View Full Version : #1 Loft, 80 units, Geylang

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01-06-13, 07:30
some said if the motor is under or beside ur unit, then u can hear a faint gentle machine sound.

some said mechanical not good cos when the system is down, ur car is stucked until technician comes and fix it.

there are 80units but only 64 lots available...but i may not drive by then.
Sis Iris Ng

The term "Completion on Foundation Works" shown in the progressive payment schedule, does it mean the completion of pilling works? If yes, what is the time frame required to complete the pilling works then?

01-06-13, 08:04
Anyone has any idea on the mechanical carpark noise? I understand some of these can be quite noisy. Dont really see much condo's with these but it is a unique factor i guess. Does #1 suite have a mechanical carpark?

I think there are quite a few in Geylang apartments.

01-06-13, 08:19
Sis Iris Ng

The term "Completion on Foundation Works" shown in the progressive payment schedule, does it mean the completion of pilling works? If yes, what is the time frame required to complete the pilling works then?

I think this question (time frame) has to leave it to the expert to answer you. I'm only "half past six".:ashamed1:

Foundation work should be equal to piling work :2cents: . I bought my unit in Mar 2011 and the foundation work was completed in Feb 2012. According to my agent at the time of purchase, he said that the foundation work for my project would be started only six months later, so in my case, it took about 5-6 months to complete. After piling, they still have to test the ground, so that's why foundation work takes longer time.

My TOP is supposed to be in Dec 2015 but it seems that it is about 1-2 years ahead of it.

01-06-13, 08:24
I think this question (time frame) has to leave it to the expert to answer you. I'm only "half past six".:ashamed1:

Foundation work should be equal to piling work :2cents: . I bought my unit in Mar 2011 and the foundation work was completed in Feb 2012. According to my agent at the time of purchase, he said that the foundation work for my project would be started only six months later, so in my case, it took about 5-6 months to complete. After piling, they still have to test the ground, so that's why foundation work takes longer time.

My TOP is supposed to be in Dec 2015 but it seems that it is about 1-2 years ahead of it.

When is your TOP date?

01-06-13, 08:29
iris, what is your project name? till now i dunno which condo u stayin.

01-06-13, 08:32
When is your TOP date?

Not known yet but the internal plastering, doors and windows are in position already. Now left the installation of the electrical plant etc inside the house + car parks, roads and drains, so I guess it would be either end of this year or early next year.

01-06-13, 08:38
my lawyer fee costs me $6k+ and another $700+ for CPF solicitors. :scared-5:

01-06-13, 08:50
my lawyer fee costs me $6k+ and another $700+ for CPF solicitors. :scared-5:

I need not pay the lawyer fees as it is part of my loan package.

01-06-13, 09:40
i think the new cooling measure means have to fork out laywer fee ourselves right?

01-06-13, 12:29
perhaps you have indicated as for investment? bank are more willing to loan if indicated as own stay, like babyt.

That's what the bank told me too. Unfortunately, I already has a HDB so was not advisable to place it as own stay. (grey to me)

The place is too small for a young family with kids to stay. (unless its the 3 rooms one)

01-06-13, 12:34
apparently, u can get actual dimension of the project by paying money to BCA for the blueprint. U can see how long is the swimming pool, height of balcony wall etc

From BCA, and here's the website :

1. Submit your request online which will cost you S$20 for BCA to search their database. No refund even if BCA fails to find the drawings which you looking for.

2. BCA will send you an email informing you whether the search is success or not. I received mine after 3 working days.

3. If success, you then go to BCA counter at MND building to view and select your drawings on a HP touch screen computer. All floor plans are in AutoCAD format and structural drawings are in PDF format. You then decide which are the drawings you want to print. Each set will cost you S$25 (not per drawing but per set of drawings).

4. Then the printing vendor who is just next to the BCA counter, will print out your preferred size (A1=S$6, A2=S$4). You can even request the staff at the printing room to zoom into any specific area for the print out.

- You have to be the property's owner to view or print the drawings. You will need to submit a copy of your "Certificate of Stamp Duty" as proof during your visit to the BCA counter.
- You will not be given the soft copy, only can print out in hardcopy.

Shouldn't we be doing this before we purchase the property? :)

Since there are so many of us here, many we can form up and see what is lacking and try changing it with the developer?

For one,

I will love for the washing machine to be changed to dryer/washer or for the
wall to be painted other colour.

01-06-13, 12:35
I need not pay the lawyer fees as it is part of my loan package.

Which lawyer costs so much? Mine only cost 2k. (a common market price).

There is no value into going into a good lawyer as this is routine work i suppose.

01-06-13, 12:37
I think there are quite a few in Geylang apartments.

Saw one before but not sure about the voice but did not hear any noises when i was there.

I did noticed that there is only 66 lots out of 80 units which i think is on the lesser side?

01-06-13, 12:42
my lawyer fee costs me $6k+ and another $700+ for CPF solicitors. :scared-5:

It should not cost you more than s$3,500 for legal.
As for CPF, it is cheap. Not $700.

Mine was s$3,000 all in (legal, CPF etc). You have a choice to find or call different lawyers to get the best deal. What you paid was JUST TOO MUCH.

01-06-13, 12:49
Shouldn't we be doing this before we purchase the property? :)

Since there are so many of us here, many we can form up and see what is lacking and try changing it with the developer?

For one,

I will love for the washing machine to be changed to dryer/washer or for the
wall to be painted other colour.

agent told me the washing machine comes w dryer function...dunno how true la but I wont be using dryer since I have open balcony to hang my clothes dry.

01-06-13, 12:55
solicitor cost is 3500 but add all the little fees here n there for disbursement and anticpated disbursement and gst....all up 6K

01-06-13, 14:30
Shouldn't we be doing this before we purchase the property? :)

Since there are so many of us here, many we can form up and see what is lacking and try changing it with the developer?

For one,

I will love for the washing machine to be changed to dryer/washer or for the
wall to be painted other colour.

U mean that we can actually request for changes??

Did anyone notice in the brochure, its says hot water in the masterbath room.. i asked the agent, does that mean we dun get hot water supply in the other toilets?? Tot thats strange.. hmm.

02-06-13, 09:31
U mean that we can actually request for changes??
resident of Jalan Suka

Did anyone notice in the brochure, its says hot water in the masterbath room.. i asked the agent, does that mean we dun get hot water supply in the other toilets?? Tot thats strange.. hmm.

The meeting with CO Geylang NPC and his management took almost 90 minutes yesterday.
As expected, I only heard assurances that SPF are aware of which residential units @ Jalan Suka, Jalan Molek and Lorong 24 are operating as brothels and they are building their case against them; that either investigations are ongoing or due judicial process is taking place.
When I pressed for the timeline, I wasn't given any, which was not a surprise. When I pressed them to make a statement on the reason(s) why they are not doing anything about the alarming rates at which private properties are being converted into brothels, I wasn't given a direct answer and they kept using the strategy of assuring us that Lorong 24 is safe, and despite it's overwhelmed by large, intimidating crowd especially on evenings, weekends and public holidays, statistically it's acceptable; in short they asserted it’s safe here and hence my notion of unsafe neighbourhood is a ‘perception’ which doesn’t reflect the reality.
I guess towards the end, eveyone knows we're getting nowhere as mere words of assurance just do not cut anymore; the fact remains what we, the residents are witnessing and experiencing remain worrisome. We still live in the state of insecurity, frustration and fear.
So my parting shots to them was first to protest that relying on statistics is meaningless. The statistics, i.e. low crime/casualty rate do not reflect the local sentiment and reality; it's extremely bias and not holistic, it trivialised the severity of the problem here. We live here, mind you. We see it, we feel it. It’s nothing compared to your ‘dipstick’ type of sensing that SPF get from their brief patrols!
In addition, I also reminded them that despite the 'assurances', nothing has changed (in fact it’s worsened) and the resident's confidence here is at record low, that the credibility of SPF, as the de facto law enforcement agency is extremely poor as of now. We don’t feel their presence, in fact the vice operators’ presence is overwhelming here!
I also pointed out ti them that they can't resolve the problem, let alone even to contain it, be it vice problems such as more prostitution, more brothels, continued sale of contraband cigarettes and the return of gambling on the street.
Though I remain thankful to the cordial relationship with the CO and the officers from Geylang NPC, and the fact that we had a very open, heart to heart talk, of which I've promised not to divulge certain details, I continued to remind them that with each passing day of non-activity to deal with the vice problems here, the residents here continue to languish, imprisoned in our homes when the crowd gets bigger and when night falls.
Though I am guaranteed personal safety (as well as my neighbours') that as long as we feel threatened, SPF is just a phonecall away and that should anything, God-forbids happens to any of us, the strong arm of justice will come down heavily and swiftly on the perpetrators ... well they sound really good but what's the point? Do I want to be a victim to test this 'theory'? Haven’t we read enough of crimes which occurred out of irrational thinking?
We have come out openly to oppose the vice operators and we know somehow our actions are affecting them. Can SPF assume all of them and their sympathisers will behave rationally?
Okay I think I got one shot left that was to point out that we’re not giving up. It may seem like a roadblock but we’re not giving up.
We will continue to write, make noise and stand up against these vice operators who have come to invade and continue to ‘rape’ this neighbourhood which we still call home. We will defend this kampong, within the legal framework, until justice is served.
Hence, for those who are reading this, we’re still grateful and continued to be humbled by your support. Please stand with us by sharing this and I can say confidently that if this problem is not addressed, it will spread. I’m already receiving reports that other non-traditional Lorongs have more sightings of streetwalkers and it’s said to be moving beyond Geylang.
Let’s play an active part before it’s too late; let’s send a clear message to those unscrupulous individuals or groups that we do not welcome them to set up vice activities in our community. We want our home back!

