View Full Version : Hong Kong property price index hit new high

01-02-13, 15:12

[Centa-City Leading Index]

0.63 % (week on week) 2.89 % (month on month)

01-02-13, 15:14
HK commercial rental even McDonald also buay tahan


=> after rental hike, McD 1 day must sell 5,500 burgers to pay rent :doh:

04-02-13, 15:56

04-02-13, 16:04
you very funny le.
on one thread, say HK price may go down because of pollution.
then on this thread, post +ve news HK price up 13%..

04-02-13, 16:06
you very funny le.
on one thread, say HK price may go down because of pollution.
then on this thread, post +ve news HK price up 13%..

aiyo ... I did not say that ... it was another forumer ... I just said possible if HK becomes as polluted as HK (in the future lah) ... so please do not twist my words lah

04-02-13, 16:31
aiyo ... I did not say that ... it was another forumer ... I just said possible if HK becomes as polluted as HK (in the future lah) ... so please do not twist my words lah

not only give support to indomie, but also give support to bj21, in both cases linking pollution and property price.

also "HK not too far behind in terms of (BJ's) pollution".

04-02-13, 16:36
not only give support to indomie, but also give support to bj21, in both cases linking pollution and property price.

also "HK not too far behind in terms of (BJ's) pollution".

have u been to Beijing in last few weeks ... u must go there and see for yourself how serious it is ...:(

04-02-13, 16:56
have u been to Beijing in last few weeks ... u must go there and see for yourself how serious it is ...:(

i see that flooding in jakarta has not reduced the price of properties for the areas affected a single bit.
i see that people continue to stay in hiroshima and nagasaki town.

as long as there is money to be made, jobs to be found, people will still go to these polluted places and they will adapt.

anyway, this air pollution is a result of very cold weather, so the coal power stations have to burn more to generate heat. once spring time arrives, will be less polluted.

04-02-13, 17:08
Hong Kong (CNN) -- In Hong Kong you can feel the current property boom.
Relentless hammering from new construction sites shakes the affluent streets of Mid-levels, a property hot-spot in a city that has become one the most expensive and least affordable place for housing in the world.
But for some Hong Kong residents who now find themselves on millionaire's row, thanks to a doubling of high-end property prices in the last five years, the boom is more like blight.
"It's a war zone," shouts Katty Law, above the earth-shattering noise of pile driving at a building site just a block from her home. "The noise is terrible, I don't want to stay here too long. It drives people crazy."
Ms Law is a member of a local community pressure group who is almost despairing of the current construction in her neighborhood despite the rise in property values. Last month property prices in the city reached a 13 year high.
Feeling Hong Kong's property boom Living in HK's property 'warzone'
We're very good at knocking things down, but not so good at building things like connections between communities.
--Professor Paul Yip, Hong Kong University
"The prices are going up, but it's just a dollar sign, it means nothing," she says.
"Even if I sell my house I can't buy the space that I enjoy. I have to buy a smaller place and live further away not near my family. It means you got stuck in a place and you have no choice, even though the price is high."
A modest 1,200 square-foot (111 square-meter) apartment in an "old" building in Mid-levels can easily cost around 15 million Hong Kong dollars ($1.9 million); newly built high-end apartments can easily be double that amount.
A survey by Savills found that the very top end properties sell for a staggering $10,550 per square foot, but even the lower rungs on the property ladder will be 40% more expensive in Hong Kong than London, New York or Moscow.
Hong Kong's lofty position as the most expensive place for housing has been fueled by record low borrowing rates, hot money from mainland Chinese investors and a chronic lack of space.
The Chinese mainland investors are "the elephant in the room" says Simon Smith, head of Asian real estate research with Savills, who explains that "there's nothing like bricks and mortar in a stable legal environment" as an attractive investment opportunity.
Many of the apartments in the slew of skyscrapers being built in Law's Mid-levels neighborhood (eight within a few hundred meters of each other) will be left empty once completed, as around 30% of new high-end buildings in the city are bought by Chinese mainlanders. They're for investment purposes and the buyers have no interest in living in them or incurring rental regulations, says Alnwick Chan of Frank Knight.

