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08-02-13, 22:33
One must understand the Anglican of the USA, or the Pure Whites. Their mentality and character. Yes, they can be a pusher or seen as a cunning fox at times, but they will never do any sneaky strategy during a confrontation.

haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

09-02-13, 05:04
haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

I don't kid:

This is a true story. A story that I saw it with my very own eyes when I was 6 years old and live to recount it.


You will find my story very relevant to property investment at the end of it as it details how my family became very rich under the governance of grandfather Lee Kuan Yew.

Of course we are not related by blood in any way to this great man. But his policies and strong will to bring stability to Singapore had given my family the opportunity to enter the elite circle.

It was 1974. My grandfather was a bunker boat business man and my father was working in the then Malayan Bank. We stayed in the then Beach Road 2-room HDB flat.

I just came back from Kindergarten and was eating in the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard my aunt screaming at the kitchen window. I rushed to the window and saw a group of gangsters surrounded my father who had just returned from work early that day.

My aunt and me was on the seventh floor. But we can see clearly my father on the street below surrounded by a group of gangsters. Then, I saw my father fell on the road in the middle of the group of gangsters.

One, Two, Three...... Fourteen. I counted, 14 stabs in all rained on my father's body who by the last stab, had already fallen onto the ground.Two of the gangsters did not stop there, they kept kicking on my father's body.

My eyes were already filled with tears and what I saw then was a bloody broken doll lying motionless on the road. I had forgotten how to scream. I tried to scream, but no sound emitted from my throat.

My aunt suddenly remembered me and quickly used her palms to cover my eyes. I could hear her screaming and I cried out in the darkness :” Daddy get up and run, daddy get up and run ! “

My grandfather and my grandmother, who had just returned from their business was at the door, rushed back to the lift lobby. I wanted to follow, but my grandfather locked the gate leaving me and my aunt weeping in the HDB.

According to my grandmother, the gangsters attack was the result of some bunker boat parking dispute in Kallang River.

Although my family are Taoist and pray to many gods. I am a Christian by birth and I prayed to GOD. GOD answered my prayers and my father miraculously recovered. But the story did not end here.

As I prayed, I suddenly felt how Mother Mary must have felt watching Jesus being nailed one nail by one nail on the cross. As the emtion overwhelmed me and the vision became clearer and clearer, I closed my eyes and prayed even harder.

My grandparents and my third uncle then decided to move the business away from Kallang River and started a small jewelry shop in Victoria Street.

By now, it was 1976 and my family received many threats from the gangsters. It was then still a very unstable place for doing business in Singapore. I can tell that doing business then in Singapore was a mammoth task. However, we can see the police was trying very hard to overcome these evil forces in the country. There were many raids by the police into the gangsters dens.

Slowly but surely, under the strong willed of grandfather Lee, a very stable and safe business environment was created in Singapore. By 1979, there were few gangster threats or fights save for a few nuisance disturbances. It has become a land full of future and opportunity. A land of gold indeed.

Singapore property in 1979 was so cheap. Cheap because it was still on the verge of transformation. Urban redevelopment was just about taking off in Singapore, and I could see the then OCBC building was still sparkling new.

We like to joke that the OCBC building looked like a giant calculator whenever my grandfather took me for a walk from Victoria Street to Boat Quay.

My grandfather told me on one occasion, and I can still remember vividly that he has great confidence in grandfather Lee and told me when I grow up to squat a place in Orchard Road or the Singapore River.

I was still very young then, and could not really understand what he meant.

But now, many years after his passing, I realise the true meaning behind his words.

Singapore property in 1979 was dirt cheap because few were like my grandfather, who can visualise the future Singapore taking place then.

Many of my friends now complained to me, Singapore so expensive, property so expensive, this and that. But they all did not realise one single important point.

I believe the 1976 misfortune of my father is still re-enacting in many parts of the World now. For sins is part of human nature. Without the first vital social stability of a nation, there can be NO asset appreciation. And some of my friends wondered why in their foreign property investment, they never did quite gain lucrative returns.

The second attribute is Urban Revitalisation/Redevelopment. Without the resources of a strong and responsible government , one can NOT expect also any returns in their property investment.

Whether property asset can appreciate within a country is therefore greatly dependent on the style of government, the leadership and the will of the policy makers.

Our World is now a very much complicated place. It is a globalised one.

Just like what my grandfather told me on the walk to Boat Quay. I am telling my children the same , watch:


In PM Lee Hsien Loong, I see the same man my grandfather saw, albeit PM Lee is a modern version of grandfather Lee.

I told my children in my car while driving to Gardens By the Bay ( See above youtube ), to squat any buildings in Marina Bays when they grow up and have the means.

