help on offer, life will get harder, they say

Some of the schemes that promise help may also have a limited impact. In particular, the business leaders pointed out that only a select group of firms will benefit from government help to enable SMEs to relocate some of their operations offshore - PHOTO: SPH
[SINGAPORE] It's going to get tougher for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the near term, and many may be forced to shut down, relocate or consolidate their business, said leaders of the SME community after the Budget was unveiled on Monday.

They say that the measures introduced focus strictly on raising productivity and pushing companies to restructure, but do not offer direct help with pressing issues such as escalating rentals.

Some of the schemes that promise help may also have a limited impact. In particular, the business leaders pointed out that only a select group of firms will benefit from government help to enable SMEs to relocate some of their operations offshore.

Meanwhile, the Wage Credit Scheme, a three-year government co-funding scheme for wage increases for Singaporean employees with a pay of up to $4,000, may put pressure on SMEs to raise workers' pay even though no productivity gains were made.

Said Lawrence Leow, head of the SME committee at the Singapore Business Federation: "Things will not get easier for SMEs going forward. This is a restructuring process and there will be a lot of pain. You are hearing things like how companies and restaurants are closing down, or cutting the number of outlets. It's a consolidation phase.

"I expect to see companies shutting down, or moving overseas because we just don't have the manpower. Without manpower you cannot do anything. Only companies that can attract employees will be able to continue running their business in Singapore."

Andrew Tjioe, president of the 300-member-strong Restaurant Association of Singapore, believes that more food and beverage (F&B) outlets will close down.

"They will have to pack up, especially the smaller ones," said Mr Tjioe, who is also executive chairman of TungLok Group.

"I don't feel good about the Budget at all. To put it bluntly I feel very bad, and I think my industry colleagues feel the same way. Many of us will be in trouble. The higher foreign worker levy for F&B is totally unnecessary, and hiring locals is not going to get any easier for us. And we have been paying more, and salaries have been increasing tremendously. But no matter how much we pay, we just cannot attract locals to be in this industry."

Apart from tougher foreign worker levies and cuts in dependency ratio ceiling, the budget has a scheme in which the government co-funds wage increases for some Singapore employees for three years.

Chan Chong Beng, president of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, did not welcome the scheme, noting SMEs may end up feeling pressured to raise the wages of Singaporean employees.

"I think this is dangerous, because wage increases without productivity increases will put a lot of pressure on costs. They (the government) are hoping that employers pass on the productivity savings but there is nothing to link productivity to this wage subsidy."

But Mr Tjioe said that the co-funding scheme will help F&B operators.

"I think this is good, I like it. We have to increase the pay of the workers anyway and we have been doing it, so the 40 per cent from the government will help."

Another initiative announced by Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam promised help to those who choose to relocate some operations offshore but retain their core functions in Singapore.

No further details were provided on this, though business leaders say they understand the scheme will involve SMEs having to swop some of the current space they are taking up here under JTC leases, in exchange for help to obtain space offshore.

Said Mr Chan: "You must give back the land and space to them, so there are probably very few companies that will benefit if they want to relocate. It is not meant for every SME. You have to be prepared to return earlier parts of the land and space you leased from JTC, in exchange for some grant for relocation. So not everyone who wants to relocate will be able to benefit from this."

He said that there are about 200 companies that take up leases with JTC, meaning only very few firms that will benefit.

Another initiative that may have little impact is the plan to have SMEs and large corporations - such as government-linked companies - collaborate with one another. Again, no details were provided on how this will work.

Said Mr Chan: "It is easier said than done. It is very difficult in Singapore because we don't have such a culture."

27-02-13, 23:42
Get Ready for people to loose jobs and inflation of prices. This is what the people ask for this is what the people get.

27-02-13, 23:43
Retailers, F&B bosses fearing the worst in foreign-worker curbs

Mr Tjioe: Manpower crunch will lead to loss of chefs - PHOTO: TUNG LOK RESTAURANTS
[SINGAPORE] Moves to further curb the inflow of foreign manpower in Monday's Budget aren't sitting well with some retailers and food & beverage (F&B) operators who believe they will be hit hard.
With a dearth of Singaporeans willing to take up jobs in these sectors, retail and F&B firms say that a lack of manpower, resulting from the reduction in foreign worker dependency numbers and the increase in the foreign worker levy as announced in the Budget, would lead to a loss of business and decline in service standards and could force them to either wind down or move out of Singapore.
The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) acknowledged that this was a real problem for the service sector in general.
"It is clear the government is pursuing a targeted approach to the foreign manpower issue, and the announced measures favour companies that are committed to productivity-led growth with the emphasis on hiring locals. The service sector, long deemed a productivity laggard, has been delivered a resounding message to restructure with further reductions in work permits, increased foreign worker levies and tighter dependency caps," said Ho Meng Kit, CEO of SBF.
Mr Ho added that many of these services companies in the F&B, hotel and retail will have a hard time adjusting and some will fail.
Companies BT spoke to were pessimistic about their future, insisting that foreign manpower was integral to their operations.
The F&B industry, for instance, feels it needs foreign manpower because there simply aren't enough workers among locals for the sector.
"Singaporeans don't even turn up for interviews when we advertise for vacancies," said Karambeer Khanijou, director of Old Empire and TSA Wines, adding that even when Singaporeans are hired, they typically do not last more than a week or two, a phenomenon he has witnessed in other F&B establishments too.
Making it harder to hire foreigners will result in F&B outlets becoming understaffed, which would not only lead to falling business for these operations, but also result in a decline of service standards, F&B operators said.
Mr Khanijou told BT that he knew of two F&B outlets in Singapore that have closed down for these reasons and said he would not be surprised to see more suffer the same fate this year.
Others in the industry feel the tightening could lead to a loss of creativity and damage the industry's reputation.
Andrew Tjioe, president of the 300-member strong Restaurant Association of Singapore and executive chairman of the Tung Lok Group, reckons the manpower crunch will lead to a loss of chefs who are a source of creativity in the industry.
"Singapore used to be one of the cuisine capitals in the world and in Asia, but I think this glory is fading because now we don't have the service and soon we won't have the creativity. Those who do have creativity won't want to stay in Singapore, (as) they would rather go overseas and there are many countries that will be willing to take them," said Mr Tjioe.
Companies may also opt to relocate away from Singapore to save their operations.
Foodedge Gourmet, for one, is thinking of relocating segments of its food business to Malaysia because it feels the labour crunch will make it more difficult for it to operate here. A spokesman for the company told BT that automation to achieve productivity gains has its limitations, since widespread automation requires more land, which is a substantially higher business cost here and would require a large volume of production for economies of scale to be achieved.
The picture isn't rosy for the retail sector too, said R Dhinakaran, managing director of the Jay Gee Melwani Group and vice-president of the Singapore Retail Association.
Mr Dhinakaran said curtailing foreign labour may hurt retail companies more as the room to make productivity gains is more limited than other sectors because of the limitations of automation completely being able to replace the "human touch" of retail jobs.
Retailers not only stand to lose money if they are understaffed, but the drop in service standards compared with neighbouring countries could also hurt tourist spending, he warned.
Some retail businesses have become accustomed to the shortage of staff. Terence Yow, CEO of shoe retailer and distributor Enviably Me, said he has assembled a high-quality workforce that can multi-task to get around this problem, but he concedes that such an approach would not be able to overcome a severe reduction in headcount.