02-06-13, 14:08
Hi all,

Nice to hear that there are plans to get rid of the dirty activities in Geylang. I also have a unit in Lor 28 which is rented to a british expatrite. I plan to take back the unit and stay there 2 years later when the tenancy end. By then, the revented Geylang River and Sports Hub should be ready. We can all enjoy the new amenities then. With all the new lovely buildings in progress of completion along the way, Geylang will be a nice beautiful private estate to stay in.

02-06-13, 14:12
Hi all,

Nice to hear that there are plans to get rid of the dirty activities in Geylang. I also have a unit in Lor 28 which is rented to a british expatrite. I plan to take back the unit and stay there 2 years later when the tenancy end. By then, the revented Geylang River and Sports Hub should be ready. We can all enjoy the new amenities then. With all the new lovely buildings in progress of completion along the way, Geylang will be a nice beautiful private estate to stay in.

Indeed you are right and some people are asking to leave the dirty activities alone :doh:

02-06-13, 14:52
Saw one before but not sure about the voice but did not hear any noises when i was there.

I did noticed that there is only 66 lots out of 80 units which i think is on the lesser side?

Some of the examples for the mechanical carpark



02-06-13, 16:55
Some of the examples for the mechanical carpark



Sister Iris,

DO u think the construction works for one loft can complete in 2 years time?

02-06-13, 17:28
Sister Iris,

DO u think the construction works for one loft can complete in 2 years time?

Wow, I'm not expert leh.:ashamed1:

Have the enbloc houses being pulled down yet?

02-06-13, 17:43
Wow, I'm not expert leh.:ashamed1:

Have the enbloc houses being pulled down yet?

According to developer is July 2013...building demolition works..

proud owner
02-06-13, 18:41
hi guys

I am no expert

but for a 1 bedroom around 500 sqft whats the ave rent in Geylang ?

02-06-13, 19:03
hi guys

I am no expert

but for a 1 bedroom around 500 sqft whats the ave rent in Geylang ?

...$2,600.00....U may 1 to check at URA website

02-06-13, 19:18
it will go higher in few yrs to come if PAP gets their 6.9 millions. But hopefully part of it do not come to geylang n pros themselves. :simmering:

i am wondering why they didnt build a storeroom under the staircase? dunno if we can dig out a hole on the wall of the staircase at lower level?

sld invite project mgr to come here and answer query.

any Facebook group for 1Loft owners now? haha

02-06-13, 19:24
it will go higher in few yrs to come if PAP gets their 6.9 millions. But hopefully part of it do not come to geylang n pros themselves. :simmering:

BabyT....i heard the Population will remain at 5.3 million...no longer 6.9 millions liao

02-06-13, 21:18
Hi babyT

Agree with you on the storage. for small apartments storage and cabinets are key to prevent cluttering. stairs for small new york apartments are usually floated or have storage facilities to maximize use.(read about this on tiny SOHO apartments). Developer should take note of these and attach washer under the stairs instead as it is directly behind the toilet. like this we can split the washer and dryer separately instead of combining into one machine. I understqand these combined washer/dryer are usually not energy efficient as separate units. but well i guess it is pragmatic for small apartments nonetheless so it's really up to owner.

Can also utilize the area to house the brooms and store rooms. more functional use of space. With good dryers, people will not put their unsightly underwear on the windows and degrade the exterior and value of the unit altogether.

Baby T please shut the shutters if you drying clothes in balcony okay. :) biggest challenge for such units are laundry i believe and storage.

I find this website pretty relevant to #1 loft. they have more space but you can pick some of their ideas when you guys move in.


anyone cycled around the Waterina area? i bet that place is a huge draw when the kallang river has finished its construction. reminds me abit of Keppel Bay area abit. Hope more bars come out. some good alfresco placces around the Kallang River would also be a plus I reckon.

02-06-13, 22:40
i stay top floor so i can air my laundry easily.

i cycle from bedok to MBS almost every week so moving to geylang means i can cycle to MBS/Shenton/Lau pat sat easily.

02-06-13, 23:02
optimus, u also brought 1loft?

so far if im correct:


02-06-13, 23:10
Showroom based on 52sqm. For my penthouse, I will get a bigger open balcony by the edge of the bed.

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requoted. this fri im going 1suites showroom, will take pics and upload yeah.

03-06-13, 00:50
Yes. one unit and contemplating still whether to stay or rent. I'll figure it out when it TOP depending on demand and rental.

03-06-13, 01:33
heard the developer pays for 10% of your 20% down payment? so effectively you enjoy 90% LTV:confused: is that true?

03-06-13, 12:51
solicitor cost is 3500 but add all the little fees here n there for disbursement and anticpated disbursement and gst....all up 6K

I think this is expensive because these are the lawyers whom seldom does conveyancing.

If you get a specialist who does conveyancing, you only end up paying < S$2k nett nett. (everything in)

However, we can compare price but its hard to compare standard of services.

I just felt that the transaction is a simple case and went for the lower one. It differ from case to case.

03-06-13, 12:56
U mean that we can actually request for changes??

Did anyone notice in the brochure, its says hot water in the masterbath room.. i asked the agent, does that mean we dun get hot water supply in the other toilets?? Tot thats strange.. hmm.

If you ask for something that is cheaper, my guess is they might give it to you.

It makes commercial sense for them to do it but i guess it might have to be in writing.

You can always give up something you don't think you need and have a chat with them. Nothing wrong to do that. The worst is that you still have to end up doing or buying them yourselves.

Life is all about communication :)

Maybe we can start a thread and discuss on the potential problems that might happen and ask for changes if we can get the bulk to agree.

03-06-13, 13:07
Yes. one unit and contemplating still whether to stay or rent. I'll figure it out when it TOP depending on demand and rental.

My opinion is that the place is lovely for young couples without kids, single staying with parents.

It is too small for family with kids unless you bought the 3 rooms unit.

The location is excellent and overall food around the area is great. (although i have to admit that the soy bean Yong He standard is getting worse)

The only problem is with the hook**s which might not be a problem for some.

03-06-13, 15:34
My opinion is that the place is lovely for young couples without kids, single staying with parents.

It is too small for family with kids unless you bought the 3 rooms unit.

The location is excellent and overall food around the area is great. (although i have to admit that the soy bean Yong He standard is getting worse)

The only problem is with the hook**s which might not be a problem for some.

Agree with your view :cheers5:

Adam Goi
03-06-13, 20:41
The location is excellent and overall food around the area is great. (although i have to admit that the soy bean Yong He standard is getting worse)

Haha, you're right! Used to think it was nice to have it just a stone throw away but given the price and quality, it's become a non-issue ...

04-06-13, 08:16
Haha, you're right! Used to think it was nice to have it just a stone throw away but given the price and quality, it's become a non-issue ...

I have been having this for > 20 years. I remember those days where I used to go there during the World Cup period where you have one match at 11pm while the other start at 3pm.

Those days were definitely more colourful.

Personally, I believe that this area will soon have a "red light junction". Any units after Lorong 16 to the Junction will be where the "professional" will be carrying out their work.

Housing price is so expensive nowadays. If you get a > 1,500 psf unit, how much do you expect to gain?

04-06-13, 10:12
Any idea what range would the maintenance be monthly?

04-06-13, 10:47
agent told me about $150-250 but take it as a pinch of salt.

04-06-13, 12:45
Any idea how big is the pool?

I find maintenance on the high side since there aren't many facilities.

However, there are not a lot of units too.

04-06-13, 23:23
agent said 25m.

prospectus put as estimated 50sqm.

if its 50sqms and its 25m long...that mean the width is only like 2 m?? :scared-4:

im an avid swimmer ... i hope nto many ppl will swim if not how to swim w 2m width???

Some condo pool water are very chlorinated until ur skin starts to shrivell after few mins. :scared-4:

04-06-13, 23:47
its meant to be a lap pool, go in dip water chat with babes and hunks.

05-06-13, 09:08
I like the concept of this project. But recent ura trasactions show 13xx psf... So ex.

05-06-13, 09:24
agent said 25m.

prospectus put as estimated 50sqm.

if its 50sqms and its 25m long...that mean the width is only like 2 m?? :scared-4:

im an avid swimmer ... i hope nto many ppl will swim if not how to swim w 2m width???

Some condo pool water are very chlorinated until ur skin starts to shrivell after few mins. :scared-4:
smallproject usually pool are small expected much .:tongue3:

05-06-13, 09:26
agent said 25m.

prospectus put as estimated 50sqm.

if its 50sqms and its 25m long...that mean the width is only like 2 m?? :scared-4:

im an avid swimmer ... i hope nto many ppl will swim if not how to swim w 2m width???