I now see what my grandfather's very eyes saw, the same man transforming Singapore and taking her to the next level.

09-02-13, 05:16
haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

The attack on my human father was a sneak one: he has nothing to do with the dispute but was attacked anyway.

09-02-13, 05:39
haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

" A wicked man can do many bad deeds, but he will be forgiven by many just by one single good act.

However a noble man may not be forgiven by many for a single bad deed."- wise words by BJ21T

09-02-13, 05:42
haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

" It is easy to pass the tests of GOD.

It is less easy to pass the test of The Devil.

But you shall fail when a test is set by a Human."

- wise words by BJ21T

09-02-13, 05:47
haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

" Very easy to identify GOD.

Very difficult to identify the Devil.

But no way to differentiate a human from a devil."

- Wise words by BJ21T

09-02-13, 05:51
haha. you kidding right. Look who trained and armed bin laden and his gang to fight the proxy war against the soviets. After which they turned against the Americans when the Americans decided to bail out after the war. Again look at who s the first one recently to start outright massive currency devaluations while labelling china as a currency manipulator. Oh wait lets not forget who likes to talk about human rights, democracy etc while holding terrorist prisoners in cells housed abroad in europe.

" When in Heaven, you are aware of where you are.

When in Hell, you too know where you are.

But on Earth, you have no way to know if you are in Heaven or in Hell."

-wise words by BJ21T

09-02-13, 09:43
" I don't believe in any political ideology or philosophy that can be perfect for any or every society.

I only believe in a political system that has a track record to prove that it works for the betterment of the lives of her people."

-wise words by BJ21T

09-02-13, 10:02
Many friends who visited my bungalow in Nassim Hill always asked me if I know PM Lee or MM Lee, since they saw their portraits in my living room.

I said no, but never reveal the reason why I did that.

Now I reveal to you why. A portrait of a righteous man in your living room will make your house a very comfortable place for living. Absolutely good for the fengshui of your house.

The bright and good energy will start to flow, and the bad energies will disappear.

Once, a billionaire offered 20% above market for this house, but I politely rejected him.

09-02-13, 10:09
Many friends who visited my bungalow in Nassim Hill always asked me if I know PM Lee or MM Lee, since they saw their portraits in my living room.

tony tan the president you dont hang up?

09-02-13, 10:14
tony tan the president you dont hang up?

Tony Tan is my acquaintance, I don't hang photos of my friends in my house.

09-02-13, 10:18
Tony Tan is my acquaintance, I don't hang photos of my friends in my house.

overhere i see a lot of businessman put namecards of powerful police officers, generals on their desk for public display. also if they have photo together with the politicians, generals, they will also put up for display. to show they are connected.

09-02-13, 10:25
overhere i see a lot of businessman put namecards of powerful police officers, generals on their desk for public display. also if they have photo together with the politicians, generals, they will also put up for display. to show they are connected.

That is true. Is is called "下马威", or in english translated as "Down Horse Pride".

That is also the reason why some businessman like to buy huge bungalow with huge living room, as a form of "Down Horse Pride" to invited guests.

Your humble brother is also guilty of this act. But these are the reality of life la.

As a friend to me, I will not be like that one la. Because in Singapore, what use is such connections? As friendship for limkopi maybe, otherwise no use one la.


09-02-13, 10:38
Hi blackjack21trader...I have been writing/sending emails to you. However, you have never respond to me.

09-02-13, 10:40
overhere i see a lot of businessman put namecards of powerful police officers, generals on their desk for public display. also if they have photo together with the politicians, generals, they will also put up for display. to show they are connected.

If you wish when Istana opens this coming Monday, go and take a photo with The President and First Lady also can.

But we seek their friendships for advancement of our own knowledge through their life experiences, and not for any perceived returns or advantages tiobo ?

Because if we were to ask them for any favors, it would degrade our own standing with them as a friend correct or not?

09-02-13, 10:41
Hi blackjack21trader...I have been writing/sending emails to you. However, you have never respond to me.

My PA advised me to answer your queries in the forum instead of via emails.

09-02-13, 10:44
My PA advised me to answer your queries in the forum instead of via emails.

Hi...how do your PA concluded that execution? I wish to have a personalized session with you instead.

I am a subtle and quiet man.

09-02-13, 10:50
Hi...how do your PA concluded that execution? I wish to have a personalized session with you instead.

I am a subtle and quiet man.

According to him, when I reply your queries in the forum, he can edit and review it first.