28-02-13, 07:09
Its either we adapt or we move out. The whole policy was not taken into considerations of the each specific industry.:banghead:

28-02-13, 07:23
Industries that cannot be moved out of Singapore should be banned from employing foreign workers! We know very well that retail and Food&Beverage are 2 such industries, as is construction, & education.

All the talk about moving out threat by employers are just bull-shit in the above industries. If F&B and retail and construction and education companies want to move out, by all means! It just means somebody else will take over their pie locally! They mean they can move out of Singapore and then earn money from people living in Singapore? Singaporeans fly/ship overseas to eat, live etc every time they want to buy their products/services then come back? :rolleyes: :p

But actually hor, the biggest problems SMEs faced are the escalating rentals and prices of commercial/retail/industrial property properties, in turn because of the GLCs and related REITs! They are the one causing high business costs!

So, the most effective and best solution is to rein in the REITs and their own GLCs from causing price escalation and super inflation! And the high escalation is partially also because the GLC CEOs are getting Millions $ of salary, trying all means to increase revenue and profits and hence their own pay. Go look at their CEO/average worker pay, Wow! Incredible multiples! Shouldn't their average worker pay go up with the prospects of the company? As it is now, the pay of the CEOs go up with the higher profits of the company but not the workers! The govt should do something about all these "FAT CATS" who are enriching themselves!

Its either we adapt or we move out. The whole policy was not taken into considerations of the each specific industry.:banghead:

28-02-13, 07:36
I thought they should have severe cooling measures to rein in the commercial/retail/industry property prices and rentals but there isn't!

SMEs employ like >2/3 of all employed in Singapore! They typically employ 1 to 50 workers. Just assume a small shop rental costs $10k pm, the proprietor employs just 1 worker $1k pm, so rental/pay is 10x! :doh:
Isn't it clear that shop rental is out of proportion?

Will cutting foreign workers solve the problem of employers employ more singaporeans? No. Because I foresee how they will do it:
1) Retrench 2 foreign workers (save 2 x$1000 (include levy) = $2000 pm)
1) Employ 1 singaporeans to do 2 FWs' job (pay $1400 pm! Bravo! Save $600 pm and govt say they helped raised pay of singaporean?! Govt help SMEs to exploit Singaporean instead by making them increase "productivity"?! Whole load of rubbish isn't it? No wonder singaporeans keep complaining about increasing work load, too tired when go home, no family time, no time to make baby, let alone raise a child!)

Industries that cannot be moved out of Singapore should be banned from employing foreign workers! We know very well that retail and Food&Beverage are 2 such industries, as is construction, & education.

All the talk about moving out threat by employers are just bull-shit in the above industries. If F&B and retail and construction and education companies want to move out, by all means! It just means somebody else will take over their pie locally! They mean they can move out of Singapore and then earn money from people living in Singapore? Singaporeans fly/ship overseas to eat, live etc every time they want to buy their products/services then come back? :rolleyes: :p

But actually hor, the biggest problems SMEs faced are the escalating rentals and prices of commercial/retail/industrial property properties, in turn because of the GLCs and related REITs! They are the one causing high business costs!

So, the most effective and best solution is to rein in the REITs and their own GLCs from causing price escalation and super inflation! And the high escalation is partially also because the GLC CEOs are getting Millions $ of salary, trying all means to increase revenue and profits and hence their own pay. Go look at their CEO/average worker pay, Wow! Incredible multiples! Shouldn't their average worker pay go up with the prospects of the company? As it is now, the pay of the CEOs go up with the higher profits of the company but not the workers! The govt should do something about all these "FAT CATS" who are enriching themselves!

28-02-13, 08:04
I thought they should have severe cooling measures to rein in the commercial/retail/industry property prices and rentals but there isn't!

SMEs employ like >2/3 of all employed in Singapore! They typically employ 1 to 50 workers. Just assume a small shop rental costs $10k pm, the proprietor employs just 1 worker $1k pm, so rental/pay is 10x! :doh:
Isn't it clear that shop rental is out of proportion?

Will cutting foreign workers solve the problem of employers employ more singaporeans? No. Because I foresee how they will do it:
1) Retrench 2 foreign workers (save 2 x$1000 (include levy) = $2000 pm)
1) Employ 1 singaporeans to do 2 FWs' job (pay $1400 pm! Bravo! Save $600 pm and govt say they helped raised pay of singaporean?! Govt help SMEs to exploit Singaporean instead by making them increase "productivity"?! Whole load of rubbish isn't it? No wonder singaporeans keep complaining about increasing work load, too tired when go home, no family time, no time to make baby, let alone raise a child!)

Well that could also means the SME business are not what Singapore wants. Coz to support the wage increment Singaporean wants. Coz it too low tech or low revenue to support singapore growth. Those will eventually move out.

So what that rent is cut down too much? it would not change the singaporean pay in the long run if the SME biz is low tech.

28-02-13, 08:04
Not really SME but if Kopitiam wants to move out, I'll help them pack :cool:

28-02-13, 09:08
the whole point of this exercise, which they cannot say out loud, is to make some SMEs go out of business, so that the foreign workers they hire will go back where they come from and the local workers (and the boss(es)) can go work for other SMEs that are able to survive, therefore alleviating the labour crunch of those surviving SMEs

28-02-13, 09:12
the whole point of this exercise, which they cannot say out loud, is to make some SMEs go out of business, so that the foreign workers they hire will go back where they come from and the local workers (and the boss(es)) can go work for other SMEs that are able to survive, therefore alleviating the labour crunch of those surviving SMEs

Yes it will be painful. Also dont expect cost to come down coz over all cost structure is increased.

Also Some of the low end industry will go to JB which is also quietly what this exercise is about. Coz low end industry cannot pay the workers high too as margin is low. Which essentially cannot support the higher wage Singaporean want.

Well moving forward the way I look at it Singaporean better be ready to increase their skill set. Coz eventually the lower end skilled singaporean will be less skilled then the skilled FW that are being preferred .

28-02-13, 09:19
Only high end F&B can survive, there will be more choice for middle and upper middle class, for the poor they always can rely on garmen hawker centers

And I can tell you our middle class F&B really cannot make it right now ... use of palm oil, lousy ingredients, unhealthy cooking blah

Yet it is not cheap e.g. you compare Subway breakfast (one sub + coffee is 3.50 ... very healthy / decent) to those super palm oil $2.50 nasi lemak at Kopitiam :doh:

It is time for such stalls to go out of biz and let the higher quality F&B survive

28-02-13, 09:22
Only high end F&B can survive, there will be more choice for middle and upper middle class, for the poor they always can rely on garmen hawker centers

And I can tell you our middle class F&B really cannot make it right now ... use of palm oil, lousy ingredients, unhealthy cooking blah

Yet it is not cheap e.g. you compare Subway breakfast (one sub + coffee is 3.50 ... very healthy / decent) to those super palm oil $2.50 nasi lemak at Kopitiam :doh:

It is time for such stalls to go out of biz and let the higher quality F&B survive

$2.5 is cheap :)

28-02-13, 10:05
Businesses are moving out here thats why STI no power. Thanks to those opposing.