Some condo pool water are very chlorinated until ur skin starts to shrivell after few mins. :scared-4:

Small project usually pool are small dun expect much . Maybe think in a good way 25m is good already for small project :cheers4:

05-06-13, 09:40
agent said 25m.

prospectus put as estimated 50sqm.

if its 50sqms and its 25m long...that mean the width is only like 2 m?? :scared-4:

im an avid swimmer ... i hope nto many ppl will swim if not how to swim w 2m width???

Some condo pool water are very chlorinated until ur skin starts to shrivell after few mins. :scared-4:
Baby T....are u the one in the profile pic?

05-06-13, 09:42
I like the concept of this project. But recent ura trasactions show 13xx psf... So ex.
consider cheap already..pasir panjang...the price start at 16xx psf

05-06-13, 09:55
consider cheap already..pasir panjang...the price start at 16xx psf

Why u compare geylang with pasir panjang?

Pasir panjang is near NUS which has lots of tertiary students and professors.

Geylang is housing also lots of 'tertiary students' and PROfessors but of an entirely different league!

05-06-13, 09:56
consider cheap already..pasir panjang...the price start at 16xx psf

so lucky to buy one loft....the road in front of one loft...not many streetwalkers...Most of the streetwalkers were at Jalan Molek and Jalan Suka....

Do u think price of One loft will go up in 2015?

Btw, one loft, can it be considered as condo? or apartment?

05-06-13, 09:57
Why u compare geylang with pasir panjang?

Pasir panjang is near NUS which has lots of tertiary students and professors.

Geylang is housing also lots of 'tertiary students' and PROfessors but of an entirely different league!

.but one loft very near to City Hall...take MRT , 7 mins can reach liao...

05-06-13, 10:04
.but one loft very near to City Hall...take MRT , 7 mins can reach liao...

Pasir panjang nearer to tg pagar where the pink action is!!!

Unless you tell me pink action is in supreme court....

05-06-13, 10:06
.but one loft very near to City Hall...take MRT , 7 mins can reach liao...
the only difference between geylang and pasir panjang is that...at geylang , u will see many indian and bangla workers, whereas at pasir panjang u will see more causacian....

so staying at geylang is like staying in india and bangladesh

05-06-13, 10:09
the only difference between geylang and pasir panjang is that...at geylang , u will see many indian and bangla workers, whereas at pasir panjang u will see more causacian....

so staying at geylang is like staying in india and bangladesh

U said it! Not me hor

05-06-13, 10:37
U said it! Not me hor

whats wrong staying with bangla and indian?They are also human being...we all are equal...please dont look at skin colour please....

05-06-13, 11:23
I like the concept of this project. But recent ura trasactions show 13xx psf... So ex.

I think that's the price of projects in the vicinity? Can anyone enlighten me?

05-06-13, 12:12
whats wrong staying with bangla and indian?They are also human being...we all are equal...please dont look at skin colour please....

Hello. Precisely in indian society, there is caste system. Nobody is talking about skin color. So please dun act holier than thou.

05-06-13, 12:14
I think that's the price of projects in the vicinity? Can anyone enlighten me?

It was advertised as 11xx psf. I suppose caveats are before the developer discounts.

05-06-13, 12:47
I think that's the price of projects in the vicinity? Can anyone enlighten me?

do a search on the condo in geylang in URA website to check the ceveat logged.


05-06-13, 13:51
agent said 25m.

prospectus put as estimated 50sqm.

if its 50sqms and its 25m long...that mean the width is only like 2 m?? :scared-4:

im an avid swimmer ... i hope nto many ppl will swim if not how to swim w 2m width???

Some condo pool water are very chlorinated until ur skin starts to shrivell after few mins. :scared-4:

The pool seems very small when i look at the model. Thought there is a chance that i can go there with the kids on weekend. :)

05-06-13, 15:13
make sure don't play w water gun and shoot into 4th level units along the pool haha. :D

05-06-13, 17:34
make sure don't play w water gun and shoot into 4th level units along the pool haha. :D
babyt..dunno when one loft can complete..i wana move in...my current landlord..avery 3 months increase rental for my room...sien

05-06-13, 18:15
rontan, I guess u r not local if not why the need to rent room?

I cant help u to expedite developer to build faster. lol.

05-06-13, 20:13
rontan, I guess u r not local if not why the need to rent room?

I cant help u to expedite developer to build faster. lol.

i am malaysian

06-06-13, 12:40

i am malaysian

My assistant used to pay 1250 just for a condo room...... so expensive.......

06-06-13, 13:50
My assistant used to pay 1250 just for a condo room...... so expensive.......

I used to pay 675 for a hdb 3rm flat. So cheap...

06-06-13, 19:41
next time I hold a steamboat party at my open balcony. eat n spit the fish bones downstair on the whores and other unsavoury lurkers.


was driving along lor 24 before going to 1suite showroom and the fat bellied pros were standing with umbrella. so hot 12pm they still stand there. business must be bad.

06-06-13, 22:14
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08-06-13, 00:59
Baby T

thks for the pics :) I jus realised that i did not open up the fridge to see how small it is.... ahhaha..

Do u guys not think that the wardrobes are kinda small.. ? plus there is no store room, where to put barang barangs??

08-06-13, 01:05
do a search on the condo in geylang in URA website to check the ceveat logged.


hey, #1 is listed like first there le.... so easy to find! its really the #1 of the 1s... hahha..;)

08-06-13, 08:31
Baby T

thks for the pics :) I jus realised that i did not open up the fridge to see how small it is.... ahhaha..

Do u guys not think that the wardrobes are kinda small.. ? plus there is no store room, where to put barang barangs??

small fridge means stock up less food, less junk food, more visit to Sheng Shiong nearby and dont cook at home.

but well guess u can buy a bigger fridge but that will take up space.

08-06-13, 08:32
Baby T

thks for the pics :) I jus realised that i did not open up the fridge to see how small it is.... ahhaha..

Do u guys not think that the wardrobes are kinda small.. ? plus there is no store room, where to put barang barangs??

put at the balcony loh..

08-06-13, 08:33
small fridge means stock up less food, less junk food, more visit to Sheng Shiong nearby and dont cook at home.

but well guess u can buy a bigger fridge but that will take up space.

BABT....i presume u will be staying on the lower floor....would u rent out the room on the upper floor..?

08-06-13, 09:10
im not renting out. if rent out, will wait until 2-3yrs after staying in. will rent out whole.

08-06-13, 14:17
im not renting out. if rent out, will wait until 2-3yrs after staying in. will rent out whole.

If your prospective tenant(s) is or are person or people who indulge in the D14 trade, will you rent to that tenant(s) (assuming the tenant(s) is or are agreeable to your price)?

08-06-13, 14:39
If your prospective tenant(s) is or are person or people who indulge in the D14 trade, will you rent to that tenant(s) (assuming the tenant(s) is or are agreeable to your price)?

What trade is that? D14 has many different trades like coffeeshops, durian sellers, banks, religious buildings, markets offices, brothels, massage parlours etc...

08-06-13, 19:13
im an owner with conscious n responsible to my neighbours. I wouldn't want my house to be dirty by bad aura from whores.

08-06-13, 19:32
put at the balcony loh..

my balcony is open air one....cannot put barang barang or bigger fridge.

but I will be making sun dried tomatoes, cuttle fish, dried chilli, dried fruits to preserve my food to last longer.

08-06-13, 21:52
my balcony is open air one....cannot put barang barang or bigger fridge.

but I will be making sun dried tomatoes, cuttle fish, dried chilli, dried fruits to preserve my food to last longer.

BabyT..whats the project manager's name for this development?

08-06-13, 22:30
Shall we buy the red lantens in bulk ? Can get cheaper price.

Any ideas where to buy red lantens and mirrors for the ceiling ? Haha.

08-06-13, 23:45
BabyT..whats the project manager's name for this development?

his name is Vernon.

09-06-13, 07:14
his name is Vernon.
oh..u called him b4? what info did u ask from him?

09-06-13, 09:55
Cleaner and cleaner. Hear of such news almost every other week.


Fifty foreign nationals were arrested over the week during a four-day bust by Bedok Police Division officers.The operation, targeted at four public entertainment outlets, started on June 4 and ended on Friday.Enforcement checks were carried out at four public entertainment outlets located along Joo Chiat Road and Geylang.Police said in a statement on Saturday that 49 female foreigners and one man, also a foreign national, age between 18 and 37, were arrested for unlawful employment offences.


09-06-13, 10:03
oh..u called him b4? what info did u ask from him?

hmm didnt i mentioned in previous posting before that i called him?

u refer back to previous postings.

09-06-13, 14:52
Cleaner and cleaner. Hear of such news almost every other week.


Fifty foreign nationals were arrested over the week during a four-day bust by Bedok Police Division officers.The operation, targeted at four public entertainment outlets, started on June 4 and ended on Friday.Enforcement checks were carried out at four public entertainment outlets located along Joo Chiat Road and Geylang.Police said in a statement on Saturday that 49 female foreigners and one man, also a foreign national, age between 18 and 37, were arrested for unlawful employment offences.


So many foreign talents arrested. Shame shame.

09-06-13, 15:26
Cleaner and cleaner. Hear of such news almost every other week.