However, if I were to meet you, I may be so excited that I end up disclosing information I should not have ; or worse, give the wrong information and sabo you unknowingly :scared-2:

09-02-13, 10:59
According to him, when I reply your queries in the forum, he can edit and review it first.

However, if I were to meet you, I may be so excited that I end up disclosing information I should not have ; or worse, give the wrong information and sabo you unknowingly :scared-2:

Hi...I am marvel that you are controlled by your PA though you doesn't sound like one who can easily manipulated.

As mentioned in here, as well in my mail - I am looking forward to meet you in person and recieve kind gratification and advice(s) from you.

In life, I have to take responsibility of the choice(s) I made for I am prepare to recieve and accept the consquence(s).

I am a geniune man who yearn meeting you in person.

Happy Lunar Chinese to you and your family, minus your PA who cloud your decision.

09-02-13, 11:54
I don't kid:

This is a true story. A story that I saw it with my very own eyes when I was 6 years old and live to recount it.


You will find my story very relevant to property investment at the end of it as it details how my family became very rich under the governance of grandfather Lee Kuan Yew.

Of course we are not related by blood in any way to this great man. But his policies and strong will to bring stability to Singapore had given my family the opportunity to enter the elite circle.

It was 1974. My grandfather was a bunker boat business man and my father was working in the then Malayan Bank. We stayed in the then Beach Road 2-room HDB flat.

I just came back from Kindergarten and was eating in the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard my aunt screaming at the kitchen window. I rushed to the window and saw a group of gangsters surrounded my father who had just returned from work early that day.

My aunt and me was on the seventh floor. But we can see clearly my father on the street below surrounded by a group of gangsters. Then, I saw my father fell on the road in the middle of the group of gangsters.

One, Two, Three...... Fourteen. I counted, 14 stabs in all rained on my father's body who by the last stab, had already fallen onto the ground.Two of the gangsters did not stop there, they kept kicking on my father's body.

My eyes were already filled with tears and what I saw then was a bloody broken doll lying motionless on the road. I had forgotten how to scream. I tried to scream, but no sound emitted from my throat.

My aunt suddenly remembered me and quickly used her palms to cover my eyes. I could hear her screaming and I cried out in the darkness :” Daddy get up and run, daddy get up and run ! “

My grandfather and my grandmother, who had just returned from their business was at the door, rushed back to the lift lobby. I wanted to follow, but my grandfather locked the gate leaving me and my aunt weeping in the HDB.

According to my grandmother, the gangsters attack was the result of some bunker boat parking dispute in Kallang River.

Although my family are Taoist and pray to many gods. I am a Christian by birth and I prayed to GOD. GOD answered my prayers and my father miraculously recovered. But the story did not end here.

As I prayed, I suddenly felt how Mother Mary must have felt watching Jesus being nailed one nail by one nail on the cross. As the emtion overwhelmed me and the vision became clearer and clearer, I closed my eyes and prayed even harder.

My grandparents and my third uncle then decided to move the business away from Kallang River and started a small jewelry shop in Victoria Street.

By now, it was 1976 and my family received many threats from the gangsters. It was then still a very unstable place for doing business in Singapore. I can tell that doing business then in Singapore was a mammoth task. However, we can see the police was trying very hard to overcome these evil forces in the country. There were many raids by the police into the gangsters dens.

Slowly but surely, under the strong willed of grandfather Lee, a very stable and safe business environment was created in Singapore. By 1979, there were few gangster threats or fights save for a few nuisance disturbances. It has become a land full of future and opportunity. A land of gold indeed.

Singapore property in 1979 was so cheap. Cheap because it was still on the verge of transformation. Urban redevelopment was just about taking off in Singapore, and I could see the then OCBC building was still sparkling new.

We like to joke that the OCBC building looked like a giant calculator whenever my grandfather took me for a walk from Victoria Street to Boat Quay.

My grandfather told me on one occasion, and I can still remember vividly that he has great confidence in grandfather Lee and told me when I grow up to squat a place in Orchard Road or the Singapore River.

I was still very young then, and could not really understand what he meant.

But now, many years after his passing, I realise the true meaning behind his words.

Singapore property in 1979 was dirt cheap because few were like my grandfather, who can visualise the future Singapore taking place then.

Many of my friends now complained to me, Singapore so expensive, property so expensive, this and that. But they all did not realise one single important point.

I believe the 1976 misfortune of my father is still re-enacting in many parts of the World now. For sins is part of human nature. Without the first vital social stability of a nation, there can be NO asset appreciation. And some of my friends wondered why in their foreign property investment, they never did quite gain lucrative returns.

The second attribute is Urban Revitalisation/Redevelopment. Without the resources of a strong and responsible government , one can NOT expect also any returns in their property investment.

