View Full Version : The singaporean dream

09-02-13, 06:55


09-02-13, 17:15
Let me tell u this is the singapore dream now. Still the 5 Cs.


Carefree - want high high pay. N best simple n carefree job. Every year must have double digit increment . Cannot just beat inflation must be lots of bonus too.

Cheap- house , car , food, everything must be cheap. Best is house must be cheap n have many many buy cheap . But later must sell high high to other people.

Centric- Self Centric living. My needs if more important than others. It's Me Me Me Me . N I boomzzzzzz. Everyone must listen to my wants. Other folks are not important. My wants is THE want.

Charity- Government must give everything. . From house to car to even pay us to copulate ! Coz ah kong Need us ! we are Singaporean after all! We vote u noe! Government must make us feel good, feel confident of ourself, make us rich. After all We vote ok We vote! Stress us abit We will not be able to couplate!

Cau pay- We luv to caupay. From the Coe to no taxi to why must wait for mrt to why got inflation ! Why sky will rain to why so hot! All are government fault. If not goverment I must blame foreigners . We so solid can't be my issue. Hmm come to think about it we have so much reserve why are we paying for anything? We are entitled!

With this I want to wish all happy 5 Cs n a happy CNY.

09-02-13, 18:28
U go mrt u kena squeezed, u go car showroom u shocked by COE, drive a bit u kena ERP, at school principal tell u your son will fail PSLE, go caipitalmall foodcourt full of FTs, hire a maid kena maid levy, want to have affairs ppl pun pi pi, no wonder some go for WP, in this new year ppl still siao property, some hope to retire early, but make money Liao become greedy, my new year wish to everybody, be happy go lucky, bewares snake means volatility!!!

09-02-13, 20:41
U go mrt u kena squeezed, u go car showroom u shocked by COE, drive a bit u kena ERP, at school principal tell u your son will fail PSLE, go caipitalmall foodcourt full of FTs, hire a maid kena maid levy, want to have affairs ppl pun pi pi, no wonder some go for WP, in this new year ppl still siao property, some hope to retire early, but make money Liao become greedy, my new year wish to everybody, be happy go lucky, bewares snake means volatility!!!

thanks for the tip., bro chartist :D

10-02-13, 10:45
U go mrt u kena squeezed, u go car showroom u shocked by COE, drive a bit u kena ERP, at school principal tell u your son will fail PSLE, go caipitalmall foodcourt full of FTs, hire a maid kena maid levy, want to have affairs ppl pun pi pi, no wonder some go for WP, in this new year ppl still siao property, some hope to retire early, but make money Liao become greedy, my new year wish to everybody, be happy go lucky, bewares snake means volatility!!!

Cute rhyme.... wanna see video of u doing it rapnam style lol