Fifty foreign nationals were arrested over the week during a four-day bust by Bedok Police Division officers.The operation, targeted at four public entertainment outlets, started on June 4 and ended on Friday.Enforcement checks were carried out at four public entertainment outlets located along Joo Chiat Road and Geylang.Police said in a statement on Saturday that 49 female foreigners and one man, also a foreign national, age between 18 and 37, were arrested for unlawful employment offences.


any decent girl sld not walk around or loiter around wait kenna raid n police mistaken u as 1 and bring back station. got raid better than no raid la.

10-06-13, 19:04
any decent girl sld not walk around or loiter around wait kenna raid n police mistaken u as 1 and bring back station. got raid better than no raid la.
...babyT....why so silent today?..no site progress at all for one loft?

10-06-13, 23:22
...babyT....why so silent today?..no site progress at all for one loft?

u go find out n tell us lor

11-06-13, 17:11
u go find out n tell us lor

u so close with the developer...u go and ask Vernon la.

16-06-13, 22:43
I passed by lor 24, its not too crowded, most pp are hanging about near jalan suka, molek side (not warm meh!?!).

Work on Octet has started, no action for loft!
the houses in the plot there seems to be inhabited. also i believe 3 units of houses between loft n octet dun wanna sell... hmmm.. any ideas why?

17-06-13, 08:07
I passed by lor 24, its not too crowded, most pp are hanging about near jalan suka, molek side (not warm meh!?!).

Work on Octet has started, no action for loft!
the houses in the plot there seems to be inhabited. also i believe 3 units of houses between loft n octet dun wanna sell... hmmm.. any ideas why?

That's edenz loft..not octet

17-06-13, 08:55
I passed by lor 24, its not too crowded, most pp are hanging about near jalan suka, molek side (not warm meh!?!).

Nothing to do after work so join in the crowd.:D

17-06-13, 08:58
I passed by lor 24, its not too crowded, most pp are hanging about near jalan suka, molek side (not warm meh!?!).

Work on Octet has started, no action for loft!
the houses in the plot there seems to be inhabited. also i believe 3 units of houses between loft n octet dun wanna sell... hmmm.. any ideas why?

HI Bro, "the houses in the plot there seems to be inhabited"...which landed unit are u referrring to?

17-06-13, 09:14
Nothing to do after work so join in the crowd.:D

dont anyhow join, wait police raid, catch u also. :D

scarkker, the entire stretch is enbloc right? not sure if the 2-3units there selling or not.

17-06-13, 12:27
dont anyhow join, wait police raid, catch u also. :D

scarkker, the entire stretch is enbloc right? not sure if the 2-3units there selling or not.

I drove by ... dint even get out of car. Generally speaking daytime feels quite safe la.. i dun think e police will catch me, i totally do not look like a patron ;)

HI Bro, "the houses in the plot there seems to be inhabited"...which landed unit are u referrring to?

Its the first couple of units beside the kopitiam..which are supposed to be enbloc for loft.. But I also saw on the URA plans that 2-3 of the units (eg. no 9) not selling..and they r the only ones in the entire stretch who are not selling..??

Any ideas?

17-06-13, 13:24
no idea as well.

then they will stick like a sore thumb among the 4 beauties of geylang lor 24.

17-06-13, 13:45
Private Residential Units* Sold in the Month of May 2013 to date.

1 Loft = 5 out of 80 unsold.
1 Suites = 111 out of 112 unsold.
The Octet = 49 out of 56 unsold.

17-06-13, 16:41
Private Residential Units* Sold in the Month of May 2013 to date.

1 Loft = 5 out of 80 unsold.
1 Suites = 111 out of 112 unsold.
The Octet = 49 out of 56 unsold.

BABYT....one loft selling so well....

17-06-13, 18:17
Octet doesnt seem to be selling fast.

normal MM layout and nearer to Suka and Molek.

17-06-13, 18:19
Octet doesnt seem to be selling fast.

normal MM layout and nearer to Suka and Molek.
babyT , since scakkers saying that the residents already moving out from the landed property(One Loft Site)..i presume the demolition works would start soon.....what Mr Vernon told me was correct....the demolition works scheduled to be commenced in July 2013

17-06-13, 23:08
Private Residential Units* Sold in the Month of May 2013 to date.

1 Loft = 5 out of 80 unsold.
1 Suites = 111 out of 112 unsold.
The Octet = 49 out of 56 unsold.

Unless the agents r bluffing us again, i think 1loft is left with just 1 unit. I saw on the sticker board on dsiplay... Level 2 corner unit left... who wants to be my future neighbor? :D

BabyT, where do u get the statistics from?

18-06-13, 00:40

18-06-13, 07:12
Unless the agents r bluffing us again, i think 1loft is left with just 1 unit. I saw on the sticker board on dsiplay... Level 2 corner unit left... who wants to be my future neighbor? :D

BabyT, where do u get the statistics from?

Scarker...i Believe some of the buyer still awaiting for bank approval....They have chop the unit....but havent execute the S&P and sign on the bank letter of offer....

18-06-13, 14:38

thanks man!

19-06-13, 13:11
Unless the agents r bluffing us again, i think 1loft is left with just 1 unit. I saw on the sticker board on dsiplay... Level 2 corner unit left... who wants to be my future neighbor? :D

BabyT, where do u get the statistics from?

I heard #1 Loft is fully sold.

20-06-13, 13:08
Locating all the buyers, anyone received call from the bank & is in challenge of the revised loan. Please contact me.

Real buyers of 1Loft only please.

20-06-13, 13:35
Locating all the buyers, anyone received call from the bank & is in challenge of the revised loan. Please contact me.

Real buyers of 1Loft only please.

i am one of the buyer...who is affected by the revised loan..

20-06-13, 14:11
Can you elaborate more on the revised bank loan? I m using uob

20-06-13, 15:13
Can you elaborate more on the revised bank loan? I m using uob
Baby T...my condo, price reflected in s&p is 722k,based on agent and banker's recommendation, I can take 80% home loan which the amount is $577,600.00...however ,recently,cpf found out that developer has paid the 10% goodwill downpayment....hence , the cpf said this Is not correct..and the loan shall be 70% of s&p price...bcos of this.. We have top up another 10% downpayment..

20-06-13, 15:33
Come 2015 no more chicken liao!:p why must it be 2015? Can enlighten me on this matter?

20-06-13, 17:16
Baby T...my condo, price reflected in s&p is 722k,based on agent and banker's recommendation, I can take 80% home loan which the amount is $577,600.00...however ,recently,cpf found out that developer has paid the 10% goodwill downpayment....hence , the cpf said this Is not correct..and the loan shall be 70% of s&p price...bcos of this.. We have top up another 10% downpayment..

Happens to me too. The developer should be in some shit. Did you ask CPF what should be the stamp duty then?

Shouldn't it be based on the sum after the goodwill amount?

How can 2 government takes 2 different prices as purchase price for their advantage.

I want to write in. Anyone interested?

20-06-13, 21:19
Baby T...my condo, price reflected in s&p is 722k,based on agent and banker's recommendation, I can take 80% home loan which the amount is $577,600.00...however ,recently,cpf found out that developer has paid the 10% goodwill downpayment....hence , the cpf said this Is not correct..and the loan shall be 70% of s&p price...bcos of this.. We have top up another 10% downpayment..

u didnt inform bank agent of the 10% discount? My lawyer even asked me to declare the 10% discount. I did n the loan is based on total amt after discount given so that means im not caught in ur situation.

20-06-13, 23:24
u didnt inform bank agent of the 10% discount? My lawyer even asked me to declare the 10% discount. I did n the loan is based on total amt after discount given so that means im not caught in ur situation.
So babyT..the banker asked me to top up the 10% downpayment once the foundation works are completed....hv u paid the 10% for foundation works?

20-06-13, 23:34
havent pay. no update from lawyer.

20-06-13, 23:38
So babyT..the banker asked me to top up the 10% downpayment once the foundation works are completed....hv u paid the 10% for foundation works?

I would guesstimate the 10% to be called around 9-12 mths time?

20-06-13, 23:40
So babyT..the banker asked me to top up the 10% downpayment once the foundation works are completed....hv u paid the 10% for foundation works?

if construction delay due to haze, will u be sad? :D

21-06-13, 15:53
if construction delay due to haze, will u be sad? :D

24-06-13, 08:23
So babyT..the banker asked me to top up the 10% downpayment once the foundation works are completed....hv u paid the 10% for foundation works?

I believe this is not what the agent advises?

Have you guys thought about the inflated stamp duties that you will be paying then?

Day by Day, I am finding the trust level in the developer dropping.

1. Bank Loan Arrangement

2. No 1 Suites

3. Resistance to attend to queries

I hope the list does not build on. We are buying a S$600+ asset after all.

24-06-13, 09:03
Cleaner and cleaner by the day.

Almost every other week got cleaning.

The only gay lang in this village believes Geylang's true value will explode in next 5 years.

SINGAPORE: Forty-six people were arrested for unlawful employment offences in a crackdown which ended early Sunday morning.Enforcement checks were carried out at public entertainment outlets in Geylang in a police operation that spanned eight hours.The operation involved officers from Bedok Police Division and the Criminal Investigation Department.All 46 arrested were foreigners, of which 45 were women. Those arrested were aged between 18 and 30 years old.Investigations are ongoing.Commander of Bedok Police Division, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police (DAC) How Kwang Hwee, said: "Police will continue to clamp down on criminal activities at public entertainment outlets. Those found engaging in illicit activities will be dealt with in accordance to the law".- CNA/jc

Adam Goi
24-06-13, 11:21
Cleaner and cleaner by the day.