28-02-13, 13:28
Well that could also means the SME business are not what Singapore wants. Coz to support the wage increment Singaporean wants. Coz it too low tech or low revenue to support singapore growth. Those will eventually move out.

So what that rent is cut down too much? it would not change the singaporean pay in the long run if the SME biz is low tech.

U must kidding. Already said 2/3 workforces. If doesn't want such jobs, what's Singaporean going to work? Jobless.:eek:

28-02-13, 14:11
U must kidding. Already said 2/3 workforces. If doesn't want such jobs, what's Singaporean going to work? Jobless.:eek:

yeah Singaporean all want high pay job. low paying SME can packup and go. Coz they wont survive. Cannot afford to pay singaporean also.

So I guess these are the SME we dont want. Coz we also dont want to see the FW working at such SME too!. so only way is out for them.

28-02-13, 16:45
Industries that cannot be moved out of Singapore should be banned from employing foreign workers! We know very well that retail and Food&Beverage are 2 such industries, as is construction, & education.

All the talk about moving out threat by employers are just bull-shit in the above industries. If F&B and retail and construction and education companies want to move out, by all means! It just means somebody else will take over their pie locally! They mean they can move out of Singapore and then earn money from people living in Singapore? Singaporeans fly/ship overseas to eat, live etc every time they want to buy their products/services then come back? :rolleyes: :p

But actually hor, the biggest problems SMEs faced are the escalating rentals and prices of commercial/retail/industrial property properties, in turn because of the GLCs and related REITs! They are the one causing high business costs!

So, the most effective and best solution is to rein in the REITs and their own GLCs from causing price escalation and super inflation! And the high escalation is partially also because the GLC CEOs are getting Millions $ of salary, trying all means to increase revenue and profits and hence their own pay. Go look at their CEO/average worker pay, Wow! Incredible multiples! Shouldn't their average worker pay go up with the prospects of the company? As it is now, the pay of the CEOs go up with the higher profits of the company but not the workers! The govt should do something about all these "FAT CATS" who are enriching themselves!

You forget Gahment is the FAT CAT themselves (peg pay to top earners in pte sector ) so they are enriching themselves. :doh: :beats-me-man: :mad: :hell-hath-no-fury:

28-02-13, 16:58
yeah Singaporean all want high pay job. low paying SME can packup and go. Coz they wont survive. Cannot afford to pay singaporean also.

So I guess these are the SME we dont want. Coz we also dont want to see the FW working at such SME too!. so only way is out for them.

We want SME, didn't I say SME cant survive because the rental costs are way too high here. Gov has to do something on lower down the rental cost.

28-02-13, 18:37
We want SME, didn't I say SME cant survive because the rental costs are way too high here. Gov has to do something on lower down the rental cost.

exactly land and rent reform is what we need, more than all these labour reform

28-02-13, 20:29
How can any one expect costs to come down and inflation to come down when
There is NO severe COOLING MEASURES to rein in the commercial/retail/industry property prices and rentals
It is obvious isn't it?

Yes it will be painful. Also dont expect cost to come down coz over all cost structure is increased.

Also Some of the low end industry will go to JB which is also quietly what this exercise is about. Coz low end industry cannot pay the workers high too as margin is low. Which essentially cannot support the higher wage Singaporean want.

Well moving forward the way I look at it Singaporean better be ready to increase their skill set. Coz eventually the lower end skilled singaporean will be less skilled then the skilled FW that are being preferred .

28-02-13, 20:36
Please see my example, $10k rental per month, $1k worker salary pm.
Just need to cut rental by 10% to $9k rental pm, employer can increase worker's salary to $2k pm or 100% increase without incurring extra costs! So simple! But GOVT is not doing it! Why?
You think nobody want $2k pm salesgirl job if it is 8 hours a day and only 5 day week? The truth is, because of super high rental, the employer has to make his staff work for 12 hours a day and 7 days a week! Who will do this kind of job? Definitely not Singaporeans! Only FWs! :doh:

Remember that somebody who say $3k pm dish-washer no Singaporean want to do? REALLY?
Well, I read from internet that the truth has been revealed! It is true he paid $3k pm, but not to a dish-washer, but a outsourcing company that provides his company with several dish-washers rotating to work >12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! You think a single human being can work that long hours with no rest?! :banghead:

Well that could also means the SME business are not what Singapore wants. Coz to support the wage increment Singaporean wants. Coz it too low tech or low revenue to support singapore growth. Those will eventually move out.

So what that rent is cut down too much? it would not change the singaporean pay in the long run if the SME biz is low tech.

Originally Posted by teddybear
I thought they should have severe cooling measures to rein in the commercial/retail/industry property prices and rentals but there isn't!

SMEs employ like >2/3 of all employed in Singapore! They typically employ 1 to 50 workers. Just assume a small shop rental costs $10k pm, the proprietor employs just 1 worker $1k pm, so rental/pay is 10x! :doh:
Isn't it clear that shop rental is out of proportion?

Will cutting foreign workers solve the problem of employers employ more singaporeans? No. Because I foresee how they will do it:
1) Retrench 2 foreign workers (save 2 x$1000 (include levy) = $2000 pm)
1) Employ 1 singaporeans to do 2 FWs' job (pay $1400 pm! Bravo! Save $600 pm and govt say they helped raised pay of singaporean?! Govt help SMEs to exploit Singaporean instead by making them increase "productivity"?! Whole load of rubbish isn't it? No wonder singaporeans keep complaining about increasing work load, too tired when go home, no family time, no time to make baby, let alone raise a child!)

proud owner
28-02-13, 21:02
yeah Singaporean all want high pay job. low paying SME can packup and go. Coz they wont survive. Cannot afford to pay singaporean also.

So I guess these are the SME we dont want. Coz we also dont want to see the FW working at such SME too!. so only way is out for them.

is construction considered SME spore doesnt want ?

its workforce are mainly FW ...

by cutting FW ...who is going to do the job ?

so how ? raise the salary and employ local .... that wud mean much much higher cost ... eventually translated to psf ...

28-02-13, 21:21
is construction considered SME spore doesnt want ?

its workforce are mainly FW ...

by cutting FW ...who is going to do the job ?

so how ? raise the salary and employ local .... that wud mean much much higher cost ... eventually translated to psf ...
Local? Nobody want to do lah.

If no more FW in construction, never mind.
In future you want a house, you got to build your own. DIY.
Or maybe get all the NS man to go do construction as part of the NS training. :D

28-02-13, 22:33
Actually Worker's Party's proposal is good.

WP suggested implementing levy based on sectors.
eg. Construction poor pay tough job, we will allow more foreigners.
Banking higher pay jobs, give companies some rebate for hiring locals to give local guys an advantage.

But Tharma implemented a broad-based sledge hammer approach without considering the industry ....

Local? Nobody want to do lah.