Whether property asset can appreciate within a country is therefore greatly dependent on the style of government, the leadership and the will of the policy makers.

Our World is now a very much complicated place. It is a globalised one.

Just like what my grandfather told me on the walk to Boat Quay. I am telling my children the same , watch:


In PM Lee Hsien Loong, I see the same man my grandfather saw, albeit PM Lee is a modern version of grandfather Lee.

I told my children in my car while driving to Gardens By the Bay ( See above youtube ), to squat any buildings in Marina Bays when they grow up and have the means.

I now see what my grandfather's very eyes saw, the same man transforming Singapore and taking her to the next level.

Very true BJ. Some people still don't treasure how good life is now with stability and security.

09-02-13, 11:57
I don't kid:

This is a true story. A story that I saw it with my very own eyes when I was 6 years old and live to recount it.


You will find my story very relevant to property investment at the end of it as it details how my family became very rich under the governance of grandfather Lee Kuan Yew.

Of course we are not related by blood in any way to this great man. But his policies and strong will to bring stability to Singapore had given my family the opportunity to enter the elite circle.

It was 1974. My grandfather was a bunker boat business man and my father was working in the then Malayan Bank. We stayed in the then Beach Road 2-room HDB flat.

I just came back from Kindergarten and was eating in the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard my aunt screaming at the kitchen window. I rushed to the window and saw a group of gangsters surrounded my father who had just returned from work early that day.

My aunt and me was on the seventh floor. But we can see clearly my father on the street below surrounded by a group of gangsters. Then, I saw my father fell on the road in the middle of the group of gangsters.

One, Two, Three...... Fourteen. I counted, 14 stabs in all rained on my father's body who by the last stab, had already fallen onto the ground.Two of the gangsters did not stop there, they kept kicking on my father's body.

My eyes were already filled with tears and what I saw then was a bloody broken doll lying motionless on the road. I had forgotten how to scream. I tried to scream, but no sound emitted from my throat.

My aunt suddenly remembered me and quickly used her palms to cover my eyes. I could hear her screaming and I cried out in the darkness :” Daddy get up and run, daddy get up and run ! “

My grandfather and my grandmother, who had just returned from their business was at the door, rushed back to the lift lobby. I wanted to follow, but my grandfather locked the gate leaving me and my aunt weeping in the HDB.

According to my grandmother, the gangsters attack was the result of some bunker boat parking dispute in Kallang River.

Although my family are Taoist and pray to many gods. I am a Christian by birth and I prayed to GOD. GOD answered my prayers and my father miraculously recovered. But the story did not end here.

As I prayed, I suddenly felt how Mother Mary must have felt watching Jesus being nailed one nail by one nail on the cross. As the emtion overwhelmed me and the vision became clearer and clearer, I closed my eyes and prayed even harder.

My grandparents and my third uncle then decided to move the business away from Kallang River and started a small jewelry shop in Victoria Street.

By now, it was 1976 and my family received many threats from the gangsters. It was then still a very unstable place for doing business in Singapore. I can tell that doing business then in Singapore was a mammoth task. However, we can see the police was trying very hard to overcome these evil forces in the country. There were many raids by the police into the gangsters dens.

Slowly but surely, under the strong willed of grandfather Lee, a very stable and safe business environment was created in Singapore. By 1979, there were few gangster threats or fights save for a few nuisance disturbances. It has become a land full of future and opportunity. A land of gold indeed.

Singapore property in 1979 was so cheap. Cheap because it was still on the verge of transformation. Urban redevelopment was just about taking off in Singapore, and I could see the then OCBC building was still sparkling new.

We like to joke that the OCBC building looked like a giant calculator whenever my grandfather took me for a walk from Victoria Street to Boat Quay.

My grandfather told me on one occasion, and I can still remember vividly that he has great confidence in grandfather Lee and told me when I grow up to squat a place in Orchard Road or the Singapore River.

I was still very young then, and could not really understand what he meant.

But now, many years after his passing, I realise the true meaning behind his words.

Singapore property in 1979 was dirt cheap because few were like my grandfather, who can visualise the future Singapore taking place then.

Many of my friends now complained to me, Singapore so expensive, property so expensive, this and that. But they all did not realise one single important point.

I believe the 1976 misfortune of my father is still re-enacting in many parts of the World now. For sins is part of human nature. Without the first vital social stability of a nation, there can be NO asset appreciation. And some of my friends wondered why in their foreign property investment, they never did quite gain lucrative returns.

The second attribute is Urban Revitalisation/Redevelopment. Without the resources of a strong and responsible government , one can NOT expect also any returns in their property investment.