Almost every other week got cleaning.

The only gay lang in this village believes Geylang's true value will explode in next 5 years.

SINGAPORE: Forty-six people were arrested for unlawful employment offences in a crackdown which ended early Sunday morning.Enforcement checks were carried out at public entertainment outlets in Geylang in a police operation that spanned eight hours.The operation involved officers from Bedok Police Division and the Criminal Investigation Department.All 46 arrested were foreigners, of which 45 were women. Those arrested were aged between 18 and 30 years old.Investigations are ongoing.Commander of Bedok Police Division, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police (DAC) How Kwang Hwee, said: "Police will continue to clamp down on criminal activities at public entertainment outlets. Those found engaging in illicit activities will be dealt with in accordance to the law".- CNA/jc

Chey, this is not the first time it's happening; the media has been reporting this and SPF have been making press releases of such but I can assure you come back the next day, this area will look as if nothing has changed.

I welcome raids and arrest of streetwalkers but they do not solve the root of the problem. Homeowners, your current and future neighbours can freely lease their units to vice operators. The brothel operators are relatively safe from the police. How often do you read brothel operators are arrested and even charged and then given a heavy sentence? No?

Until these processes are addressed, I am not hopefully this area, at least Lorong 24 will be 'cleaner', let alone, 'the true value will explode in the next 5 years'.

I have been a resident here for the last four decades and have been pressuring the authorities to do the right thing, encountering obstacles after obstacles. I'm still fighting for a safer home for myself, my aging mom and my few neighbours. Hence I find statements saying this place will be cleaned up are simply incredible and irresponsible.

I'm not asking you to prove me wrong; you can't. Only the authorities can do it and they know how. The ball in is their court.

24-06-13, 14:23

U cannot blame the landlord for renting the house to vice operators ...i believe , According to the signed tenancy agreement, any immoral activities shall not be carried out within the apartment unit...Hence, if the tenant has decided to carry out vice activities in the apartment...is not the fault of the landlord....

Chey, this is not the first time it's happening; the media has been reporting this and SPF have been making press releases of such but I can assure you come back the next day, this area will look as if nothing has changed.

I welcome raids and arrest of streetwalkers but they do not solve the root of the problem. Homeowners, your current and future neighbours can freely lease their units to vice operators. The brothel operators are relatively safe from the police. How often do you read brothel operators are arrested and even charged and then given a heavy sentence? No?

Until these processes are addressed, I am not hopefully this area, at least Lorong 24 will be 'cleaner', let alone, 'the true value will explode in the next 5 years'.

I have been a resident here for the last four decades and have been pressuring the authorities to do the right thing, encountering obstacles after obstacles. I'm still fighting for a safer home for myself, my aging mom and my few neighbours. Hence I find statements saying this place will be cleaned up are simply incredible and irresponsible.

I'm not asking you to prove me wrong; you can't. Only the authorities can do it and they know how. The ball in is their court.

24-06-13, 14:32
Mr Goi. U responding to me? Where did i say Geylang will be cleaned up?

I only said cleaner.

Pls stop misquoting people to further whatever agenda you have. Maybe you wanna start quoting responsibly before calling others irresponsible for having an opinion. No need to shoot the messenger. Thanks.

24-06-13, 15:19
ADAM, if u want to eradicate vice at your place, u should let the developer enbloc your house....let the developer to build a new condo at your place...with this, the price of the condo at Lorong 24 will shoot up to $2,000.00/sqft...

Chey, this is not the first time it's happening; the media has been reporting this and SPF have been making press releases of such but I can assure you come back the next day, this area will look as if nothing has changed.

I welcome raids and arrest of streetwalkers but they do not solve the root of the problem. Homeowners, your current and future neighbours can freely lease their units to vice operators. The brothel operators are relatively safe from the police. How often do you read brothel operators are arrested and even charged and then given a heavy sentence? No?

Until these processes are addressed, I am not hopefully this area, at least Lorong 24 will be 'cleaner', let alone, 'the true value will explode in the next 5 years'.

I have been a resident here for the last four decades and have been pressuring the authorities to do the right thing, encountering obstacles after obstacles. I'm still fighting for a safer home for myself, my aging mom and my few neighbours. Hence I find statements saying this place will be cleaned up are simply incredible and irresponsible.

I'm not asking you to prove me wrong; you can't. Only the authorities can do it and they know how. The ball in is their court.

24-06-13, 20:17
I have been a resident here for the last four decades and have been pressuring the authorities to do the right thing, encountering obstacles after obstacles. I'm still fighting for a safer home for myself, my aging mom and my few neighbours. Hence I find statements saying this place will be cleaned up are simply incredible and irresponsible.

Last time and now is different. Last time not so many enbloc, now lots of enbloc with new apartments. So things might change for the better. Get developer to enbloc Jalan Suka and Jalan Molex as well, it will be even cleaner for Lor 24.:ashamed1:

UNLESS the vice operator is making use of the whole apartment instead of the landed ppty that they are using now, then will be jialat liow.:scared-3:

24-06-13, 20:39
i doubt the operators will buy 1 entire block of condo to do business la.

last time can use terrace houses to host but enbloc liao, they have to find somewhere to house these chickens. condo too expensive n too good life for these cheap chickens.

24-06-13, 21:13
i doubt the operators will buy 1 entire block of condo to do business la.

last time can use terrace houses to host but enbloc liao, they have to find somewhere to house these chickens. condo too expensive n too good life for these cheap chickens.

BabyT....strongly agree with u...last time Lorong 28 Geylang...many chicken too....now with so many developments there, it seems like not much vice activities over there......

24-06-13, 21:22
BabyT....strongly agree with u...last time Lorong 28 Geylang...many chicken too....now with so many developments there, it seems like not much vice activities over there......

They are on call.:D

Adam Goi
24-06-13, 21:30
Mr Goi. U responding to me? Where did i say Geylang will be cleaned up?

I only said cleaner.

Pls stop misquoting people to further whatever agenda you have. Maybe you wanna start quoting responsibly before calling others irresponsible for having an opinion. No need to shoot the messenger. Thanks.

Now I throw the ball back to you since you're addressing me directly. Since when did I say, you claimed that Geylang will clean up? That's misquoting me and don't think that is responsible.

Anyway, it's clear our agendas are very different, if you even bother to follow what has transpired so far in this thread.

Clearly our agendas are different; you seemed to be more interested in ROI while we're more concerned with safety. Hence there's no point prolonging this debate as it goes nowhere, upsetting everyone.

I stand by what I said and as usual, my usual friendly advice to all prospective investors and as well interested home-buyers remain: before you buy your property here, really do your homework and for those of us who have bought it, do think through what you can do now to pressure the authorities to take the right actions to manage vice activities here which takes a lot of time and effort. It is already far more complicating for a resident to learn and 'appreciate' over the years, let alone for newcomers.

As for rontan_83, I rest my case.

At the end of day, it's safer streets to all and better

25-06-13, 08:14
Now I throw the ball back to you since you're addressing me directly. Since when did I say, you claimed that Geylang will clean up? That's misquoting me and don't think that is responsible.

Anyway, it's clear our agendas are very different, if you even bother to follow what has transpired so far in this thread.

Clearly our agendas are different; you seemed to be more interested in ROI while we're more concerned with safety. Hence there's no point prolonging this debate as it goes nowhere, upsetting everyone.

I stand by what I said and as usual, my usual friendly advice to all prospective investors and as well interested home-buyers remain: before you buy your property here, really do your homework and for those of us who have bought it, do think through what you can do now to pressure the authorities to take the right actions to manage vice activities here which takes a lot of time and effort. It is already far more complicating for a resident to learn and 'appreciate' over the years, let alone for newcomers.

As for rontan_83, I rest my case.

At the end of day, it's safer streets to all and better

Maybe i am mistaken. You quoted my post and said "You". I guess you are making a general statement and not referring specifically to me. If so I apologise.

Regardless, I think what you are doing for Lor 24 is applaudable. I wish you all the best.

25-06-13, 12:39
Adam is really doing something great to rid the place of vice, STDs, violence and crime. You have my support for what you are doing.

25-06-13, 14:14
Adam is really doing something great to rid the place of vice, STDs, violence and crime. You have my support for what you are doing.

ya , u are correct...haha

27-06-13, 17:03
Baby T...my condo, price reflected in s&p is 722k,based on agent and banker's recommendation, I can take 80% home loan which the amount is $577,600.00...however ,recently,cpf found out that developer has paid the 10% goodwill downpayment....hence , the cpf said this Is not correct..and the loan shall be 70% of s&p price...bcos of this.. We have top up another 10% downpayment..

Hi! Am new here. Yup kana the same predicament too :( so last min cock up.
Because of this lawyer say the bsd and legal fee refund will be delayed too! Grumph..... Anyone received their refunds yet?

27-06-13, 17:09
welcome. another own of 1loft.

27-06-13, 20:32
welcome. another own of 1loft.

BabyT....One loft sold out in 4months time....do u think this project will become successful?

27-06-13, 21:13
Has the site been cordoned off ready to demolish current standing buildings?