If no more FW in construction, never mind.
In future you want a house, you got to build your own. DIY.
Or maybe get all the NS man to go do construction as part of the NS training. :D

01-03-13, 09:59
Actually Worker's Party's proposal is good.

WP suggested implementing levy based on sectors.
eg. Construction poor pay tough job, we will allow more foreigners.
Banking higher pay jobs, give companies some rebate for hiring locals to give local guys an advantage.

But Tharma implemented a broad-based sledge hammer approach without considering the industry ....

without being partisan, WP's suggestion is the common sense suggestoin. we also know this. just ask around - who is against having more construction workers to build houses? every body knows no singaporeans will do this work. same for marine, things like welding - where got s'porean doing? this one is pure common sense.

PAP dun have common sense? surely not. there are greater agendas.

01-03-13, 10:02
is construction considered SME spore doesnt want ?

its workforce are mainly FW ...

by cutting FW ...who is going to do the job ?

so how ? raise the salary and employ local .... that wud mean much much higher cost ... eventually translated to psf ...

Well I am all for having FW coz we need them to keep cost low. So many people here are crying foul. hate to take MRT n c big bunch of FW. well here u go scheme take out all of them and cost increase.

like I say many time cost will not go down. if even u take the FW out. infact it will go up more. The people have spoken yeah... and they should get ready for wat they ask for.

01-03-13, 10:06
Actually Worker's Party's proposal is good.

WP suggested implementing levy based on sectors.
eg. Construction poor pay tough job, we will allow more foreigners.
Banking higher pay jobs, give companies some rebate for hiring locals to give local guys an advantage.

But Tharma implemented a broad-based sledge hammer approach without considering the industry ....

Good? hah haha freeze FW for next 7yrs! good by foot.. impact will be far worst then the current levy.

levying base on sectors will mean some sectors continue to be low on productivity. and create a very unfair playing field. increase leavy across and let the system balance itself out.

but it will be painful. and yes local jobs will also be lost. thats the fact. and cost will soar too. been mention many times. but people all say I DONT CARE. I DONT WANT GDP. I WANT SINGAPORE CHEAP coz FW fault!!!! Ya dah ya dah....

01-03-13, 10:44
This morning I was woke up by a loud thunder and saw the lightning bright flash while still lying down on my bed. The windows starts shaking as the shock waves hit them.

While I was wondering if an asteroid has hit Singapore, I felt an electric shock passing through my body. I was motionless. I thought to myself, it's the end of the world.

A few seconds later, I ask myself where am I? In heaven or underneath?
I moved my eyes from left to right and right to left.... the place looks familiar and I confirmed I'm still alive and still lying down on my lovely bed.

Suddenly my laptop powered on by itself and I saw three words appearing
"National Construction Force"

It faded away very quickly and the laptop goes into Powerpoint slide show mode. More wording appeared after that. I've to read them at lightning speed as the sentences started to scroll up.
Slow down. slow down please.

I estimated at least 10 pages.

01-03-13, 10:49
This morning I was woke up by a loud thunder and saw the lightning bright flash while still lying down on my bed. The windows starts shaking as the shock waves hit them.

While I was wondering if an asteroid has hit Singapore, I felt an electric shock passing through my body. I was motionless. I thought to myself, it's the end of the world.

A few seconds later, I ask myself where am I? In heaven or underneath?
I moved my eyes from left to right and right to left.... the place looks familiar and I confirmed I'm still alive and still lying down on my lovely bed.

Suddenly my laptop powered on by itself and I saw three words appearing
"National Construction Force"

It faded away very quickly and the laptop goes into Powerpoint slide show mode. More wording appeared after that. I've to read them at lightning speed as the sentences started to scroll up.
Slow down. slow down please.

I estimated at least 10 pages.

is your other name BJ21?

01-03-13, 10:58
is your other name BJ21?

Of course "NO".
He say he Siao Nan. I'm not. :D

01-03-13, 11:16
Here is a summary from what I can recall from the stupid laptop screen.

What Singaporean want and don't like/want to have
1. Want to have cheap and good propoerty (hdb, condo)
2. Don't like FW. All balik kampong better
3. Don't like to do NS.

What can be done to help these poor souls?
All strong and healthy Singapore male citizen when reaches NS age has one more choices besides Army, Police and Civil Defense force. This is the "National Construction Force" in short call NCF. But there is a catch. Normal NS is 2 yrs but the NCF is 3 yrs and there is quota for NCF. Not everybody are eligible to get in.
You can opt-in to join NCF voluntarily but if too many people apply, it has to go into balloting. If nobody apply, you will still be drafted in based on your education background. Those with building services engineering study background has higher priority. Those who can stand under the hot sun for more than 1 hour has higher priority.

What the hell is this NCF?
NCF has similar rank structure as Arm forces.
You'll need to go through 3 months training as a construction worker starting from the very basics. Recruit of course.
The team leader and supervisors are the Corporals ad Sergeants.
The Engineers are Captain and so on.

What do they do?
Since nobody want to do construction and all want the FW to balik kampong, so somebody got to do their work right?
The private will be the construction workers and the Corporals/Sergeants will supervise them. Captain of course do Engineers work lah.

Long time never write long story. Type too much my fingers very tired. Need to take a break.

01-03-13, 11:27
What the hell is this NCF?
NCF has similar rank structure as Arm forces.
You'll need to go through 3 months training as a construction worker starting from the very basics. Recruit of course.
The team leader and supervisors are the Corporals ad Sergeants.
The Engineers are Captain and so on.

What do they do?
Since nobody want to do construction and all want the FW to balik kampong, so somebody got to do their work right?
The private will be the construction workers and the Corporals/Sergeants will supervise them. Captain of course do Engineers work lah.

Long time never write long story. Type too much my fingers very tired. Need to take a break.

Another "Hotel New World" disaster in the making.

01-03-13, 11:54
Who will train them from the start?
From the Construction Industry professional of course.

What do they build?
They will be tasked to build HDB lah.

Who will oversee and certified the development safe?
The same stringent standard as what hdb is practicing today.

Whats the benefits?
1. Construction cost will be lower for HDB since these people are actually paid based on NS salary. The hdb price will be lower and more affordable.
2. They will potentially live in the hdb which they build.
3. They may get some rebate for the stamp duty for hdb purchase. Based on performance during 3yrs in NCF of course.
4. Less construction FW on the street.

What is the 5th benefits? Wait for the next post.

01-03-13, 12:10
5th benefits is the best and multiple folds.

Why not enough FW to do construction?
People will realized that doing construction is not easy. A lot of hard work and sweat involved. Local cannot tahan (3 yrs leh and still got reservist until 40yrs old) and starts to kpkb to bring in more FW for construction industry. They want garment to increase service quota and lower FW Levy.

People will complain why only those who have worked in NCF enjoy some % of stamp duty rebate. Not fair leh.

So people will kpkb everyday lah.

In the end ................... SC will welcome more FW to come back. :tongue3:

01-03-13, 12:12
I TCSS only lah. Don't take this too seriously hor.:D:D:D

01-03-13, 12:16
Here is a summary from what I can recall from the stupid laptop screen.

