View Full Version : Govt unveils new incentives in Marriage & Parenthood package

21-01-13, 13:38

By Imelda Saad | Posted: 21 January 2013 1316 hrs

SINGAPORE: Married couples with children below 16 years old will get priority when buying their first Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat.

The government is setting aside 30 per cent of new flats in matured and non-matured estates, as part of a fresh set of incentives to get Singaporeans to marry and have more children under the Marriage and Parenthood package.

Also new is a Parenthood Provisional Housing scheme for this group of parents, who can rent a flat from the HDB while they wait for their new flats to be ready.

The HDB will launch about 1,150 units of three-, four- and five-room flats by the end of this month which can be rented out at between S$800 and S$1,900.

The latest round of measures, enhanced for a third time, will cost the government S$2 billion a year -- higher than the S$1.6 billion in the 2008 package.

It covers areas such as assisted reproduction, healthcare and paternity leave.

Fathers will finally get paid paternity leave of one week. This is on top of the one-week leave they can co-share with mothers under the working mother's maternity leave entitlement of four months.

Couples who adopt can look forward to four weeks of paid adoption leave for working mothers.

For those who have difficulty conceiving, the government will help pay a bigger share of Assisted Reproduction Technology treatments.

It will now cover up to 75 per cent of treatment costs. These will be capped at S$6,300 per cycle for three fresh treatment cycles, and S$1,200 per cycle for three frozen treatment cycles.

The baby bonus cash gift will increase by S$2,000 per birth, up to the fourth child.

Every newborn will have a CPF Medisave account with a grant of S$3,000 to support healthcare costs.

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Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, who announced the measures on Monday, said Singapore's Total Fertility Rate (TFR) rose slightly in 2012 -- due partly to the "mini Dragon Year impact".

The TFR climbed from 1.2 in 2011 to between 1.28 and 1.3 last year, according to preliminary estimates.

Mr Teo said the Marriage and Parenthood package is the most fundamental component of Singapore's population roadmap.

He said the core is still a Singapore population and making sure it is sustainable, as it is the most critical aspect to ensure the country's long-term future.

Mr Teo, who is also the minister in charge of population policies, announced the measures along with ministers in charge of various portfolios.

They include National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Grace Fu, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong and Acting Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing.

- CNA/al

21-01-13, 13:43
The HDB will launch about 1,150 units of three-, four- and five-room
flats by the end of this month which can be rented out at between S$800 and

Is this lower than the market rate for rental?
If so then the rental demand of HDB flats by this group of people will drop.

21-01-13, 14:02
Is this lower than the market rate for rental?
If so then the rental demand of HDB flats by this group of people will drop.

i am sure there are conditions attached to it.

21-01-13, 15:06
Is this lower than the market rate for rental?
If so then the rental demand of HDB flats by this group of people will drop.

this is definitely lower than the mkt rate, but this is a niche group, not the normal hdb rental group. i believe is mutually exclusive altho' there will be the usual loopholes.

21-01-13, 15:07
SINGAPORE: Married couples with children below 16 years old will get priority when buying their first Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat.

- CNA/al

is there something wrong with my english or did i get this sentence correctly? how many married couples with children have not yet got their first HDB flat????

i'm not saying there isn't. but surely, not a lot. how to boost fertility rate with this? they r saying you can rent first, then buy later. but i think this is against the typical mindset of buy a house then get married.. for the sense of security.

21-01-13, 15:19
The purpose of the rental flat scheme is this:
Young people, go get married, go have babies. Dont worry about your parent house too small, or need to burn a hole to rent a flat, we can lent u one at a cheaper rate while your new home is built.

so it is like getting things done in parallel, rather than sequential. hopefully resulting in more babies.

21-01-13, 16:00
The purpose of the rental flat scheme is this:
Young people, go get married, go have babies. Dont worry about your parent house too small, or need to burn a hole to rent a flat, we can lent u one at a cheaper rate while your new home is built.

so it is like getting things done in parallel, rather than sequential. hopefully resulting in more babies.

and suffer the unknown as to which school to place the child??

21-01-13, 16:24
The purpose of the rental flat scheme is this:
Young people, go get married, go have babies. Dont worry about your parent house too small, or need to burn a hole to rent a flat, we can lent u one at a cheaper rate while your new home is built.

so it is like getting things done in parallel, rather than sequential. hopefully resulting in more babies.

During my time also got this type of transitional renting scheme and because of that, some of my friends and I started our families early.
I don't know why they scrapped it the last time.

21-01-13, 17:13
and suffer the unknown as to which school to place the child??
No, why like that say? Chances are the flat will be ready when the child is going to enrol into pri 1.