View Full Version : Phantom summary of Household income 2012

20-02-13, 20:40
median monthly household income from work includnig employer cpf increased from $7,040 in 2011 to $7,570 in 2012, a 7.5 per cent growth in nominal terms

excluding employer cpf, the numbers are 6,286 and 6,712

as for avg household income from work ... it increased from 9,618 to 10,348 (about +7.6%) including employer CPF contribution,

avg household income increased from 8,864 to 9,515 if excluding employer cpf

don't forget official inflation near 5%, unofficial inflation probably 7.5% :p

20-02-13, 20:45
% for household earning > 12k including employer CPF in 2012

12-13k 3.3%
13k-14k 2.6%
14k-15k 2.2%
15k and above 16.9%

so 25% of household has working income > 12k per month

20-02-13, 20:50
avg monthly household income including employer cpf by housing type 2011 vs 2012

2011 2012
5r HDB 10,160 10,735 5.65%
PC 18,025 19,026 5.55%
landed 24,039 25,419 5.74%

interestingly increase about the same %

20-02-13, 20:50
Collected Ang Pow from mindef . More will come on next Monday but not likely to get any. :mad:

20-02-13, 20:56
% household staying at PC increased by 1% to 12.1% in 2012 from 11.1% in 2011
% household staying at landed also up a bit from 5.8% in 2011 to 6.0% in 2012

actually income from work ... does it include rental income or property flipping ?? :p

20-02-13, 21:50
median monthly household income from work includnig employer cpf increased from $7,040 in 2011 to $7,570 in 2012, a 7.5 per cent growth in nominal terms

How come people complain that property rises @ 7% is not sustainable :D:D:D

20-02-13, 22:23
yeah ... PAP can claim they outperform the Americans


21-02-13, 04:41
% household staying at PC increased by 1% to 12.1% in 2012 from 11.1% in 2011
% household staying at landed also up a bit from 5.8% in 2011 to 6.0% in 2012

actually income from work ... does it include rental income or property flipping ?? :p

i dun think so. the working income should be salaried income.

i remember back in the late 1990s, when i was still a student in NUS, more and more students are graduating from NUS and more and more intakes each year.

every month, i see more and more of my classmates getting attached. so i presumed then with my very high intelligence most likely the couple will get married within 5 years after graduation.

that time, fresh graduate from my faculty are paid around S$2800 starting.

In the early 2000s, i met an ex-classmate and he told me his pay was around S$3500. His newly wedded wife, also from my class, works in the same banking industry and was paid around S$3700. SO they have household income of around S$7200. Around 10 years ago.

Assuming my 2 good classmates continue to perform like they did in the past 10 years, each of them should be collecting around S$7000 to S$10,000 monthly now conservatively speaking. That would make their household income more than S$15,000 easily.

my faculty has around 600 graduates each year. So 10 years later, there should be around 3000 household from my faculty earning more than S$15,000 per month.

there are 3 universities in Singapore with similar faculties, so now if we project that conservatively, there should be 3 x 3000 = 9000 households.

assuming the overseas graduates figure is higher and conservatively set at 1200 graduates each year and the half marrying the other half, there should be now 18,000 households.

Now, if we add the both household together, there should be 27,000 graduate couple households in Singapore earning more than S$15,000/month now.

In the next 10 years, I expect the figure to be much higher.

unfortunately I lost touch with them several years ago, otherwise i could get from them the exact figure now.

good luck :)

21-02-13, 04:50
I just realise i am very accurate just by a quick pluck from the air calculation. i indeed is of higher intelligence than the rest of you mere mortals.

27,000 just the graduates earning this amount. What about poly graduates ? they should be around this figure also. and also, what about those non graduates but performing very well from doing business. And also, what about those other half graduates not married but staying within the same household who have siblings that are in this class?

That figure could be easily 27,000x 4= 108,000 households earning more than S$15,000 every month!

I just realise also my friends are very rich leh.

i also realise the married couples are collecting the same CEO salary as me.

DARN ! Tomm ask the board to review my salary, since my wife not working leh.


21-02-13, 04:59
I just realise i am very accurate just by a quick pluck from the air calculation. i indeed is of higher intelligence than the rest of you mere mortals.

27,000 just the graduates earning this amount. What about poly graduates ? they should be around this figure also. and also, what about those non graduates but performing very well from doing business. And also, what about those other half graduates not married but staying within the same household who have siblings that are in this class?

That figure could be easily 27,000x 4= 108,000 households earning more than S$15,000 every month!

I just realise also my friends are very rich leh.

i also realise the married couples are collecting the same CEO salary as me.

DARN ! Tomm ask the board to review my salary, since my wife not working leh.


no wonder they ya-ya-papaya to me on the road.


21-02-13, 05:01
Collected Ang Pow from mindef . More will come on next Monday but not likely to get any. :mad:

dun be greedy.