What Singaporean want and don't like/want to have
1. Want to have cheap and good propoerty (hdb, condo)
2. Don't like FW. All balik kampong better
3. Don't like to do NS.

What can be done to help these poor souls?
All strong and healthy Singapore male citizen when reaches NS age has one more choices besides Army, Police and Civil Defense force. This is the "National Construction Force" in short call NCF. But there is a catch. Normal NS is 2 yrs but the NCF is 3 yrs and there is quota for NCF. Not everybody are eligible to get in.
You can opt-in to join NCF voluntarily but if too many people apply, it has to go into balloting. If nobody apply, you will still be drafted in based on your education background. Those with building services engineering study background has higher priority. Those who can stand under the hot sun for more than 1 hour has higher priority.

What the hell is this NCF?
NCF has similar rank structure as Arm forces.
You'll need to go through 3 months training as a construction worker starting from the very basics. Recruit of course.
The team leader and supervisors are the Corporals ad Sergeants.
The Engineers are Captain and so on.

What do they do?
Since nobody want to do construction and all want the FW to balik kampong, so somebody got to do their work right?
The private will be the construction workers and the Corporals/Sergeants will supervise them. Captain of course do Engineers work lah.

Long time never write long story. Type too much my fingers very tired. Need to take a break.

NCF ? I thought its a sub division of KFC!

KaoPay Foreigner Committee! Its meant to overlook the extraction of the Foreign Work Force. Kaopay when not removing them. KaoPay when remove them things not function!


Foreginer licking good....!! :D :D :D money back guarantee.

01-03-13, 21:09
Come to think about it, the govt is barking up the wrong tree?
I believe Singaporeans have no problem with the lowly paid foreign workers because they help to keep cost low, and they compete with only about 5% of singaporeans for jobs! (excluding those jobs that no Singaporeans will want to do like construction!).

The govt should instead ban or at least tighten companies recruiting foreigners that compete with jobs of majority of middle-income singaporeans, those earning $2000-$12000 !!! As they start, govt should legislate that companies can only employ foreigners who will be paid basic salary of $12000 per month (this is what we call "expat" at least!)! If they want to employ those <$12k per month, have to justify why no Singaporeans want to do the job! Is the pay too low, working hours too long, pay not commensurate with work done, etc etc ??? By doing so will help about >80% of singaporeans rather than just helping that 10% and jacking up costs and inflation of everybody else! Then what for have subsidy to the lowest income group when they will have to return again due to escalating costs because cannot employ foreigners?

Please see my example, $10k rental per month, $1k worker salary pm.
Just need to cut rental by 10% to $9k rental pm, employer can increase worker's salary to $2k pm or 100% increase without incurring extra costs! So simple! But GOVT is not doing it! Why?
You think nobody want $2k pm salesgirl job if it is 8 hours a day and only 5 day week? The truth is, because of super high rental, the employer has to make his staff work for 12 hours a day and 7 days a week! Who will do this kind of job? Definitely not Singaporeans! Only FWs! :doh:

Remember that somebody who say $3k pm dish-washer no Singaporean want to do? REALLY?
Well, I read from internet that the truth has been revealed! It is true he paid $3k pm, but not to a dish-washer, but a outsourcing company that provides his company with several dish-washers rotating to work >12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! You think a single human being can work that long hours with no rest?!

01-03-13, 21:45
hah hah hah ...

now say singapore lang no problem with lower paying FW? aint it popular to scream that low paying FW suppress the so much valuable pay of so many singaporean?

Or now becoz seeing impending impact of cost going up we say ah kong bark wrong liao?

:D :D :D

02-03-13, 15:59
Good? hah haha freeze FW for next 7yrs! good by foot.. impact will be far worst then the current levy.

levying base on sectors will mean some sectors continue to be low on productivity. and create a very unfair playing field. increase leavy across and let the system balance itself out.

but it will be painful. and yes local jobs will also be lost. thats the fact. and cost will soar too. been mention many times. but people all say I DONT CARE. I DONT WANT GDP. I WANT SINGAPORE CHEAP coz FW fault!!!! Ya dah ya dah....
they never said FW fault. They all said FT fault. To be more precise low-mid level PMET FT la. They said those come here to compete with them for the job. FW never compete job with them wa.

02-03-13, 16:02
hah hah hah ...

now say singapore lang no problem with lower paying FW? aint it popular to scream that low paying FW suppress the so much valuable pay of so many singaporean?

Or now becoz seeing impending impact of cost going up we say ah kong bark wrong liao?

:D :D :D
You mixed up FW with FT liao! BTW, are you the so-called FT too? You don't seems to know Singapore well enough and can't get the fact right for the situation in Singapore.

02-03-13, 18:15
they never said FW fault. They all said FT fault. To be more precise low-mid level PMET FT la. They said those come here to compete with them for the job. FW never compete job with them wa.

FW take up MRT space. take up hostel space near their house too.

02-03-13, 18:16
You mixed up FW with FT liao! BTW, are you the so-called FT too? You don't seems to know Singapore well enough and can't get the fact right for the situation in Singapore.

I m true blue Singaporean. interesting to see people flip n flop n xenophobic topics.

02-03-13, 18:24
FW take up MRT space. take up hostel space near their house too.

It's Gov poor planning for not having sufficient MRT spaces for 5.3M population. period.

A small group of people complaint about dormitory near their place. NOT all Singaporean. Get it!:tongue3:

Looks like you are indeed one of the FT. No wonder kept defending..:D

02-03-13, 18:25
I m true blue Singaporean. interesting to see people flip n flop n xenophobic topics.
Not that people flip n flop n xenophobic topics, it's you can't get the fact right and keep increasing many parameters to defend your points and people have to explain patiently to you.

02-03-13, 20:51
It's Gov poor planning for not having sufficient MRT spaces for 5.3M population. period.

A small group of people complaint about dormitory near their place. NOT all Singaporean. Get it!:tongue3:

Looks like you are indeed one of the FT. No wonder kept defending..:D

Interesting . As long don't agree with the xenophobic view will get branded as FT?

02-03-13, 20:58
Not that people flip n flop n xenophobic topics, it's you can't get the fact right and keep increasing many parameters to defend your points and people have to explain patiently to you.

Well it's it a fact all been screaming no foreigners! Suppress workers pay. Take away low in come Singaporean jobs . As well as suppress our tenanted graduates pay. If not for FT we will all have high high pay?

Isn't that one of the many argument so many want Foreginers out? Coz they suppress our pay n drive up our prices?

Suddenly now is its only specific group. Hah hah. Talk abt flip flopping. U guys need make up ur mind who u want to ask to ger lost.

02-03-13, 22:21
Well it's it a fact all been screaming no foreigners! Suppress workers pay. Take away low in come Singaporean jobs . As well as suppress our tenanted graduates pay. If not for FT we will all have high high pay?

Isn't that one of the many argument so many want Foreginers out? Coz they suppress our pay n drive up our prices?

Suddenly now is its only specific group. Hah hah. Talk abt flip flopping. U guys need make up ur mind who u want to ask to ger lost.