27-06-13, 21:16
Has the site been cordoned off ready to demolish current standing buildings?
Haven't hoarded yet....the place still occupied by foreign worker...

27-06-13, 22:47
u said July mah.

July good. my birthday mth. :D

I turning 32 next Thurs...i hope i can get the key before 35 yo.

I hope the project is of good build !.

28-06-13, 01:00
u said July mah.

July good. my birthday mth. :D

I turning 32 next Thurs...i hope i can get the key before 35 yo.

I hope the project is of good build !.

July also must have some signs mah now haven't even enclosed.

28-06-13, 12:31
Just wondering who had bought a unit already.

We can have bbq together before taking keys.

Ernst - 6th Floor

28-06-13, 16:12
Just drove by lor 24 around 2pm. Saw a number of chickens mainly pinoys n a few in sari! Even saw a young chicken hugging an old man w ciggie in a hand.

The area for 1loft not yet border up.

28-06-13, 16:25
Just drove by lor 24 around 2pm. Saw a number of chickens mainly pinoys n a few in sari! Even saw a young chicken hugging an old man w ciggie in a hand.

The area for 1loft not yet border up.
Baby T, if rent to OKT...can get $5000 per month right?

28-06-13, 19:30
u try lor. I dun want my house to be filled w negative aura.

29-06-13, 10:25
u try lor. I dun want my house to be filled w negative aura.
wont happen la..u can clean up and renovate again..haha

29-06-13, 13:04
u like to joke w me openly in this thread right?

babyt is a guy not a gal. don't tease me leh. :millie:

29-06-13, 15:03
u like to joke w me openly in this thread right?

babyt is a guy not a gal. don't tease me leh. :millie:
If the ROI so high...why not?...haha

29-06-13, 15:48
If the ROI so high...why not?...haha

If really renting out please make sure tenants must be pretty hor or else I sure complain!! ;)

29-06-13, 17:07
rontan better don't rent to these chickens...wait they dun wan pay u money, ask u come and use their service for free n create trouble for u...ur gf will be angry. :D

29-06-13, 21:52
Since a few policy think 5k is easy to earn, u must know the risk as a landlord.

- tenant of such character may default on rental
- they may peddle drug, operate loan shark n gambling on ur premise.

- ppl die in ur house due to sex drug or heart attack whatever.

- house illegal immigrants.
- stay put n dun leave ur house.

End of the day, landlord gets prosecuted as well. Not worth the risk unless above are ur own business.

29-06-13, 23:06
Since a few policy think 5k is easy to earn, u must know the risk as a landlord.

- tenant of such character may default on rental
- they may peddle drug, operate loan shark n gambling on ur premise.

- ppl die in ur house due to sex drug or heart attack whatever.

- house illegal immigrants.
- stay put n dun leave ur house.

End of the day, landlord gets prosecuted as well. Not worth the risk unless above are ur own business.
As stated in the S&P agreement, the expected TOP date is December 2018...do u think the developer will drag the construction ? Can it be TOP in 2015?..seems like the site is yet to be hoarded up..this is worrying me

29-06-13, 23:57
i m not in urgent to stay. meanwhile earn n save $$ before the full mthly payment kicks in.

30-06-13, 02:48
I believe this is not what the agent advises?

Have you guys thought about the inflated stamp duties that you will be paying then?

Day by Day, I am finding the trust level in the developer dropping.

1. Bank Loan Arrangement

2. No 1 Suites

3. Resistance to attend to queries

I hope the list does not build on. We are buying a S$600+ asset after all.

Ernsttay, ur point 3 - Who did u talk to wrt your queries? i hope its not the same vernon guy again?

ya, something fishy with the bank loan ... i know too

30-06-13, 08:42
I did not receive or informed by my lawyer about any inflated stamp duty till now. Is it to the 10% discount not declared earlier to ur bank cpf n lawyer?

I tot the Project Manager was OK to talk to.

01-07-13, 12:41
Ernsttay, ur point 3 - Who did u talk to wrt your queries? i hope its not the same vernon guy again?

ya, something fishy with the bank loan ... i know too

Yes, its Vernon.

He is a friendly guy but can't really help on the more important problem, bank loan repayment for one.

01-07-13, 12:42
I did not receive or informed by my lawyer about any inflated stamp duty till now. Is it to the 10% discount not declared earlier to ur bank cpf n lawyer?

I tot the Project Manager was OK to talk to.

I also think he is a nice guy but just doesn't seems to be able to help on the loan problem. This thing might just get bigger and bigger.

I do not want to comment more on it till i get a reply from the company.

01-07-13, 15:10
I did not receive or informed by my lawyer about any inflated stamp duty till now. Is it to the 10% discount not declared earlier to ur bank cpf n lawyer?

I tot the Project Manager was OK to talk to.

Can u assist to call the developer and find out the date for the building demolition works?

01-07-13, 23:17
Rontan, are u able to share w me ur unit space breakdown?

Unit Type: A1-P

Estimated Total Floor Area: 51sqm appx :

Master bedroom (including attached toilet): 10 sqm appx
Living/ Dining / Kitchen: 18 sqm appx
Bath 2 :3sqm appx
Aircon ledge: 1 sqm appx
Strata Void: 9 sqm appx
Staircase: 4 sqm appx
Planter: 1 sqm appx
Open roof Terrance: 5 sqm appx

02-07-13, 20:13
Rontan, are u able to share w me ur unit space breakdown?

Unit Type: A1-P

Estimated Total Floor Area: 51sqm appx :

Master bedroom (including attached toilet): 10 sqm appx
Living/ Dining / Kitchen: 18 sqm appx
Bath 2 :3sqm appx
Aircon ledge: 1 sqm appx
Strata Void: 9 sqm appx
Staircase: 4 sqm appx
Planter: 1 sqm appx
Open roof Terrance: 5 sqm appx

Lower Storey : 26sqm
Included AC Ledge 1sqm & Balcony 3 sqm

Upper Storey : 26sqm
Included AC Ledge 1sqm & Balcony 3 sqm, Strata Void 10sqm

02-07-13, 20:14
Can u assist to call the developer and find out the date for the building demolition works?
Can u help to call for me?

03-07-13, 16:01
Dear All,

I have called the architect for this project this morning...According to the architect, the demolition works will commence by end of July 2013.. For foundation works, it is expected to be completed by End December 2013....

The targeted TOP date is March 2015.

03-07-13, 21:17
Dear All,

I have called the architect for this project this morning...According to the architect, the demolition works will commence by end of July 2013.. For foundation works, it is expected to be completed by End December 2013....

The targeted TOP date is March 2015.

Foundation works so fast, like that must prepare the 10% soon.:scared-3:

03-07-13, 22:36
Foundation works so fast, like that must prepare the 10% soon.:scared-3:

If you loan from the bank 80%, the bank will disburse it and you repay the bank monthly using CPF or cash.

03-07-13, 23:25
my bank loan will kick in when the 5% for the partition walls come in

the first 40% must be in cash $$$$$$ :2cents: :2cents: :scared-4:

03-07-13, 23:31
If you loan from the bank 80%, the bank will disburse it and you repay the bank monthly using CPF or cash.

80% that's where the problem lies :p

04-07-13, 10:34
Hi, isn't there progressive payments for the 80%?

04-07-13, 11:04
Hi, isn't there progressive payments for the 80%?

Sorry I meant the problem is I didn't borrow 80% so like Babyt I will start paying when they start calling for the funds. Sorry if I caused any confusions :D

04-07-13, 17:32
Dunno my open roof balcony can put in this swing chair?


04-07-13, 18:15
Dunno my open roof balcony can put in this swing chair?

BabyT....put it for what...u can only see chicken touting for client....it is an eyesore

04-07-13, 18:55
I m waiting to spray water gun from my unit down. I said that many times. :D

maybe add some black ink to spolit dirty their makeup and hot pant. :tongue3:

05-07-13, 12:59
BabyT....put it for what...u can only see chicken touting for client....it is an eyesore

The balcony is so small. Have to swing inside loh.

05-07-13, 13:08
I m waiting to spray water gun from my unit down. I said that many times. :D

maybe add some black ink to spolit dirty their makeup and hot pant. :tongue3:
i reckon that BabyT is property agent....Since day 1 u only saying good things about one loft...

05-07-13, 13:15
For the benefits of all those affected,

(A) Purchase Price (Before Discount) : S$750k
(B) Discount -10% : S$75k
(C) Discount : S$10k
(D) Purchase Price (After Discount) : S$665k

1. Stamp Duty + Additional Stamp Duty (5%) (If for investment)
(A) is being used as purchase price.
Stamp Duty = S$54,600

(D) is being used as purchase price.
Stamp Duty = S$47,800

Under common practice, (A) is being used as purchase price

2. Bank Loan
(A) is being used as purchase price in the bank loan.
80% = S$600,000 (Need to pay S$150k upfront)

(D) is being used as purchase price in the bank loan.
80% = S$532,000 (Need to pay S$218k upfront)

We thus have a scenario where IRAS charge a stamp duty on the higher
purchase value (not beneficial to buyer) and MAS restricting the loan amount to a lower value (not beneficial to buyer) which is atrocious but is a reality and common practice.

