View Full Version : I notice one potential violence trait.. - that is being drunk

05-01-13, 12:39
the indian girl who got raped are done by drunken indian dudes..

the potong pasir carpark which result 9 cars being damaged is also done by drunken driver..

wife get pregnant again because her drunken husband piak her after come back from drinking session with friends...

dude knocked down and killed a passenger in the night after a drinking session..

this is bad bad bad...


05-01-13, 12:53
Apart from poor judgement, dicipline and self-control, being drunk causes people to be ininhibited and therefore are likely to reveal their trueinclinations whatever they might be.

Those with violent inclinations may hurt. Those with sexual perversions may rape.

05-01-13, 13:07
How a drunkard behalf when he is drunk tells about his character. Some people get drunk creates lots of problem:( while some people get drunk, just sleep quietly.:) If you are drunk, don't drive as the judgement will be poor. Call someone or get a taxi to fetch you home.

05-01-13, 14:47
Nowadays , I see a lot of youngster get drunk for the sake of getting drunk..
Can observed that many in the pub like to make their drinking pal get drunk then happily or force them to drink till drunk ..

The drinking season no longer a drinking cum Tcss but drink to get drunk seasion. No longer exercise discipline at all..

05-01-13, 15:04
When you get drunk, you lose control / discipline - and that's when all sort of problems can arise e.g. fights leading to deaths, accidents, family violence, etc.

05-01-13, 17:41
How a drunkard behalf when he is drunk tells about his character.
yup, that's why in china they kan pey with u over dinner & talk business the next day...:cheers4: haha

05-01-13, 20:48
Behaviors when drunk

Some people start singing
Some start crying
Some start making phone call to friends regardless if midnight or not
Some start to hug people
Some start to kiss people
Some start to scold @#$%^&*()
Some start to smash things on the floor
Some guys start to touch here touch there
Some start to TCSS. Say all sorts of rubbish which nobody want to hear.

Chinese say 借酒发疯。Many people like to use this as an excuse to say he/she don't know what he/she has done when dunk last night & escape responsibility.

Got people 酒后吐真言?I've not seen one so far. :rolleyes:

05-01-13, 21:08
Nowadays, the young can spend $10,000 and as high as $60,000 a nite in drinking at MBS.....

05-01-13, 21:20
The laws are too lenient with drunk ppl causing problems.
I guess when the drunk is totally senseless, the belief is that it's unintentional.
Perhaps the law shd be amended to make the ppl ard the drunk equally responsible for the drunk's actions.

05-01-13, 21:25
alcohol is an evil spirit...:scared-1:

05-01-13, 22:28
Chinese say 借酒发疯。Many people like to use this as an excuse to say he/she don't know what he/she has done when dunk last night & escape responsibility.

Also 借酒行凶.

Got people 酒后吐真言?I've not seen one so far. :rolleyes:

I had seen one. He was a quiet man, only when he got drunk, he then started to pour out all his sorrow.

06-01-13, 20:17
Also 借酒行凶.

I had seen one. He was a quiet man, only when he got drunk, he then started to pour out all his sorrow.

Maybe 借酒壮胆才敢吐真言。

06-01-13, 22:11
getting drunk and having fun is part and parcel of coming of age. everyone should go thru that phase. like drugs, only do it with friends you trust. friends who will not drink and drive, friends who will support you as you walk wavering to gents to puke, friends who will send you home, open up your sofa bed and put you to sleep securely before leaving.

I m glad I enjoyed that phase of my life with true and responsible friends.