Go to get the fact right! FT. You are super good in generalizing critics and all situations in one issue. You are incapable to get into details and do analysis.

Not happy with Dormitory! only those who live near Dormitory are not happy and they are small group compared to 5.3M population!

People living in D9/10/11 and many other areas than few places near dormitory have NO problem with dormitory at all!! :tongue3:

We want you type of FT to get lost here in Singapore.:D

02-03-13, 22:23
Too many problems not fixed by this govt yet!
- Escalating retail/commercial/industrial rentals!
- Escalating COE prices!
- Escalating prices of everything, especially basic necessities & hence inflation!
- MRT trains keep breaking down, and some more new Circle line that is only 1 year old!
- Buses take so long to come, and when come so crowded!
- Many PMETs when get retrenched at 40+ years old to 50+ years old cannot get a job, because all robbed by "FTs" (you people like to call them "FTs", but they are actually "FWs" when they are trying to complete with the average middle-income citizens for jobs paying in the range of up to $12k pm!).
- Many low income workers pay get depressed, because too many FWs.
- So we have incessantly been harmed by these FWs getting paid <$12k pm robbing jobs of the citizens! :doh:
- When they implement policies like car loan can only be 50% and max 5 years, they are really harming those they think they are trying to protect! Low interest should borrow more, not less! Some more car loan is fixed rate, fixed rate at low interest rate at long tenure is most beneficial to the person taking the loan right? Why need to restrict them? Really meant to help them or harm them?
Same for keep lowering LTV, rising ABSD, etc etc of properties. (or the policy are meant to collect extra revenue rather than what they say they are intended?). Because of all this, the property size becomes smaller and smaller!

Well it's it a fact all been screaming no foreigners! Suppress workers pay. Take away low in come Singaporean jobs . As well as suppress our tenanted graduates pay. If not for FT we will all have high high pay?

Isn't that one of the many argument so many want Foreginers out? Coz they suppress our pay n drive up our prices?

Suddenly now is its only specific group. Hah hah. Talk abt flip flopping. U guys need make up ur mind who u want to ask to ger lost.

Come to think about it, the govt is barking up the wrong tree?
I believe Singaporeans have no problem with the lowly paid foreign workers because they help to keep cost low, and they compete with only about 5% of singaporeans for jobs! (excluding those jobs that no Singaporeans will want to do like construction!).

The govt should instead ban or at least tighten companies recruiting foreigners that compete with jobs of majority of middle-income singaporeans, those earning $2000-$12000 !!! As they start, govt should legislate that companies can only employ foreigners who will be paid basic salary of $12000 per month (this is what we call "expat" at least!)! If they want to employ those <$12k per month, have to justify why no Singaporeans want to do the job! Is the pay too low, working hours too long, pay not commensurate with work done, etc etc ??? By doing so will help about >80% of singaporeans rather than just helping that 10% and jacking up costs and inflation of everybody else! Then what for have subsidy to the lowest income group when they will have to return again due to escalating costs because cannot employ foreigners?

Originally Posted by teddybear
Please see my example, $10k rental per month, $1k worker salary pm.
Just need to cut rental by 10% to $9k rental pm, employer can increase worker's salary to $2k pm or 100% increase without incurring extra costs! So simple! But GOVT is not doing it! Why?
You think nobody want $2k pm salesgirl job if it is 8 hours a day and only 5 day week? The truth is, because of super high rental, the employer has to make his staff work for 12 hours a day and 7 days a week! Who will do this kind of job? Definitely not Singaporeans! Only FWs! :doh:

Remember that somebody who say $3k pm dish-washer no Singaporean want to do? REALLY?
Well, I read from internet that the truth has been revealed! It is true he paid $3k pm, but not to a dish-washer, but a outsourcing company that provides his company with several dish-washers rotating to work >12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! You think a single human being can work that long hours with no rest?!

03-03-13, 00:11
Go to get the fact right! FT. You are super good in generalizing critics and all situations in one issue. You are incapable to get into details and do analysis.

Not happy with Dormitory! only those who live near Dormitory are not happy and they are small group compared to 5.3M population!

People living in D9/10/11 and many other areas than few places near dormitory have NO problem with dormitory at all!! :tongue3:

We want you type of FT to get lost here in Singapore.:D

Hah hah how xenophobic can u get boy... I am true blue singaporean. did my NS and all the shit. becoz I don't share the same myopic xenophobic view as u I am branded FT???.

u are truly XENOPHOBIC. I am sad to see fellow Singaporean like u.

03-03-13, 00:12
Too many problems not fixed by this govt yet!
- Escalating retail/commercial/industrial rentals!
- Escalating COE prices!
- Escalating prices of everything, especially basic necessities & hence inflation!
- MRT trains keep breaking down, and some more new Circle line that is only 1 year old!
- Buses take so long to come, and when come so crowded!
- Many PMETs when get retrenched at 40+ years old to 50+ years old cannot get a job, because all robbed by "FTs" (you people like to call them "FTs", but they are actually "FWs" when they are trying to complete with the average middle-income citizens for jobs paying in the range of up to $12k pm!).
- Many low income workers pay get depressed, because too many FWs.
- So we have incessantly been harmed by these FWs getting paid <$12k pm robbing jobs of the citizens! :doh:
- When they implement policies like car loan can only be 50% and max 5 years, they are really harming those they think they are trying to protect! Low interest should borrow more, not less! Some more car loan is fixed rate, fixed rate at low interest rate at long tenure is most beneficial to the person taking the loan right? Why need to restrict them? Really meant to help them or harm them?
Same for keep lowering LTV, rising ABSD, etc etc of properties. (or the policy are meant to collect extra revenue rather than what they say they are intended?). Because of all this, the property size becomes smaller and smaller!

what u expect? 3min instant noddle fix ? everything take time. KPKB means can get everything now?

Want Cheap , want fast , Want good want no foreigners.

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

03-03-13, 11:28
Hah hah how xenophobic can u get boy... I am true blue singaporean. did my NS and all the shit. becoz I don't share the same myopic xenophobic view as u I am branded FT???.

u are truly XENOPHOBIC. I am sad to see fellow Singaporean like u.

Can't get the fact right and when people pointed your short sightedness. That's all you can come out?

If you born and bread here, you should know the Singapore educational system/situation here. There's no similar Asean scholarship given to our kids here for Secondary education and JC. But you got very confused and insisted that the gov also provided those full scholarship to our kids. The scholarships given to our Singaporean kids are far cry much much little than that given to foreigners and most of them are even insufficient for school free in top sec schools. :tongue3:

03-03-13, 11:40
what u expect? 3min instant noddle fix ? everything take time. KPKB means can get everything now?

Want Cheap , want fast , Want good want no foreigners.

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

See that is the oversight! they opened floor gate and allowed many foreigners to come in without even thinking about whether our facilities and amenities are adequate for such a huge population. If we can't accommodate so many people, then stop allowing more foreigners to come in and don't expect others to complain about they are being incapable to fix problem. After-all, they created the 'problems' them-selves!!!!

