View Full Version : Germany Wants Its Gold Back—Should You Worry?

16-01-13, 15:14
CNBC.com | January 15, 2013 | 11:10 PM EST
The world's second-biggest holder of gold reserves, Germany, is planning to bring home some of its gold held in New York and Paris - a move that would mark a breakdown of trust between the world's major central banks, analysts said.

The Bundesbank, Germany's central bank, will announce on Wednesday the repatriation of some of its gold holdings at the New York Federal Reserve and Bank of France, German business daily Handelsblatt reported on Tuesday.

The Bundesbank confirmed to CNBC's senior economics reporter Steve Liesman that it will move a small part of its gold reserves from the New York Fed, Liesman said on Twitter.

Germany has almost 3,400 tons of gold, the world's second-largest holdings after the United States, valued at almost $177 billion at the end of December, according to the Bundesbank. It moved the bulk of its reserves abroad during the Cold War in case of an attack on West Germany by the Soviet Union.

News that Berlin wants to bring some of that gold back home is causing a stir, with Bill Gross, the managing director at bond giant PIMCO tweeting: "Report claims Germany moving gold from NY/Paris back to Frankfurt. Central banks don't trust each other?"

16-01-13, 15:18
Good News if you are holding gold?

16-01-13, 15:21
bad news, it signifies a vote of no-confidence.

16-01-13, 15:40
bad news, it signifies a vote of no-confidence.

What will be the impact on gold prices?

16-01-13, 16:50
This could open a pandora box. Other countries will also demand their gold back. This could expose the extend of US bankruptcy even further. Whether the gold still exist or not, this process of of distrust is irreversible.

16-01-13, 16:52
few months back, germany request to see their gold ..but USA reject and say 'your gold is safe with us' .

this smell fishy!:scared-3:

LOL!!! :D:D

16-01-13, 17:18
If a central bank don't trust other central bank, then should we trust our own bank and their products?. If the domino start to fall it will be swift and bloody.

16-01-13, 17:42
CNBC.com | January 15, 2013 | 11:10 PM EST
The world's second-biggest holder of gold reserves, Germany, is planning to bring home some of its gold held in New York and Paris - a move that would mark a breakdown of trust between the world's major central banks, analysts said.

The Bundesbank, Germany's central bank, will announce on Wednesday the repatriation of some of its gold holdings at the New York Federal Reserve and Bank of France, German business daily Handelsblatt reported on Tuesday.

The Bundesbank confirmed to CNBC's senior economics reporter Steve Liesman that it will move a small part of its gold reserves from the New York Fed, Liesman said on Twitter.

Germany has almost 3,400 tons of gold, the world's second-largest holdings after the United States, valued at almost $177 billion at the end of December, according to the Bundesbank. It moved the bulk of its reserves abroad during the Cold War in case of an attack on West Germany by the Soviet Union.

News that Berlin wants to bring some of that gold back home is causing a stir, with Bill Gross, the managing director at bond giant PIMCO tweeting: "Report claims Germany moving gold from NY/Paris back to Frankfurt. Central banks don't trust each other?"

It will become a paper Gold in the end of the day..
just like shares, not the earlier day whereby the shares are literally print and print to issue to holder.

16-01-13, 19:27
Suspect lots of paper gold around. Good to get phy gold if one is buying gold.

16-01-13, 19:34
Shares Market will drop, gold price will rise.

16-01-13, 21:03
Can print money...

Can 'manufacture' gold?


16-01-13, 21:31
My humble opinion is Gold might crash. Someone will try to crash it.

17-01-13, 09:35
My humble opinion is Gold might crash. Someone will try to crash it.

guru BJ, care to share about your opinion?

17-01-13, 09:45
Can Germany suka suka then take back the gold or is there some kind of agreement of time frame for return between the countries involved?
What if they can't retun or don't wanna return, then how?

17-01-13, 09:52
the gold bullion is Germany's to begin with. in ancient japan, a daimyo typically has to send an offspring to sit in the shogun's court as a 'guest-cum-hostage', to maintain a semblance of trust and peace.

the principle is the same. the repatriation is a breakdown of trust or a view that USA won't be the pinnacle of global financial prowess, i.e. no longer the shogun at court

17-01-13, 10:03
why dont you all read zerohedge about alternative views on the financial market?

17-01-13, 12:21
If discovered or suspect that the gold isj no more there, gold will start to cheong leow!