04-02-13, 20:28
The need a dose of our cooling measures. Lol.

04-02-13, 21:28
http://www.facebook.com/messages/100001160210031#!/MoneyMindCNA?fref=ts (http://www.facebook.com/messages/100001160210031#!/MoneyMindCNA?fref=ts)

More Property Curbs in Hong Kong?

More measures may be introduced to maintain stability in Hong Kong's housing market.

That's the warning from its de-facto central bank, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

HKMA chief, Norman Chan, said home prices in the city are at a record high and starting to eat into household affordability.

He also revealed today more evidence that showed the property marke...t may be overheating.

Mr Chan said debt-to-GDP ratios were 58 percent and 59 percent in the third and fourth quarters of last year.

If it is introduced, this will be Hong Kong's sixth package of measures.

Previous curbs put into place include higher down-payments on properties, limits on mortgage terms, and a tax levy on foreigners buying homes.

04-02-13, 21:30
The need a dose of our cooling measures. Lol.

Sg CM 15% for foreigners, is copied from HK.
The latest CM in HK was just a day after QE3, much faster than SG

05-02-13, 07:34

shared by someone here earlier. look at HK.

05-02-13, 07:57
Hong kong population now is already at 7 million. Soon it will become unbearably crowded. When sg population reach 6.9 million, HK probably reach 10 million population. Or if the population does not increase that much, then the whole city is swamped with old folks. That is hardly a catalist for growth.

05-02-13, 08:38
Hong kong population now is already at 7 million. Soon it will become unbearably crowded. When sg population reach 6.9 million, HK probably reach 10 million population. Or if the population does not increase that much, then the whole city is swamped with old folks. That is hardly a catalist for growth.

in recent years, many China mothers giving birth in HK, so new blood is guaranteed liao :rolleyes:

06-02-13, 18:37
HK Market cooling measure
New round of resi cooling measures will be introduced the quickest this Friday, latest by end of this week

The rumors right now say:
BSD raise to 30%
2nd home 5% tax
3rd home cannot borrow mortgage
All over 8m home 10% less mortage, only can take 50% mortgage

06-02-13, 21:55
HK Market cooling measure
New round of resi cooling measures will be introduced the quickest this Friday, latest by end of this week

The rumors right now say:
BSD raise to 30%
2nd home 5% tax
3rd home cannot borrow mortgage
All over 8m home 10% less mortage, only can take 50% mortgage

No wonder CK and SHK pullback so much yesterday. we are one step away from no borrowing on 3rd home... lol.

06-02-13, 22:02
HK Market cooling measure
New round of resi cooling measures will be introduced the quickest this Friday, latest by end of this week

The rumors right now say:
BSD raise to 30%
2nd home 5% tax
3rd home cannot borrow mortgage
All over 8m home 10% less mortage, only can take 50% mortgage
Wow, that's very harsh. What does BSD stand for? Is it only for foreigners, or does it apply to HKers as well?

06-02-13, 22:13

The rumors right now say:
BSD raise to 30%
2nd home 5% tax
3rd home cannot borrow mortgage
All over 8m home 10% less mortage, only can take 50% mortgage

what is 2nd home 5% tax?
difference from BSD?

07-02-13, 21:46
Wow, that's very harsh. What does BSD stand for? Is it only for foreigners, or does it apply to HKers as well?

Bsd = buyer stamp duty

10-02-13, 07:18
another new high, CCLhit 120.66, up 1.29% in a week

【明報專訊】特首梁振英1月16日公布施政報告後,樓市走勢似乎有升無跌。反映本港樓價走勢的中原城市領先指數CCL,最新報120.66點,按周再升1.29%,不但是連升4周共4.37%,而且亦是連續3周創出歷史新高紀錄。至於反映大型屋苑樓價指數的CCL Mass,最新報119.4點,按周上升1.53%,同樣是連續3周創出歷史新高。

10-02-13, 09:00
CCL續破頂 報120.66點 新盤熱賣 二手交投銳減
&nbsp  中原城市領先指數(CCL)升穿120點水平,最新報120.66點(數字根據1月28日至2月3日簽訂正式買賣合約,以及1月14至20日簽訂的臨時買賣合約計算),按周升1.3%,連續3周創歷史新高。代理指,長假期臨近,二手成交減少,將令樓價升幅放緩,預期升勢不及過年前。