Whether property asset can appreciate within a country is therefore greatly dependent on the style of government, the leadership and the will of the policy makers.

Our World is now a very much complicated place. It is a globalised one.

Just like what my grandfather told me on the walk to Boat Quay. I am telling my children the same , watch:


In PM Lee Hsien Loong, I see the same man my grandfather saw, albeit PM Lee is a modern version of grandfather Lee.

I told my children in my car while driving to Gardens By the Bay ( See above youtube ), to squat any buildings in Marina Bays when they grow up and have the means.

I now see what my grandfather's very eyes saw, the same man transforming Singapore and taking her to the next level.

Very true BJ. Some people still don't treasure how good life is now with stability and security. I only believe in proven track of records like u. People take things for granted.

09-02-13, 11:58
Hi...I am marvel that you are controlled by your PA though you doesn't sound like one who can easily manipulated.

As mentioned in here, as well in my mail - I am looking forward to meet you in person and recieve kind gratification and advice(s) from you.

In life, I have to take responsibility of the choice(s) I made for I am prepare to recieve and accept the consquence(s).

I am a geniune man who yearn meeting you in person.

Happy Lunar Chinese to you and your family, minus your PA who cloud your decision.

LOL....brother Yowetan, a very special Happy New Year to You from me!

And May you and your family harvest the Many Happy Returns in the year 2013 !

As for my PA, allow me to add him to your kind wishes as well.


09-02-13, 11:59
Very true BJ. Some people still don't treasure how good life is now with stability and security. I only believe in proven track of records like u. People take things for granted.

Halor... bro Star, Happy New Year to you as well. May your family and your good self harvest all the Happy Returns in year 2013 also :)

09-02-13, 12:03
Very true BJ. Some people still don't treasure how good life is now with stability and security. I only believe in proven track of records like u. People take things for granted.

what's BJ track records?

09-02-13, 12:03
Since good brother Yowetan has the kind soul to start the well wishes,

Let me wish all good brothers and good sisters in this forum MANY RICHES IN 2013 !

Buy what, what goes up. Sell what, what goes down.

Anyhow ruan ruan buy anyhow HUAT ARH!!!!

GONG XI GONG XI :):cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

09-02-13, 12:24
Since good brother Yowetan has the kind soul to start the well wishes,

Let me wish all good brothers and good sisters in this forum MANY RICHES IN 2013 !

Buy what, what goes up. Sell what, what goes down.

Anyhow ruan ruan buy anyhow HUAT ARH!!!!

GONG XI GONG XI :):cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

Hi...I want to buy Mt Sinai's Trizon.

09-02-13, 21:22
Bro bj can recommend which property can aim now at tis current economic climate in Singapore? Good decent value appreciation and freehold and yet Psf not something that is out of reach for common folks like me. As you have the forte in this field

10-02-13, 07:49
Since good brother Yowetan has the kind soul to start the well wishes,

Let me wish all good brothers and good sisters in this forum MANY RICHES IN 2013 !

Buy what, what goes up. Sell what, what goes down.

Anyhow ruan ruan buy anyhow HUAT ARH!!!!

GONG XI GONG XI :):cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

Happy new year and have a bless one ahead to everyone.

10-02-13, 08:19
Bro bj can recommend which property can aim now at tis current economic climate in Singapore? Good decent value appreciation and freehold and yet Psf not something that is out of reach for common folks like me. As you have the forte in this field

I am considering old freehold condo like Windy Heights. Currently asking for about $1000 psf with enbloc potential. Just 200 units in WH.

10-02-13, 08:24
I am considering old freehold condo like Windy Heights. Currently asking for about $1000 psf with enbloc potential. Just 200 units in WH.

The development listings thusfar appears to be mega huge units - really looks enticing especially when freehold - but not enough capital to afford an above 2 m unit at this juncture but many thanks for sharing !!

A lot of market talk also on botannica - maybe I go see around that also

17-02-13, 07:19
The CM7 is actually protecting the values of ALL Singaporean assets.

Actually, I do not wish to say one, but now I decided to say as there are very obvious evil presence jealous of our asset values in this forum out to demoralise the Singapore property owners!

YOU NEED only single POST-CM7 foreigner transaction this month and the fate of our GREAT RICHES will be sealed ! Yes, ONLY ONE.

How so?

This will mean foreigners are willing to pay more than 20% above local Singaporean buyer for our property here. Once the first foreigner buys, many shall follow. As they will have NO CHOICE come MARCH 2013.


reminder reminder

17-02-13, 07:41
reminder reminder
Good morning bro bj21t, thanks for the reminder!

So far has there been any such transactions since cm7?