Also, the difference in the bank loan has to be topped up fully when the first 10% is being called up. (S$68k as above) and is NOT to be topped up progressively. (advised by the lawyer). This is because MAS has a regulation that full purchase price has to be contracted via a bank loan with the difference in cash.

Hope this help.

05-07-13, 15:42
i reckon that BabyT is property agent....Since day 1 u only saying good things about one loft...

I invite u to my house n have tea at the open balcony. we can 'beo' at the chickens downstair.

05-07-13, 17:03
For the benefits of all those affected,

(A) Purchase Price (Before Discount) : S$750k
(B) Discount -10% : S$75k
(C) Discount : S$10k
(D) Purchase Price (After Discount) : S$665k

1. Stamp Duty + Additional Stamp Duty (5%) (If for investment)
(A) is being used as purchase price.
Stamp Duty = S$54,600

(D) is being used as purchase price.
Stamp Duty = S$47,800

Under common practice, (A) is being used as purchase price

2. Bank Loan
(A) is being used as purchase price in the bank loan.
80% = S$600,000 (Need to pay S$150k upfront)

(D) is being used as purchase price in the bank loan.
80% = S$532,000 (Need to pay S$218k upfront)

We thus have a scenario where IRAS charge a stamp duty on the higher
purchase value (not beneficial to buyer) and MAS restricting the loan amount to a lower value (not beneficial to buyer) which is atrocious but is a reality and common practice.

Also, the difference in the bank loan has to be topped up fully when the first 10% is being called up. (S$68k as above) and is NOT to be topped up progressively. (advised by the lawyer). This is because MAS has a regulation that full purchase price has to be contracted via a bank loan with the difference in cash.

Hope this help.

do u want IRAS to revise the stamp duty payment?

06-07-13, 12:12
rontan (I often typed as rotan *pain pain*)

are u sporty? got join upcoming triathlon in sept??

08-07-13, 21:29
rontan (I often typed as rotan *pain pain*)

are u sporty? got join upcoming triathlon in sept??

No..i will not join

17-07-13, 13:11

17-07-13, 16:00

There are more photos here :D


17-07-13, 21:15
good. do more raids there...by 2015 all will move to somewhere else. :D

18-07-13, 13:50
There are more photos here :D


HIV is known to be able to spread through saliva and bite wounds are particularly full of bacteria and other contaminants. This Prositute should be screened for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases e.g. Hep B, syphillis, gonorrhoea etc. This is what happens when vice is not cleared out in it's infancy, they simply just become more daring and openly peddle their trade in borad day light.:doh:

18-07-13, 14:00
Rontan, are u able to share w me ur unit space breakdown?

Unit Type: A1-P

Estimated Total Floor Area: 51sqm appx :

Master bedroom (including attached toilet): 10 sqm appx
Living/ Dining / Kitchen: 18 sqm appx
Bath 2 :3sqm appx
Aircon ledge: 1 sqm appx
Strata Void: 9 sqm appx
Staircase: 4 sqm appx
Planter: 1 sqm appx
Open roof Terrance: 5 sqm appx

y the master bedrm + toilet so small? :eek:

18-07-13, 14:12
y the master bedrm + toilet so small? :eek:

Its meant for slim n beautiful ppl. I would prefer one big toilet though. Dunno y one bedder needs 2 toilets

18-07-13, 22:50
Its meant for slim n beautiful ppl. I would prefer one big toilet though. Dunno y one bedder needs 2 toilets

Sign.... your 1 bedder has 2 toilets whereas my 2 bedder has 1 toilet only.;)

18-07-13, 22:55

Wow, I was at Geylang that morning to have my dim sum at Lorong 17, then later went to Lorong 28. Never went to Lorong 24 on that morning which I normally did if I go to Geylang to see my uc apartment.

19-07-13, 08:05
sis iris no need to pass thru 24 to visit your uc prj rite...

19-07-13, 13:09
Its meant for slim n beautiful ppl. I would prefer one big toilet though. Dunno y one bedder needs 2 toilets

It's for people who wants to rent it out.

If you put a door at the stairs and one after the small kitchen, then you can rent out as 2 complete master bedroom with toilet of its own.

19-07-13, 22:37
sis iris no need to pass thru 24 to visit your uc prj rite...

No need. Normally we will either turn in from Lor 30 or Lor 31. Depending on which way we come from (Guillermard or Sims).

20-07-13, 12:48
Sign.... your 1 bedder has 2 toilets whereas my 2 bedder has 1 toilet only.;)

I convert 1 toilet to bedroom lor. :D then I have 3 bedders.

20-07-13, 19:05
I convert 1 toilet to bedroom lor. :D then I have 3 bedders.
mind to elaborate for the conversion of toilet to bedroom?

21-07-13, 06:58
sis yours so near cassia edge... its price will be brought up once more.

21-07-13, 07:53
sis yours so near cassia edge... its price will be brought up once more.

....Sis Iris. the one u bought is melosa?

21-07-13, 14:39
sis yours so near cassia edge... its price will be brought up once more.

Hope so but why? Actually I personally feel that Cassia Edge location is not bad, it is more towards the Guillemard side.

Sis Iris. the one u bought is melosa?

:cool: :cool:

22-07-13, 07:51
Hope so but why? Actually I personally feel that Cassia Edge location is not bad, it is more towards the Guillemard side.

:cool: :cool:

cassia is too near to main rd which is also a rather busy one at that. so will be noisy. new launches always launch at high price so it will boost up the pricing of the area.

22-07-13, 08:00
cassia is too near to main rd which is also a rather busy one at that. so will be noisy. new launches always launch at high price so it will boost up the pricing of the area.

OIC, thanks.

22-07-13, 10:34
cassia is too near to main rd which is also a rather busy one at that. so will be noisy. new launches always launch at high price so it will boost up the pricing of the area.

Agree, nearer to main road will be very dusty too.

22-07-13, 22:25
Agree, nearer to main road will be very dusty too.
dear all,

any site progress for one loft?

Xiao Hei
29-07-13, 08:55
dear all,

any site progress for one loft?

No progress for #1 Loft... it seems that the old tenant contract still not yet end.

The only progress is Edenz Loft.

Yesterday went there to see see look look... around 3pm... saw quite a number of heavy trucks....

To my surprise... there are not a single "chick" standing on the road of Lor 24... ( I did not went into Jalan Suka and Jalan Molek)

I went to the main road again and walk down to Lor 16 then back to Lor 24... that about 3:30PM... no chick at all... it is really rare to see quiet Lor 24... I only see some "hamsup" man standing on the road...

Hopefully the recent active raid and the heavy construction drive them out...

29-07-13, 09:54
Makes sense. Better not add on extra "dust" and "soot" to their already heavy makeup lol.

29-07-13, 13:45
No progress for #1 Loft... it seems that the old tenant contract still not yet end.

The only progress is Edenz Loft.

Yesterday went there to see see look look... around 3pm... saw quite a number of heavy trucks....

To my surprise... there are not a single "chick" standing on the road of Lor 24... ( I did not went into Jalan Suka and Jalan Molek)

I went to the main road again and walk down to Lor 16 then back to Lor 24... that about 3:30PM... no chick at all... it is really rare to see quiet Lor 24... I only see some "hamsup" man standing on the road...

Hopefully the recent active raid and the heavy construction drive them out...

Thanks for the updates.

Xiao Hei, u also bought a unit at one loft?

02-08-13, 00:17
dear all,

any site progress for one loft?

Ron Tan, 1 Aug already. Any progress for one loft ? Did you see if the chickens have died from bird flu ?

02-08-13, 15:07
Ron Tan, 1 Aug already. Any progress for one loft ? Did you see if the chickens have died from bird flu ?

no idea..bro...haha

05-08-13, 10:33
Just completed my 23 days of reservist, now I have time to surf web.

Wondering how's the progress for 1Loft. I have yet to drive down Lor 24 for a peek.

05-08-13, 11:16
Just completed my 23 days of reservist, now I have time to surf web.

Wondering how's the progress for 1Loft. I have yet to drive down Lor 24 for a peek.
...Please help me to check on the site progress of 1loft.thanks.

05-08-13, 22:25
...Please help me to check on the site progress of 1loft.thanks.

No barriers no nothing...

05-08-13, 23:28
i drove by lor 24 around 5pm today.

no barrier, no progress.

however, surprised to see no chickens standing. saw a police car parked and 2 policemen patrolling.

06-08-13, 05:53
i drove by lor 24 around 5pm today.

no barrier, no progress.

however, surprised to see no chickens standing. saw a police car parked and 2 policemen patrolling.
Babyt,,, u can call Mr Nat of JGP Architecture.....he is the architect for this project...tel no: six 3 3 nine 9 0 0 0...you may ask him on the status of the building demolition works for one loft....if being queried by him, u juz say u obtain his contact number from Mr Vernon(the developer)

06-08-13, 23:01
Babyt,,, u can call Mr Nat of JGP Architecture.....he is the architect for this project...tel no: six 3 3 nine 9 0 0 0...you may ask him on the status of the building demolition works for one loft....if being queried by him, u juz say u obtain his contact number from Mr Vernon(the developer)

Ron, you help us lah since you so resourceful.:ashamed1:

07-08-13, 09:28
space saving furnitures.

if we want to do such furnitures, must find good experience ones..




07-08-13, 14:39
Dear future neighbors,

from my understanding the buildings will be demolished sometime in late September / early October.