Similarly, lousy policies such as increase property tax for residential properties but without curbing the REITs to tackle high industry/commercial rental problems. so many cooling measure for residential properties but not much done for commercial/industry. Get in!!! :doh::doh::doh::doh:

03-03-13, 12:57
Can't get the fact right and when people pointed your short sightedness. That's all you can come out?

If you born and bread here, you should know the Singapore educational system/situation here. There's no similar Asean scholarship given to our kids here for Secondary education and JC. But you got very confused and insisted that the gov also provided those full scholarship to our kids. The scholarships given to our Singaporean kids are far cry much much little than that given to foreigners and most of them are even insufficient for school free in top sec schools. :tongue3:

Excuse me Singtel scholarships are not scholarships? PSA scholarships are not too? RSAF scholarships not too?

ASEAN program is targets to acquired additional talents from the region that we need to fill the job gaps.

If u so myopic want to count beans wat can I say. I guess bean counters are mean to count small stuffs.

Why do our kids need this scholarship . I rather they go fight it out in the real world than everything look for clutch.

03-03-13, 12:59
See that is the oversight! they opened floor gate and allowed many foreigners to come in without even thinking about whether our facilities and amenities are adequate for such a huge population. If we can't accommodate so many people, then stop allowing more foreigners to come in and don't expect others to complain about they are being incapable to fix problem. After-all, they created the 'problems' them-selves!!!!

Similarly, lousy policies such as increase property tax for residential properties but without curbing the REITs to tackle high industry/commercial rental problems. so many cooling measure for residential properties but not much done for commercial/industry. Get in!!! :doh::doh::doh::doh:

Well chicken or egg first. They picked out . Outcome has pro n cons . If all u can focus is in the cons great ! Noting will be any good. Want cheap want fast want free want exclusive . Tan Ku Ku!!!!

03-03-13, 13:03
Now days the strawberries generation. Plus parents Mentality want cheap want green want by the road want big melons wat sticky too!

Scary to apply that to everything in life but lost the zest to work for it.

03-03-13, 14:29
Excuse me Singtel scholarships are not scholarships? PSA scholarships are not too? RSAF scholarships not too?

ASEAN program is targets to acquired additional talents from the region that we need to fill the job gaps.

If u so myopic want to count beans wat can I say. I guess bean counters are mean to count small stuffs.

Why do our kids need this scholarship . I rather they go fight it out in the real world than everything look for clutch.
See! You are typical! can't even read the message accurately?

I said scholarship for SECONDARY level and JC!! Did I said for scholarship Unis?

There is ASEAN scholarship for SECONDARY level and JC level !!
BUT no equivalent scholarship for our kids in SECONDARY level and JC level !! period.

You are just trying to twist and turn the argument aka hit around the BUSH! :tongue3::tongue3::tongue3:

That's why you ARE NOT Singaporean. We Singaporean know this very well but you don't seems to know this!!!

03-03-13, 14:32
Well chicken or egg first. They picked out . Outcome has pro n cons . If all u can focus is in the cons great ! Noting will be any good. Want cheap want fast want free want exclusive . Tan Ku Ku!!!!

This is a typical excuse when things do not work accordingly to what they hope. :doh:

03-03-13, 14:34
Now days the strawberries generation. Plus parents Mentality want cheap want green want by the road want big melons wat sticky too!

Scary to apply that to everything in life but lost the zest to work for it.

Agree fully with the strawberries generation to find excuse of no 20/20 foresight when they things do not work out well!:p

03-03-13, 14:45
See! You are typical! can't even read the message accurately?

I said scholarship for SECONDARY level and JC!! Did I said for scholarship Unis?

There is ASEAN scholarship for SECONDARY level and JC level !!
BUT no equivalent scholarship for our kids in SECONDARY level and JC level !! period.

You are just trying to twist and turn the argument aka hit around the BUSH! :tongue3::tongue3::tongue3:

That's why you ARE NOT Singaporean. We Singaporean know this very well but you don't seems to know this!!!

coz I dont bother to read them .

sure if I am FT so are u man.Why Coz my great grand parents are all FTs!!.opps.. so are all the bloody Singaporeans !...

U must me some bloody FT trying to creat trouble in Singapore so u can benefit from the demise of Singapore. just like the Mr B!

same shit.

03-03-13, 14:48
Agree fully with the strawberries generation to find excuse of no 20/20 foresight when they things do not work out well!:p

yeah coz full trash FT like u staying in Singapore trying to say u are the real Singaporean? Vomit.

pure racist xenophobic folks like u. we in Singapore don't need trash like u trying to stir shit.

I bet u miss the boat right. dont worry it will be more expensive u cant afford either way. Go join Mr B and KPKB.

03-03-13, 17:29
coz I dont bother to read them .

sure if I am FT so are u man.Why Coz my great grand parents are all FTs!!.opps.. so are all the bloody Singaporeans !...

U must me some bloody FT trying to creat trouble in Singapore so u can benefit from the demise of Singapore. just like the Mr B!

same shit.

See how low you can be!
When you are wrong and no basic to counter argue!
That's all you can do? :tongue3::tongue3::tongue3::D

03-03-13, 17:54

Do I care?

proud owner
04-03-13, 09:48
once again ... a thread goes astray ....

people start to stray from the topic

and very often ... turning it into politics ...

04-03-13, 13:13
Excuse me Singtel scholarships are not scholarships? PSA scholarships are not too? RSAF scholarships not too?

ASEAN program is targets to acquired additional talents from the region that we need to fill the job gaps.

If u so myopic want to count beans wat can I say. I guess bean counters are mean to count small stuffs.

Why do our kids need this scholarship . I rather they go fight it out in the real world than everything look for clutch.

eh moron, do you even know at what stage is asean scholarships being given out?! it's before high school. go mix asean scholarships with the usual scholarships meant for uni education. :doh: :banghead:

i dare you to prove me wrong - there are NO scholarships given to SG students after completion of O levels.

04-03-13, 13:49
i dare you to prove me wrong - there are NO scholarships given to SG students after completion of O levels.

Is the Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) counted? Taken from Wikipedia:


" Scholarships and bursaries are provided for students whose score falls within the 95th percentile from the O-levels, and for students requiring financial assistance. Under these schemes, they are only required to pay an amount equivalent to the school fees of a non-independent junior college. Bursary holders are required to pay a fraction of the full fees, based on their family income. A student whose household salary is SGD 2000 (75% of an average Singapore household income) is required to pay 75% of the full school fees, while another whose household income is less than SGD 1000 per month has only to pay 25%. There are also MOE pre-university scholarships awarded to academically able students who choose to pursue and specialise their education at a junior college, providing yearly scholarship allowance and remission of school fees. These scholarships include the Pre-University Scholarship, which provides a scholarship allowance of SGD 750 per annum, as well as specialised scholarships such as the Humanities Scholarship, Art Elective Programme Scholarship, Language Elective Programme (French, German & Japanese) Scholarship and Music Elective Programme Scholarship which provide scholarship allowances of SGD1000 per annum in addition to a remission of school fees as well as additional grants for overseas trips or programmes (ranging from SGD 1,000 to SGD 2,000)."