21-02-13, 08:04
% for household earning > 12k including employer CPF in 2012

12-13k 3.3%
13k-14k 2.6%
14k-15k 2.2%
15k and above 16.9%

so 25% of household has working income > 12k per month

so theoretically 25% of households can afford PC since they fall outside the income ceiling

21-02-13, 08:39
Like Prof Tan ask: What will be true figure when PR are removed from the data and based just on SC?
median monthly household income from work includnig employer cpf increased from $7,040 in 2011 to $7,570 in 2012, a 7.5 per cent growth in nominal terms

excluding employer cpf, the numbers are 6,286 and 6,712

as for avg household income from work ... it increased from 9,618 to 10,348 (about +7.6%) including employer CPF contribution,

avg household income increased from 8,864 to 9,515 if excluding employer cpf

don't forget official inflation near 5%, unofficial inflation probably 7.5% :p

21-02-13, 08:44
Not greedy but have been giving out alot over the years in effort, monetary, etc. Going to be more. :scared-3:
dun be greedy.

21-02-13, 08:48
Not greedy but have been giving out alot over the years in effort, monetary, etc. Going to be more. :scared-3:

PAP wants successful ppl like you to contribute to the lowest 20% .. just treat it as charity loh :D

21-02-13, 09:09
avg monthly household income including employer cpf by housing type 2011 vs 2012

2011 2012
5r HDB 10,160 10,735 5.65%
PC 18,025 19,026 5.55%
landed 24,039 25,419 5.74%

interestingly increase about the same %

what is the number in bold ? Is it salary ?

21-02-13, 09:19
what is the number in bold ? Is it salary ?

monthly household income including employer cpf ... what else ?? :p

btw, China wages up 9.3% !!! some Beijing MNC salary already on par with Singapore :scared-5:

India leads in salary rises across key Asia-Pacific nations with its projected average 10.3 per cent rise for 2013 followed by China, where wages are seen growing by 9.3 per cent, the survey said.

21-02-13, 09:23
monthly household income including employer cpf ... what else ?? :p

btw, China wages up 9.3% !!! some Beijing MNC salary already on par with Singapore :scared-5:

India leads in salary rises across key Asia-Pacific nations with its projected average 10.3 per cent rise for 2013 followed by China, where wages are seen growing by 9.3 per cent, the survey said.

how on earth Sinki can stay in $4 - $10mil landed with 20k salary ? i think landed should be segregrated to "realistic" landed and "unrealistic" landed...

21-02-13, 09:26
monthly household income including employer cpf ... what else ?? :p

btw, China wages up 9.3% !!! some Beijing MNC salary already on par with Singapore :scared-5:

India leads in salary rises across key Asia-Pacific nations with its projected average 10.3 per cent rise for 2013 followed by China, where wages are seen growing by 9.3 per cent, the survey said.

how do i invest in china to HUAT from their growth? :o

21-02-13, 09:32
how on earth Sinki can stay in $4 - $10mil landed with 20k salary ? i think landed should be segregrated to "realistic" landed and "unrealistic" landed...

[SHANGHAI] Sherry Sheng, a 29-year-old Shanghai policewoman, paid 1.1 million yuan for the one-bedroom apartment on the city's western outskirts and will be using about 70 per cent of her salary to service her mortgage.

21-02-13, 09:44
[SHANGHAI] Sherry Sheng, a 29-year-old Shanghai policewoman, paid 1.1 million yuan for the one-bedroom apartment on the city's western outskirts and will be using about 70 per cent of her salary to service her mortgage.

a $5mil landed at Bkt Timah.

Loan Amount (80% of price): S$ 4,000,000
Interest Rate: 1.08569%
Term of Loan: 30 years
Monthly Payment: S$ 13,024

ok, now its possible

21-02-13, 09:57
[SHANGHAI] Sherry Sheng, a 29-year-old Shanghai policewoman, paid 1.1 million yuan for the one-bedroom apartment on the city's western outskirts and will be using about 70 per cent of her salary to service her mortgage.

u mean 70% of her "official" salary, while she lives on the unstated bribes that could be 10 times her wages

21-02-13, 10:17
so theoretically 25% of households can afford PC since they fall outside the income ceiling

also need to see what age group this 25% are coz could be later age group?

22-03-13, 21:31
quote from TR emeritus (according to local U):

As at 1 November 2012, the overall employment rate of fresh graduates from the three (local) universities was 91%. Of these graduates, 85.6% held full-time permanent jobs.

For these full-time job holders, the median gross monthly salary was $3,050 while the mean or average was $3,260.

23-03-13, 12:31
bro ghost aka chart x, u sure know abt this site rite


27-04-13, 09:47
as confirmed by MOM:

In 2007, the median monthly gross starting pay for a local university graduate was $2,750, meaning that half of them earned at least that. Last year, it was $3,050, up almost 11 per cent.

=> that means two fresh grads as a family 6k, after 5y > 10k liao

27-04-13, 09:55
Here is a full report of Singapore household income in 2012.