07-08-13, 14:50
Dear future neighbors,

from my understanding the buildings will be demolished sometime in late September / early October.

Many thanks...from where did u obtain this information?

07-08-13, 16:54
Hi Lemon Chamomile,

May I know which level are u staying?

07-08-13, 17:23
Babyt is not owner of one loft...he is property agent.....hahahahaha....hi agent babyt, thanks for your video clip on ikea furniture....really useful information..

07-08-13, 17:44
hi everyone,

I think someone is crazy here? keep accusing me of being agent just because im not concern why 1loft has yet to start work? (LIKE AS IF I CAN DO ANYHTING ABOUT IT?)

someone may be first time property owner, that does not mean everyone here needs to behave like him...

be sensible, developer is not going to speed up completion for u just because u have a louder voice. When u sign the agreement, u take the LEGAL COMPLETION 2018 as it. if they really hand over in 2018, u suck thumb.

I wouldn't bother much w a faceless forummer. at least I shown my face w mask.

07-08-13, 20:19
hi everyone,

I think someone is crazy here? keep accusing me of being agent just because im not concern why 1loft has yet to start work? (LIKE AS IF I CAN DO ANYHTING ABOUT IT?)

someone may be first time property owner, that does not mean everyone here needs to behave like him...

be sensible, developer is not going to speed up completion for u just because u have a louder voice. When u sign the agreement, u take the LEGAL COMPLETION 2018 as it. if they really hand over in 2018, u suck thumb.

I wouldn't bother much w a faceless forummer. at least I shown my face w mask.
Bro....my neighbour..i just kidding with u....don't take it seriously

10-08-13, 23:37
Better don't rush, rush work don't produce good result.;)

11-08-13, 00:07
Slow slow also good so my next payment also can delay... :D

11-08-13, 00:32
Many thanks...from where did u obtain this information?

long story short, i brought the last unit @ #1 loft recently as the previous buyer back out due to loan issue. So on 2 separate occasion when i was there, i chat with 2 different agent and obtain the same information. given the fact that all units are fully sold, i believe the information provided are more or less confirmed.

11-08-13, 00:34
Hi Lemon Chamomile,

May I know which level are u staying?

level 8 :)

11-08-13, 00:45
long story short, i brought the last unit @ #1 loft recently as the previous buyer back out due to loan issue. So on 2 separate occasion when i was there, i chat with 2 different agent and obtain the same information. given the fact that all units are fully sold, i believe the information provided are more or less confirmed.

Welcome! I'm just a few units away ;)

12-08-13, 10:07
long story short, i brought the last unit @ #1 loft recently as the previous buyer back out due to loan issue. So on 2 separate occasion when i was there, i chat with 2 different agent and obtain the same information. given the fact that all units are fully sold, i believe the information provided are more or less confirmed.
Why buy one loft?the place is so near to red light

12-08-13, 11:37
level 8 :)

im also level 8.

13-08-13, 11:35
Welcome! I'm just a few units away ;)

cool!:D :D :D

13-08-13, 11:37
Why buy one loft?the place is so near to red light

Here’s a few reason:

First of all I like the layout and concept of #1 loft despite that that the exterior looks extremely horrifying.

The layout will be suitable for renting out if I am not staying there anymore.

If you ever notice, quite a number of condos are sprouting up all over geylang, in a few years time, the landscape of geylang will change vastly.

The proximity of the building to mrt and city is another consideration.

Hence it is a good investment.

13-08-13, 11:38
im also level 8.

so yours is a pent unit? :D

16-08-13, 12:36
Here’s a few reason:

First of all I like the layout and concept of #1 loft despite that that the exterior looks extremely horrifying.

The layout will be suitable for renting out if I am not staying there anymore.

If you ever notice, quite a number of condos are sprouting up all over geylang, in a few years time, the landscape of geylang will change vastly.

The proximity of the building to mrt and city is another consideration.

Hence it is a good investment.

Hi, I also bought a unit at #6.

Do you need to obtain a bank loan? I got a SIBOR linked lobang.

Trying to earn some referral fee. :)

16-08-13, 12:54
Someone reviewed this place. What do you think?


18-08-13, 22:40
Paya lebar airbase will be moved eventually. I m sure the height limit will be removed in Geylang. Do u think our loft1 can benefit in future? Our units are freedoms n smack in between paya lebar n city hall. :-)

18-08-13, 23:31
Paya lebar airbase will be moved eventually. I m sure the height limit will be removed in Geylang. Do u think our loft1 can benefit in future? Our units are freedoms n smack in between paya lebar n city hall. :-)

so just announce airbase move out.....wat it mean for geylang....

19-08-13, 10:01
so just announce airbase move out.....wat it mean for geylang....
Meaning Geylang area will not be restricted for the building height of all the condo ....hence, in the future, there will high rise condo in geylang...is very attractive for en-bloc.

19-08-13, 23:36
But they are under conservation...isnt it....

unless they move geylang prostitutes.too....like they move the planes...

20-08-13, 07:17
But they are under conservation...isnt it....

unless they move geylang prostitutes.too....like they move the planes...

Conserved parts are the shophouses fronts. The adjoining complexes can be up to 8 storeys. If ht restriction removed perhaps can become 11 storeys or more like those in River Valley.

20-08-13, 11:33
But they are under conservation...isnt it....

unless they move geylang prostitutes.too....like they move the planes...
Last time lorong 28 also got brothel..now all enbloc and become private condo area liao

20-08-13, 13:47
dont think we will live to see high rise buildings springing up in Geylang any sooner.

many new projects up to 8 storey high are scattered in the lorongs. too new to enbloc and the airbase wont be moved out any sooner.

i dont foreseen a high rise modern building sticking beside my attic penthouse.

however, because ours are freehold, u can leave the property to ur kids and maybe they will live to see the enbloc happening.

22-08-13, 12:22
BabyT,,, do u think the price for one loft will soar in the future?ur advice, please

22-08-13, 21:41
Passed by today, saw the area has been wrapped up by canvas.

23-08-13, 00:07
Passed by today, saw the area has been wrapped up by canvas.

thanks for the update!

23-08-13, 12:12
Latest Site Progress

23-08-13, 12:47
the length of the plot 1loft is going to be built looks so short...i hope the size of the 1bedder is the same as the showroom. hope the swimming pool is indeed 25m.

maybe the wall and ceiling are so thin i can hear rontan83 from downstair.

23-08-13, 21:56
the length of the plot 1loft is going to be built looks so short...i hope the size of the 1bedder is the same as the showroom. hope the swimming pool is indeed 25m.

maybe the wall and ceiling are so thin i can hear rontan83 from downstair.

babyT, bcos of u , i went down to site and took the pic....why u didnt thank me?:D :D

23-08-13, 22:11
Thanks stalker :-)

24-08-13, 08:27
Thanks stalker :-)
B A B Y T ! ! ! What a great name....

24-08-13, 08:52
dont call me baby baby....wait ur gf angry.

24-08-13, 11:05
dont call me baby baby....wait ur gf angry.

BABYT is great...Once TOP, can u construct BBQ pit on your balcony? I wana use it to grill seafood, sotong, beef, etc

25-08-13, 07:45
the length of the plot 1loft is going to be built looks so short...i hope the size of the 1bedder is the same as the showroom. hope the swimming pool is indeed 25m.

maybe the wall and ceiling are so thin i can hear rontan83 from downstair.
The length of the swimming pool is 19m ..the width is from 4.9m to 2m

25-08-13, 09:34
So short. Have to swim at katong pool.

28-08-13, 18:52

ppl chided 1loft comes w 2 toilets, easy to rent to chickens.

now HDB going come out w 4 bedrooms w 3 bathrooms...does that mean chickens will find it more affordable to rent such HDB flat than 1loft? somemore 3 bathrooms...LOLOLOLOL :D

they sld move their biz to Yishun.

28-08-13, 19:04
The beauty of 1loft is that every bedroom can become a rm with ensuite.. Even the living room and common bath can be enclosed to become a bedrm with ensuite... ie. 1br with 2 baths can be converted to 2 rms with ensuites.. And 3brs with 4 baths can be converted to 4 bedrms with ensuites.

28-08-13, 20:38

My replies below in red.


ppl chided 1loft comes w 2 toilets, easy to rent to chickens.Its good to have toilet attached with each bedroom....Buying 560sqft unit means buying 2 nos of master bedroom...We can occupy 1 room, another master room can be rented out....it is dual key concept....Monthly installment is only $1800 to own this condo, if we rent out 1 master bedroom at $1300, we only pay 500 dollars for the mortgage loan, its really worth it...

now HDB going come out w 4 bedrooms w 3 bathrooms...does that mean chickens will find it more affordable to rent such HDB flat than 1loft? somemore 3 bathrooms...LOLOLOLOL :D No comment

they sld move their biz to Yishun.

28-08-13, 22:50
The beauty of 1loft is that every bedroom can become a rm with ensuite.. Even the living room and common bath can be enclosed to become a bedrm with ensuite... ie. 1br with 2 baths can be converted to 2 rms with ensuites.. And 3brs with 4 baths can be converted to 4 bedrms with ensuites.

Mine is penthouse so I have problem renting the master room separately as the prospective tenant is not able to use the open balcony for storage.