  因農曆新年關係,加上多個新盤開售吸客,二手交投急跌。利嘉閣地產綜合50大指標屋苑上周(1月28至2月3日)數據,周內錄得176宗成交,較前周(1月21至27日)的278宗,按周下跌36.7%�¼ �創9周新低。



  租務方面,10大屋苑本�‘ �錄82宗成交,較上周的64宗成交上升28.1%。臨近歲晚,為傳統的租務淡季,但租務成交有增無減,估計因為樓價升至歷史高位,部分買家轉租,謀定而後動。




  本刊每周向讀者查問其對樓市信心,一般回應人數在100左右;指數由1至10,本周信 心分類指數為6.75。分類指數為4


15-02-13, 15:56
This Week Previous Week Previous Month
HK 131.65 1.51 % 6.42 %
KLN 120.18 -0.72 % 5.12 %
NT (East) 118.84 1.41 % 5.42 %
NT (West) 101.8 1.99 % 4.1 %

[Centa-City Leading Index]

+0.89 % (weekly) +5.00 % (month on month)

16-02-13, 00:25
This Week Previous Week Previous Month
HK 131.65 1.51 % 6.42 %
KLN 120.18 -0.72 % 5.12 %
NT (East) 118.84 1.41 % 5.42 %
NT (West) 101.8 1.99 % 4.1 %

[Centa-City Leading Index]

+0.89 % (weekly) +5.00 % (month on month)

that's faster than inflation rate by the way.

16-02-13, 04:57
have u been to Beijing in last few weeks ... u must go there and see for yourself how serious it is ...:(

Thats what everyone says, but they still go there . So no worries, unless there is a real health issue and people start to develop illness, the country will continue to Huat ahhh

16-02-13, 06:49
that's faster than inflation rate by the way.
Index only 20pc more than 1997 peak so playing catch up

16-02-13, 10:21
Catch up with?

17-02-13, 16:44
Catch up with?


26-02-13, 11:08
Despite the tighter measures rolled out to cool Hong Kong’s property market, a two-storey home in the city has been sold for a whopping HK$84 million (S$13.42 million), according to reports.

Located at Gough Hill Residences in the tony Peak neighbourhood, the property was put on the market last November; just weeks after the government introduced a 15 percent tax on foreign home buyers.

The recent sale shows that buyers were not seriously affected by the measures, noted Wong Leung-Sing, Property Analyst at Centaline Properties.

“All the people have the same thinking—that the government cannot do anything about (home prices),” he said. As long as there is quantitative easing around the world, “people think the price in Hong Kong will always get higher”.

Built about seven years ago, Gough Hill Residences by developer Wheelock Properties comprises five luxury homes that were snapped up by local buyers and mainland Chinese. Each house comes with its own swimming pool, lush landscaping and car ports that can accommodate several vehicles.

In 2006, the same property was sold for HK$26 million (S$4.15 million), which is just a third of the current price.

08-03-13, 20:53
another new high

NT (East) 119.48 1.1 % 1.95 %
NT (West) 104.13 1.27 % 4.32 % (mom)


08-03-13, 23:02
NT stands for new territories or something else?

23-03-13, 00:25
中原地產研究部高級聯席董事黃良昇指出,中原城市領先指數 CCL 報123.66點,按周上升1.29%,連升四周共1.71%。中原城市大型屋苑領先指數 CCL Mass 報122.98點,按周上升1.29%,連升四周共2.25%。


23-03-13, 00:34
they also need another round of CM liao.

23-03-13, 22:29
Hong Kong Homes Face 25% Drop in Year of the Dragon: Mortgages


09-07-13, 11:25


業界人士指出,成交量持續下跌、但樓價續升,原因相信是一手銷售措施推出前,多個新盤如長沙灣一號.西九龍及九龍城The Avery等新盤單位於四月時促銷所致。

09-07-13, 12:18

[Centa-City Leading Index]

0.63 % (week on week) 2.89 % (month on month)

y their ppty market haven crash?