04-03-13, 14:08
Is the Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) counted? Taken from Wikipedia:


" Scholarships and bursaries are provided for students whose score falls within the 95th percentile from the O-levels, and for students requiring financial assistance. Under these schemes, they are only required to pay an amount equivalent to the school fees of a non-independent junior college. Bursary holders are required to pay a fraction of the full fees, based on their family income. A student whose household salary is SGD 2000 (75% of an average Singapore household income) is required to pay 75% of the full school fees, while another whose household income is less than SGD 1000 per month has only to pay 25%. There are also MOE pre-university scholarships awarded to academically able students who choose to pursue and specialise their education at a junior college, providing yearly scholarship allowance and remission of school fees. These scholarships include the Pre-University Scholarship, which provides a scholarship allowance of SGD 750 per annum, as well as specialised scholarships such as the Humanities Scholarship, Art Elective Programme Scholarship, Language Elective Programme (French, German & Japanese) Scholarship and Music Elective Programme Scholarship which provide scholarship allowances of SGD1000 per annum in addition to a remission of school fees as well as additional grants for overseas trips or programmes (ranging from SGD 1,000 to SGD 2,000)."

the top half that you mentioned are busaries. the ones in red are meant for the selected few from the MEP/LEP programmes and are unlike, e.g. PSC scholarships that offer applicants more flexibility.

asean scholarships are offered to any foreign tom, dick and harry, who meet the criteria. u don't see SG top secondary students with 7 or 8 As being offered scholarships

04-03-13, 14:20
asean scholarships are offered to any foreign tom, dick and harry, who meet the criteria. u don't see SG top secondary students with 7 or 8 As being offered scholarships[/QUOTE]

Psc scholarships are not that difficult to get now. I know of someone who recently got a PSC scholarship.
No H3 and only 3A H2 subjects. Just don't be afraid to apply,nothing to lose.

04-03-13, 15:02
Psc scholarships are not that difficult to get now. I know of someone who recently got a PSC scholarship.
No H3 and only 3A H2 subjects. Just don't be afraid to apply,nothing to lose.

during my time, PSC local scholarships weren't difficult to get too. having said so, please bear in mind that getting 3As will put one on the prize podium in the mid/lower-tiered JCs

04-03-13, 15:09
during my time, PSC local scholarships weren't difficult to get too. having said so, please bear in mind that getting 3As will put one on the prize podium in the mid/lower-tiered JCs

That's what I am trying to say. Don't be afraid to try as this person got an overseas PSC scholarship, and not local.
How many will dare to try for overseas PSC scholarship with no H3 and only 3A H2, which you regard as "prize podium in the mid/lower-tiered JCs?"

04-03-13, 15:12
That's what I am trying to say. Don't be afraid to try as this person got an overseas PSC scholarship, and not local.
How many will dare to try for overseas PSC scholarship with no H3 and only 3A H2, which you regard as "prize podium in the mid/lower-tiered JCs?"

oh ya, forgot to add in the CCA part as well. if this dude, you've mentioned, is a swim captain, rugby starlet, upcoming tiger pup woods, then no issues even without 4As

04-03-13, 22:41
the top half that you mentioned are busaries. the ones in red are meant for the selected few from the MEP/LEP programmes and are unlike, e.g. PSC scholarships that offer applicants more flexibility.

asean scholarships are offered to any foreign tom, dick and harry, who meet the criteria. u don't see SG top secondary students with 7 or 8 As being offered scholarships

Not just that, the second one only give a scholarship allowance of SGD 750 per annum which is far cry from Asean Scholarship which can offer.

04-03-13, 22:48
oh ya, forgot to add in the CCA part as well. if this dude, you've mentioned, is a swim captain, rugby starlet, upcoming tiger pup woods, then no issues even without 4As
yes, with good CCA, you can get it even can get it without 4A.

05-03-13, 00:57
Not just that, the second one only give a scholarship allowance of SGD 750 per annum which is far cry from Asean Scholarship which can offer.

again an again counting beans no wonder u all are a unhappy bunch.

05-03-13, 00:59
once again ... a thread goes astray ....

people start to stray from the topic

and very often ... turning it into politics ...

These days u cant even shit without it being politically implicated. I think people are so focus on complaining and blaming the government then any self reflection.

05-03-13, 01:00
the top half that you mentioned are busaries. the ones in red are meant for the selected few from the MEP/LEP programmes and are unlike, e.g. PSC scholarships that offer applicants more flexibility.

asean scholarships are offered to any foreign tom, dick and harry, who meet the criteria. u don't see SG top secondary students with 7 or 8 As being offered scholarships

To u everyone is tom dick n harry. Coz u are Xenophobic.

05-03-13, 12:34
To u everyone is tom dick n harry. Coz u are Xenophobic.

do you even know the definition of xenophobia?! :doh: :doh:

06-03-13, 12:31
do you even know the definition of xenophobia?! :doh: :doh:

u are the expert in spellcheck, goolge and wiki right?. why dont u go look it up. I have a hint for u. u should go look in the mirror. u should also be able to see it there.

try google if u cannot see. Xenophobia n Xenophobic . Key words to help u go google ok.

:doh: :doh:

06-03-13, 12:44
u are the expert in spellcheck, goolge and wiki right?. why dont u go look it up. I have a hint for u. u should go look in the mirror. u should also be able to see it there.

try google if u cannot see. Xenophobia n Xenophobic . Key words to help u go google ok.

:doh: :doh:

wwwWWWWAHAHAHA, that's all you can muster. by the way, xenophobic is not merely a fear but hate of the unknown as well.

by your definition, even the SG government is 'xenophobic', since it insists on having a huge army for fear of invasion by foreign elements, rejects international refugees and vows to eradicate terrorists. by your definition, perhaps we should invite terrorists to live among our midsts.

indeed i'm xenophobic cos' i hate and despise empty illogical vessels. perhaps i should be moronophobic or stupidophobic

p.s. please don't slap yourself further, i feel your pain

"Stupidity is salvation to the ignorant" - Sir A.W.

06-03-13, 21:16
wwwWWWWAHAHAHA, that's all you can muster. by the way, xenophobic is not merely a fear but hate of the unknown as well.

by your definition, even the SG government is 'xenophobic', since it insists on having a huge army for fear of invasion by foreign elements, rejects international refugees and vows to eradicate terrorists. by your definition, perhaps we should invite terrorists to live among our midsts.

indeed i'm xenophobic cos' i hate and despise empty illogical vessels. perhaps i should be moronophobic or stupidophobic

p.s. please don't slap yourself further, i feel your pain

"Stupidity is salvation to the ignorant" - Sir A.W.

u sound stupid...... let me help u wiki it ok. :doh: :doh: :doh:

Xenophobia is a dislike or fear of people from other countries or of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. Some definitions suggest xenophobia as arising from irrationality or unreason.[1][2] It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "stranger," "foreigner," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear."[3]

Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and perceptions of an ingroup towards an outgroup, including a fear of losing identity, suspicion of its activities, aggression, and desire to eliminate its presence to secure a presumed purity.[4] Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the form of an "uncritical exaltation of another culture" in which a culture is ascribed "an unreal, stereotyped and exotic quality".